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1:00 PM
13 mins ago, by Kevin Guan
Is this question little too broad? OP asked...at least 5 questions in a single question? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35037626/padding-multiple-character-with-spa‌​ce-python#35037626
That? ^
@kayess Just checked. Still think the revision 1 is better: stackoverflow.com/revisions/35037626/1
Except the tag in title, Programming languages formatted in code block, etc.
Not much I can do
@Kyll Any ideas? I don't want just rollback a 11k user's post...but I don't know what I could say in comments since actually I only understand 10% of his question.
@KevinGuan Meh, move away
1:27 PM
sometimes I wonder what goes through peoples heads: stackoverflow.com/questions/35038585/…
copy paste pls do my work
"hi guyz is it poss to write a program wthiout turning on my computer? thx bro"
Oddly, he has an answer on the question link he posted!
Which I think is the question he's trying to ask...
My head hurts
Don't bother deciphering his intentions
close that crap and on to the next
1:30 PM
Yep. I wasn't going to waste brain power on it.
Morning Gunr o/
Hey G-daddy!
1:32 PM
all these greetings and only one waving? Are you guys ok?
@Lafexlos rap-name > waving
@DavidG What's G-daddy? Gunr's new nickname?
@KevinGuan no
1:35 PM
@KevinGuan Yep
@KevinGuan Maybe
Yes, yes it is. With enough peer pressure he will change it to that too.
Okay, 2:1:1.
@KevinGuan No one really knows.
1:36 PM
@KevinGuan Is the cat dead or not?
Here I was thinking "gunr2171"[2:1:1]
@Tunaki No one really knows.
@Sam Closey must know. Closey knows all.
Why maybe just got doubled?
1:38 PM
@TimCastelijns lol
@KevinGuan Maybe.
@Tunaki Wait, not Jon Skeet?
Haven't you heard? The Skeet is Closey sock-puppet
Poetry doubles the voting though.
1:38 PM
@Lafexlos Because Sam's vote.
Ah. Now it's official, I am blind.
@Tunaki But vise versa right?
@Tunaki My DB has been wiped of all official usernames.
Oh god. Closey suffered a DB trauma and has lost its memory.
Quick, learn it gunr's new name :D
1:41 PM
Yeah it's her, duh.
Clicking delete when trying to click edit. Meh.
Spam? I flagged NAA. :(
-8 and gone
@Tunaki That's cheating
1:44 PM
@Kyll Why? Point me to the rules :p
@Tunaki They're right there tries to poke eye
quickly runs away
Kyll slips on gasoline
Hey, that's power-playing!
I just googled to see if "tunaki" meant something, was not disappointed...
1:46 PM
throw empty can of gasoline at Sam
no violence
@DavidG that page you stumbled upon is wrong. It's called tanuki
@gunr2171 looks at him straight in the eye with a can of gasoline
1 message moved to Trash
yeah no
@gunr2171 Aw
please keep it safe for work
1:48 PM
For reference, that page is wrong. Someone is wrong on the Internet.
Well, it was. No NSFW material there. But yeah, borderline
@Tunaki Blasphemy.
@NathanOliver I know right, seems far-fetched.
@Rob Congrats
@cimmanon technically, the OP's not wrong. It's just that the question is POB.
1:57 PM
already gone
User is "Informed".
To bad he wasn't informed that spam is a no no.
There's 3 reopen votes though
i think people were trying to reopen it because it was closed inappropriately as a duplicate when it was merged. the question itself has no value
I don't get it, closed as a dupe of a merged question with itself?
2:06 PM
yeah, its weird. after that gets deleted, i am going to flag the other half of that merge for a mod to remove it
2 less tabs to hold open :D
2:24 PM
I'm sure by now you have 3 more open
everyone makes a big deal about how many tabs i have open (38 visible, atm)
@Drew \o
Hi Drew o/
2:27 PM
@cimmanon I don't. It means you can run 38 parallel tasks just fine.
@Tunaki done
@cimmanon Oh thanks for the waffle :D
mmm cimmanon waffles
^ the best (mixing m and n).
2:34 PM
I'm trying to find a dupe for this meta question. Found this, but it has been deleted. Could anyone with 10k check?
@JAL here is a screen shot i.sstatic.net/mMyeM.jpg
@JAL doesnt look related? its a "give us a place where we can post opinionated questions", harvey links to this question in the comments: meta.stackexchange.com/a/200144
anyone with a lot of CV left, I am getting low, decent rep guy not supporting Q . MCVE to follow:
Thanks all
also shameful question
@Ferrybig we typically do not close old questions as there are lots of new ones that deserve our attention. If it attracts new activity then we look at it but that question was last active 3 years ago. It can just be left alone.
@Drew Why? "Put on hold as unclear what you're asking" Unclear? I still think that my question is crystal clear? — fishmong3r 8 mins ago
I wish there was a show votes link that would show which users voted which way.
@NathanOliver yes
3:01 PM
on that one, they all went the other way
that's a good candidate for the gems of so tumblr
my front-end app also tells me which way I voted
> Don't downvote man!
I know, moving on
3:07 PM
He just knows everything doesn't he
@Tushar omg...
@Tushar done
@Deduplicator We don't do "boom" or equivalent anymore :|
Also, plop! Glad to see you by
What do you think about this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/34977034/… ? Some user thinks it shouldn't be closed as "too broad". I really don't want to encourage questions that only asks for answers without trying minimal things before.
@Kyll not the same thing
@MarounMaroun technically it's not asking for answers
just ideas
3:13 PM
@MarounMaroun It's not too broad, it's unclear. What if there's multiple tuples? Only one? None?
@MarounMaroun just remember "lack of effort" is a downvote reason not a close reason.
@Kyll OP deleted, @Deduplicator thanks.
@TylerH Ah, was it because of the deletion?
I agree that it should be downvoted. But doesn't the "too broad" fit here? There're many possible ways of doing that.
it's python, I have no idea, skip for me
3:14 PM
@gunr2171 You should trust me then :)
@Kyll hmm? I mean letting the room know that question is closed as a matter of fact is not the same thing as saying boom or informing us that's closed in a manner that seems celebratory
@TylerH Oh? I thought we weren't supposed to have any reaction to a closure anymore
Jan 5 at 20:53, by gunr2171
I'm actually with Tyler on this one, as long as we don't state it with ever post. Just neutrally stating the status of a post is a far cry from our room freeze.
Oh, okay then. Sorry Deduplicator :x
3:25 PM
oh great a reference near my crack head comment
sd edited
oh fine when I try it it never works
sd gone edited
@PetterFriberg OP accepted that answer btw (talking about the maven question)
@PraveenKumar a Q from our dear friend stackoverflow.com/q/35032429
so if there are some duplicates around
@Drew Is that user allspamed?
(with sd)
3:34 PM
idk, just the first name we always joke about
poor guy just starting out
@Tunaki, yes I have seen that..... great...
Still, you shouldn't ask for people to vote.
yeah it will catch hell best delete that comment ibs
@PetterFriberg Well look at that. lol
3:40 PM
Now we just need to but BhargavRao on that list....
@intboolstring You did remove them which is good but just to let you know we have rule against asking for votes on any question or answer.
@PetterFriberg flagged all as NAA ;)
@JAL, that's the way to do it.... and then close them all!!!
@JAL to try to put you on the list I'm searching for some jasper-report, you-tube question... but I can find... maybe a will make one ; )
@JAL, it would actually be nice to export to you-tube : )
Floppy drives are also cool :)
@kayess Went with to broad as they are asking how to do this?
@Sam Nor didn't detect that I started. Normal?
Might be a dead ws.
Try once more, and if there's still nothing, I'll reboot him.
I did and it was an audit: stackoverflow.com/review/close/11047978 :D
4:03 PM
sd remove- edited
@Nor stop bot
@Sam I'm shutting down...
Anyone know where the Tavern room is? Is it still around?
Hey everyone! (SOCVR chatbot started, linux v2 test!)
4:04 PM
@Moshe SO or MSE?
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Moshe There is a tavern on MSE
Tunaki passed a audit!
Ha, she still detected it
4:06 PM
@Tunaki Yeah, he goes through your history on-boot.
he or she? I'm confused.
Eh, I guess it's a male bot running female software?
@Moshe The SO equivalent is here.
Sadly inactive nowadays.
4:08 PM
@DavidG CloseVote Userscript URL plz...
Someone... CloseVote Userscript URL plz...
@PraveenKumar You can only demand poetry on the fly from David.
@Sam Okay, then you give.
4:10 PM
@Sam I think it is you who is confused.
@kayess Good night...
@Tunaki I know Nor is a guy.
Night o/
Not sure how running Closey through Nor works though...
Yeah because Closey is a girl for sure.
4:13 PM
@Thaillie That's the one. Thank you.
Meant the MSE version. Playing with new mobile chat.
@Sam Not that there's anything wrong with that.
@Tunaki You've reviewed 40 posts today (1 of which was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 18 minutes, averaging to a review every 28 seconds.
@Sam Last review was an audit again, Nor missed it. Link
Dang caching ;)
@Tunaki Thanks, I'll see if I can finally kill this bug later.
Besides the missed audit, was there anything else amiss?
and the fact that he didn't detect the start, nope :)
4:23 PM
@Tunaki Did you start and stop on an audit?
@pnuts FYI, I'm (slowly) continuing the journey through spreadsheet related tags. How's this wiki?
@NathanOliver What do you mean?
@Tunaki I was just asking if your first review and last review were both audits.
@NathanOliver Hmm no just the last one
4:28 PM
5:08 PM
can someone say if they can take this to cv=4 (from 3) so I can close it? stackoverflow.com/q/35040917 OT tool rec / POB
@Drew That has 3 POB votes on it right now
ah you just edited
it just needs to get closed. Not dire emergency but doesn't belong here
one vote left to go
5:45 PM
sd delete- edited by Undo
@kayess Meh, could be fine. Better ask OP to add some code before
just how this is still alive? stackoverflow.com/q/23745/792066
6:00 PM
@Braiam Well until today the last activity was about a year ago. Just one of those old questions that is still around.
6:13 PM
Well, user gone too
Is this too broad ?
Also this as well?
@kayess The second one is definitely too broad imo
@MaximillianLaumeister that's what I think too.
I went with POB on the first one. too broad on the second.
@Braiam Any word back yet from Shog9 re: the tag?
6:19 PM
BTW, does answer on this one worths NAA right? Or is it an answer technically, whatever level it is?
@kayess Definitely NAA. Should be a comment at most.
"I couldn't solve the problem, so I just didn't do it"
VLQ for me
Alright thanks
@gunr2171 VLQ should be saved for "toxic waste" dumps in posts, means that the post just really sucks and needs to be deleted asap: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/93595/…
@cimmanon Something's not right about that, the user was deleted within an hour of posting that question
6:34 PM
The earth will revolve right off your screen stackoverflow.com/q/34909898 (I have no cv here)
mainly cuz I am down to 8 left
Is this spam-ish?
@kayess I want to say no only because they are a good user on WebApps.SE
In fact I think it should be on WebApps.SE
Facebook is basically a webapp
nah. He wants python code to scrape stuff
I think scraping stuff should be on WebApps
6:46 PM
but we wants to write code, no ?
then do something with the output
yeah he wants to write some Python stuff I suppose
I just don't like web scraping, personally
@TylerH Does it grate your sensibilities? ;)
I don't mean scraping as much as he wants an api to get data off the web
like the stack apps api's
also I view Facebook as a WebApp
and not a site
then this is a web app
6:52 PM
not necessarily because of how it is accessed
but because of how complex it is
and that it's deployed across several browsers with distinct feature sets
Good point. Facebook only works with Edge.
by browsers I meant to say different device types
to me a web app is an app that runs in a browser no matter what the device (ie no custom install). Whether it works on a particular device is another issue
mainly it is ubiquitous access
so to me, face book and SO are webapps
so too is Bank of America online banking
The problem with web apps is they are lame. What else could they possibly be and work across such disparate / desperate implementations? Not that the people that write them are lame, but that it has to dummy down to the LCD
7:17 PM
@PraveenKumar The mcve is kind-of in there. The error message contains the code. It just needs to be edited.
@NathanOliver Or shall we make it as Too Broad?
Er... He left the important possible syntax there.
So... How can it be a typo. But yeah...
Whatever, answers are the in the comments and it is a clear, LQQ.
What I would say is, I would get his PHP code posted there.
7:22 PM
Ah. Well its closed now and has both reasons.
meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/315517/… +49 comment score on a +2 answer
somewhat uncommon
then again it is meta
I saw that. I don't think I'll volunteer.
I am also reluctant to volunteer.
Funny to see that Martin used one of my queries to get his answer
That's because you are the SEDE guru.
7:30 PM
Maybe ...
I know whenever I think of an SEDE query I would like to see you are the first person I think of.
omg how did I miss the blacklisting
wow that took long enough
7:47 PM
@TylerH Actually, answer by Undo is border-line NAA
that explains the low number of upvotes probably
@Tunaki in what way?
the question is "is there a limit" and his answer says "no"
@TylerH No his answer is "I don't believe there is a limit" which is more a comment
I think you're just misunderstanding the English language here, tbh
countless answers across the site are written that way
Which is a lot different than Martin's answer that starts with "No there's no limit."
"I don't believe [...]" vs. "No there's no limit."
Undo doesn't make a definitive answer.
7:52 PM
@MaximillianLaumeister status-completed meta.stackoverflow.com/a/315592/792066
fix it for him
I would outright reject such a flag; there are way better candidates for NAA flags
considering the difference in your view is three words
@Braiam Nice! The error message looks great too!
@TylerH I didn't say that. I said that it probably explains the votes difference
7:55 PM
@Tunaki You said it was border-line NAA and then argued in defense of that position
@TylerH I'm not agreeing to flagging it as such.
I didn't suggest that you had actually flagged it, btw. Just saying that if I were a moderator and saw that flag, I would reject it 100%
I didn't say that* I'd flag it ;)
Just saying how there's a difference between the answers.
Basically, one is an educated guess while the other one is a definitive answer
7:56 PM
IMO if something is NAA because of three words... then that's not really a strong argument for NAA
2 mins ago, by Drew
fix it for him
Any C++ers in here?
runs away
depends on the question
@NathanOliver you
7:59 PM
Just wondering if it would be okay to close this as a dupe of this
I got a C++ in math, once

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