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8:00 PM
@NathanOliver Considering the auto-comment verbiage (possible duplicate of ...), I'd say it's OK
it looks like the same problem to me
it's a dupe
though I admit I don't know the language at all
It would be a hammer if I VTC
I'm just going to close it.
wait, you have a gold badge in C++
and you're asking us
8:01 PM
he's timid
time to flex and use your hammer Nathan
I like to get a second opinion sometimes before I just throw my hammer around.
8:02 PM
wait for it....
@TylerH I would say both answer aren't that good because neither of them has any actual documentation or confirmation by a mod. So both answers are just a guess in my opinion :p (bit late but still wanted to say something about it :p)
Mjolnir: "no, please, ask someone else"
Ninja'd by a pony.
8:03 PM
@Thaillie Are you in incognito mode?
What could be possible the reason that an anonymous caller on my landline hangs up the moment I answer the phone... so annoying...
they are timid too
@NathanOliver You've been really active the past six months
@Thaillie I agree both answers are not high quality
@rene To make sure the line is live?
And then spam you with telemarketing.
8:05 PM
I would like to think I have been active the whole time. What do you by "really"?
@rene Robbers checking up if someone's at home of course.
it's your mom, wondering if you are alive ?
@NathanOliver 20k reputation in 6 months is much higher than average reputation gain
for your first 6 months you got like 1000 rep
That is all very re-assuring, specially the suggestion from @drew..
8:06 PM
I'm Sam
Hi Sam
Hi humans
I actually identify as an apache attack helicopter, but thanks
also 5 steward badges is impressive too
8:07 PM
@rene Is the number private?
@TylerH Ah. The more you have the more you seem to get. The funny part is I don't answer half the stuff I could as they are dupes or typos so I VTC
@Sam yes
Steward in Suggested Edits and CVs is easy, but the other ones takes forever/suck
Hi Sam
@NathanOliver yes, though it looks like you mostly answer new stuff because your people reached metric is only 60k
8:07 PM
@rene Sounds like possible telemarketing probing to me.
who has answered the least questions in the last 30 days
I'm Tunaki
Hi Tunaki
@Drew if you had asked that question at the beginning of Jan. the answer would be me: 0
8:08 PM
@Drew I haven't answered many questions lately
@TylerH Yeah mostly new stuff. I like trying to stem the tide of crud so I basically see just new questions
I went from ~Nov 22 to ~Dec 22 without answering any questions
or around then
wait, let me go delete my 7 or 8 real quick
I've answered 10 questions in the last month
8:09 PM
@NathanOliver My secret recipe is to filter questions by CSS, no javascript, closed:no, answers: ..0 and sort by oldest date to newest
as you can tell by my massive rep number, it's the perfect plan
now ask how many peeps I've tortured, different answer
Hi Drew. How many peeps have you tortured?
@TylerH :) I just filter on
I haven't answered a question in 3 months.
@TylerH Web dev power! My top tags are web dev too.
8:11 PM
My rough calculation is 88 answers in the last 30 days.
@NathanOliver Why?
Your avatar
@MaximillianLaumeister the only person with a higher score than me in shadow-dom and web-components is the founder of Google Polymer
but I've only answered two questions X-D
@NathanOliver Oh, I'm always in incognito mode xD
An acolyte of the shadow dom, I see...
8:15 PM
@MaximillianLaumeister Just for one question, really... I saw an interesting question one day at work and by the time I had gotten home it still hadn't been answered, so I figured I'd learn about Shadow-DOM (knew nothing about it or web components beforehand) and answer it.
Holy SO Answer Batman
it is pretty long, yeah...
@TylerH wrong copy-paste ;)
copy paste fail
phew, made the edit in time
8:22 PM
ninja copy and paste success :)
But now I can't edit mine =(
and so it is wrong and it will stay wrong until the end of time
I can move it to the trash
then it will lose all context
This isn't Java, no trash collection allowed
Thats right. Its C++ where automatic objects are cleaned up automatically.
I thought this was the land of .NET?
8:26 PM
I've conquered a part of the territory, see that Java flag there? ------------->
But C++'s army is strong.
still looking
4 votes age away starting in 7 hrs 14 min. Too Broad stackoverflow.com/questions/34777815
I have 12 CV left, keep 'em coming
18 left. I'll take some more
8:27 PM
I have 2 more urls but won't hog em
Im down to like 5 more CV's to use
@Tunaki Working on a fix now.
Nice. It'll take some time to be tested though. The last review being an audit is quite rare
Yeah :/
i've done enough damage to c# for now, bringing the cv4 count from 60 down to 18. Moving back to
8:31 PM
I'll find you some that are aging off tonite
I need one cv here, so the countdown-to-delete can start.
still in a meeting
8:41 PM
@Mogsdad start
tick tick tick...
you know what you have to do to start the process
I have the jeopardy song in my head now,
sd remove- on it
@gunr2171 ask your boss if this meeting is live or a re-run of last month's meeting...
8:44 PM
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Rene passed a audit!
@NathanOliver Is what this guy is saying true? stackoverflow.com/q/35047675/1743880
Rene passed a audit!
@Tunaki No. There are more things that could be in it. If he includes member functions then there are many other things that can be included
The you can throw in templates or trailing return types to make it really fun to parse.
8:53 PM
@rene I stumbled upon that one also. I hesitated a lot and skipped.
@Tunaki I closed as too broad for now ...
I think this guy has a good suggestion. As is I would go with too broad.
Aren't we supposed to not close old questions as Too Broad?
@NathanOliver Maybe it's something a regex simply can't solve. There was also a question I saw where the OP wanted to parse a SQL query with a regex: well, sorry! not possible!
(unless they're drawing new attention)
@Tunaki there's nothing regexes cant solve, except the problem of adding extra problems
8:57 PM
@Tunaki No it is not. AFAIK regex cannot parse a Turing complete language as it is not Turing complete.
@Tunaki these are the that are cv=4 and age off soonest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
^ closed.
@rene You've reviewed 40 posts today (2 of which were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 18 minutes, averaging to a review every 29 seconds.
9:21 PM
Heads up, I'm moving around the permissions and groups on the github page
hopefully this will cause less email spam when issues are made
Later guys
So... since +130 is not enough‌​, how can I give that attraction?
9:47 PM
oh you want an answer
+130/-0 1200+ views and still no answer o_O
silence treatment was fine also :D
@Tunaki you can tweet at an individual developer
feature requests over 100 with no answer are accidental overlooks, basically
see balpha's response here meta.stackoverflow.com/a/302496/2756409
Ha you waited a year! I have time.
it has been a week though, at least!
@AaronHall Why that, more than any other ancient, closed question?
What do you choose when closing these type of questions... stackoverflow.com/review/close/11051648, to broad (since it seems that there is a lot to explain or mcve or typo
@PetterFriberg that almost reads like a code review?
@AaronHall yeah I don't see what that one should be deleted over the others
of all the ones I've seen today, this is the most egregious.
10:18 PM
@PetterFriberg "Unclear" perhaps
Maah I just closed it for now....
stacktrace in image is not allow correct?, closing as mcve
@PetterFriberg I hate that
@Phoenix Hello!
@Phoenix Hello :)
10:22 PM
I have small issue about java
can i ask here ?
i need help immieditaly
We don't deal with those issues here.
Have you tried the Java room (be sure to check their rules first)?
only jasper reports : ).... just kidding
yes i have but there is no one
what's the link to the chatroom?
I'll go there and I'll hear you
@Tunaki Here.
10:24 PM

 Android Era with Kotlin and Java

Important: Read dos and don'ts here: androidera.github.io . Ma...
Ninja'd by a bot.
TYPO import java.util.Arrays; missing stackoverflow.com/questions/34845890
10:26 PM
7 CV left
@Drew I had that in review, could not find why it would be null so I skipped...
PF how many more cv do you have left
@Drew am I PF?... if so tons of CV left, the reviewing for me takes hours.... no Tunaki speed
Yep, Drew declared you were PF so... you're PF.
10:37 PM
that nickname is pretty fabulous
page fault
@tunaki I have no commentary at all on these. Except that the dice roll one would be fun to write. stackoverflow.com/questions/34877596 stackoverflow.com/questions/34868710
yeah it would be
instead they punt
@PetterFriberg the following will all close for Too Broad, even the last one, that is a Tool Rec. So if they take more than 2 minutes total I grab you by the shoulders and shake you :P
1 2 3 4
10:47 PM
lets s...e.......eeee
I cherry picked them for you
I ninja'd PF on the first three. Have the last one
It's all for yourself
@Drew Thanks I loved the last one... was not to long to read...
11:03 PM
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 56 minutes to continue reviewing.
Yeep I can sleep 1 hour... : )
@Closey status
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 2 days, 20 hours, 34 minutes and 9 seconds.
Cya all. Bonne nuit !
The answer sucks, but should we really delete them, as far as I understood, just down vote is it correct? stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/11027762
11:14 PM
@PetterFriberg these are all cv4, no answers (a hint of a problem there), short, and varied close reasons 1 2 3 4 5
what you don't close I will but I am down to like 3
@cimmanon, you stole the last one ; )
sass must be quiet
right now it is. i answered a question today, though
@Drew can you check the my LQP review... need some direction to move on... with others...
11:21 PM
@PetterFriberg I'd downvote, hold my nose, and move on.
A comment re code-only answers is appropriate guidance for improvement, as well.
I would skip and run
They can deduct a little out of your next Christmas Bonus here.
###[A] Code only or try this
Please [edit] with more information. Code-only and "try this" answers are [discouraged](//meta.stackexchange.com/questions/196187), because they contain no searchable content, and don't explain why someone should "try this". We make an effort here to be a resource for knowledge.
VIM in the house
11:25 PM
My new toy just arrived! My digital SLR has been getting little use, and recently died. I decided to try a Gopro Hero as a replacement. Teeny, tiny!
Mogz you and @JAL going GoPro on bikes cross country ?
That's all for me, Daily limit reached... good night...
pandora box question stackoverflow.com/q/34929785
Only flag it none of the other options works, and you make a convincing case in your message. And even then, the SOCVRV would be faster than a mod-flag, and allows you to fix a fumbled attempt. — Deduplicator 9 hours ago
^ What's SOCVRV ?
11:36 PM
Name of this room...?
last V for Vroooooom
Maybe ReViewers?
Or SO Close Vote Review Vampires.

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