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12:00 AM
Answer which Smokey reported: stackoverflow.com/a/35004753/5299236. Is it NAA?
If you asked me, I'd say it's a comment, and therefore NAA. That said, I don't have the courage of my convictions to flag it as such. Maybe with references, etc. it'd be an answer.
That's nowhere near NAA.
The OP asked if something was possible. "No" is an attempt at an answer, and a reasonably complete one at that.
It doesn't include attempts at accomplishing the task in question (which they know will fail, as the answer is "no"), and it doesn't explain the difficulties involved that make it infeasible, etc. etc., but an answer doesn't need to be comprehensive.
Actually a funny thing is, I've seen a question like this before, and the answers.
12:08 AM
There's no "cliffhanger" flag reason.
Oh, yeah. I wouldn't flag it as NAA anyways. (Don't want more declined flags.)
If I knew C++ and knew whether that answer was correct, I would vote on it accordingly.
<--- Also don't know C++
Can any C++ people in here let us know whether that answer is correct?
12:16 AM
I'm not going in there. They'd probably deallocate me or something.
what q
The thing about highly-viewed, contentious answers is that they have to be really bad before they become a net rep loss.
And I doubt someone with 188k rep and a couple gold badges in those tags will care much that their correct answer isn't exhaustive enough for some users.
12:43 AM
@TigerhawkT3 Maybe, however, let's move on.
It's fascinating, at any rate.
1:22 AM
Is this the right place to ask how I should improve my question? Every time I try, it gets more down votes
1:34 AM
@Spencer4134 we can probably help
we adore good questions. It seems one has to almost go out of their way to get a question closed on the stack.
As for downvotes, it often comes down to lack of research so perceived by the audience. Not PhD research, but some
drew, his profile only shows 1 question
I wasn't looking around. I was assuming there was going to be some follow-up comment by him.
he probably forgot all about us
where is cimm ?
1:49 AM
Sorry, I had to go pick someone up. I'm back
here's what i see: its just a dump of your homework assignment. there are clearly multiple steps involved, and we have no idea where you are actually having trouble
with the regex itself? running any regexes in your language? looking at the filesystem? moving files? etc.
It is not a homework assignment. It's a program to sync my homework to google drive.
i get that, but your question doesnt sound that much different from other homework dumps
Here is my take. You have pointers for people to go elsewhere to read stuff. The topic isn't interesting. People got bored and moved on.
1:55 AM
Ok. So I have found some info on using regex with the system ("xcopy");, and I'm just wondering how I would write it to copy the two folders listed in the question with one line of code
on top of that, you have a lot of irrelevant "fluff" that isnt really relevant to the problem (i am new, i picked c++, etc.)
People hate fluff. It pounds on the nerves of their cortex.
sometimes it is helpful (this is my homework assignment and it has arbitrary restriction X as part of the lesson), but most of the time it is just a distraction
Hello hello
Well, the last time I posted this question people were determined to convince me to use another language. I deleted that and reposted it because they labeled it as a "moving target" question. They said I should remake the post
1:57 AM
You could write that Q in 1/3 the words
The question essentially boils down to: 1. How do I get a list of directories? 2. How do I write a regex to match "CSS [number]/Homework" and 3. How do I copy a folder
In fact about 5 sentences. Forget the directories (too broad, too easy). Forget the xcopy part. That is all window dressing
You say it's too easy, but I have no idea how to store them in a variable. That is why it was part of my question. Should I make it a separate question instead?
You know that comic strip with what you say, and what the dog hears? " --- - --- - -- - -- food -- -- -- - -- outside -- --- --- "
just say the food and outside part
make it 4 questions. Start with 1
And this is what you will find when you stub them out. 3 of the 4 already have darn good Q&A on this site
Ok. I'll just delete this one then and do that. Thanks a ton for the help all!
Ok I'll do more research on that then.
2:06 AM
@Spencer4134 keep in mind that if you have a lot of negative questions (even if they get deleted), it counts towards a question ban
Ok, I'll try to make the next one more explicit then.
just come here and pester us first k ?
Ok sounds good
Is anyone around?
2:16 AM
yep. Need more del votes ?
No... second set of eyes....
how many are we talking about? I would suggest the removal of unneeded tags first (like data and sheet). As for useless and off-topic questions, well then just burn.
invite him over to a room. Such a scenario makes for a fluid conversation versus comment postings for an hour
@Drew I'm doing a standard clean-up of . There's multiple burnination posts. The specific complaint is about changing of some high-traffic tags.
Right. How is what you are doing affecting and scores that are coveted? Other than removing questions via burn that don't even belong here.
Chat it is.
2:24 AM
My jimmies are currently being rustled by a question about reinventing a wheel where the asker doesn't want to use the perfectly good standard wheel because he wants to "learn," but also doesn't want to do any effort integrating the raw components of the wheel.
"How do I accomplish ABC?" "Loop over x." "But I don't want to use x." "Well then, use y." "The linked information about y won't work because it's not in a loop."
enlist the guy to help. Best of both worlds. He gets a pet project to sink his teeth into.
There's no project. He was finding a collection's combinations of every length with a bunch of nested loops. I linked him to a solution that involves looping over a standard library function for combinations. He said he didn't want to use that because he's learning, and he wanted the algorithm for it. So I linked him to an implementation of this standard function. Now he's complaining that it's no good, because it doesn't show combinations of every length.
He doesn't want to read a single line of code, wants everything handed to him... for "learning."
sorry Tiger that was for Mogs
and he is in a separate room now with the guy
@Mogsdad iirc, if a question is posted as tags [A] [B] [C] and rep is gained on the Q for tags scores by an answerer, those tags are frozen as originally posted. Modifications after the fact to tags (in particular additions I know that) have no impact on tag scores
That is one thing that prevents gaming with an edit to tags later (even if they are needed)
It also prevents me from caring about answering some questions with the wrong tags :P
2:33 AM
Okay, I gotta head out for a bit; be back later.
Be good while I'm gone.
@Drew No - I know that tag edits have increased my overall tag score. Not sure it makes a dent on the 30-day tally, but total? Definitely.
ok. I was just on meta looking
Hey I have my question ready. Mind if I post it here first? It's only a paragraph
@Mogsdad i dont think you sound like a dick
@cimmanon Thanks!
Oh - I had a picture for you... just a sec...
2:41 AM
is it a doge?
Here's the question I prepared: So, I need to get the names of n number of subfolders from a set folder, and store them in a String array. It would need to automatically set its size to the number of subfolders prior to storing the names.
@Mogsdad must have been the failed script meta.stackoverflow.com/a/296587/1816093
How would I do this?"
...and also chews the door frame, apparently.
@Mogsdad mine likes to wear it on his head :p i.imgur.com/nmpFB.jpg
2:44 AM
@Spencer4134 how is the answer to that question not already known to the world
Yours won't have the "snow pants" problem... wish I had a picture of that, it's funny. Snowballs build up until she can't walk!
@Spencer4134 i dont know your language, but isnt there a function in the standard library that would get you a list of subfolders?
I've only had an introductory course to C++...
Right. But that is what I said way above about research and downvotes
doge fur deflects everything: burs, water, etc. he is pretty low maintenance, its awesome
2:46 AM
It's not those folders. It's folders from a flash drive I need.
same diff
@Spencer4134 so whats stopping you from asking the search engines "how do i get a list of subdirectories in c++"?
I have. And I can't find anything
If you want to be a programmer, this ought to be a fun adventure for you. Otherwise, you are treating this as "Hey someone right me this recursive utility"
Anything that I can make sense of, that is
2:47 AM
you want this in VS2015 C++ is that it ?
@Spencer4134 really? i dont even know c++, but these answers here look pretty straight forward to me: stackoverflow.com/questions/5043403/…
in fact it might not even be recursive. xcopy /s will do that part for you. You only just need a top level directory listing. And a shell cmd
This is only my second semester in programming. I don't technically 'know' any language. That stuff is greek to me.
I suggest just get visual studio 2015 going, as you say you are converting. Plop back in here and I will feed you some projects of mine. Take baby steps.
3:02 AM
@Spencer4134 You aren't really going to get a better answer than the one cimmanon linked, though
3:18 AM
So what is the point of this site? If you just say learn css javascrips bla bla bla. — whoopididoo 3 hours ago
^ Err...I think the above comment should be deleted...which flag reason can be used here?
looks fine with me
@KevinGuan nonconstructive
@cimmanon Thanks
@Drew Well, how is that useful? Just complain the Stack Overflow.
never said it was useful. If comments have to be useful, kill 30% of them
@Drew Current doing that.
3:34 AM
Well, I just got the answer I needed on my question. Thanks all for helping learn how to properly ask a question! :D
@Mogsdad You sure? The questions are slightly different: One table is sorted, the other is unsorted.
@NisseEngström While they're sorted in the example, the sorting isn't presented as a characteristic of the data. The accepted solution does not require sorting.
@Braiam I was wondering when that would be posted.
yeah, I was procrastinating waiting for someone else to write it so I can write my answer and get score on [discussion]
@iamme wrong site buddy
@Braiam k, i'll ask there
it's an inactive chat board, so people from here could open it "possibly"
@Braiam Hmm...that's a funny question. After I checked the question and the answers, my point is: Delete it or save are both fine. I think migrate would be better but it's an old question.
4:04 AM
@iamme I wouldn't count on people here having the rep, I know I don't, I'm not even registered there.
^ Me too
you'll get 100 points, and maybe able to vote to open it
@iamme reopen votes privileges needs at least 500 reputation on beta
aww, bummer
@iamme Have you tried editing your question to improve it? That should put it in the reopen queue.
4:09 AM
someone asked questions, and it was edited to reopen
@AlexanderO'Mara @Braiam do either of you know if there's a tool to do what i'm suggesting?
it was closed after the edit, the voters didn't feel that the question was clear enough even after the edit took place
before the edit
> I will try to asses [...]
@Sam thanks
@Sam it's 0000 here, LEAVE BRITNEY ME ALONE!
4:12 AM
@Braiam Huh, then why do we need 1k rep to edit posts without review on beta? Shouldn't it less than the "vote to close/reopen" privileges?
@Braiam And it's 0400 here :p
@Sam you are not typing... >_>
@KevinGuan nope
in beta you need to define the topics... editing stuff isn't important if you can't define what stuff is worth your time
4:15 AM
@Braiam Yep, I just use the brain-to-chat interface actually.
@Sam like
@Braiam Oh, that makes sense.
Anyways, I best be off.
Do we have a site about git?
4:36 AM
@KevinGuan Not really, SO is it
@Undo Wait, if SO is enough for it, why do we still need other sites like Vi and Vim?
Because <insert hand waving here>
I mean, you can go propose a site and if it gets enough traction it might get launched
But even then, it wouldn't make Git questions off topic here
Vim questions also aren't off-topic here.
Oh yeah, maybe I could try...propose a site on Area 51 right?
I'd imagine Vi/Vim questions would cover a lot more ground than git, as well. There's only so many features of git before you start asking duplicates
I don't really feel that git server configuration questions are under the scope of SO... if anything, general software sites should answer those
4:45 AM
Well, huh. However, is try propose a new site called Git on Area 51 needed? If so I'd propose one and see what'll happen.
I think give Git a special site is better than ask Git questions on SO anyway.
@Rob, The real goal behind this community is "helping" people, not following the rules and judging every question. Rules are meant to be broken to achieve the actual goal. and you should follow your instinct between someone who is posting a question to get a job done for him and another who is really trying and couldn't find a good answer. My case is no different actually my case is a general problem. everyone talks about a specific problem that's why I can't make use of other questions. I mentioned that articles don't apply because they use components that I don't use and am still a beginner! — lKashef 1 min ago
"I don't like following the rules of the community because my question is obviously a good one, unlike the rest"
5:03 AM
@Rob ok... then you are in the wrong community
Seems like all of Stack Overflow is in a mood today.
@intboolstring Because it's spam or phishing.
I was just testing SD
A solid score of -11
5:18 AM
Yo, dawgs.
Just got back from a tutoring session.
Tutoring someone or getting tutored ?
@intboolstring Why removed the sd k?
I thought it didn't work (no response)
Im clueless with sd
5:28 AM
Does it actually take note of me saying that?
Try say !!/amiprivileged.
@KevinGuan Yes, you are a privileged user.
Like that ^
5:29 AM
@intboolstring No, you are not a privileged user.
That was my suspicion
Ah, yeah.
So does it count my "sd k"?
Err...nope unless you're a privileged user.
So, do you want be a privileged user? We can add you to that list, but remember that "with great power..."
I do want to be a privileged user, yes.
I don't know if I have enough rep (if that matters)
Im at 1.1k
5:32 AM
@intboolstring No it doesn't matter.
@KevinGuan. Ok. Adding me would be great!
I'll make a pull requests, wait me.
Oh, here's the commends wiki, check it out: github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/wiki/Commands
@intboolstring Tutoring someone who upgraded from Windows 8 to 10 and was kind of lost.
@TigerhawkT3 Nice.
It is more lucrative than answering questions on SO. :P
5:38 AM
Saw the PR @KevinGuan. Thnx
Happy Republic Day @BhargavRao @TheLostMind @PraveenKumar
@intboolstring Yeah, use the privilege carefully :)
ah @Rob he deleted it. He knows better than to post off-topic or too broad question. They don't belong here. Unless, of course, they are about mysql tool recommendations :P
@KevinGuan Rip. Why are both CI tests failing on the PR?
Why does SD flag that?
@intboolstring Well...RIP.
@intboolstring As Smokey said, there's a link at the end of the post. Spammers always put their website's link there.
5:42 AM
Ok. Makes sense.
In this case, we should use sd f to remove the report and tells Smokey that it's not a spam/rude post.
What does the f stand for?
It's a shortcut of the tpu- command:
> tpu or trueu - Marks a reported post as true positive and adds the poster to the blacklist.
And the - let Smokey doesn't answer the command.
Wait, I mean fp-...sorry.
> fp or false - Marks a reported post as false positive.
And f means false positive.
The k is a shortcut of the tpu- command, not f.
Yup. Flagged
I was like, SD, nice flag, wrong reason.
5:57 AM
Hmm...remember that you can also send a request when you flag/vote to close a question. Here's a useful user-script to do that automatically: github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/UserScripts
I have it!
Huh? Then why don't use it?
@Nordehinu stats
8,119 need review
359 reviews today
3,076,868 reviews all-time
@MsYvette I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@KevinGuan. The UserScript only works in Chrome and I use Safari. If I'm extra compelled, I will open up Chrome and send a
@intboolstring Oh, makes sense.
6:02 AM
I g2g guys. I have to crank out a paper that is do in 2 hours :(
Okay, good luck and Cya!
Silly spammer, can't tell the difference between a blog and a Q/A.
mhhh while highly voted POB
6:25 AM
Comment-answer by a 38k rep user stackoverflow.com/a/35008038/563532
That is unusual.
man... I really did not think people did that for real..
@Rob Commented.
It doesn't have a solution, but it's an answer ("the problem is here").
Oh, I don't know that The problem is here answers are answers. Let me go to post some answers like that. :)
6:36 AM
@AlexanderO'Mara timeout
@TigerhawkT3 Well, it's actually asking for clarification. And if that answer solved the problem then it would be a typo-question and should have been closed anyway :)
@AlexanderO'Mara You've very small window to make SD delete the comment when used postgone. The window is ellapsed.
I'd say the same window as the one we have to edit or delete our comments
6:38 AM
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier No, that's different. @KevinGuan do you know the window time?
@Tushar 2mins.
... which is the time we have to edit or delete a comment
It would have to be the same window as deletes/edits otherwise SD wouldn't be able to action 'postgone'
Atleast <= the edit window
Yep, Félix's correct.
6:40 AM
And Rob too
@Tushar Yeah
@Rob It's No MCVE, asking for debugging help without code, expected behavior
I'd say it's also unclear.. "We can not record the client video in the Host end" is meaningless, at least to me
Does that mean they can't save the file? can't transmit? can't connect?
@Rob That's what is mean by expected behavior.
Also or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need ;)
CV reasons aren't necessarily non-overlapping
7:02 AM
Morning. o/
Afternoon. o/
7:21 AM
Goodnight ! (Go PST)
^^ The AvalonJS question also looks like spam, as the asker and answerer both coincidentally edited their posts today. Also the asker created a new tag for AvalonJS even though this post is the only one on the site to ever use the tag
@TigerhawkT3 Still want to know what'll happen when a question closed as 5 different close reasons.
@MaximillianLaumeister Hmm...Question was asked 12 months ago.
Or 11, doesn't matter.
7:26 AM
@KevinGuan The poster gets a box full of mud in the mail.
@KevinGuan The author just today added the tag, in addition to the tag that was already on the question. They have a pending edit on the tag wiki.
Both tags have not been used aside from that one post, which is far too broad and reads like a promotion for the library
Hmm...interesting. The answer's author also edited his answer today, before the question's author's edit.
@MaximillianLaumeister What do you think about it? I'd say it's more like: "Spamming via ask bad questions". But however, I think if we really flagged it, our flag will get declined since it's...okay I think you know.
Just close it as too broad
@KevinGuan I flagged it anyway, if it gets declined then I'm okay with that. But it should definitely get closed as too broad.
7:37 AM
I agree, and also flagged.
The system will auto delete that question after it has been closed, and the tags will also be deleted because there's no questions tagged them right?
On an unrelated note I'm picking up a habit of visiting to rack up edits by switching them to . It would be great if there were a better way to delete tags.
@KevinGuan That is correct, tags are deleted after a certain period of inactivity
@MaximillianLaumeister Meta post time!
@MaximillianLaumeister That's fine. Let's close that question anyway.
I would expedite the avalon question's deletion with delete votes though personally. I'm not at 20k so I need to wait 2 days after closure to add a delete vote
@MaximillianLaumeister Okay, I still need try to get more rep to cast delete vote...10k is near now.
@KevinGuan Unfortunately there's already a meta post about the tag and how everyone is annoyed that it already got deleted and recreated on at least 4 separate occasions (now 5): meta.stackoverflow.com/a/298095/2234742
And basically nobody knows what to do about it
7:45 AM
Hmm...create a tag synonym: --> ?
stackoverflow.com/questions/35007288/… It's probably obvious what that French part means but seems like still needs editing.
@Lafexlos Edited, but don't know French :(
@KevinGuan blacklist
Then why we don't do that?
because inertia
7:52 AM
It's saying something like The expression .... doesn't have the expected value. expected value: (..), your value(..) but still.. my French is probably lower than beginner level so I shouldn't be touching it.
@KevinGuan Synonym for would be good, but it's not letting me create a synonym because it says the tag doesn't exist in the system. Of course it does exist though because it has a tag wiki, it just doesn't currently have any questions tagged with it.
Morning o/
Morning o/
It looks like I will have to wait for another new user to use the tag before it will let me propose a synonym, if I am not mistaken
7:55 AM
@MaximillianLaumeister Hmm...is blacklist better than synonym? Actually I don't know about tag blacklist so...
@KevinGuan Blacklist would work just as well, but unfortunately it's only available to SO developers IIRC, not normal users or even mods
@Lafexlos Well, @FélixGagnon-Grenier Just translated it. Thanks Félix but please use code format format the error message.
@MaximillianLaumeister tag wiki != tag existence, tag wikis are coupled with the tag id and are deleted after 6-8 units of times
@MaximillianLaumeister Googling...
@KevinGuan code coloring was aggressively hurting my eyes :p (but okay, will do)
7:58 AM
@Braiam As long as a tag still has a wiki, the tag is still "active" and can be (ab)used by low-rep users without needing to be recreated by someone with the "create new tags" privilege
@MaximillianLaumeister is not a tag we should create/use IMO. Why would it be needed as we already have ?
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier :P, but the quote formatting isn't readable unless the error message is just a single line.
@Thaillie We are trying to get rid of because as you say it is an exact synonym :)

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