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3 hours later…
10:24 AM
11:04 AM
Whoops, I just realized that I can unhammer PHP pages. Please remove that ^ request.
2 hours later…
1:39 PM
5 hours later…
:57325561 Not entirely sure I agree with closing What is the difference between ports 465 and 587?. A question about email protocols (with answers that reference various RFCs) is of interest to both developers (of clients and servers) and sysadmins (configuring clients and servers). Admittedly the new answer is admin-focused.
What should be done about ? Only one (active) question but 2 others in the list.
6:39 PM
@AdrianMole TKGm - disable Tanzu default storage class seems to be about 's Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. So I guess you could retag it . There's also but I'm not sure it applies.
2 hours later…
8:12 PM
This is completely outside my area of expertise, but does this code-only NATO actually answer the question How to draw ROC curve for the following code snippet?? All it seems to be doing is loading some frames and printing its length.
8:35 PM
@dbc I would be highly surprised if it does. But I'm no SME either so we'll have to wait a bit.

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