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> It is not focused on authenticating APIs. Passport is focused on authenticating web apps with services like Facebook, Twitter and GitHub. APIs don't need that, so all the extra bloat means lots of complexity for no gain.
I don't really understand that
> due to its simple, *unopinionated* design
Their non opinion is that we don't need OAUth ?
judging from the readme only is that he wrote a small js module that does OAuth check
lol those examples are mostly c/p from each other
@hilli_micha Yeah, game designers do that often
Don't remember which game it was, but there was a game where the AI forbade enemies from shooting at you unless you had line of sight to them
So if you needed a break, you just go stand in a corner, and heal yourself at your leisure
okay so I don't understand readable streams I guess.
because I just tried to make that code async await and now nothing works.
Oh yeah, Gears of War (3 I believe) gave new players on their multiplayer services small behind the scenes increases to damage to get them feeling confident :P
@MadaraUchiha Minecraft
Huh, howbowdah
My .babelrc has presets = [env], but while debugging in browser, it converts my es6 code to es5 giving me hard time to debug. Can anyone tell how can I retain my es6 code
@BenFortune Yeah, they started doing that
is that github?
I always thought it was funny how in Doom, while you were bashing the head in of your opponent during your prestige kills, none of them thinks of firing at you
Like they're all standing around like, "Geez, this is awkward.."
@Neil Also, in the latest Doom, only 8 or 9 enemies can be on the screen at any one time
@Neil Assassins Creed
@GNi33 Oh that's true, I never considered that
"ooh, I'm sorry, you're just fighting and killing my friend here. I'll wait my turn"
In HL2, only 2 enemies would be allowed to fire at you simultaneously, the rest would run to random directions and yell voicelines like "Flanking" and whatnot
@DenysSéguret Sort of interested
@MadaraUchiha I did notice that they would spawn after you killed one
@Neil Although I think that one is for performance reasons, and not difficulty.
and I guess that you're, just like me, a little under the threshold at which you'd really try to think about it and build the answer...
@BenFortune I'm waiting for the "Rewrite your code to work with the new version" button
Some people probably like opinionated libraries in that they help them being lazy and, more importantly, justify their own opinions (when they're the same) for the rest of their team ?
I think there's opinionated in the "does one thing well" sense and "opinionated" in the buzzword-y "this is how I like things" sense.
@RahulJain Don't use Babel
Can someone give me an example of truly unopinionated code?
Or design or whatever
@ssube That already has the opinion that it's better than !0
@ssube you're right in that being "opinionated" also means you can have a simpler design when you decided instead of just letting all options open
no, that's your opinion. Quit projecting. :P
@ssube Isn't "unopinionated" also "does one thing well"?
@Zirak unopinionated == generic, to me.
@ssube Same
I would call Spring unopinionated. You tell it what to think via XML.
That's one way of saying that your thing doesn't lack features because it lacks them but because you decided they were useless
but it's so generic that its painfully non-specific
where as React is opinionated in its method names, lifecycle and error handling, and uses that to maintain focus
@DenysSéguret or not worth the complexity, or belong in their own library
It's like someone built a tool, but they didn't know what it was for?
You figure it out!
jsfiddle.net/7gqrnvkx urg, I dont' get why this fails?
@ssube then it doesn't "do one thing"
unopinionated is making a hammer and telling you it can hit things
opinionateed is making a hammer that can only hit nails
it fails when the new response tries to get the blob
@Zirak it does too many things. Spring and jQuery are unopinionated, generic, and pointless.
@Cereal That, I can understand easily
Makes sense too
@ssube So you're saying "unopinionated" and "does one thing" are mutually exclusive
um, I don't think I would go that far, but as you focus on a single thing, you develop an opinion about how it should be done.
Is ls opinionated or unopinionated?
unopinionated. It has a boatload of flags, the columns change, things move around, and it's awful to script against because anything could happen.
@Zirak A hammer that can hit anything in an unopinionated hammer, but still an opinionated tool
sometimes some qualifiers aren't relevant. Is a hammer fast ?
!!afk Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch is fucking useless as an error message.
@rlemon Have you tried catching it?
@rlemon what do you mean ? That you'd rather have the engine swallow it ?
Is <something> opinionated or unopinionated? If that <something> is an inanimate object, the answer is no. Inanimate objects cannot personify human characteristics. QED
@Cereal no, that would be what after coffee rlemon would do
all that did was make it not red :D
@DenysSéguret no, I'd like information about why it failed.
@Neil inanimate objects created by opinionated people can, however, carry on those opinions. If I write a textbook, it would be my take on history, and anyone reading it will think that is Right.
same with libraries
@ssube The book cannot be opinionated. They can carry opinionated views, but the book itself cannot be opinionated.
@rlemon oh you mean catch it at the program level when you don't catch it yourself and then log it with stacktrace. OK
Isn't there a method on that
Like statusText, or responseText or sometehing
yes, there's a new thing for handling not fetched things in node I think
@Neil opinionated means holding the opinion, which it does. When it comes to people, there's usually an implication of trying to force it on others, but that part doesn't apply to an object. It can apply to a library, I think.
@ssube well that's like your opinion, man
If I read your book, I can interpret it how I like, but if I'm using your library, I have to follow your API or it doesn't work.
@Cereal there is statusText and status on the response I create.
they are looking fine.
"holding an opinion" then has multiple meanings
are you calling json() or anything on an empty string?
I played production today
That'll fail
took half a day to assemble lamps
How long does it take @KamilSolecki to change a lightbulb? Half a day.. apparently.
@Neil I don't think it does, though. My library asserts my opinions on your code, it's opinionated (echoing my own opinions).
should that readablestream start function return a promise ?
so, I went to the shady company (SC for short) meeting
> (SC for short)
the guy contradicted what he definitely said on the phone, which was kinda meh
that moment when you know towc's shittalk is about to begin
> been working at SC about three years now, only stolen 46 children
Here we fucking go
and what he actually wanted is not something that I can easily do
:grabs popcorn:
"not something that I can easily do" = "why they pay you for it" = "job"
so no drama happened. I didn't up the price, I didn't try stuff
@DenysSéguret jsfiddle.net/6t5Ld1p8/1 this works, I wanted to make it prettier.
if it was easy, like flipping coffee or brewing fries, they wouldn't pay anything
I'm failing to see the difference
or rather, why one works and the other fails.
pretty sure people are paid to flip coffee
holy I'd love to flip some coffee right now
that's why ssube is no longer employed at Starbucks
> I'm not wrong, just misunderstood
it could have been easy like "implement this rest api" or "implement this basic design", then sure
> sir here is your deep brewed fries
dude, six figures to the guy who can successfully flip coffee
also cook my vanilla latte, mid rare please.
hm. fried coffee beans..
runs to patent office
bitter af
or "hook up this api to that api, or alternatively see if it's possible to mount this piece of hardware in this box", which is what I thought they wanted me to do
I have two bags full of chocolate covered coffee beans
turns out the guy didn't think about that much
> I'd like to put a patent on these fried beans and this large-breasted woman
@hilli_micha those are tasty
stop stealing my ideas
@ssube you gotta see who can run faster now
@rlemon where is updateProgress ?
@Neoares Jesus Chris dude, I'm shocked you didn't send that as a Yahoo! Music Video.
it's passed in @DenysSéguret (in the first demo)
@hilli_micha what is Yahoo! music video
progressUpdate isn't updateProgress...
ohh fuck right off.
god dammit rlemon.
sorry, my bad
@Neoares Yahoo! used to have this music video service, at least that's how I watched all my music videos in the early 00s
basically like MTV, but actually music and on-demand
and why would I use that
I think that joke was a little too specific to the scope of my own life pretend it never happened and just chuckle for pity.
cause it's a 00s song?
stop asking questions damn it and laugh for me in pity
@DenysSéguret thankyou, I was ready to throw in the towel
you see how useless that error message is now I hope :P
I had MTV on demand. I'd demand that anywhere I went, they'd change the channel to literally anything else.
@rlemon and what about having just a try catch to know the exception ?
@hilli_micha yer joke hath been ruined! Ha!
@rlemon this:
		async start(controller) {
      try {
			while( true ) {
				const { done, value } = await fileReader.read();
				if( done ) {
				currentBytes += value.length;
      } catch (e) {console.log(e)}
ugh tabs
ok, I won't try to handle tabs/spaces, my head hurt too much
for a second there I thought you were using 5 char indents
let's assume the indent is based on random spacing, which is a new norm discouraging ANY indentation. OK ?
he's not your supervisor
@DenysSéguret aka "Unopinonated indenting"
I am your supervisor
I am your hypervisor
I've put in me 2 or 3 dozens coffees in 2 days because of several meetings. My head hurts.
you shotgun coffees in meetings?
That sounds bad. Have a coffee and relax
@DenysSéguret drank*
@OliverSalzburg that was the reason of the few las ones
@rlemon thanks
@rlemon danke*
@DenysSéguret a nepresso aint a coffee
@DenysSéguret y u do dat
@DenysSéguret we've got something else you can put in you
@Zirak sorry, my wife won't aggree
hint: It's not hope
Hi guys, if you remember me from yestearday, I'm learning OOP. As MDN says, there are 3 ways of create an object instance: via object literal, a function constructor, a object constructor with the word new, and a class constructor with the word new. It's always preferable to use the last one, true?
But you can name it hope.
@AngelLuis nope, they are all useful
not always.
@AngelLuis That's 4
But you can mostly skip " a object constructor with the word new" if using the new class syntax.
literals are good for simple data, function constructor can create classes with new, and classes are useful
I'm lost at object constructor vs class constructor. Is it about the ES6 class sugar ?
@DenysSéguret That's how I read it.
did not expect that
not gonna click tht.
a bit.ly with zuckerberg news on a friday
facebooks heads is zuckerberg
thanks I understand that object literal are useful for simple objects but function constructor for what?
zucc is zuckerberg's head
all constructors are functions
well, I guess it would have been a better announcement on monday
@BenFortune that's just a timeless lie
he knows
I can give you at least 4 disadvantages of the class sugar:
- one more indentation level, which is painful on *opinionated indent norm*™
- it's not natural for adding methods later in your code (think about segmenting the code of big classes)
- you can't do weird stupid things confusing functions and classes
- doesn't work well on IE6
@OliverSalzburg some room regular once uploaded "ruby" or something stupid like that
@OliverSalzburg lol?
how did you do that
@Zirak Well, there is npm i rebecca
@Neoares Mostly hacking
lol it's the name
on the one hand we've the classis method to create a simple object, and on the other have we have the "class" constructor to create a class like object. Which provide function and object constructor?
your hacker skillz iz good
I learned from the best
@Neoares lmao I find it mesmerizing that he caught you with the same npm thing two fridays in a row and you still failed :D
@KamilSolecki no, only one
@Neoares No, I'm an autodidact
the other day the package had not that name
I have more of those :)
But I'm keeping them secret
@BenFortune badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
So I can rebecca you all when it's no longer funny
@AngelLuis what do you mean by function and object constructor? Constructors are always functions, class { constructor() { ... } } is "sugar" for declaring a constructor function.
@Neoares wait that was literally two days ago lol chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/42260654#42260654
@KamilSolecki yeah, see?
he just shared it
@KamilSolecki That was rebecca not index.php
constructor functions construct objects, but you can use an object literal if the object has no inherited behavior (only state)
I didn't get rebecca'd
(you can also add methods to literals now, which I dislike)
@ssube how do you mean?
I like to add methods to literals

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