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Cyber? I hardly know her
@OliverSalzburg lol
GNight folkz
Good fight. Good night
hello all
any linux users here?
No. We hate Linux
btw, that cyber thingie
!!welcome Sohaib
@Sohaib Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I found the "cyber" sex scene in blade runner 2049 very impressive
it must have taken lots of effort to get that in the end result
You are being blcoked either by netowrk provider
or theri servers are down
what the fuck keyboard?
why would you download a OS that's been live for 1 hour
@Neoares that's unfair
life is
doesn't mean you have to
and your vimgolf scores are too
> The most controversial change with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, however, is the fact that Canonical will now be collecting system usage data, something that’s sure to rile up privacy-conscious Linux users who have dismissed operating systems such as Windows 10 for similar reasons.
welp, fuck
> The data will also be made publicly available, which could give us a better idea of how popular certain flavors of Ubuntu and its software are, and how it is used. The data could also be used to help improve future versions of Ubuntu, but it remains to be seen if this is enough to appease Ubuntu users who value their privacy.
> But, let’s get back to the positive changes brought with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. It comes with the latest Linux kernel (4.15), hardware acceleration for Nvidia graphics cards for the cloud version of 18.04, faster boot times and a new Hyper-V optimised image for improved performance when running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on a virtual machine inside Windows 10.
They should optimize for VirtualBox so windows can stay where it belongs, inside a VM :D
Fuck Canonical and their Ubuntu
GNU Hurd 4 Life
@OliverSalzburg So what do you use?
FreeBSD ?
Oh neat en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Hurd didn't know this exists
Ubuntu is really shit though, but I've had this talk too many times on this room :P
@OliverSalzburg yeah yeah I know
GNU Hurd is also not a good OS, but I would prefer to be close to Hurd than be closer to Ubuntu
I haven't touched Ubuntu since 13.x
currently on 16
I'm not Ubuntu, but you can touch me if you want
I am currently on MacOS, If I could I'd switch to Debian w/ budgie.
only reason I'm not using debian is that ubuntu ships with 3rd party stuff that I need. Also ppas
I use Ubuntu when it's the recommended platform, like for RabbitMQ. Otherwise, I use AWS Linux or Debian if I'm feeling nostalgic
I also like pipas
I still want to use Arch, for reasons I can't explain
Because it reminds you of Archer
definitely feels like it, judging by the way how screwed up my last install of it was
@GNi33 try it, the experience teaches you useful stuff
oh I did
I also tried a Gentoo setup or two over 10 years ago
I need more freetime to seriously do this though
Hah, weeb-ly
Where's ikari been anyway
Restocking used panty vending machines
There's a japanese trope I forgot existed
...with counterfeit merchandize!
@Cereal weebing away
I go for debian :|
I broke my keyboard last weekend, so I bought a new keyboard. Don't mind brown switches
It's no topre though
btw neoares, that mindjail is intended as a joke. Do not forget it
still not sure, for personal use I was always fine with Ubuntu
only thing I do actively use right now is Kali in a VM
which is not a lot of fun, admittedly
what do you mean with "not a lot of fun" ?
that is not funny
or not too much
@KarelG it's mainly too slow
> North and South Korea announce intention to formally end Korean war
@KendallFrey Trump is going to take credit for it, isn't he?
problem is war with murka
@GNi33 I wouldn't be surprised :P
@GNi33 "Just as I planned would happen." -Trump
Man all the 19-something koreans that are going to miss military service because of this must be ecstatic
@GNi33 From the start Moon played the game of crediting Trump of any advances
Just like Macron like to publicly say that Trump is formidable. Only American people can think it's honestly said
Koreas agree to end war, but baby's name is trending
@KendallFrey That was North Korea's plan: Get nukes, be treated fairly. They got what they wanted.
now we can log into your private iface and post your nekkid pictures
@Cereal and what's the name?
KeePass's autotyper failed me
@Cereal Only one of those is newsworthy
@Neoares No idea, I only read headlines
@Zirak They took the worst possible road to get there then
@Cereal time to change pass
@Zirak In that specific case "be treated fairly" means "have no risk of the autocracy to end"
@KendallFrey You're right, number 2, her birthday?! how terrible :(
"How about we cross over those mountains to get to the other side?" "What? You mean mount Everest!?" "Yeah.. it'll take what, 2 hours tops?"
@FlorianMargaine It's not for anything public
@KendallFrey Exactly. Shoutout to the canadian press
That was a fairly strong password
Did Elon Musk really say he was going to build a freakin' cyborg dragon?
o.o ?
I'd be quick to dismiss such things, but this is Elon Musk we're talking about
if he was serious then it is ... awesome ?
If it's anything like his flame thrower, it's going to be extremely disappointing
That guy is like the real world equivalent of Tony Stark
@Cereal That image needs a fourth panel "Musk tweets!"
People caring about royal baby is laughable, but if Musk takes a shit it's extremely relevant apparently
A bunch of programmers are probably more interesting in a cyborg dragon than a baby
It's probably that if Musk sees an opportunity to change some of his fame into money, he'll take it. His real projects aren't really safe moneywise. He does need money.
Anyone can make a baby in 9 months, only elon musk can make a cyborg dragon
@Cereal If he can do it by having intercourse with the Royal Baby woman, I'd watch that
@DenysSéguret I was in dallas last week, and a lot of people were shitting on musk for that exact reason
Zero returns
Yeah, but interesting projects still. And maybe really really useful. And many nerds are full of money. So... deal
@DenysSéguret The fact that he can capitalize on this is wonderful
Are setters automatically actions in mobx? strict mode doesn't complain about them
When everything is geared towards making money in some fashion, for someone to try to do something which doesn't directly make profit in some way paves the way for new technological growth
Let's hope he doesn't divert too much of the energy of his team into fuel wasting flame throwers and other shits
Investing in hype worked well for him in the past though
I'm most interested in his human to computer interface idea
some think the "cyborg dragon" is a means to test new development he's made with the human to computer interface
I found his challenge with the aus gov kinda interesting
a huge battery station
@Neil The whole "cyborg" part heavily implies human -> computer interfacing
It led to some interesting insights like its responsiveness to power fall out
Guys, there's nothing more than a small and vague tweet behind this...
Maybe he funded blood dragon VR
maybe he'll extort the fortune of billionaires seeking eternity and willing to have their brain put into dragon cyborgs?
maybe he'll put some wing stickers on each side of his flamethrowers ?
> issue #48820
that is a lot
I didn't create all of them
that is actually a default behavior on other programming platforms . Kinda resonable
@OliverSalzburg I agree with their current behaviour
@Zirak Because it's more accurate?
But I'm not a vscode user, so it depends on how the rest of the editor operates
If I asked myself "where is Base defined" and received a file, that doesn't answer my question, because I asked about the variable
In intellij, I believe it brings up a popup if it's ambiguous
What if the require was in a conditional statement? What if it was random?
yeah, I agree with VSCode behavior there
not that I care, given that I'm an emacs user
not on arch, though.
@Zirak So? It would still result in Base having the same value on both lines. Just one time I'm invoking the constructor, which makes VSCode jump me into the file, instead of to where the Variable is declared
It feels inconsistent
You're right, but I would change the new Base to lead to the variable, not the constructor
It feels understandable and weird at the same time :D
people of color feel that SO is an elitist place ? WTF?
white is a color
@DenysSéguret hu ?
Wasn't this the discussion last night?
@Zirak Yeah, that would feel better, even though it would be more inconvenient to me :D
You're asking for two different functions: Jump to variable declaration, and jump to variable value
I was referring to https://stackoverflow.blog/2018/04/26/stack-overflow-isnt-very-welcoming-its-time-for-that-to-change/
There's a very bad smell in the author's argumentation
Good point
I mean you're going to a site with the sole purpose of learning something from someone more knowledgeable than you. It's inherently elitist by definition
lol F1 TV coverage is now putting graphics overlays on the halo
Because there's always going to be more learners than teachers
@DenysSéguret Very tense discussion about that yesterday. Ultimately, despite my inital gut reaction, I honestly think that A) the author did it for the effect it had and B) what Altwood said on the matter - twitter.com/codinghorror/status/989609125318344704 - It'll be moot in the near future.
oh that blog. I only have read it this morning
I have ... mixed feelings about it
> It should be noted that no ethically-trained software engineer would ever consent to write a DestroyBaghdad procedure. Basic professional ethics would instead require him to write a DestroyCity procedure, to which Baghdad could be given as a parameter.
All cities need to have equal chance to be destroyed
How are we even going to be more welcoming to "people of color" ? Are we supposed to ask people whether they're yellow, red, black or whatever before closing as duplicate ?
"Closing as duplicate pending proof of identity"
Fuck that blog. When I got into SO, it still had the Attwood spirit going on. What happens these days is a bastardization of a previously great idea in the hopes to monetize
eh denys. Do you expect me to see if you are white of black through this screen I am staring at
Same thing's happening to reddit right now lol
or other shizzle color you could have
I'm sorry if 90% of the Indians who come to SO to ask their shit questions are "people of color" or, worse, women
Just wait, in a year you'll go to kick someone and get an alert "Did you know UserToBeKicked is a minority? Are you sure you wish to continue?"
and that woman argument is caused by the "drama" at last mod election
which was not more than just a misunderstanding
I suppose they have growth engineers who think that the reason 90% of the Earth people aren't on SO is because we're not inclusive enough for black people.
"growth engineers" should attend plants :P
I don't get the focus on attracting a lot of people by being nice. Why not focus on elite people who write quality content? You know, that shit that drove people to visit SO in the first place :P
Now I'm getting tingly from the discussion of plants.
I'm still not very at ease with the fact the SO mug I got a few days ago was sent from something like a "community growth manager". Those people are too much obsessed by growth.
@OliverSalzburg But if SO is nice, the community will sleep with it
That's how that works isn't it
I spent all of last week tending to my mother-in-laws plants while they were away. I'd barge in and say "HELLO LADIES, HOW ARE YALL TODAY" like some absolute weirdo talking to plants that aren't even mine.
@Cereal Sure!
What's the gist of the article?
as in, what do they specifically want to do to solve the problem they observed?
@hilli_micha If they talked back, no reason to feel weird
@GNi33 Basically, 'stop being an asshole' and how the general community should stop being condescending and sarcastic when dealing with someone who doesn't know much about what they are asking.
okay, the "beginner ask page" might actually be a good idea
@hilli_micha I'm cool with that
@GNi33 it is not
equality is no longer "equal". People want special treatment nowadays in order to be "fair"
A warning to tell new users that a downvote on one of their post doesn't mean they're bad persons would be cool too
That's the real problem. People feel entitled
there are always people not bother reading those how to ask guides or even those small summary list you see at each question
@DenysSéguret Create a "quiet place" page where users can go to feel better about themselves
those gets either downvoted / close voted
> Let’s stop judging users for not knowing things. (We’re a Q&A site!)
We downvote posts, when their quality isn't good enough for the site. We don't downvote pople
and that blog author has problems with it
are they saying here that we should just leave duplicate and low quality questions be?
It's easy really. Just make people pay for asking a question
Or pay for it with rep
@GNi33 in some essence yes
@OliverSalzburg That's discriminating against poor people
That german girl will love that
Then people either think longer before asking a shit question or at least SO made some $$$ from the shit content
"german girl" ?
her name escaped me
Yes, tell us more about the German girl
@Neil The entire world is discriminating against poor people
Actually that's a decent idea. Start everybody off with 100 rep. Every question asked costs 10. If you get upvoted once, you've earned it back
Is her name by coincidence Eva? Followed by a brand of shaving machines. It starts with B but could not recall it completely
I think it was. Doesn't matter
oh nina scholz
If you have no more rep, you have to wait a while and then it'll jump back to 20 or som ething
@Neil Or help others
it would not stop them creating accounts
And we could keep track of the rep by using a public ledger
If you take part in validating, you get rep in return
@Neil I disagree with that, because the current system allows you to screw up, get criticism, and learn from it. The only 'obstacle' is your feelings getting hurt, and that's a 'you' problem imo.
I think I'm onto something here...
@KarelG if it makes only a few questions better, I'm happy
let's face it, I stopped using main because of the load of just awful questions
I doubt being less strict about them is going to help that very much
I only answer questions on Arqade
@GNi33 And that's the crux of it, if you want your site to have quality questions/quality answers, you're gonna have to say "No, back to the drawing board and try again, also RTFM".
Deviation away from that brings you closer to this site being like Quora, if that perpetuates, it'll eventually become Yahoo Answers.
@GNi33 eh @KevinB is still checking it. He gets rewarded with revenge votes
@hilli_micha well, I was addressing the problem of continual subpar questions
I don't think my solution changes the feedback system, it simply limits a new user to making mistakes
I mean, hell, tbh, I rarely ask questions/answer stuff on main because most mainstream, working technologies are tried and true and well-documented. With a little bit of critical thought, it's so rare to ask anything.
True, and I generally won't downvote for a duplicate question
me neither
I just close flag it to dupe
I downvote for an unclear question or one that has no obvious answer
but then there is always some people thinking that it is good to answer
for their rep yes
I'll downvote answers to questions which don't have clear answers
I think it's misleading to the asker
look just posted
Q: How to compare string letters (javascript)

nitringHey I've been trying to write a simple javascript function for comparing string letters but i can't make it work for some reason...here is the code. function compare(wordOne, wordTwo) { if (wordOne.substring(0) === wordTwo.substring(0)) { return true; } else { return false; } } compare("house",...

@KarelG Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy. But here's my code snippet. So halp I'm lazy!
@KarelG A) What a lazy fucking question. B) He didn't even Edit after the comments explained he wasn't clear.
eh, I'll just really stop using main then
exponential growth is (literally) cancer, if that's what they strive for with this, good luck
Yes sorry i didn't explain it really nice...but yes i only need to compare first character. — nitring 2 mins ago
@GNi33 It'll happen on its own eventually. The site has this ideal that experienced, dedicated devs will patiently take time out of their busy lives and gingerly walk people through the same, basic problem 100 times a week.
But those people will leave and then you're just left with a bunch of morons afraid to hurt each other's feelings.
Then what is this site?
MySpace for devs
And it will go the same way
And the relevant people will move to a new place
it's already very, very hard to find interesting questions to answer
And Stack Exchange is sold a couple of times before we all forget about it
we will see
I can understand that they want the community to feel more welcoming
@GNi33 It is
it sadly contradicts with the quality aspect a little too much I fear
I do hope it will work out
I'll come back to answering the day I dive again in a new language and it's still hot
I feel the same way, you want more people, but that contradicts quality a little bit. There is a reason Quality vs Quantity is always this thing we contrast against.
right now for the popular languages or frameworks, it's 99% "fix my code"
Their reasoning is shit. Their reasoning is based on the fact that they want more people for their money makers. QA is not their money maker
or "I want this, how do I get this?" in the absolute most basic way
@OliverSalzburg ooh, it is in the long run. They just ignore that
They don't want better content or more qualified people, they want people who are looking for a job. The more, the better
yeah, might be
So that they can say "Hey, we have 100000 people looking for a job every day. You need to advertise with us"
You know what it costs to run an ad on Jobs?
do I want to?
It costs a couple thou if you're seriously interested in hiring someone from that service
They care only about that
you can just hire us <3
This shit with the chat and QA that we all like so much, that is not their focus at all
And it hasn't been for some time
@OliverSalzburg Fair and valid points.
All the hyperbole, you forget about the big picture, that cash money yo.
I like money
I don't blame others for liking money
Money is great, people who says it can't buy happiness are fukin' liars :P
I'm not sure. The hype for most web companies isn't even money, it's growth. You can lose money as long as you're growing.
But isn't growth in pursuit of more money in the future? You get people in your community in mass quanities, even if you're taking a loss, then you implement something to start selling them?
But it's just frustrating because this section of the internet was a really welcome addition to an area that was previously lacking. There was really high quality and high standards. The large amount of users degraded the quality of the service
@rlemon I was reading!
am I way over complicating getting progress on a fetch?
@DenysSéguret sorry, was too wally for me
@OliverSalzburg the high standard isn't there because we're all assholes as well
new site: noobsexchange
Noob Sex Change
we want people to learn, not just hand them a solution to their specific problem
like expertsexchange but for noobs welcoming to minorities
@GNi33 I mean back in the day when I wrote my first questions. I had a lot of respect and was actually scared of posting :P
that's what this site is about for me
Today, the level of quality is so low, nobody gives a shit. Just post, edit later, maybe
And you won't get people to learn by holding their hand and tell them all is well
@OliverSalzburg the fucking answer races
that's where I stopped
post one sentence
then edit, just to get the first timestamp
The real pros steal your content in the process
@OliverSalzburg I'm stil scared of posting questions. I know I'll be downvoted ^^
@DenysSéguret That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, fr, tr, u, d, y, !, ^, π, ?, א
I know SO acknowledged the FGITW problem, but I don't think they've done anything to solve it.
And the problem is that if you want to actually answer questions and get rep, you have to do it.
Because if you're not doing it, someone else will.
@hilli_micha As long as they get a valid answer into their database...
The focus is not on the active people who want to earn rep with good answers. They want more users
@DenysSéguret Pretty much a guarantee on softwareengineering SE
If someone whines about FGITW, meh. If someone writes snarky comments due to massive question duplication...
@DenysSéguret same
but all my questions are bad so
I just post them here
and get ignored
Thats how I know it's a bad question
I'll spend a long time trying to figure out my problems before I balk and ask someone, I'll have extended meetings and discussions with my wooden duck
I use you all as my duck
Flea Market duck.
the comments to my questions are usually more like "it's probably impossible but who cares ? you're a weirdo."
@hilli_micha Pretty ducking sweet
Wanted to get this guy to be my duck :(
Looks like a nice alternative to Passport.js
@BenFortune Remember when libraries used the word "streamline" everywhere and it didn't make sense?
Why do we have "opinionated"?
@BenFortune a critical point is the ecosystem, or at least the ease of extension. For exemple managing OAuth2 authentications means you have to handle several very different interpretations of the norm, with several maintained codes...
@Zirak are you rhetorical or interested in an answer?

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