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9:00 AM
they'd make two ways available.. one would be a lot more cumbersome, but you wouldn't need to activate a camera
@ShrekOverflow oh boi, my poor bones
@ShrekOverflow nah, most have fairly high res nowadays
@Neil I am pretty sure in future Captcha's will be gone
@ShrekOverflow how so?
I am an athletic type but do not expect me to be flexible
9:00 AM
they are the best solution to login problems
@Neil Even more compute power at everyone's hand
that's basically arms race each side will keep adding more compute power at some point this will be useless
attackers can use ML too
@KarelG and if i defer?
ML = Marxism Leninism?
not quite
I have found Indian Bank's version of it smarter
9:02 AM
@ShrekOverflow So you think computers will evolve to the point where they could fool any captcha?
just make people add another cc and validate in bank 😛 when signing up, post that use device backed MFA
@AltayAkkus it is for the execution moment (after DOM being parsed and before DOMContentLoaded event firing up)
ML = Machine Learning
@Neil No, it'll just become $$$ expensive
i didnt understand shit but ok lol
@ShrekOverflow Well once you find a suitable technique, generating them is not costly
9:03 AM
@ShrekOverflow I recall the problems with indian e ID thing
Solving them would be expensive
pootis was fucking annoyed with the security leaks of it
@KarelG That is not the part of that, that system messed the older better system up
I am also terrified by it too
Funny that the captchas are inadvertently pushing AI forward
you should work for them :P
9:04 AM
ok so I have menu.js
@Neil tbh advancements of neural network caused it
@KarelG I don't want to stay here
I don't want to do anything with being here
menu.js = $('.ui.dropdown').dropdown();
I am dying here literally.
how can I add it to my website so it works
9:04 AM
I know you are saving money to go to USA
@KarelG Was there a significant breakthrough? I just figured we had more resources to process it
Nope just waiting for my visa
like how can I do it that the script is executed when the page is loaded
@Neil but so will team red
did you consider other options but the US as well?
9:05 AM
@GNi33 Yes, but hard to find a sponsor :(
I am open to moving anywhere 1st world.
I'm still saying Germany or France
@ShrekOverflow Japan!
@GNi33 I barely get any Job offers from either đŸ˜Ŧ
but of course you're not making any mistakes by wanting to go to the US
@Ikari Impossibly hard to immigrate afaik
9:07 AM
true dat
help pls
Anyway I should get back to work if I want to keep my job xD, adios 😛
i have a fiile with that simple one line command that requires the page to load before i can execute it
@AltayAkkus put it at the end of your page
Hi guys! How can i change this regex to support unicode characters (i.e. chinese text) \b[^\d\W]+\b
9:07 AM
@OliverKucharzewski Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
right before the closing body tag
if you're not loading it async, the page will be loaded by then
lol defer works also :D
I know Uber... but still nice
9:13 AM
@Neil researches came up with "deep convolutional neural net" (as part of deep learning) which to algorithms that yielded better results than what a human delivers
how can I make an event when an table changed?
*researchers (don't want to ping ya twice)
I have functions to append lis to them
@AltayAkkus what do you mean with "table changed"
adding HTML elements?
I have a function add items to the table
and I have functions to delete em
9:14 AM
well, you can call the other function in that function. That is the most simple way to do it
or look for observable
good idea sir
is there a nice and clean way to have a function like
table.add or table.delete
or anyway i dont need that
sure, wrap it as a const
im so worried about coding wrong
and not professional
how can you get the element you were called from again?
don't worry too much about it. But you really need to learn how to find answers for your questions
"The Art of Google" is what I call it
9:17 AM
revolution now
didnt you want to work sir
Hi guys :) Anyone here familiar with Regex?
@OliverKucharzewski that requires a bit googling
Ahh yeah i tried
But for some reason it didnt work
you can lookup for unicode range for chinese characters
I got it
But trying to figure out how to place it
9:17 AM
and add it to your regex
the | notation stands for OR
hmm never tried that actually
how can I get the element i was clicked from in an event listener?
@AltayAkkus (this) on the event will help you!
god lol, the unicode detection is complex. There is a proposal though
9:19 AM
@ShrekOverflow meanwhile, in spain we pay 20â‚Ŧ/year
$('.addSizeButton').on('click',function (this) {

like this?
@AltayAkkus this is very basic. You'll better read a book on JS and the DOM or at least google your problem
Nah much easier!
Add the click to the function
Dont add this
It'll already be in there
So just use $(this) in the event
and do whatever you like :)
document.querySelector('.addSizeButton').addEventListener('click', (e) => { // you can use this here :D })
9:20 AM
@KarelG I know - i'm not having fun
> $(this)
just use e.target
sorry cap, I do not have time to "plough" ya
9:22 AM
y u hate jquery so much
@AltayAkkus it sucks
and causes more problems down the like
@OliverKucharzewski you have to check stackoverflow.com/a/21113538/2412895 and stackoverflow.com/a/280762/2412895 to find a workable solution. But at the end ... I would not use regex.
you are trying to hide an ocean behind a cup and then expecting the cup to fulfill the ocean's capabilities
Im using it for a machine learning system so i have no choice :(
The token pattern requires regex
Sad days
9:23 AM
lol wat
write a parser?
your example is a simple string handling
Python - First time using regex and im a noob lol
> \b[^\d\W]+\b
<div class="fields">
                        <div class="field col-md-5">
                          <div class="productSettingHeading">
                              <h4>Name der Größe</h4>
                          <div class="productSettingSizingListInputNameContainer">
                            <input type="text" class="productSettingSizingListInputName ui input fluid">
this is my div structure and I want to click the button and read the 2 inputs
I need to climb to the .fields thing and search there for my class or how
9:25 AM
that is just word boundary + kleene(negate digits and alphanum) + another boundary
so split by space
and analyse the array of string ( .filter )
there for each character: check if it is a valid character
Alright guys - here is my horrible regex, what am i doing wrong haha:
@Neoares maybe?
Im using regexr.com to rest, great platform
@AltayAkkus please be aware that either StackOverflow site and this chat thread here is not meant to function as a coding service. We are prepared to help you, giving advises, pointing you to solution ect but not coding for you. What you are asking is basic scripting which should be done by you yourself
^ that
9:28 AM
im asking how to do that
not a function
@KarelG googles
should I climb to to the .fields div with parent() and then search for the class
@Neil see it as a biologic variant of MLP
@KarelG I second that
I'm working with NN at the moment
with 4 V100 GPUs
and a 32 core CPU
still have a bottleneck in the CPU lol xD
@KarelG @DenysSéguret says it's old
9:33 AM
yeah lol. it led to an advancement in neural networks. Since then lots of studies came up with better approaches and improvements
I could not follow them anymore
I focused back to utilizing training data
@KarelG Project Zero Dawn incoming!
Hector ?
I used to study genetic algorithms
That's quite different from neural networks of course, but it was still interesting
I wrote my thesis on it
9:47 AM
talking about genes: there is a new DNA structure in our cells
(check HN)
s/HN/HH :P
@Neoares interesting
I suppose I can't see your scripts can I ?
you can't xD
and it's a large scale project :P
nah, the problem is that preprocessing images for data augmentation takes a lot of time
9:52 AM
@Neoares I know, I spent weeks/months training my old startups data models
come to barcelona :D
Send me a visa
@KarelG They're calling it HN?
sends a microlight
9:53 AM
@KarelG link me
oh, a visa xD
for everyone else sciencealert.com/…
> Now, thanks to Christ's team
Also found out they managed to make the crispr dna tool 1000 times faster
@Neil That is neat
9:56 AM
And I don't mean a lot I mean literal "1000 fold"
eh TIL moment.js initial construct with string is deprecated: momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/js-date
then ?
10:02 AM
wtf,can you !! that
probably :)
are you regexing my regex
Yo dawg
10:04 AM
you wanted to make it write "FOOLED!"?
and you don't need to add the last D
it already has the last D
is not needeeeeeed
ah I see what you mean
would do
10:05 AM
Saved me two keystrokes, thank you, sir!
you might want to take a look at vimgolf.com
hi guys, why prototypal inheritence is recommended over class inheritance in js?
eh, @towc hi?
r u a hacker
10:07 AM
@hfbachri_ is it?
@Neoares Finally found the loony bin for programmers
@Neil password
look at the image
the leaderboard xD
@ShrekOverflow hunter2
@KamilSolecki i have read some articles, and there are several arguments say that "class" keyword in js is bad part
10:11 AM
what year were those articles from?
@KamilSolecki Oracle just sued em
so the article is new
@hfbachri_ it's syntactical sugar, so maybe someone could argue that it isn't necessary?
I wouldn't put too much stock in that opinion
@Neil soo what is syntactical sugar actually?
I see no point at all in dealing with prototypes on a daily basis when classes are sitting there available to me
10:13 AM
has someone realized that @towc did the vimgolf with 2 keystrokes?
which is basically impossible?
@hfbachri_ "syntactical sugar" -> language syntax allowing you to do something you could do already without that language syntax
@Neoares towc is pretty much VIM itself
he is the ultimate vim user
@Neoares Ctrl + V ?
I don't think that's possible xD
otherwise more people would be at 2
It makes language syntax "nicer" (hence the sugar on top)
10:14 AM
@towc we summon thee, do tell us how you achieved that please :D
@Neoares i dont think there is a single other person that loves vim as much as he does, so I'm expecting only the highest of results on his part
I'm not a regular vim user, but I can't imagine how you can do that with 2 keystrokes
@Neil so before "class" keyword available in ES6, then how to make that "something" similar to "class" keyword
@Neoares :q
ok something is on
another one with two :O
10:19 AM
told ya
function Apple(property){
  var color = property.color; //instance variable
  this.getColor = function(){
    return color;
there's a shitton of 11s, then one 2
@Neil Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@hfbachri_ That is an Apple "class" without the class
so assume if i want to model the system with UML diagram, what diagram should i use? since there's actoally no class concept in js instead of blueprint?
10:22 AM
UML uff
@KamilSolecki the real challenge is ... they hacked it
@hfbachri_ Use what fits best, I suppose. The existence of the word "class" doesn't make it a class. What makes it a class is how it is used
can i use object diagram? @Neil
@hfbachri_ I don't know. Can you?
Object diagram is made based on class diagram lol
10:23 AM
@hfbachri_ So use that, if it fits. I can't see your code o_O
I use express
@Zirak Yeah, that'd be quite nice! I like that Medium also always estimates reading time for users
do you think you can tell if a function is a function or a class?
10:24 AM
@SomeGuy But they don't take into account that 90% of the article is shit and can be skipped
I read an article on it yesterday that explained to me that I should be linting my code
Almost fell off the toilet from the shock
@OliverSalzburg especially @Zirak's articles
Reminds me of this quip: Medium was named that to indicate that the articles are neither rare nor well-done.
clever girl
10:26 AM
PS C:\dev\crm> git rebase --continue
Applying: #845 part 07
Applying: LOLO undo this commit after rebase
@SomeGuy nice!
thing is ... Idk what that message means and why I wrote that
I'd try LOLO undo
LOLO, is that like the best parts of LOL and YOLO?
Laugh only, Laugh once
wise words.
10:29 AM
makes me all wet
like EPL: Eat. Pray. Laugh.
@FlorianMargaine what is water?
@KarelG Maybe you wanted to "undo this commit after rebase"
@OliverSalzburg pure speculation!
Apparently online booty call made a booty call to json.org
Can someone explain to me how the GitLab IDE is an IDE, but VS Code is only an editor
Question mark
10:38 AM
Sometimes, people use words wrong. Sometimes, it doesn't make a difference
It's as important as the distinction between "nerd" and "geek"
"Lets eat, grandma!" vs "Lets eat grandma!"
Lets save lives people
something something uncle something something horse
horse correct battery stapler?
I still remember that xkcd
I suppose that was the point
"I helped my uncle jack off a horse" vs "I helped my Uncle Jack off a horse"
10:45 AM
why Uncle with capital U?
To keep you on the edge of your seat
"Let's invite the strippers, JFK, and Stalin" vs "Let's invite the strippers, JFK and Stalin"
@Neoares the application is extremely vulnerable. I was chatting with the creators, and this happened. All in friendly spirit
Thought admittedly, either party would be highly entertaining
10:47 AM
@towc lul
@Neil both are equally weird. Confusion is unavoidable whatever
they told you the weaknesses and you just exploited them?
I don't think they're chatting to you anymore ☚ī¸
nah, I wasn't even trying to hack it
you did
and now you're in the news
I hope you're happy
was using it through some internal stuff to figure something out, and I noticed I could bypass a lot of the things really easily
so I did to test if the thing was true
10:51 AM
and now you're a cyber-terrorist
and then I was at the top of the leaderboard, which means all the results are loaded because no pagination, so when I try to load the page, heroku runs out of memory and I can't delete it
lol neoares
I do that too when I see a vulnerability
the cyber-police are coming to get you
sometimes I email them
oh noez
10:52 AM
they'll cyber-knock on your cyber-door and throw you in cyber-jail
@KarelG well, this wasn't hurting anyone, and I had no bad intention
oh goz , dem cyber police
Can I send a request to move myself to caprica's mind jail ?
where you'll take cyber-showers with other cyber-inmates and eat cyber-food
!!ban KarelG
10:53 AM
@towc The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
imagine the fuckery I would imagine out
!!ban KarelG
@Neoares KarelG added to mindjail.
@Zirak gotcha avoid dropping the cyber-soap
10:54 AM
cleans dust from cyber-jacket's shoulder
you mean cyber-dust?
yes, sorry
you mean cyber-shoulder?
probably, yes
you're gonna be cyber-sober by the end of it
10:55 AM
It's cyber-Zirak for you
I am not that kind of Ogre
inb4 cyber-ogre

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