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Does anyone actually use the touchscreen on their laptop
only if you want fingerprints
@Meredith yes
especially the "convertibles"
i.e. the ones where you can undock the screen
what do you use it for?
Hope this helps: jsfiddle.net/ucqxpmyy/11
Like I hate when i try to brush a hair off my screen and it clicks a link
good evening!
you don't use a tablet?
I shed a lot at work. My computer is riddled with beard hairs
Also I saw that beer you like at total wine
I didn't buy it though
Not nice
I will next time
But I already had bought so much stuff
No pressure. You have to like bitter pale ales to enjoy it
I don't taste bitterness
guys, I've never tried e-commerce platforms like magento, but was asked about doing an online store, nothing giant like Nike's, local commerce. I'm wondering whether I accept it and try to learn magento to use it (which depends on how steep is the learning curve), of if I accept it and try to do it from the core (pure PHP and MySQL, which I have worked with before, just would require some refreshing) or even if I should turn the job down..
Q: returning data from for loop

Nicholas Hendricksi am using socket.io to fetch data about a user using his uid when you run this function function getUserData(uid){ "use strict" socket.emit('getUserData',uid, function(callback){ console.log('callback' + callback) for (var i = 0; i < callback.length; i++) { ...

anybody know how to help?
the advantadge of doing it with raw PHP and MySQL is that I know the languages already (wouldn't have to learn a new tool while developing with it, which is a little risky IMHO), but it would be a big project.. I'd have to develop the administrator pages for adding/editing/deleting products as well, the shopping cart, checkout pages, etc
Don't use php and raw sql
@Meredith Is it that big of a nightmare for small stores? You think it's better to just learn Magento and go with it?
Never used magento so I can't answer that
But developing in php and raw sql will be so slow and error prone that it'll be a disaster
I like challenges, to stretch my comfort zone and make me learn new tools (kind of hard to learn something you're not using), I was just wondering if I'm trying a long shot here
@Meredith have you used some other framework for e-commerce?
I'd probably throw together a prototype in ruby or something first
You'd probably learn a lot just from doing that
+ there are probably a million ecommerce solutions for ruby
& you'd actually get your app done within a reasonable timeframe
yeah, Ruby is definitely going to be like a 1000x better to code with than PHP, I think I'll try that!
make a prototype, see how it goes
@IanC use Magento.
@FlorianMargaine think I can learn it fast enough to develop a small webstore on it? Because I've coded with ruby before but never touched Magento, I've no clue what is ahead of me lol
@IanC mostly buttons.
Honestly dont think ive ever seen a windows phone in real life
@FlorianMargaine cool, I'll set up a server here and try to get a glance of it, probably it would be a valuable tool to learn if I decide to take web-dev more seriously
Thanks both of you!
I have only seen one ever.
It was both late to the market and had no real additional features that anyone carried about.
My main regret about Windows Phone is that Android has locked boot loaders on many phones with no path to upgrade and dowgrade.
What's your favorite JavaScript framework? Just wondering what people are using :)
@Afra node
@afra vanillajs
prototypejs(seriously joking)
very interesting, thanks guys. I've never hear of some, will def check them out
how many replicated doritos is safe to eat
Hello, still trying to solve my signin dropdown related issue, jsfiddle.net/ucqxpmyy/39, now the issue i face is the overlay is overlaying over the signin form, even though I added a z-index to the signin form
oh lols, position fixed creates a new stacking context
in other words, it goes on top
so that's why your overlay is on top regardless of z-index
if you remove that and put your overlay div to surround your main content...that should work
@derp Thanks, but what do you mean surround your main content?
are you referring to the body tag?
or something?
one sec
wait...why is the entire thing in a head tag?
@derp I put it in head tag, so I can easily include when needed via php
Like just include header.php
i don't know enough php to say whether or not that's right...but it sure sounds wrong
but i guess...yes in your case, as like an overlay div inside the body tag?
So essentially, with php I can simply do 'include("header.php")' and it loads content of that page
Anyone ever work with chosen jQuery plugin?
@SShah use a templating engine if your using PHP
@SalOrozco Whats that?
look it up
Sorry kinda very new to all this, been a while
Part about being a developer is finding answers yourself.
play nice @SalOrozco
@SalOrozco Thanks but I just wouldnt be able to learn new frameworks atm. As it is JQuery is already a little difficult for me to implement already
SShah, push yourself, nothing is hard. Is all an illusion, you can learn anything.
Not everything ;)
Yes everything.
I am already attempting to work with php, html, css, js, jquery, and sql, how much further do you intend I push, I need to get as much done within 2 weeks aswell
Only reason to do it, is to learn, because I last touched all these languages 2 years ago at uni.
drop it all. learn node, react, mobx
/s, maybe
Q: How to call acknowledgment functions in SocketIO?

FizzyGalacticusFollowing the documentation on the SocketIO website, I have the following code: Server socket.on('foo', (arg, ack) => { //Do stuff with arg if(ack) ack('response'); }); Client socket.emit('foo', arg, (response) => { console.log(response); }); However, the ack function i...

I should really learn mobx
I know it would fit well in this project
But it's so easy to just.. not
Just give up coding lol Robots are taking over.
Someone has to program the robots
@SalOrozco you are correct, I just started switching over to a bot-based factory
We are not that far away. Maybe is already happening in some research labs.
opening octoprint regularly is very important
Java is the best programming language ever made
@ndugger lol
that's why it took two decades to get lambdas
1 hour later…
I played hearthstone for like 6 hours
No point in stopping now, amirite?
I got shit to do though
got a full 8hrs of sleep today :D
How'd you manage that?
slept at a friend's place
they actually had a good couch
and insulated windows
and a proper shower
I forgot what not living like a hobo feels like
cc @rlemon :D
@towc It feels like not dying
I rather enjoy the feeling personally
Q: How to show dropdown options (multiple values) in card using css?

its meI have dropdown for selecting animal below is my html <mat-form-field> <mat-select placeholder="Favorite animal" [formControl]="animalControl" required> <mat-option>--</mat-option> <mat-option *ngFor="let animal of animals" [value]="animal"> <span style="background-color: coral;">...

I mean, actual hobos have it so much worse than me
I know I'm in a safe place and have friends
and actually eat pretty fancy food every day
and have a desk
Have you tried, like, not being a hobo?
That's generally joke advice, but not for you.
and the place I sleep in has a roof, doesn't smell, has air conditioning and heating
I mean, if you want, you can see this as my sabbatical
What part of that is living like a hobo? :/
where I try to empathize with hobos
@MadaraUchiha none of that, exactly
what a nice start of the day
Did you have tested this code? — KarelG 14 secs ago
yet you still call me a hobo
I enjoy the joke, but also making sure people understand it's just a joke
ffs I have internet
I know that some of us called you "hobo" but that is of your alternative way of living.
omg jQ in C# style:
A: Javascript: how can i add data field to all the links in a HTML page

Tim GerhardJust use JQuery to loop through each <a> element and add a data attribute like this: $("a").each(function () { $(this).attr('data-fancybox', 'gallery'); }); EDIT If you want to add it only to certain <a> elements (like inside a container) look at this example: (this adds the fancybox dat...

tbf, I should not care, but I do for a small part. I am worried a bit but you should know what you are doing
man, those answers imposes bad practices.
Some hobos go to the library to have internet, you know
classy hobos
I should start a hobo network. I bet it could be useful
^^ joke
and the password is hordor ?
actually, I suspect in 20-30 years time, internet access is going to end up being something that all but the very poorest can afford
and hobos probably will mostly have internet access for the most part
there is a new movie from Spielberg
"ready player one" I think
it's based on some book iirc
In the trailer I see he likes to reference his own previous movies
I saw the T-rex and the iron giant just in the trailer
describes a future where people is living in stacked caravans. The majority of the time is spent in a virtual world
they only go offline for personal needs: food / toilet / sleep
I don't know when that'll happen, but I do think that's a strong possibility
Judging from the reactions ( was planning to watch it ) it does not have the "spielberg" magic.
but if he sees the future this way, it may be possible
knowing Spielberg, he'll throw in this moral message like "we should all go outside more often" or some shit like that
I don't see it as something that can be avoided
a review said that it is just a scifi version of the raiders of the lost ark. the protagonist has to find a ... golden egg?
my idea is that everyone would be in the virtual world, and only the poor would be left doing the tasks that robots cannot perform on their own
that is an easter egg in a virtual world :D
hard to imagine that.. raiders of the lost ark? really?
@Neil heh, maybe I would choose to be poor
Oh, I heard Ford signed up for a new Indiana Jones film
if I have to cleanup beds, I can see some women
and it's not going to have Shia Lebeef
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@KarelG the ones online would be better :P
@SterlingArcher why is that starred?
arr, that is a debate
@SterlingArcher imgur.com/gallery/g37Nr holy shit
@MadaraUchiha holy
proxy server.. could someone translate?
> Met a jewish girl and she asked for my number
> I told her we use names here
@MadaraUchiha since now you can get TS 2.8, you can use never for your function type thingy!
@KamilSolecki Hmm?
My function type thingy?
the 'take only functions from type'
@KamilSolecki Oh, yeah, I probably could.
What am I missing here?
It gives the never correctly, but it's not omitted from keyof :(
am playing with it, got the same problemo
interface Foo {
    bar: () => void;
    baz: number;

type MethodKeys<T> = { [key in keyof T]: T[key] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? key : never }[keyof T];
type MethodProperties<T> = Pick<T, MethodKeys<T>>;

type T0 = MethodProperties<Foo>;
it works!
that is so cool
are you not re-casting there?
Did not have delved deeply in TS, but I thought that when checking your code
function owen() {

const mamacita: T0 = {
    bar: owen,      // is gut
    baz: 5,         // error
Im already liking the new TS
@KarelG madara was attempting to extract only function properties from a type and make it a new one
Hi everyone
@RaheelAslam Hello, Dr. Nick!
o.o Neil ?
btw, do you have that link with that SE about that unsorted collections with vectors and OP wants top 10 of something?
could not find in my history or forgot the question title
what, are the simpsons too old to reference here now?
that failed doctor ? no
let me find it for you
but ... I do not see why you came up with that
oh ...
it is his intro "hi everyone" ?
was it not something else ?
it is "hi everybody" :P
close enough
Q: Fastest way to find N closest vectors to vector X in list?

IronWaffleManI have a bunch (~20,000) of large (~200 dimensions) vectors in an unsorted list. I can create a new vector of the same size, and I'd like to find the top N (usually 10 or so) closest (defined by cosine similarity) existing vectors from my list. Right now my approach is to generate a list of vecto...

Good news everyone! You're reading this in the voice of the Professor Farnsworth!
only one answer ?
yeah, you tend to see 1 answer per question on softwareengineering se
Also, that answer is horrid
it is
I had been thinking on that, since there are periods in the distance, you can split the formula in two pieces
that code has a code smell if I've ever smelled a code smell
the simple part and the part with cos that requires more work
use the simple part first to determine if it is worthy to do the cos part
write your own answer and I'll upvote ya
assuming it's up to standards of course ;)
I am scared to be downvoted o.O
because I sometimes come up with dumb idea's
I know that and sometimes I realize it after revising it. That is why I always revise my designs 24h later before implementing it
well if the algorithm is sound, I couldn't care less about syntax
I love how this still gets random downvotes stackoverflow.com/questions/11840038/…
and geez, I didn't even notice but OP's dealing with 200 dimensions..
not 3.. that's a huge computation
@BenjaminGruenbaum maybe because of that
@Neil can you help in improve the code jquery?
@BartekBanachewicz ah, good point, I thought I randomly pissed someone off
@Neil see. Hence I thought to reduce the workload at the maths required using heurisitical approach
@RaheelAslam for type_product and type_modifier, add class product_datatype
@OliverSalzburg Do you mind if I would yell some curse words to you because you are a german? A german consultant broke two of our builds and he is "out of office". Still fixing it for fucking 2 hours and still broken
and for type_category and type_variant, add class category_datatype
then when you select, you can do $(".product_datatype").val(1);
and for category only $(".category_datatype").val(1);
@KarelG only if you can cuss in german. That would be downright hilarious
I am able to speak in basic german wordings
a known one is Sheisse
that is "shit"
@Neil for other variant and modifier
yet, Depp is also a swear word :P
@Neil let me try but can we use chaining method here or not?
@RaheelAslam You can, but you shouldn't need to do but one call
setting val(1) with a selector of multiple elements results in changing multiple element values.
so, when Johnny Depp goes to Germany and wants to check in his hotel, imagine the following
receptionist: was ist dein Name bitte?
J.D: Depp.
receptionist looks upset cus Depp = idiot
@KarelG I'm guessing the receptionist would be elated and ask for his autograph more than likely
But the joke was not lost on me
from a male person with some eye liners and colored nails?
Do they not know who Johnny Depp is in Germany?
not sure. ask @OliverSalzburg
he represents Germany here
Johnny Depp, Michael Jackson, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie.. all proof to me that with money comes weirdness
I suppose if we could spend money on whatever we wanted with little consequence, we'd all be eccentric hermits
are they not exceptions ?
exceptions are those that are normal. Like Swift
Might as well lurk in here. o/
a milelurk ??
* shoots *
* winds up laser gun *
* precision mode *
* shoots again *
> 15% chance of hit.

Ahoy ahoy
gotta go fast
TIL "ultra diffuse galaxy" spacetelescope.org/news/heic1806
Good Day
@SeonggwonYoon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
good day
@Webdev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
galaxies are already diffuse as they are aren't they?
@KarelG I read somewhere that the "collision" between the milky way galaxy and the andromeda galaxy would result in no actual colliding of stars
the chance is astronomically low
I have scrolling issue on my web page in which scroll bar works fine but mouse scroll is not working
please give a solution to my problem
How about you give us some code first.
@BenFortune pff.. real programmers can solve problems without code or reasonable explanation
@ndugger you're the representation of The Internet in this chat
@Neil the factor is black matter. That kind of galaxy has barely dark matter
It was thought first that it is more balanced, like fifty fifty
but there are enough evidence that doesn't. Since the nature strives for a balance, there are other factors that ensures it. But what ?
they are now trying to find other galaxies like that for some comparision
@KarelG dark matter doesn't really collide.. I mean there's no evidence to suggest that it even interacts with other dark matter
In some vague way it has to do with gravity and normal matter, but I don't even think we know how yet
ehm. is there not a situation where dark matter could collide with simething ?
was it wimp? wamp ?
* googles *
ah it is only theory
i don't know how they calculate dark matter, but I think they subtract away the estimates for normal matter
and usually leaves a good 70% or so left
apparently for this galaxy, it left near nothing
I'm still of the idea that dark matter doesn't exist
we just haven't taken into consideration something, that's all
@KarelG yeah, yet to be confirmed
If I had to learn a backend language and I had to choose between PHP or nodejs. Which one, should I pick ?
I was going to put that as a 3rd option :D
@rlemon in Far Cry 5: i.redditmedia.com/…
that is a very good representation of a wooden rail ingame.
that game is gorgeous
I am enjoying the gifs / screenshots on reddit.
encourages me to get it
anyone has issues with VLC media player?
like.... the ui just freezes
not the movie that plays, just the other ui
the progress bar of how long the video played
right mouse click does nothing any more
none of the buttons respond to anything
and the tray button either
Windows 10
buy mac
next question
i'd rather have a buggy vlc
thank you
VLC runs fine at me
it is just you
i guess ill try reinstalling
you sure there's nothing wrong with the video format?
it happens randomly on any video i played so far
mostly .avi and mkv though
different movie formats or always the same?
iDunno much about video formats
ah weird
yeah I'd try reinstalling I suppose
avi and mkv aren't video formats
avi is not a video format?
@Neoares no, it's not.
It's a container
container of what
@Neoares multimedia content.
@Neoares Porn mostly
so what's a video format
At least if my hard drive is any evidence amirite
@Neoares x264
that's a codec
You're catching on!
not a video format
Okay, then 640x480
TIL that what I've been calling "nunchucks" all this time is really more accurately "nunchaku"
that's a resolution
@Neil that's how they're pronounced
so they're pronounced "nunchucks" and written "nunchaku"?
no, they're pronounced "nunchakus"
@Neoares touche. It's just the media containers store more than video
yeah, I never pronounced it that way :)
and written nunchaku, AFAIK
So you could say avi is a media format that happens to store video, so in that sense it's a video format
japanese and spanish pronunciations are the same
> The coded video and audio inside a video file container (i.e. not headers, footers and metadata) is called the essence. A program (or hardware) which can decode video or audio is called a codec;
I mean, if I read japanese words pronounced in spanish, I'll be talking 100% native japanese
well I'd just need to add NANI!! and things like that
though the word emphasis is completely different

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