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if you dial up a terraria server via telnet, it immediately starts chattering at you
in other news, thanks to the magic of weave, all 3 of my servers/IPs resolve to the tshock server
well yea, it's running
well, yes, but HTTP will wait until you talk to it
Terraria immediately starts telling you things
hey guys
@Hawk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can someone help me with regex, please?
i'm trying to convert the following string #include <stdio.h> into Include library: stdio.h
C/++ is not a regular language, so that will eventually fail. If you're ok with that, go ahead. :)
regular language?
that term isn't totally accurate anymore, but regex can only do so much against a contextual language
if you meant that C is a very complicated language, i agree
@Hawk basically all you need is to match something between <>
i'm having problems with it, i need to convert two strings
the #include and the <stdio.h>
but i can only convert one at once
does the "Include library:" part ever change?
What does the #include have to do with it?
if not, Kendall is right
no, #include never change
it's part of the syntax @KendallFrey
you just need to know it's there, you don't need to capture it
the only part you need to capture and keep is between the <>
What are you searching through, a whole C++ file? A single line?
a single line
Is it always an #include line?
for example, if i use [<>] the <> are removed
but i still need to replace the first part (#include)
You don't need to replace anything
#include must be converted Include library
You only need to extract the library name
i think i got it
wait a minute
your output will be "Include library: " + matched
that first part is static, you don't need to convert the i's case, f.ex
that's it!
No need to name the group, and you can't do that in vanilla JS anyway
also it's obviously pointless to put the actual name in the regex
I bet the C spec is pretty strict about what can show up between <>
C has <>?
I thought that was only C++
it there any way that i can select a text that won't be replaced?
C has * if your compiler wants it to have *
it was a mess for a long time
but it is mostly a C++ thing
@Hawk Can you be (much) more specific?
this is the string: #include <stdio.h> (everything is going to be replaced, except the text between <>)
replaced to this: Include library: stdio.h
No no no no no have you even been reading what I've been saying?
im trying by this website, but nothing: regex101.com
sorry, i didn understood that well @KendallFrey
Hey everyone. I'm wondering if anyone knows if its possible to get base64 image along with other 'string' fields from same schema in one call and be able to create a new buffer instances to display the binary data of the image? Currently all i see are examples where they're just returning fetching the image from the database and not a response with different types (eg. String, BUffer, Number) - mongo and node
can you be more clear, and specific on what i should do to convert this string?
You just extract the library name (with a regex) and then stick it in the string you want as the result
somewhat tangential, the C #include spec is much more complicated than I thought
Don't "replace" everything but the information you want. Extract the information you want and copy it elsewhere.
@Gorgon_Union base64 data is a string, and you can fetch many strings, so probably yes.
so, i just need to replace stdio.h? #@KendallFrey
everything else, except stdio?
Doing a "replace" anywhere is the wrong approach
@MichaelSmith Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Hawk No. Can't you read?
@KendallFrey I don't think they mean replace the method
replace is the only option in this case, isn't it?
@Hawk What makes you think that?
so, what is the plan b? @KendallFrey
I've already explained it multiple times
@Hawk you're not literally replacing the prefix, you match the inside of the <> and place that with a new prefix
how do i place that with a new prefix?
how are you executing this? in the editor? in node? browser?
@Hawk The + operator
in browser
with js
13 mins ago, by ssube
your output will be "Include library: " + matched
!!>'#include <stdio.h>'.replace(/#include <(.*)>/, 'Include library: $1')
@david "Include library: stdio.h"
yes, understood
function code_to_semantic() {
	semantic_code.value = code.value
		.replace(/[<>]/g, "");
you just need that second replace, like david has
whoa whoa whoa, you said 'Include library'... if you want 'Incluir biblioteca' then that's a whole different problem
"Incluir biblioteca: " + code.value.replace(...)
@Hawk jesus christ man
fixed that @david
matching inside of the <> is important, you're matching the <> themselves
@Hawk o_O, uh, thanks
thank you guys
and sorry for make you waste time with my stupid problem
damn, i'm feeling really dumb :/
regex is hard
don't feel too dumb
maybe a little bit, but not too much
pattern matching in general makes you think differently
it's always good to feel a little bit dumb, like how i misunderstood ssube, so now i feel dumb
@david Nah it's much easier than a general programming language
@david but you did so while posting the example I was trying to put together, so it evens out
there are many things that it's much easier than, doesn't mean it's not hard
I'm just saying that your scale seems miscalibrated
my scale is calibrated to not make him feel discouraged
I wouldn't say it's easier, just... smaller?
it's different
simpler in the abstract, but more complex when written
and sometimes it's hard to get into different things
it's weird
@ssube I wouldn't say complex, just semantically dense
when you think about a regex, the rules are all pretty simple, but it can become incredibly cryptic as you write it. when you think about a program, it can be a rat's nest of spaghetti, but the code is a few repeating patterns
you have a pretty narrow view of the ease of regular expressions @KendallFrey :P
@KendallFrey for sure
@rlemon shut up :D
most of the constructs and keywords (such as they are) are one or two characters
without compression or some crazy contextual encoding, that's about as dense as you get
It makes regex look positively VBish
stackoverflow.com/questions/39553372/… I heard people were talking about regex...
> It uses a large range of special graphic symbols
@Ikari no fu
no u
wow, they have an operator for times pi
what a language
You see what I mean
god knows set operators would make JS better, tho
anyone want help with coding something?
@ethancrist Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what is the minimum iterable API you would need to implement all of the standard mathematical set operators on the big 3 collections (vector/array/list, map/dict, and set)?
super bored rn
I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure all of C++'s stdlib collection operators rely on iterators
they have forward, backward, bothward, single-value and key-value, but that's about it
1 message moved to Trash can
Anyone have any experience with RethinkDB? trying to run some conditional queries and running into some road blocks?
@KendallFrey don't scare me like that I had full volume on
@SterlingArcher sorry @SterlingArcher
@@KendallFrey touche
@SalOrozco Yeah let's not start that discussion in a publicly indexed chat
I was reading something very interesting
Just wanted your guys opinion
on what?
@SalOrozco kale is over rated
That people claim to have increased brain power after lsd trip
it's good if you cook it with yams and nuts, @rlemon
ohh, I enjoy it.
That ppl in tech take it as a way to improve focus, memory, mood.
animal fat and a little bit of sugar, if you want
I just think people hype it way too much
they do, it's just edible parsley/questionable lettuce
my flatmate tried to make crispy kale... was interesting but somewhat underwhelming
hey wtf dont hate on kale
it's useful for cooking, has a good texture for it
@ethancrist no one is
@ethancrist no one is hating on it, we're being reasonable about it
fuck kale
they also tried cutting it up and mixing it with black rice... that was actually quite nice'
im joking lol idc
the rice had a purple tint which contrasted well with the bright green of the kale
my mun lander doesn't have enough fuel to do more than 1 landing safely :(
@SterlingArcher I mean, I won't judge, but...
@KevinB As it shouldn't
it tastes so disgusting but you feel so refreshed after
I don't dislike the taste.
but i want it to be like my minmus lander where it can land in all of the biomes on 1 tank of gas
i feel like i am actually eating tangy leaves
I could go for some grape leaves again
grape nuts are great
instant removed
Don't judge me, food.
Time goes by so fast
time is a tool you can put on the wall
@KendallFrey like a piano!
Word cup almost here again.
Is been 4 years already?
@SalOrozco spelling bees interest me
do go on
scripps national spelling bee is always a good watch
I actually do not watch. I just check the scores.
missing all the action
That is 2 hours wasted
3 if you are watching NFL
oh that theonewhomade guy got banned... i miss all the exciting drama
I'm glad that he is gone, tbh
lol, that sucks
he wants to make his own cushion
Google Chrome's performance audit feature is really pissing me off >.<
parachutes work
@KendallFrey i.imgur.com/Mafrn2s.jpg dat wave
do only certain kerbals get parachutes?
above a certain level
>2 I think
makes sense, that's valentina, the other in the pod i was targeting was at 0
Most recruiters are clueless
Is an ultrawide worth getting for work?
@littlepootis if works paying, yea
Or do I go with two monitors?
@rlemon Yeah
I'm getting more interesting in a curved ultrawide
@littlepootis yes
that's the only thing I liked about mine
you can get them pretty cheap now too esp if you're just looking for 2560x1080
@Loktar Yeah, that'll be enough for me.
that one is pretty highly regarded
for moderate size, ect.
but you can find cheaper as well
curved vs is a bit more money
@Loktar That's over $600 here.
ah yeah, yeah idk about prices outside of the US I guess
but for productivity they are awesome
for gaming.. I didn't like it so went back to 2 monitors lol
but man if I had a seperate desk for work, my work machine would for sure have an ultrawide
I just love comments when they state the obvious: stackoverflow.com/questions/49523218/…
(with a small price of $3.9k)
I'd want that, no idea on price though
but OLED monitors are the future! (or should be)
closest thing to CRTs in terms of color accuracy, performance, ect.
woah, 0.1ms response time
yeah oleds are fucking awesome
only issues are blue dies out faster, screen burn in, and moire pattern on some
@Ikari Yeah no, I don't think my VGA or DisplayPort out would handle 8K.
mmm, does displayport 1.2 support the data bandwidth required for 8k though?
I'm going to have a hell of a time working with dwm on an 8K display.
> 5. Working extensively on Microsoft Azure suite of services
I just hope they don't require I use visual studio or some shit like that.
I'll be working on a cloud-based Automated Video Quality Control and Correction software
Not sure what that even means
making sure Skype isn't too blocky
Should I get an ultrawide or two of these:
an ultrawide, 100%
3 hours later…
@Madpop Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar nice. My gaming pc screen has 1ms refresh rate. But were you serious with that comment about CRT? .__.
@KarelG yea
@KarelG this is one of the bigger issues with everything vs's CRTs displaylag.com/display-database
they all have latency
granted some are way worse than others, and for many its not noticable once you get in the good range.. but CRTs have 0
lol but CRTs are beasts, use a shitload of power, and heat up a lot
im facing an issue with google maps api using javascript
I was happy to jump to LCDs 😋 but I still respect CRTs for sure (and still use them of course for gaming on my older machines, not modern)
that 0 is not really 0. It is in nanoseconds. But I am nitpicking here
I did not look at the input lag when I bought my screen lol.
Make Google Maps retain zoom and center after refresh here user will zoom to some 20 level after that when ever refreshes it has to be at zoom level 20 only now it is resetting the zoom level to default
@KarelG yeah it's something overlooked a bit
but in reality, in most cases unless it's pretty bad, it's only going to matter if you're a pro gamer anyway.
it is crazy though, I tested my panels at home vs my CRTs with a lag tester, and it's interesting seeing the results
I swapped out a TV about 2 months ago that was getting 6 frames of lag, to one (a TCL 49") that gets 2
you just take video with your camera of both displays running the frame test at the same time and pause at different points and the time will be slightly slower on the lcd. But to most people, it doesn't matter lol
loktar, is there a way to measure the input lag yourself ?
could not find my screen in that db
@KarelG not sure how unless you have another screen where you know the input lag number already
if you have a CRT you can assume 0, but if you have another LCD you need to know that, then record a stop watch on both at the same time, then pause at a few points and look at the difference between the 2
This guy does a great job of explaining it actually, youtube.com/watch?v=3Xz9Ugd78Vc
bleh it's 2:30 here i need to go to bed
just saw that video :P
ohhai me loves
hmm the input lag thing confuses me
is that not dependent of your mouse, when clicking on that particular button?
nvm, mixed some things
there is that, but there is also the fact of 'how long it takes for the screen to display the info'
ooh Array.every is even supported in IE9
// uses it
@KarelG inb4 IE9's Array.every works differently than expected behavior for Array.every
huh ?
can you elaborate on that?
Whoosh indeed.
The real question you should be asking yourself is why you care about IE9
Once you find the cause of that concern, destroy it.
this looks like a nice job: fullstack dev at github
I read about ruby on rails 3 years ago, if that counts :P
GLaDOS: You know, being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson. I *thought* you were my greatest enemy, when all along you were my best friend. The surge of emotion that shot through me when I saved your life taught me an even more valuable lesson - where Caroline lives in my brain.
Announcer: Caroline deleted.
GLaDOS: Goodbye, Caroline. You know, deleting Caroline just now taught me a valuable lesson: the best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one.
@MadaraUchiha if I want to do that without consequences, then I need that death note book.
ehm... I meant juridical consequences
@KarelG Make it look like an accident. Blame IE9.
I failed doing that many times in Hitman. I always had a witness somewhere
you just go ahead and clear the witness list as well!
I need time management advice. Because circumstances of me being a hobo, I can't sleep until around 1:30am, and I usually have to wake up at 7:30am to get things ready for the day. Today I was supposed to wake up at 6am to meet the cleaning lady, but I didn't hear the alarm go off. She even called me, but I didn't hear that either
I ended up waking up at 7am instead
now it's 9:30am and I'm tired af
advice is to get a place where you can sleep a normal amount of hours
@KamilSolecki I'm going to do that tonight
where is it going to be tho :P
the main manager of progressbar and his girlfriend have been asking me to go sleep at their place for about a week now, so I can get proper rest
I've always said "it's nice, but dw", keeping on trying new things to sleep better, like the sleeping in the stairwell thing
today I exhausted all major solutions I can think of, and I still couldn't go to sleep until ~1am, after laying in "bed" and trying to sleep from 9:30pm the day before
the coworkers had a party and it was loud
now, at 9am, what should I do?
if I try to write some code, it will be sloppy
I have no energy to do some cleaning
my social skills are 6 feet below the ground
main ideas are learning stuff, or going to sleep
@towc you do see the thing, right? That they assume that you can't afford a place to stay, hence they offer you to come over
can you not just, get a small apartment?
@KamilSolecki well, they explained that from their point of view, the deal was that I'd help them out with managing and stuff, and they'd give me a place to sleep and free coworking space
we're friends, it's not really a deal
but they felt really bad about it
and it's also hindering my ability to help out
they know I can get a good job, and that I had a pretty nice apartment before
and an ok amount of money left
so, if I start learning stuff now, it might feel like just procrastinating, because I wouldn't be able to actually learn much
@KamilSolecki you need an income for that first
towc, did you become 18 this year or is it for the next year?
@towc you do earn money, do you not?
if I go to sleep, it will look bad to the coworkers, and I'll feel guilty af
@KamilSolecki ofc not
yesterday, by towc
I literally try not to get paid
@KarelG it was this year
This morning on towc hour
breaking news: fuck
ohai Ben
so, what do?
1. get a job
2. get a place
I either need some reasons not to feel guilty sleeping, or something that you can still do when you're tired af
get yourself a coffee
@KamilSolecki that's like, in the future
or vodka + redbull
@KamilSolecki it fucks with me
we have highly caffeinated drinks here
and I do plan to go for a nap later today
when there will be more people here to take care of things
@towc add water to lower the concentration ?
and lol. if you are tired, go take a nap. Taking a nap is nice. I do that when I am home, taking a nap after my lunch
well, sure, later
for now, I have responsibilities
do you mind if I would add double quotes to that?
which mainly involve "just in case something happens" and "maybe someone will ring the doorbell but I won't hear it"
@KarelG I would
use template strings
mhmm. just saw a picture of Kirstie Alley. She has changed a lot in 25 years.
Can I launch a NodeJS process in VS Code without attaching the debugger? Given I have an existing non-trivial launch configuration
The goal being to attach the Chrome Devtools manually
@OliverSalzburg I like it

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