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Hey idgaf, 5 person hot tub for under 2k a month and over 2k sqft
@nick are you actually the "admin" or whatever for that team? I think they will just take it away from you sometime, but fun for the time :P
and walk in closets omg
I walk outdoors, and do other things in closets
Dont lie to us
You don't go outside
@nick ya was wondering about that, some of the other teams are representing products
I don't walk
not with me, but your Dr. may say different
And neither does your mother after what happened last night
rolled over her ?
@SterlingArcher what region is this place you may be renting?
nah that would take near gymnast ability to roll over her
@jumpstracks nothern virginia
@SterlingArcher pretty good realestate pricing, i'm renting a 1600 sq ft house, no hottub for $1300, in ohio
Why the fuck is Christmas trending on Twitter
There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to recursively call toString, right?
@jumpstracks that's the same size we have now for $1950
townhouse though
@SterlingArcher ya, I figure add in the sq footage, and hot tub, and I'd maybe be able to get $1600, but in bfe ohio
@AwalGarg They might but right now there aren't really any rules
@nick so you can actually add anyone?
pretty much
My county is expensive as fuck
try on me :P
I'll send you the invite link but don't share it
@SterlingArcher but compared to west coast and DC pricing sounds great
@nick pick me pick me :)
basically the way it works is anyone with the invite link can join, and anybody who joins automatically has "admin" access
so theres a bit of trust involved
!!s/o|y(?= i)//g 26773766
@KendallFrey My cunt is expensive as fuck (source)
NoVA in a nutshell
@KendallFrey impressive
@nick as in via email? [email protected]
already sent
@SterlingArcher ikr? your mom thought so too
@SterlingArcher compare this marketwatch.com/story/… to shopping.thinkwithgoogle.com see a pattern?
@nick thanks joined :) lets see how quick they remove it :D
when I saw the thinkwithgoogle, I thought was population, so I thought maybe gain insight as to popularity by normalizing by population, until I saw the marketwatch info graph, so looks like need to normalize by $ tbh, probably mixure of both
@AwalGarg sweet
you have to look at the average income
and thinking spare time... it's a huge difference in # of searches for a product
@nick the access control is scary indeed :P
yeah haha
can remove anyone, can add anyone, can let anyone add anyone, can let anyone remove anyone... whew
Average household income is about $130,000 here. But my household has 3 working adults so we're way above that average
lol I dont' want access :0
and 2 very very very lazy dogs who can't even pay their own rent >=(
I tell them that at work too, least privs I need to do my job please.
ah we're way down from there, city I'm in is probably about that average wise (old money) but county level much lower
At my old job I had admin access from day 1. I could literally access anything.
Here, I have the least access in the entire company lol
I've been working finance, so less is better
@nick how do we "Create" a new team?
@SterlingArcher You mean literally anything on the computer. You worked at RAINN, I should hope you didn't have access to literally "anything".
Mmmm not quite. I had keys.
Parents will understand
@AwalGarg I think you have to be a member of the beta
Wait, so does console.log on the instance of an object not call toString()?
awkward phrasing
Said Ripley to the android Bishop.
@SterlingArcher he's a noob, you have to move the wine away from the keyboard first.
@corvid console.log is not standardized. so console.log can even erase your hard-drive.
@AwalGarg why do you say console.logcan erase you hd? because it's not a standard js/browser command/feature so can be implemented as a handy way to erase a hd?
some new terms like that fragments, partials, subviews so looking hard :)
I might be getting a bit carried away but I made a team for this room as well
hmm, can you team squat?
no I skip leg days
@nick this is not the "official" room lol
Leg day skipped you.
why are you doing that ? Having problems with most of us ?
quite logical since you're downsided anyways
Anybody using a good autocomplete with react ?
karel pls
@Abhishrek few listed at forum.shakacode.com/t/…
@rlemon I'm in a weight loss bet with my brother and our friend.
Most ratio % weight loss by the day before valentines day wins $600
Is there a place where there is a list of all statusText for ajax calls? developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/…
@CyberneticTwerkGuruOrc It's the HTTP response code text.
So, yes, the RFC defining HTTP status codes. All ~100 different values.
I have cat arms
struggling to visualize this
@ssube So I got 'abort' for a statusText (due to calling abort function), but I don't see that listed here developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Response_codes
@CyberneticTwerkGuruOrc why do you ask? I'd try looking for the error #
> I was bullied and harassed on Yik Yak, an app that allows users to post anonymous comments about people near them. Yik Yak users told me I should kill myself.
oh my god, get over it
@CyberneticTwerkGuruOrc yeah, that one's special
Shut up nerd
@CyberneticTwerkGuruOrc read rfcs 7231, 7232, 7235.
@Nick Uh, yeah it is?
@SterlingArcher for the first 7 weeks when I was working out I lost 1.5%/week
bullying is real, no matter the medium/channel
@SterlingArcher whoa back off
:26774763 When you can (without harm or even work on your part) remove yourself completely from the situation, no, it's not.
@nick 1v1 irl
ill rek u kid
@rlemon I'm worried that me lifting weights will just keep me the same weight
Choosing to continue participating in a conversation where you actually have to try to stay involved means folks can't actually bully you.
@ssube some situation its very hard to victim to get away from it/ unplug off internet?
you're measuring body fat
fuck weight.
But hey, I'm going to go hammer on it either way. If I'm out $300 so be it.
more muscle mass = more better
@jumpstracks wat
if you're losing fat at the same time then good for you
how is it hard to get off the internet?
it is never hard to get off the internet
it's hard and costly to stay on the internet
We might have to make a stipulation, because we just more or less said "ratio % of initial weight to weight lost" which doesn't account for fat lost but muscle gained
more people should get off of it
@ssube Are there any other special statusText is what I'm asking then? Or is 'abort' and empty string the only ones?
!!s/off/off on/ 26774876
@rlemon more people should get off on of it (source)
@CyberneticTwerkGuruOrc That's a very good question. Check the DOM or JS spec around XmlHttpRequest.
that wasn't the message
It ought to list all of the possible statuses.
How the hell was Nick banned?
wait what
I didn't see any flags here or otherwise
He just texted me saying he was banned for innapropriate content
@ssube specially people using opera mini
when a person uses social media, in theory the bullys can jump from one network to the other and continue harrasement. I really have to stay on the internet for work, but obviously I can avoid most social media channels where I'm bullyed, and just change my id here ever 3 months once I start to get bullied.
@SterlingArcher someone flagged him?
but I saw no flag
@jumpstracks That's still a bit of a stretch. It's a very different situation from real life, where you can't leave.
Seriously how was Nick banned? I saw no flags
or Feeds has a few auto triggers.
or someone is controlling Feeds
the bullies can also setup denial of servcie attacks on your resources, post things about you to other people, have poclice show at your door etc etc
oh he is banned for 30 mins
Can mods suspend people like that?
@ssube not really - you can leave school, but is it practical? if you don't move, the bullies will still be around
Mods can do whatever they want
usually the mods name shows up as the one who deleted the post when they suspend people
when Feeds deletes the post, normally it is from flags
@SterlingArcher looks like it was for "Cyber-bullying isn't a real thing"
@jumpstracks you can't just leave school, no
but I wouldn't be surprised if there are auto-triggers and/or someone controlling it
but tbh, bullies often pick on the new people so moving isn't a great solution either.
@rlemon SO hasn't had auto bans before, has it?
Who can control feeds? And why would "cyber-bulling isn't a real thing" be auto-ban worthy?
Yeah, bullying via social media is a pretty big problem for kids, nowadays. You can say "just don't use social media"; but that's not going to help a bullied kid's social status any.
he could've been banned from another room
Someone else say it, verbatim, see if they get banned.
10K sees all flags
no, that particular message was removed so i assume that's why he got banned
Feeds axed the message indicating flags
mod-flagged from another room?
mod-flagged in general?
@ssube I do agree in priniciple if you started bullying me I could leave the chat room. But if you were determined, you could probably hunt me down and uhm, annoy me at all my other social activities.
Feeds still wouldn't be the one to delete the flag
@Retsam Bullied? Solution: never talk to anyone ever!
@rlemon shall we meta or..?
@jumpstracks Yes, but most of those quickly cross the line from "cyber bullying" into actual crimes.
Same strategy USA uses against terrorism.
Doxxing is sort of a separate issue from cyber-bullying (more of an adult thing than a kids thing), but that's also a terrible thing that happens.
Calling the cops on somebody falsely is totally a crime.
@ssube think cyber bullying is a crime these days, however it probably always has been, just harrasement using a different channel. Law enforcement, legal didn't know how to procecute
@SterlingArcher presumably whoever banned him, if not the system, is still watching and has more than enough opportunity to out themselves.
but what's cool, now days you get proof of bullying, and can publically shame them :)
so there!
@ssube kinda... it's like how many false-rape cases let the initial accuser go scott free
@rlemon I'll ping mods idc lol
@SterlingArcher how's that equate? not following
his profile indicates automatic suspension so idk if mods were actually involved
@jumpstracks ...which is a form of bullying
@ssube it's like calling the cops for a false crime -- not always punished
Or am I just way out of context here?
What was the exact quote? "Cyber-bullying isn't real" "Cyber-bullying isn't a thing?"
@SterlingArcher I feel like that's a stretch, but maybe
probably the latter
@Retsam a Nick-ism if I've ever seen one
problematic out of context
@SomeKittens I agree public shaming is a form of bullying. Poor cecil. kill the human. - sic
Cyber bullying isn't a thing.
ITT tumblr invades stackoverflow
^ (Test purposes only; tell my family I love them)
@SomeKittens considering the complete worse horrible things said here, he shouldn't have been banned for that
@SterlingArcher Not agreeing with the mysterious ban; but "he's said much worse" is hardly a defense :P
@SterlingArcher like "Shut up nerd"?
^ exactly XD
fucking cyber-bully
shutup baby you love me <3
- Bender, I think
Oh come on; anyone who hangs out in a chatroom about a programming language is not allowed to be offended over the word "nerd".
@SterlingArcher s/you love me/I know it/
I got called a nerd at a bar once and showed the jerkoff my bar tab and he shut right up.
@SomeKittens damn, I knew I was close
@SomeKittens both are right
Nerds rule.
and then you sold your car to pay off your tab
plus a couple other variations
@nick that would be one hell of a tab
oh geez, fairly sheik these days - once people started getting mobile, it was like, you know how to make an app? <eyes wide>
like finally people knew what the heck I did for a living.
@ssube like $200/wk IIRC? not exactly pocket change
@nick what is?
I am kind of nerd but I don't like being called one by non-nerds :(
ya generally not meant in a good way :)
oh boy
@rlemon you wipe your eyes with money?
I'm just going to assume every link you post is that gif
@rlemon Then they beat you up and take the money?
@nick lol it wasn't my proudest moment. I was talking to a girl, she asked about my job, told her I wrote code. Not bragging, didn't dive into it. Some alpha-male holister worker called me a nerd and tried to make fun of me, so I went and paid my tab (grabbed the girls too). Was about... $500, tipped $150 (instant regret the next day), but i made sure the guy saw it and he shut right up
Sometimes you gotta be flossy and put those alpha boys in their place :D
just because you are a nerd doesn't mean you are inherently weak
@SterlingArcher lmao
/me waits for rlemon to parody Friday in gif form
@SterlingArcher what were you drinking to run up a $500 tab?
I could literally replace my entire body with alcohol for $500
@SterlingArcher take me out on a date! adopt me, geez I felt bad after the daily $100 drinking nights. real bad... there are a few drinks I can never drink again
@SterlingArcher ...ouch. (and I say that as a Bay Area resident)
@ssube I was shitfaced. Don't ask...
!!afk meeting will reply soon
bay area residents cannot afford such tabs, as all the money goes to rent

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