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12:01 AM
angular buddies is awesome!
thanks bros
catch ya soon
12:27 AM
no idea if it works
<- currently using awk to clean up an export from ms access to import into postgres :(
> Frozen Moment should generally work
That's the kind of confidence I like to see
it shouldn't be hard to use existing momentjs tests
Guys, how do you call decimal numbers such as 0.01? Thing is I cant figure out how to convert an integer to one of those 0.0x numbers
divide by 100?
JS only has one number type. it's for integers and floats
12:37 AM
@Luggage ok I see, so by 10 I get 0.1, by 100 I get 0.01, 1000 gives me 0.001
that's how math works.
@Luggage thats true and I get what you mean but there is a problem
console.log never gives me the 0.0 format. If I divide by 100 I get 0.99
!!> 99 / 100
@SomeKittens 0.99
12:39 AM
@Asperger rephrase your question, please
Not really my strong point : (
How do you call those numbers again?
damn. language-awk only have 13 downloads in atom
12:41 AM
I would have google but I didnt know that word. Thank you
i feel so lonely
var x = parseInt(1) - 99 / 100;
works like charm now :D
Learned some new math skills. I forgot nearly every math I learned at school so I am grateful for the help even if my question sounded trivial
Grr, karma.
1:04 AM
Hi! How to copy files from bower_components to dist and change paths in html files simultaneously by Grunt?
Well here's a weird problem with fs.unlink for the JS experts:
User uploads file from mobile, it automatically gets uploaded using multer to a directory. Next the SQL database is updated with the link to that pic on the server. Finally, I take the previous link that was in the database and use fs.unlink to delete that old, useless file. Except it doesn't delete. Most of the times, a new file is created and the previous file is deleted after a 5-10 seconds. Why the delay?
1:29 AM
guys can I offer safe authentication without https?
gawk question: I am using BEGIN {RS="*EOR*";} but it's leaving the last "*" on the next line of the output.
gawk is a funny sound
ahh, RS="[*]EOR[*]"
2:07 AM
@Loktar Did you pick up anno 2205?
I wanna know if it's good. Mixed reviews on steam, but the positive reviews make it seems like the negative reviews are over exaggerating
I really liked the last anno
Don't wanna drop 80 bucks on this one if it's not any good
2:20 AM
TIL KSP 1.1 will include multithreaded physics calculations
uncontrollable boner
That sounds sweet
I couldn't get into ksp
I couldn't figure out how to get science point (?)
experiment parts
Sandbox mode is fun too
Like if you're just starting out, I couldn't figure out how to get science points.
1 min ago, by Kendall Frey
experiment parts
I'll fite u
2:31 AM
There are parts that are specifically designed for gathering science points
For example, a thermometer
Don't remember seeing a thermometor
last time I tried it was right when 1.0 came out
I forget what's included in the first tier
crew capsule crew reports and EVA data are super easy to get
My first "flight" is usually plopping a capsule on the launchpad, hopping out, and doing EVA experiments.
right click on your capsule.
(or thermometer, etc)
Watch a Scott Manley tutorial :P
Anyone have some fancy es6 for this?
foo(...args); // but the first item needs to be an empty object if undefined
you mean as in args || [{}]?
Why I am still wake, it is damn sleeping time 4.20 morning ;)
args[0] = args[0] || {};
@SterlingArcher You'll either love or hate me for that ^^
3:21 AM
@KendallFrey SterlingArcher is afk: HOME TIME
I think that's the best way.
too obvious lol
||= is a thing, right?
guys gonite
going to sleep NOW ;)
@KendallFrey wut
!!> var a = undefined; a ||= {}; a
3:23 AM
@KendallFrey "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '='"
darn, guess not
4:17 AM
WHAT DE CRAP! -rw-rw-r-- 1 m59 m59 942 Nov 7 20:15 ~
What is this!?
Just randomly appeared in my project folder.
I don't know how to interact with it, since any attempt to do so refers to my home folder.
well, I can rm with '~', but I'm afraid of what will happen.
~: ASCII text
4:45 AM
yeah ||= is not a thing though you might rightfully think it should be...
@m59 alias rm='rm -i'
Put that in your bashrc
I deleted it
It wasn't my home folder
hero.sm = new StateMachine(makeStates(hero)); // fail... makeStates needs hero.sm
@copy rm -r some/dir/fileprefix * <- me, earlier this week
I can work around this ^, but something is surely wrong here.
@SomeKittens Ouch
4:53 AM
@copy git saves lives
If the state machine needs states, but the function that returns the states needs a reference to the state machine in order for those functions to change states...
5:39 AM
My dood moves around m59peacemaker.github.io/game/www
There's some noticeable input lag - is that intentional?
I haven't noticed anything like that.
5:53 AM
I did just fix a bug related to crouching.
@SomeKittens Oh, you might be referring to the slide?
My friend may draw me some better stuff. Right now, instead of sliding to a stop, he tries to walk down some stairs to a stop lol
Anyway, he is supposed to slide after you let go. The animation just doesn't sell it.
@Cereal I didn't get it actually, I only played the prev version for an hour or so
pretty hard for me to get into those types of games for some reason.. the last one like that I really loved was Caesar 3
@Loktar Did you try my new game, "Arbitrary Featureless Green Block Man in Space"? I think it's really going to take off.
haha no let me check it out
Better watch out. No one is as non-distinct as this fellow.
I love that you have a stopping animation
6:06 AM
@m59 Looks great
also I am experiencing no input lag at all in Chrome
I love that he's walking in space!
I haven't figured out any fsm libs, but I worked from this article 2dengine.com/doc/gs_fsm.html and adapted to suit my needs
@Zirak Hahaha, that's from ages ago! Why / how were you lurking conversations from back then?
6:47 AM
adding json string in javascriipt is not valid?
7:28 AM
Oh my god.
Are we out of Bloody Marys?
7:46 AM
8:16 AM
8:37 AM
gist.github.com/argentum47/… why does it not log anything?
@AwalGarg cool
man, thats expensive
could be done cheap, if on scale
8:52 AM
and there is a hidden wall
and nice women
9:23 AM
@AwalGarg pure functional. But, it doesn't suit for me. I like space
that apartment is even smaller than my parent's living room
Yeah. I think it is really cool, but perfects only for a specific category of people; which is great in itself.
yes, some idea's were well thought thoroughly
that moment when he moved the wall, to give 2 guests additional beds surprised me the most
didn't expect that :p
maybe all studio apartments should be designed like that (which would certainly lower the cost per unit significantly)
the property value itself is higher tho
Well this is an extreme case of using spaces in multiple ways. Someone can do the same thing in a 2 bedroom apartment to add a guest room!
The interior of our apartments are pretty dull imo
9:41 AM
@SomeKittens have you done anything with using annotations on an Angular 1.x project? ie github.com/ngUpgraders/ng-forward
Hi everyone
@Mathan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Am trying to copy contents of PRE tag to clipboard, but i should not use flash/shockwave, i tried using zeroclipboard.js too but i was not able to achieve.. Can anyone help for the same?
I've had success with that ^
But browser support is limited.
9:56 AM
@phenomnomnominal make me love
@FlorianMargaine you want me to make love to you?
@phenomnomnominal really
<button class="btn" data-clipboard-target="#foo">
    <img src="assets/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard">
@phenomnomnominal I tried the same logic which is there in clipboard.js file... Any other direct method is there to achieve... In that js hidden text area has been used...
Can you comunicate over processes in nodejs with phantomjs outside of stdout somehow? like you can do with different nodejs scripts: nodejs.org/api/…
...thinking there should be some kind of socket ...
...reading here: http://phantomjs.org/inter-process-communication.html
I have now a bridge set up from nodejs to phantom, maybe better to comunicate over http protocol? Will look in to that I guess
10:24 AM
Hi, I'm thinking about adding JavaScript logging to our app for developing purposes. I really love Chrome's console.group(), console.groupEnd(). Do you happen to know about a logging library that employs the functions? (Something like NLog for JS would be cool :-))
10:57 AM
@Waterscroll Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why the rules are called pseudo rules instead of just rules?
they're not endorsed or enforced by SO
@phenomnomnominal yes
@phenomnomnominal nao
What do you mean by SO?
11:06 AM
Is this chat room moderated?
There are a couple of room owners
This chat room is not public, it belongs to a couple of people?
define "public"
11:14 AM
How someone becomes a room owner?
They get appointed by a room owner
and there's a long ritual
How rooms are created?
when you get enough rep I believe, or by mods
Meta question?
11:20 AM
would be a duplicate
wish me luck, I'm gonna try to eat some not too fresh fish.. trying to overcook (vaped) it so the taste won't be too bad
@m59 isn't react exactly a state machine? (I mean you could use it for your game)
I think rlemon's fishes would taste better than this shit, it smells like some decomposed things
(adding some spices in case)
not so bad
that fish won't have died for nothing at least
11:54 AM
The room owners hold all authority. If they are abusing the service who regulates them?
other ones?
What do you mean?
other owners
12:15 PM
@Waterscroll SO moderators
12:48 PM
Hey gang. Anyone else noticed odd borders on items rendered in chrome this month? Like, you'll have something float left inside its parent and the parent's background shows up a little around the edges.
And who moderates Stack overflow moderators?
Are you experiencing the horrible hivemind of Stackoverflow too?
That if you link to w3schools - even if it's correct - it's still not the MDN bible
or if you try and put some character in your post by saying something which isn't robotic it gets replaced by someone else's answer who just copied the same content as yours without the 'good luck!' at the end.
w3schools is never corrrect
^ Jan
This is the hivemind.
And no, "good luck" doesn't belong to an answer ;-)
12:55 PM
^ buzzzz
Oh, and if you ask a question which you genuinely can't find online and the hivemind doesn't like it, you get -3 downvoted and lose your ability to comment on posts.
Just thought we were generally venting. Seems Waterscroll has gone.
Maybe you should be able to downvote chat comments as well ;-)
Yeah, maybe. I'm in a terrible mood today and Stackoverflow can be a really toxic place to be without a thick skin.
You do realize that if you don't like the SO community nothing stops you from making a new, betterer community
I'm heading out. More shit to deal with in regards to CORS/JSON
haha Ivarni, to make a community you need time, effort, and not two jobs. You also need a community. Of like, people.
I'm not saying it's not useful. It's just not a very friendly place.
It is, as long as you contribute in a positive manner
12:58 PM
I use stackoverflow as a lurker all the time, but the interaction outside of this room can be very toxic.
The JS chat is the friendliest place on the site
1:14 PM
your avatar looks like marchmallow
quacki quack !
someone pls explain me the difference between an event.target and event.currentTarget, I've been reading mdn, but I'm still confused
@crl when the event bubbles up the currentTarget changes
@RyanKinal o/
1:16 PM
Good grief, I've been fighting Vagrant for hours because npm install failed during provisioning and finally figured out it's because npm tries to use symlinks because it understands that it's running on ubuntu but the file system of the windows host does not support it so while I can clone and npm install using virtualbox it crashes with Vagrant :/
I am back. I didn't know that Stackoverflow has problems. I came from another community that had problems with authoritarian moderators.
is it bad practice if I put my own properties in a drag event, to get them when drop is fired?
does that even work?
yep (on react at least)
	dragStart: function(e) {
		console.log('dragStart', this.state.data.id)
		e.dataTransfer.setData("text", this.state.data.id);
		e.element = this;
I could even not use dataTransfer, and pass the id the same way
This sounds like one of the things that would be useful if people knew it existed.
1:23 PM
it feels weird that the same evt is reused, or maybe copied, idk
@crl Is it documented behavior?
not documented = no good for general usage
no I think, let me check
And more importantly, are there unit tests in react that ensure that this behavior is intentional?
Because if you answer no to those two questions, it's entirely possible that this method would silently break in next versions.
don't think so too, but that would be really practical for me, it's a handy way to pass things between my components
ok I get your point, let's do otherwise
1:33 PM
for.tn/1kfUsQF -- wanna be an astronaut ? Nasa is hiring ?
@crl redux is an option, but my 50 ish line fsm works great and I don't know how to replace it with anything else.
ok :)
I just saw The Martian, think I'll pass
hello everybody...
kinda ugly how event is 'global' <button onClick="console.log(event)">Stick</button>
1:48 PM
don't use onClick attributes
in reactjs you kinda have to
@crl in reactjs you should fucking do
<button onClick={e => console.log(e)}>Stick</button>
^^ just so you know
oh, right, thanks, didn't think of that :)
sorry about the profainity
!!should i ship my desktop from India to USA or buy a new one in USA ?
@Abhishrek You should ship my desktop from India to USA
1:57 PM
Caprica wants to emigrate, apparently :-D
@JanDvorak Dunno about her but my desktop is invaluably important to me T_T
and it being used for skype calling me is no justice with the hardware
I imagine shipping a desktop from India to US would be either costly or very time consuming?
I shipped a cardboard box from Australia to Norway once on boat and it took months
also wtf is wrong with the entire industry why is there no mid range quad core laptop ?
2:22 PM
@crl want to see something cool?
2:39 PM
@crl cool
change the amp and sinecount and see what happens :D
converting degrees back into radians as you can see but you can change Math.PI inside the conversion formula to lets say 400 / 180 and see how the effect changes
In mathematics, a rose or rhodonea curve is a sinusoid plotted in polar coordinates. == General overviewEdit == Up to similarity, these curves can all be expressed by a polar equation of the form or, alternatively, as a pair of Cartesian parametric equations of the form If k is an integer, the curve will be rose-shaped with 2k petals if k is even, and k petals if k is odd. When k is even, the entire graph of the rose will be traced out exactly once when the value of θ changes from 0 to 2π. When k is odd, this will happen on the interval between 0 and π. (More generally, this will happen on any...
Nice extra info.
What I cant figure it is why I cant make it animated jsfiddle.net/bmzehbr6/1
nice stuff, we call them "rosaces" in French
static works though : /
are you french?
2:48 PM
you can do more than one for (var i = 0; i < n*360; i++) { and put a non integer sinusCount, it gets fun
@crl Bonjour comment tal les vous. Jes non parle francais et jes suis alemande : (
I dont like the french airport man : (
allemande is for girls, allemand else :) are you a girl?
damn I'm short in fruits this week-end
3:07 PM
no way
@crl oh no, I didnt know that.
not too important :)
By the way, logically my requestAnimationFrame should work or not?
did an if condition that if i < 360. Then inside increment the i by 1.
also store and increment pt.x and pt.y inside globals
yes but you don't really need that requestAni.. since the inside of the function doesn't change
I dont want to use setInterval or a timeout. The content does change though:
  x += pt.x;
  y += pt.y;
So I should actually see the the line animating
oh I see, you're doing a loop with requestAnimationChange, well it could be in a simple for loop, but maybe your solution is better. Usually you use requestAnimationFrame for a more 'global' change
@Asperger put beginPath outside the function
3:22 PM
I remember someone forget to put beginPath inside the animation loop and he was wondering why the animation kept slowing down.
@crl it works , you are right
@crl it called the beginPath() function after every invocation of the cell function
Suggest me a good laptop folks, dev usage < 1000 USD
@Abhishrek there is a good HP for < 600
it is darn good. I recently purchased it, cant remember the name. Got to check later
Lenovo S10-3T has four logical cores
maybe he wants physical one :)
3:30 PM
well I have a dead dell had 4 physical cores
2nd gen i5
back then the cost of that was around 699 USD
A decent laptop would be 16 Gig Ram but I can manage with 8 gigs --- windows is not required
Just wondering what changed ? b/w past 4 years
have 4 logical cores for 5th / 6th gen have became better than 4 physical ones for a 2nd gen ?
I think even low range laptops (nowadays) do the shit (as long as you don't need to play games on it)
@crl Chrome is pretty heavy, also android ^_^ sometimes
an i3 can be enough maybe, 4th+ gen are more efficient
mine is a i3 4010U
> Be your best. Anywhere.
@crl did you know that you can change the frame rate of requestanimationframe?
3:54 PM
@Asperger how?
@JanDvorak will make a jsfiddle, hang on
@JanDvorak check
So you still benefit from the performance gain that requestAnimationFrame provides you, plus the benefit from setTimout for controlling the framerate
@crl check this out jsfiddle.net/bmzehbr6/2
awesome drawing effect ; )
nice idea
Im figuring out how to make the amp animate without the lines redrawing itself :D
So in the end you have a circle that contracts and retracts itself
4:20 PM
finally found a graphviz 'fiddle' site: stamm-wilbrandt.de/GraphvizFiddle
@Asperger how exactly do you maintain the performance benefit of RAF?
royal air force?
request animation frame
and animation stops when changing tabs
So you arent really doing any self invocation the entire time: call()
the idea of RAF is to draw at a given time, if you setTimeout you lose a bit this feature, what you could do is do a given number of empty RAF calls, between your actual ones
4:26 PM
@crl thats true
@crl another awesome lighting effect jsfiddle.net/bmzehbr6/3
you see it after a while
4:46 PM
Can someone test a thing for me? I've some strange bug I noticed first on imgur, when I browse a page with a gif, the cpu starts working but never go down, after a minute on this page: i.sstatic.net/zyAXL.png I was over that gif for more than 60s, does it do that for you? I guess no
trying it
ok thanks
I dont really understand what you mean : (
im on the page now.
Do you have Chrome? open either Chrome's task manager or your computer's task manager
Oh I see what you mean
Nope, its not as bad as the one you showed in your screenshot
4:49 PM
it never goes down..
I see what you mean
and the fan is turning hard
hang on
@crl I am on that page
actually now I see it too
4:50 PM
and my cpu is not even challenged
But I dont have that very same issue
ok so my laptop has some problem, I don't have any virus though..
are you sure its not your computer?
@crl if its an i3 i am not really surprised (esp if it doesn't has a gpu)
I do have some fan issues but not that bad. My pc is pretty old so...
Even visiting youtube keeps the resources up on chrome within task manager.
4:53 PM
@crl you do know though how a gif is rendered right ?
and it wont go down for minutes even after closing
@Abhishrek image by image, yes
(ps this is the main reason why i don't want to lose my desktop)
but I guess my laptop has a GPU
@crl iirc its delta image
4:54 PM
oh, ok
@crl try this link colorbay.me
does that make your chrome lag ?
@Asperger youtube it's normal, because you're streaming a thing
@crl for a gif that isnt normal though lol
I mean we are talking about gifs.
@Abhishrek 40% CPU, heck
even if your GPU was bad....
4:55 PM
@crl scroll down to the bokeh
@crl well here is my statistics
maybe I should check if I've installed a proper graphic driver :)
i think my cpu barely noticed
@crl do you use windows 95?
4:59 PM
@crl teamviewer ?
hangout if you want
lets find out why your cpu is screaming :P
also what the heck is your screen resolution ? Mine is 1080

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