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6:00 PM
partials are really useful for keeping your views semantic
@Nick why not just break your views down?
What do you mean?
From what it seems youre saying; you're suggesting I use partials... one of us is confused
If your views are large enough to make partials necessary, you should break the views down.
Into subviews.
Each with a simple template that doesn't require partials.
which is a partial...
explain how a "subview" isn't a partial.
A partial is a specific feature in the template engine that pulls some snippet into the template.
A subview is another view.
They have nothing in common.
6:08 PM
is a partial used via import/include? I'm trying to understand what a partial is. Like a snippet of code? (sorry... new word :)
they sound like the exact same...
you're high on meth
@nick to me sounds like similar concept, but implementation isn't specified
as far as a templating engine is concerned; they are the same. EJS has "includes" which is for including another view, or a partial, like if you had a "header" partial. Either way; they are used the same exact way
A partial is a small template that you include in a large one, like: <div class="form-name">{{this.name}}</div> and <div class="form-thingy">{{:partial name this.name}}</div>
A view is a JS class with bindings, behavior, etc, that renders some template into an element.
mmm delicious salad <3
6:10 PM
I think you're drawing a line where one doesn;t actually exist
ya thinking a view has more behavior
@Nick How partials work (or whether they exist at all) depends entirely on your template library.
They don't exist in JS.
@ssube could you break your example down or explane it a bit differnt for me? looks liek a snippet, but appears some assignment logic there
6:12 PM
@jumpstracks partials are snippets. Views are classes.
is the expression in {{}} the partial?
With the exception of React, each view has some templates and some subviews.
(in react, the templates are part of the view)
Partials are to template what views can be to views.
uhm, hope this isn't badspeak, but is webgl going to replace html?
Partials are also the equivalent of an import/require in JS and an @import in CSS
definitely meth
6:14 PM
@Nick then the EJS docs are also on meth
or, more likely, you didn't mean partials
I miss good old x,y coordiantes, lines etc for making UI's html is a pia to me
Never in my life have I heard a distinction being made between a partial view and a "sub view"
@jumpstracks Did flash replace HTML?
I'm going to continue to believe that you're making this up
@Nick EJS doesn't have views, period. The hell are you talking about?
It's a template library with partial templates.
6:16 PM
I never said EJS had views
for a lot of uses it did for a long time. I actually liked action script & mxml (v2 or whetevr before they refactored everything)
you're complaining that EJS removed partials, I'm saying template partials are a bad idea in the first place
They making partial includes really hard, yes. They have that feature
@AwalGarg /darkyen/vis
I'd argue that you're wrong; partials are a good thing
agree to disagree; we'll all smoke meth together
6:17 PM
If your template is big enough to need partials, the view using it is too big.
You should break down the view so you can break down the template.
hey friends, is there a repo out there that provides a common boostrapped setup (as in "already set up" not the UI framework) with a test runner and a bunch of basic stuff common to new projects?
@Incognito github.com/ssube/web-template if you agree with the tools I like
@ssube Right... break it down into partial views... we just went over this...
@Nick Views don't have partials. "Partial" is a very specific feature in templates.
Especially since we're talking about EJS, which has that feature.
If it all gets made into a view at the end of the day, I'll call it a partial view and still manage to have it keep its meaning
pedantic much
6:19 PM
@ssube That's awesome :) More than I need, but I don't think that would stop me from using it.
I still dont' get it. sigh.
I have a slightly opinion-based question.
I need to read data from a database (a list of shapes available for a web-based visio clone). How would you pass the data from PHP to JS? Keep in mind the data only needs to be read once when the app launches and that's it.
@JacqueGoupil JSON
what's the usage pattern?
Very easy. If the attacker can find any way to access the raw files on your server (ex. Anonymous FTP), they could easily find the password by perusing your source code here. — Quantum 1 min ago
6:20 PM
@jumpstracks Partials are a template feature that inlines some other snippet of template.
@ssube - same template or any template in any file?
@ssube I meant, how as in AJAX or PHP-generated JS file?
@jumpstracks You have to set up the partials ahead-of-time.
@SterlingArcher sounds legit :P
guys :| shouldn't generators be supported by es6? Meteor doesn't seem to like them
6:21 PM
@jumpstracks This doesn't even make any sense
@JacqueGoupil if it's high volume, I'd write the data from the DB out to a file system to cache it, ideally serve as static file, that way you avoid the DB hit
@corvid what do the docs say?
Instructions clear -- hacked the Kremlin ^ — Sterling Archer 17 secs ago
@JacqueGoupil It doesn't really matter, you'll have to pull the data either way. If it's one time only, just include it in your page when it loads.
They say it should be. Hence why I wonder why they are not supported
6:22 PM
@corvid does your browser support them?
@ssube the es6 bable is a nice touch.
@Nick sort of makes sense which worries me I'm misunderstanding :) I'm thinking of it in terms of velocity
@Abhishrek install failing :( my internet is shit right now. is it live somewhere hopefully with minified sources?
I'm running babel, doesn't babel transpile it to work on the majority of browsers?
@AwalGarg yeah working onit
updating react to 0.14 :P
6:23 PM
@corvid Does your browser support generators?
@jumpstracks It's a relatively small amount, I don't think it's work caching. Good idea though.
> updating
> 0.14
@AwalGarg well i was using 0.13.x now switching to 0.14.x
thats a hell lot of changes
@JacqueGoupil really depends on your traffic, amount of data has a lot to do with capacity planning/design, but so does concurrency and counts. The roundtrip and network hops between a DB & web front end can be quite severe in an enterprise environment
6:26 PM
@corvid Generators are one of the features BabelJS can only support via polyfill. It's too complicated a feature for mere transpilation to support.
My god, if this isn't an impressive drummer I don't know what is
@SterlingArcher what if a person attached drum machines to their arms and drummed with two machines?
you could do like 50 drums at once
@jumpstracks I don't think it's worth optimizing considering the rest of the app uses 1000 times more resources.
@JacqueGoupil no idea :) I was just trying to complete in the answer in terms of amount of data vs traffic
@ssube isn't this not amazing drumming though?
6:28 PM
@jumpstracks I know :)
It's like all his limbs have separate minds
@SterlingArcher nothing beats youtube.com/watch?v=yZ15vCGuvH0
also I haven't watched it because no pc audio at work
@crl thankfully i am not using it
for some reason though my react.render still works :-/ although it shouldnt :-|
6:30 PM
heh, here I'm listening to Phil Collins on the drums :)
they deprecated first
@Abhishrek where is your god now
@AwalGarg Unexistent
@ssube that's awesome
6:32 PM
@SterlingArcher Drumstep
I just love when IT is being handled by a remote location. Servers go down? No problem...just sit and wait patiently with no information.
Oh god I just ate so much broccoli my tummy hurts
It's halloween all over again except it was my brother and he ate 2lbs of strawberries and almost shit himself
ughhh >.<
Someone has to fall into the 1% group - I guess... — H. Ferrence 39 secs ago
snarky little fucker.
!!youtube slipknot killpop
6:35 PM
@Loktar how have I not seen this yet?
@SterlingArcher how does one eat too much of a vegetable
Food quantity / chewed size : rough diameter of stomach?
@KendallFrey Same way one eats too much of anything, I'd imagine.
okay now browser sync isn't working
fuck -_-
6:38 PM
!!tell sterlingArcher youtube master of puppets
I am the master of baiting
@CapricaSix Metallica there ya go
no wonder my ears ring...
6:41 PM
> whoaaaa almost Master Baited myself there..
Kills me everytime
@jumpstracks damn tinnitus
@SterlingArcher stick win
stick always win
@KendallFrey worst is I want to crank the tunes, but not a good idea :( though still feels good :)
like listening to a walkman covertly in church.
Maybe one of you know why this is happening:
Q: Canvas shadow properties affect all subsequent paths

AspergerCanvas shadow properties seem to affect all paths that follow it, even when closing the path that contains those properties. I tried changing the order of things. Ok, placing a path that doesnt require a shadow before the one that does works, but that isnt very reliable work-around. Is there any ...

6:43 PM
lsd? sounds like tracers
@Asperger Most canvas properties need to be manually reset.
@SterlingArcher Interesting philosophical question: Is it still master baiting if you do it to someone else?
lol I'm being strategically serial downvoted
They think i care about rep xD
@Asperger cleared it ?
i wish i could rent the martian to stream.
@SterlingArcher might be the guy that was deleting his question
er, answer
6:46 PM
lol fuck if I care. oh no I lost 8 rep.
imma ragequit now brb
@AwalGarg by tonight if i finish it --- i should be able to make it work flawlessly on iPad
which would be awesome !
who wants to join the Google team?
@nick smart
6:48 PM
no you're not smart enough
Thank you
I wouldn't want to work at google
@nick what sort of google team?
@nick What do you do at Google?
@nick like job or join group for support?
6:49 PM
@AmericanSlime I'm kidding haha
I'm talking about the Google team on StackOverflow
need more info
there's lots of google tech on stackoverflow, so not sure what you mean
oic... guess I need to find out what a stackoverflow team is
6:52 PM
one man team. So lonely
@nick sure, I'll join. all my systems run on google anyway :)
make me admin
@KarelG fewer arguments per day and you always win
nick bb pls
6:53 PM
Ehh, I've lost arguments with myself before.
I'm pretty persuasive at times.
I win them all
dat annoying feeling: writing 4 SPROC's and two queries to see that i cannot connect to the office test database (timed shut down for night)
omg guys, we're looking at a place... and it has a 5 person hottub built into the basement..
And a private basement suite for me
i want to test it ;_;
basement suit? I prefer birthday suits
6:56 PM
@SterlingArcher ever looked at craiglist hottubs? there are so many
Shut up nick D:
@SterlingArcher if the state of the house is decent, you can mark it as an option
@ssube this is.. inground. inside.
Ohh and it has a nest system
nest huh?
6:57 PM
@SterlingArcher that's pretty sweet
oh home automation
the number of free hot tubs on craigslist is terrifying, though
it surprises that some people doesn't even look to the state of the walls, roof, ... before buying a house
there are millions
@jumpstracks fancy temperature gauge
6:57 PM
@ssube "free" hot tubs...
@KarelG jokes on you I'm renting
@nick mark me in
@KarelG inspector
I'm not fatchicksist, but "hot tubs" is an oxymoron
@AwalGarg you were my inspiration

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