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He let his private section show. Is this guy a double for @Neal??
I could see it... But Neal isn't usually as touchy
!!summon 7
!!forget respect
@RUJordan Command respect forgotten.
!!learn respect "RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH"
@RUJordan Illegal /learn object; see /help learn
Other Account voting:
@RUJordan Command respect learned
Your other account has 62k rep??
@RUJordan Yes
@RUJordan It's Neal
Neal has the same rep
I stupidly outed myself
That was not intentional lol
Well, at least the bullshit is over
I created 2 different personalities for two different users
Twas an experiment
I shall laugh at you: HAHAHAHAHA
And it seemed to work :-D
@ThiefMaster ^^^
And this whole time I was like.. Neal's a dick
But this qwertyln guy.. not bad
I went so far as to create new gmail, jsfiddle, and github accounts
Yeah, so basically every interaction he has had in this chat can be classified as "trolling" I would say.
(jk <3)
I really did not mean to out myself like that @Jhawins You are a expert snoop :-)
@SomeKittensUx2666 Thank you. :-)
I am still going to keep these accounts separated.
There have been no voting irregularities.
@SomeKittensUx2666 This has happened before?
And the mods of SE approved my experiment.
I bet he is also Deep.
It was going quite well till I ruined it just there haha
I've looked at Jhawins's recent activity. The appropriate people will be mod messaged. Please go about your normal business.
@Jhawins Nope, was thinking of another guy (bevenlywebdesign)
@SomeKittensUx2666 Thank you
@SomeKittensUx2666 Oh yeah I remember him...
@qwertynl dude... I liked you... now... now... dammit! god I hate you Neal
Yeah and to think everyone else let that slip by unnoticed.... I just happened to see it haha
@rlemon You can still like me! I am two different people.
I can make fun of @Neal too!
why is Neal so stupid and you not so much?
I like how both Neal's starred the gif.
Noone seemed to notice that I was never here.
your alter ego is WAY less annoying than your real person.
@SomeKittensUx2666 No, but good idea!
@Neal I did notice, was glad.
@rlemon Well I am going to try to keep this alter ego
lol you guys are so mean to Neal xD
And only use this one to be a d@#k
not to overly offend. you know what we complain about
or at least what I complain about
@qwertynl But we already know. And this explains why @Neal got pissed at me once and I had no idea why.
@rlemon Yes, I do. That is part of the reason why I started this experiment :-)
And it seemed to work.
My boss just told me he said I'd fix this IE7 crap today. fml
but @qwertynl hasn't asked me to explain the context of a message that he could read if he payed any effing attention at all.
Y'know, you could have just stopped doing the annoying things on your main account
he also hasn't posted any stupid meta questions
@SomeKittensUx2666 I tried and it did not work. People base you on previous actions.
@Neal you could name change + gravatar change
go AFK for a month, then come back. all would be forgotten
@Neal Not as much as you may think, especially if you tell us about it.
@rlemon Haha I have tried that before :-P
Methinks you didn't give it enough time.
I'm sure irl you are a nice and not annoying person. but online I wanna punch you sometimes (with all due respect)
Ha my @Neal persona only came on about once a month and all you guys berated him as much as possible lol
disclaimer: 99% of my hatred stems from Neal consistently asking me to explain a message because he was too lazy to read the line above it.
@Neal No not really. I've done some ridiculous things haven't I @rlemon and @Benjamin ?
Please excuse the unsolicited nature of this email, which I'm sending on the basis of nothing ventured, nothing gained.
@rlemon And I read :-) yay!
@Jhawins YES.
@SomeKittensUx2666 I didn't ask you :P
@Jhawins YES
fuck this compile is taking SOOOO long
only on deoptimizer.cc
But yeah. I've done some dumb shit. But people here are still at least nice to me. Whether or not they think poorly of me is a different story, but they treat me as if I never did the things I've done here.
Basically... Nothing is permanent. As far as opinions go.
Ahhh but @Jhawins you get along with me and not @qwertynl :-)
@Neal No, I have minimal interaction with @Neal. I Have a lot of interaction with @qwertynl and 90% of it is surely negative.
@Jhawins is a tool. (with love)
@rlemon Ha. And you did not even realize with all of the Doctor Who references? ;-)
A love tool...
@Jhawins just trying to continue the negative trend :P
!!urban love tool
@Jhawins Love Tool Is what it sounds like...the wanker, penis, shcrum, weiner, anything you facy calling it
I figured haha
!!afk home - not waiting for this shit to compile.
I still am going to continue to use this persona. Everyone likes it more ;-)
We hate love you @Neal!
I wonder how long that would've gone on had I not lost my license and been able to go home on time...
Survey says: Not funny.
One could go as far as saying... Without my negativity, @Neal would be able to continue playing us all indefinitely.
Ok I am done trolling. Back to only one account
@Jhawins Yea... I planned on doing it for a one year and then reporting my results on meta....
I failed after 4 months...
So my shittyness contributed positively.
I am glad I could be the one to burst your bubble :).
@Jhawins again. wife.
Why did you choose to hate me from one account?
Wife has nothing to do with your scheme being ended. Stop saying that. Please.
Change your name to "Qweal" now
@Jhawins Seemed like more fun :-P Sorry for the hate
> I wanna hear you squeal like a pig
for how fast you run to the mods
Qwerty nl .... Qwerty Neal!!!
Hahaha guys... We are am "popcorn worthy event"
@rlemon Haha that tool way too long for you to figure out :-P
Lots of things take way too long for you to figure out
Neal is the account you love to hate.
@rlemon But not for me! :-)
why can't I declare box-sizing to always set stuff like -moz-box-sizing automatically
the amount of redundant repetitions of the same workarounds is some fucking bullshit
I feel like you wasted a lot of my time... Like, a ton. Had you just said you were Neal awhile ago I would've understood. But your experiment just... Ugh. Honestly, I kind of wish you hadn't been outed that way @Neal and @qwertynl could still both be on my ignore list..
Because CSS doesn't make any sense
@Jhawins Love you!
Because now I don't know what was fake and what was real. Do I think you're a dick for certain things... Or do I see it as clever... Certain cases go either way.
@copy But you got what I want?
I mean, I can't see how that would possibly harm anyone
How many more users are you.
Just me and @qwertynl
@BartekBanachewicz Yes … but CSS
@copy :F
in Lounge<C++>, Aug 25 '13 at 0:55, by Cat Plus Plus
Web is a horrible cesspit of shitty technologies, basically.
@BartekBanachewicz Well spoken
@copy IMHO people just should say that aloud and stop pretending it's ok
realizing there's a need for real change is the first and necessary step to change
Q: The great experiment on Stack Overflow

qwertynlSince November I have created this "secret" persona in which I went all out: New email address New jsfiddle account New github account Permission from the Stack Exchange team to run my experiment ... And so much more! Why did I do this? This was an experiment if people can treat a brand new...

No.... Now he's taken it too far. He's just looking for validation now. I think at heart Neal is a bit insecure..
@Jhawins I think you have expressed your opinion enough now. If you want to write more, make a blog, then people who actually care can read up on the newest updates
@copy I think you are right.
@Jhawins "A bit"?
He was very insecure, and looked to SO/the chat for validation. One of the annoying things was constantly posting about his main activity here, trying to get upvotes/people agreeing
First I'll make a second persona to do it from... And I'll troll dozens of users. Then I'll stupidly reveal that I've been doing it and somehow maybe everyone won't go "you fucking troll"
since he didn't really participate otherwise, it was a non-sequitur
@copy :-P
@Jhawins There really was no trolling. I have not used the @Neal account that much since I created this one
i don't know why this bores me so much
This account has been my main one :-)
@SomeKittensUx2666 I don't know what that means haha
Wait a sec... if this @Jhawins is another identity of you Neal, this will be just hilarious! :D — Shadow Wizard 11 secs ago
What an insult that was!
@Jhawins not really &^^
I had no idea inline-block wasn't supported in IE7
@RUJordan float :P
No real way around it
For some reason it legit wouldn't allow me to click a radio button
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well... I have :P
@Jhawins what?
I guess I thought you were here at the time of my most ridiculous mistakes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I used display:inline and set the height to auto and it works crossly very nice.
@Jhawins I was with friends drinking
(The code is disgusting.. it took me an hour to debug it)
Now I'm quite fine ^^
Had enough to drink but not too much
What did you do?
Hi @Ben
I can tell you're having a good time haha.
Really intense morning, I don't have much energy left. Suggestions?
@qwertynl hai
I was talking about like a year ago when I got into trouble over Skype type stuff. Alcohol was involved in my decision making.
@Undo Hi Undo
@SomeKittensUx2666 Sex your computer
@SomeKittensUx2666 what happened to your username
@BenjaminGruenbaum How are you?
Hiya @copy!
@Jhawins oooh, when you posted that facebook - yeah I remember that
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm a mod now!
Wait, are you even here that long
@SomeKittensUx2666 where?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hahaha yeah yeah that one
(U+2666 is unicode for the mod diamond)
It was a (poorly recieved) joke.
@SomeKittensUx2666 ah
can't ask me to understand that now
right, booze
Heh, we Meta'ers are just here to watch the story play out.
@hichris123 wait what :O?
The NSA is spying on us?
Q: The great experiment on Stack Overflow

qwertynlSince November I have created this "secret" persona in which I went all out: New email address New jsfiddle account New github account Permission from the Stack Exchange team to run my experiment ... And so much more! Why did I do this? This was an experiment if people can treat a brand new...

No... I am sorry :-( @BenjaminGruenbaum I love you!
@Ben Yes. But that's beside the point :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not from the NSA. Though if you feel like people who don't know JS are from the NSA, then that's your right. :P
@hichris123 you have less meta rep than real rep, you're not a meta'er :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Then I qualify :P
13k meta, <6k SO :P
@Benjamin You actually bothered to make sure I'm not a troll? :P Wow. I'm doing good. Sure, but I am in the Tavern.
@Undo you do, he doesn't ^^
@SomeKittensUx2666 you @qwertynl ?
I don't think so?
@BenjaminGruenbaum eh?
I have nothing to do with this.
How much bandwidth should i be looking at for a web hosting plan where the website doesnt have a lot of images but does have a lot of back and forth mysql data retrieval?
@SomeKittensUx2666 the thread says so?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute Is MySQL running locally?
I feel so.. watched.
it would run on the web hosting plan.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute get a digitalocean 5$ droplet
It's cheap and gets the job done
@copy Everyone bullies me for using vim :(
@BadgerGirl noobs
That's what I said, but they're 15 against 1
@BadgerGirl the only reasonable thing to do is to challenge them all to single combat. Bullies won't like a confrontation like that.
@qwertynl you've had one account...
oh, wait... you didn't.
@JanDvorak I am confused.
1TB Transfer?
whats that?
@BadgerGirl what are they using?
a terabyte?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sublime
@BadgerGirl what programming language?
Ruby or JS
1tb of bandwidth for $5?
@BadgerGirl But then it's reversed
come on now
You bully them
@copy I tried but they're unreasonable
the fact you're letting them be unreasonable means you're not bullying hard enough
wedgie the lot of them
@BadgerGirl both vim and sublime suck at JS
neither have any real AST analysis
I use vim and sublime for everything!
@BenjaminGruenbaum ST3 is good for JS
I love it
I <3 SB3
good syntax highlighting, autocomplete library
@RUJordan not really
It doesn't really understand code
I can write JS in it. So it has to be good :P
what do you mean?
!!define ast
@SomeKittensUx2666 ast Eye dialect spelling of asked, Simple past tense and past participle of ask.

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