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@Shmiddty Why?
@Shmiddty I see you work for Candy Crush Saga.
@SomeGuy I would but my mother won't let me.
@monners SomeGuy is afk: i'm using you for testing
!!afk cheese
"WordPress comes with several built in search optimization tools, including the ability to use .htaccess to create apparently static URLs called permalinks, blogrolling, and pinging. There are also a number of third party plugins and hacks which can be used for search engine optimization (SEO)."
@m59 It's amazing how hard people will work to avoid having to just, you know, make good content.
Speaking of good content 11alive.com/news/article/318272/40/…
Just the fact that they say "hacks" in the docs.
@monners I almost didn't believe that just now...
what the heck
but, uh...that's the company I might be getting a job with =D
The news company?
Next dumb Angular question.
@monners they are a lot more than that. Gannett is huge.
They do The Tennessean newspaper here in Nashville where I live, for example.
@SomeKittensUx2666 go for it
@SomeKittensUx2666 Is your question obtuse or acute?
I'd be working with a marketing dept. They create a ton of marketing campaigns and then pitch them to businesses.
I've got a single-level object with some properties containing the URLs of social services (Facebook/LinkedIn/etc). How can I create a filter that only iterates through the properties that A.) are social services and B.) actually exist (are truthy) in the object
@m59 Ooooo, the dark side!
hmmm? @monners
No, I'd be web dev =D for a marketing dept.
Yeah, but you'd be using your powers for evil :P
Powers to eat, and pay mortgage also!
@SomeKittensUx2666 I suck at understanding. Can you show me the object you have and the result you want?
Oh, I might get it.
Food? That stuff grows on trees!
jsbin.com/oYexObeG/1/edit //except with scopes, controllers 'n stuff
got it, just a sec
Wife just brought sauteed kale. A few minutes, then. =D
@SomeKittensUx2666 is that what the ng-if is for?
and that doesn't work?
just a sec
wrong syntax for ng-repeat!
ng-repeat="(k,icon) in icons"
Just a tip for debugging, I threw in a {{icon}}
that makes sense
one sec
@SomeKittensUx2666 why are you just randomly powerfully moving peoples message to trash?
@m59 I think that works, having CSS issues
Yep! Thanks
We're not supposed to use onclick, what makes ng-click any different?
@SomeKittensUx2666 it's a lot different. Angular actually separates concerns more so than vanilla js interaction with the dom (well, not behind the scenes, of course)
The roles are switched here.
HTML can't do anything, so it sucks to make it appear so by adding inline js, when all the real functionality is going on in js. (you know that heheh)
With Angular, the goal is to "augment" the html so that only it is is concerned with how things are displayed and behave.
Your js never cares in this case (just like the html never cares in vanilla js)
JS is simply responsible for augmenting the html's capability. It doesn't care about the html itself.
(no element references)
!!angular or grunt or go home already
@SomeKittensUx2666 angular
@SomeKittensUx2666 I suppose I could summarize all that by saying that Angular's philosophy is that html is the view and should act more like one (declare all the view things there), the server's job is to present data, and js's job is to mediate that and augment anything that is otherwise missing.
Hello y'all.. I have a question about JS. This is a snippet of JS window echoed in PHP echo "<td><a href=\"javascript:window.open('../php/borrowersname.php?acc_number=".$row['acc_n‌​umber']."', 'yourWindowName', 'width=548,height=562');\">".$row['title']."</a></td>"; Apologies for the formatting of this code. My question is, how to center the window of the pop up on the screen?
Can u help me about it?
Maybe they are all asleep for now. :(
hi there too
@Cecil I'm not sure it's possible in the open call, but it should be possible to center the window ex post by manipulating the window position (is possible, modulo restrictions) based on its size (is possible) and the screen size (not sure it's possible). In general, it's not your job to position the window.
@jan Dvorak: Okay.. Hehe. Thanks.
1 hour later…
@SomeKittensUx2666 Timekeeping
What's this Ux2666 garbage
@Shmiddty Unicode for the mod diamond
oh ok
!!> String.fromCharCode(0x2666)
@Shmiddty "੪"
@Shmiddty "♦"
@Shmiddty "♦"
But yeah, is ISO timestamp + timeZoneOffset solid enough, do you think?
Sounds good to me, but I'm not experienced in such things
I fart in your general direction
@monners Hahaha
@rlemon Why was I afk? :p
:( I just lost an hour and a half of gaming :(
fucking learn to save!
@rlemon of gaming or to gaming?
anyways, that is a sign to goto bed
@Zirak What are you talking about?
Ah, about the subreddit!
Haha, kind of does seem like that, but a lot of places end up seeming that way. This had a decent arguments on it, at least
Why is this happening? I just printed out an object user and then right after its child user.hash
hi all
var chainParent=document.getElementById('email_chain_container');
var content='<td class="nobr><input type="file" id="chain_Image_0" name="banner_image_0" class="input-text" multiple="multiple"></td><td class="last"><button id="delete_file_0" onclick="banner.deleteFileUploader(this);return false" class="scalable delete delete-product-option" title="Delete Image"><span>Delete</span></button></td>';
var tr=document.createElement('tr');
i have this code with me. However the input tag is not working. When i inspect the input tag appears not in good way. i think the problem is due to i am not using close tag for input element. unfortunately there is no closing tag for input. what should i do?
<input type=" multiple="multiple" name="banner_image_4" file"="">
input tag is appearing in this way
but in my content variable input is in the properway
!!tell programmer format
@programmer Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
If console.log(user); outputs {hash: 'xxxx'} then console.log(user.hash); should output xxxx, right? !apparently not
someone please tell me I'm not going crazy
Looks like it should work
4 messages moved to bin
hi all
var chainParent=document.getElementById('email_chain_container');
var content='<td class="nobr><input type="file" id="chain_Image_0" name="banner_image_0" class="input-text" multiple="multiple"></td><td class="last"><button id="delete_file_0" onclick="banner.deleteFileUploader(this);return false" class="scalable delete delete-product-option" title="Delete Image"><span>Delete</span></button></td>';
var tr=document.createElement('tr');
i have this code with me. However the input tag is not working. When i inspect the input tag appears not in good way. i think the 
@rlemon Haha, that and him always being confused about people pinging him instead of Neil by accident
please anyone give an answer
@programmer_rkt 42
@SomeKittensUx2666 : what is this?
@programmer_rkt The answer
how 42 become an answer for my question friend?
Some philosophers a long time ago decided to find the ultimate answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. They build an enormous computer, bigger than anything else had ever seen.
The computer took 7.5 million years to compute out that answer.
Finally, it was revealed that the Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything was just that - 42.
And thus, you have your answer, @programmer_rkt
@SomeKittensUx2666 : i know there are lot of fools out there who are searching for an answer this question. but they didnt look into them to get an answer, thats y they go for an enormous computer. what foolishness is this? if you can't find an answer for a question, then how can a machine that develop by YOU can find answer for that question. answer is within you. and its name is GOD my friend.
Are you seriously proselytizing on a chat thread in response to a Hitchhiker's reference?
nope. i said my opinion and he said his openion. i am not a part of religion and i am not a part of any religion
Is your beliefs something a regular person would call a religion?
Lol ^^
I'm desperate, so I shall try the JS room
Will y'all help me out with a little windows problem?
CC Inc - bad move ^^
What's up?
@CCInc You must be really desperate.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Morning. Time zones are crazy
Long story - So I decided to start mining LiteCoins again, and thus I installed the older Catalyst version which is supposedly better for gaming, and also installed the AMD SDK. immediately after that, apps started crashing, so I uninstalled it and reinstalled a different version. And RIGHT after that, apps start crashing again. Most of them with StackHash errors, some with ntdll.dll errors
@SomeKittensUx2666 :)))) do you know answer for my qustion?
@programmer_rkt Yes.
@CCInc That's what you get for mining
Meh. Didn't happen last time
@SomeKittensUx2666: is it again 42???
@programmer_rkt I know the specific answer to your problem. It exists between your keyboard and your chair.
@SomeKittensUx2666: so funny
Make a fiddle
@CCInc use coinwell.net if u want :P
Oh, but hten I look like a n00b
Hi Morning

I'm looking for a library which can help to increase the back link

when some one copy content from my site , JS append read more and current link to the clipboard
@SomeKittensUx2666 use internet standard time :)
@vs7 you mean "clipboard" :)?
guyz guyz guyz I got the JS bronze badge ^^
\o/ gratz
@AbhishekHingnikar how does that even work?
@SomeKittensUx2666 They have 5gpu's shoved into one motherboard
and they mine for you.
they = my old bosses
they are pretty stable and efficient in mining lite coins :D
Have litecoins increased in value?
How much do they cost?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes in clipboard
if any user copied the content from my site ... JS automatically add current link with content too in copying process
the big example is tynt
but i need to develop my own
so need some idea
@SomeKittensUx2666 prices are written on the website mate
hi @Abhishek
hi @AbhishekHingnikar
Could you give me some guidance on Javascript metronome with animation
I found the following but being a noob I couldn't figure out how would I use the text input as well as slider to manipulate bpm
Ok, this is very simple but I am doing stupid mistake somewere. jsfiddle.net/23NQX
Can anyone please help me?
I need to get the borders for the full table.
!!> typeof "a";
@EnglishMaster "string"
Guys, is it possible to partially freeze properties of an object?
Object.freeze(someObject); is going to freeze the entire stuff
which ones?
!!mdn defineproperty
Like, if you had the following object
var aa = {
  prop1: "aa",
  prop2: "bb"
I want to freeze prop1 only excluding prop2.
So when you
aa.prop1 = "cc"; Then it's going to silently fail
2 mins ago, by Caprica Six
@JanDvorak https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects‌​/Object/defineProperty
Angular super amazing people
can i add ng-hide to an element programmitally when i make a directive ?
doesnt seem to work if i do element.attr
@BenjaminGruenbaum You know we can't confirm that kind of stuff..
and i really don't want to do
   template:'<div ng-show="scope.view.isVisible" ng-transclude></div>'
Can you recommend me a video tutorial on how to use Chrome debugger?
@EnglishMaster just try it out?
[!!!! GROSS ALERT !!!!!]
@ThiefMaster Why?
@BenjaminGruenbaum o/
Okay i take it back ... angular is not slow.. i was doing it wrong :P
i read a few articles on optimization
@AbhishekHingnikar you don't say :P
Especially the huge article like answer by one of original author
@AbhishekHingnikar Misko?
I had the actual few thousand element issue.
Hope you get the digest cycle better now :)
for a photo gallery :-|
now i max show only 100 images and filter em :-> works likea charm :D
Photos also don't virtualize either, so that's even slower
no it was the meta data i had to check
After reading his article i realized wait this dirty checking is legit what i am doing isn't at some point even browser will start giving up.
@BenjaminGruenbaum If you can't see it I can only see it because I have a diamond.. e.g. by looking at the real name or email field or checking IPs. And I assume information gained from that can't be given out to non-mods
@ThiefMaster I was talking about him getting permission - but Jeff Atwood already confirmed that :)
ah ok
Well, I didn't know about it
@ThiefMaster his question is a lot better now though - it started really bad and it's acceptable now.
Hyper-V is actually quite good ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum how do you debug chrome on mobile ?
Hey guys Im using jQuery UI; does anyone know how I can get the x,y coordinates when the mouse starts the drag event?
@AbhishekHingnikar remote dev tools?
mhm i need adb i guess :-/
@Jaigus isn't there a dragstart event or something?
@AbhishekHingnikar no you don't
@AbhishekHingnikar they have a chrome extension that already bundles ADB in the browser for you
It's quite neat
Chrome Beta (M32)

As of Chrome Beta, the DevTools now support native USB debugging of connected devices. You no longer need to configure ADB or the ADB plugin to see all instances of Chrome and the Chrome-powered WebView on devices connected to your system.

Just visit about:inspect and verify Discover USB Devices is checked.

Note: This update applies to both desktop Chrome Beta on Mac as well as ChromeOS. Windows users will need to install device drivers to enable communication between their devices.
My version is
31.0.1650.63 (Official Build 238485) m
@AbhishekHingnikar so get new Chrome mobile?
thats my desktop version :-|
my mobile is ahead of my desktop ffs
How do you see both source and console panel from Chrome developer panel?
meh i embedded firebug lite
for the simple console log that in need works for now... [ while i download the updates ]
honestly, the adb extension doesn't make it hard anyway
Fun fact: you don’t really need the 0 (first argument value) — just "\n".charCodeAt() will do. — Mathias Bynens Oct 17 '11 at 9:40
@copy might be useful for codegolf ^
Hello Everyone,
@FlorianMargaine luckily I'm not often golfing in javascript :-)
I want to Encrypt a string in which is "93522-93521-93520-"...
can anyone please help me on this
@FlorianMargaine I know... downloading it on a pc with faulty internet does
I just want to encrypt it because it is used as a Querystring in my application like,
PS... i am having a weird touchCancel event getting fired .
Anybody got an insight on these voodoo touch cancel events ?
@JanDvorak But as per the Security purpose I dont want to show the IDs in URL
thats why I was trying to send the Querystring in encrypted format
@AbhishekHingnikar dragged outside the window?
@JanDvorak nope
@RahulRJ encrypted, or will obfuscation do?
I am extending hammerjs to support edge swipes [for web-apps]
works amazingly well on pc but not on phone ... lemme give you a test case :-)
@AbhishekHingnikar canceled by javascript?
No clue
they don't get cancelled on pc
or emulated touch events on pc
sounds like "dragged outside the window"
window = the entire screen
@JanDvorak the link on stackoverflow is the same post of mine which I have deleted
@RahulRJ that's why I'm posting
why am I getting mouseout event when my mouse is clearly still inside the div?
@JanDvorak I am swapping clearly inside the div bro
do you get a mouseout event when you hover over a child element?
wait i am giving u test case
@JanDvorak But I am aking for the solution
@Neil yep
@RahulRJ send it in post via HTTPS
@JanDvorak Ugh
Is there no way of getting around that?
Save for finding the box boundaries and emulating your own mouse out event
very very slow internet warning !
@Neil mouseenter/mouseleave
@JanDvorak oh that's brilliant
Fully emulated by jQuery on unsupporting browsers
try swiping from right with your mouse on pc [[ and i mean right most border \
I never even thought about that
var url = rootUrl("Home/Preview?Docs=" + check);
window.open(url, '_blank');
I have to use that URL like this
@RahulRJ forget. If they want to see it, they will.
Two mouse enter, one mouse leave
@Neil Gladiator reference, a vague problem description, or both?
@JanDvorak But from my side I dont want to show it as a querystring into the URL
@RahulRJ then use POST
@JanDvorak I'm disappointed. :P
That was a Mad Max reference
I might have seen the former
I'm really proud of my commit message :-)
> [master c2a7f7c] so-post-monitor 1.9 - fixed handling of answers in the dupe dialog on a question page (answers don't belong to the question of which this is the page)
I try to do the comments right :-)
The above comic is fairly accurate of the types of commit messages I write
"misc bugfixes" is still a good comment
though it should probably be split into several commits
Nah, if you were a stickler, each bug fix would have its own commit
Though it's usually a hassle to work like that
Since correcting a typo technically merits its own commit
Fix, test, commit
you should test typo fixes, too
Yeah, in theory
My sin is always pushing to the main branch, meaning that I only ever distribute the "latest" channel.
It's easy to fix that you know
Just make a branch and commit to that like it were the main branch
Only when you have a stable version do you push to the main branch
A bigger problem is that I'd like to change the update URL for the userscript to point to the dev branch.
Is that possible?
I don't know what you mean by a userscript, but I somehow still feel confident in saying that you could :P
!!google git branching tutorial
git main branch is really no different than any other branch
but they do have different URLs, do they?
@JanDvorak a branch's url is like it's identity, so you can't have separate branches at the same url
It has to vary in some way
so, branch === a named pointer to a revision?
no, a branch has a unique url, but a url does not have a unique branch
My use case is that I'd like a URL that always points to the latest commit in the dev branch, and one that always points to the latest stable.
@JanDvorak So have a main branch and a dev branch. If you pull from dev branch, it is always latest while if you pull from main branch, it's only whatever you've pushed from dev branch when it was stable
Not sure the significance of having a url point to a latest commit
I mean a github HTTP URL, not some git:// URL
to which I'd point the updater
you should only need to point it to the branch url, not the latest commit
the "latest commit" is implicit, right?
(still reading through the tutorial)
if you've ever used svn, git is very similar in a lot of ways
I know the basic ideas, but I don't know the respective commands
@JanDvorak did u try ?
@AbhishekHingnikar branching in git? I will.
no the link i gave u
leave it i will solve it.
Given my use-case I take it all merges to the stable branch will be fast forwards in my case?
  var mjolnir = Hammer(element[0],{

yeah i kinda should rename the handler
Don't you think Quiznos sandwiches are close to Italian sandwiches and Subway sandwiches are close to typical US sandwich?

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