@Sean The client generates a CSR. You sign it (or submit it to the CA for signing). No-one except the client should ever have the private key - clue is in the word "private" ;-)
Search for "certificates der" (https://www.google.com/search?q=certificates+der&lr=lang_en) ⢠DER vs. CRT vs. CER vs. PEM Certificates and How⌠- 7 okt. 2011 - DER = The DER extension is used for binary DER encoded certificates. These files may⌠(https://support.ssl.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/19/0/der-vs-crt-vs-cer-vs-pem-certificates-and-how-to-convert-them) ⢠What is the difference between PEM and DER certif⌠- DERâFormat: *.CER and *.DER -> contains the X.509 certificate in binary form - again, the same cont⌠(https://www.odette.org/support/article/1762)
Search for "asn.1" (https://www.google.com/search?q=asn.1&lr=lang_en) ⢠Abstract Syntax Notation One - Wikipedia, the fre⌠- Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is a standard and notation that describes rules and structures⌠(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Syntax_Notation_One) ⢠Introduction to ASN.1â - ITU - âASN.1 is a formal notation used for describing data transmitted by telecommunications protocols, r⌠(http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/asn1/Pages/introduction.aspx) ⢠A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and D⌠- Advanced features of ASN.1, such as macros, are not described …
Thinking of strategies to expedite adoption of PHP 7 here, thinking a good strategy to catch 90% might be to capture a days worth of traffic, then play it back at a test environment running 7
The client in this case is me. I generated a private key, generated a CSR from it, and passed it to service I'm using. They returned with a root CA, intermediate CA, and signed CRT. I've installed the root CA. Now when I make requests I need to send a client cert to their service's endpoint. With the advice above confirming it, I do think I'm on the right track, if not verified already.
My immediate problem is that using no cert does give a failed cert error from the endpoint, and using the PEM i've bundled gives a bad authentication error, but I think that's the next layer down
Hi guys im trying to edit an image in pyrocms admin panel I inspected the element and I saw that the images come from a domainName.com/files/thumb but when I want to store a new image it doesnt get stored sorry for my english
where I can find that directory its not under public_html
thats fucking annoying if u sit there and think wtf my code is well and then u call the tech support from the other company and they tell you "oh yeah its our mistake"
@undefined most time a webpage is divided into public and private folder. you cant get access to the private folder if you dont got acces to the server. but in most cases the images should be stored in public
@Wes well⌠with a non-commutative operator, you have to choose one side for the one function and another for the other one⌠In this case I imagine it like having the array ($b) and adding what's not yet in the other ($a)
@bwoebi yeh I have before and tried to understand where/why that would be useful... I just don't get it. I'm sure I will eventually, one day, but... not today
@DaveRandom It's just for the case where the callee doesn't handle Generator return values itself ⌠once() does that for you, so no need to coroutine() there.
@undefined ah sorry didnt read that before. i never used this before.. so only thing i should guess that there is an alias for the folder or an htacces or something like this. The Folder shouldnt be hidden, otherwise the browser cant find it, so we can leave this out. What if the file is hostet by the CMS in somethink like the template folder, cause the CMS Makes changes the root to the template once ?
random thought of the moment: how come we're in 2016 and html spec still hasn't realized we need a simple way to create fixed table headers, without needing to absolute width everything
my problem is, when creating dynamically filled tables, with an undefined number of columns, I'd rather not use js to calculate displayed width, then assign to each rows
which gets even worse when trying to give width that respect columns with more content
jsfiddle.net/xDLvg @FélixGagnon-Grenier found it :P and, if you add a little bit of javascript you can even make it behave exactly like tables, with columns sizes calculated upon their min-content
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it will never happen. instead it's very likely that flex-grid will happen (already existed in mozilla's flexbox 0) and what would do can be emulated easily with said little bit of javascript