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it all happened when I wasn't looking @Jimbo
@Jimbo where is it ? :)
@Traxstar Manchester this weekend
@JoeWatkins There are still tickets. LOOK NOWWW!
@Jimbo thats kinda far away from dortmund :D
Bet flights are cheap though ;)
@Jimbo round about ?
@JoeWatkins Why past tense?
I mean announce and arrange and stuff
> Flights to Dortmund
from £23 return
No way, I just looked
And on skyscanner they were asking £500 :/
@littlepootis wow, thats fucking cheap ! :D
I did mention it to the wife the other day, I can't remember what she said, I think it was negative ...
tbh only a couple of the talks look interesting whatever, but I would like to say hello to you all ..
@JoeWatkins Well, it's just on weekend… not much to arrange there
@littlepootis and the tickets for phpnw ?
@JoeWatkins I would too, to you…
@bwoebi yeah but she still has to book time off at weekends, or we need to find a sitter for the kids
Not much. 145-360 euro freedom units.
@JoeWatkins oh, she's working on WE too? mh
yeah, she's supposed to get every other weekend off, but it never happens ...
@littlepootis thats sad :( im in study atm and dont got that money left. would be awesome to be there :(
@kelunik does it do proper signature parsing yet or just docblocks?
is everyone staying until sunday ?
trying to get my boss to paying the tickets for me ^^
@JoeWatkins I am and that's the most important one isn't it :)
@PeeHaa hehe
@PeeHaa kinda ego problem ^^ :D
is there gonna be a room 11 lunch on sunday somewhere ?
@JoeWatkins I'm too
@JoeWatkins I am game if it is
That's reminds me @JayIsTooCommon promised me an english breakfast on saturday
@DaveRandom where could we all go for a meal on Sunday /cc @Danack ?
Slice of toast and a dash to the tube in your suit?
how can i echo a file containing some html into a variable ?
okay my boss just says we are going to the next in germany, some of u on php ruhr ?
what was the question you asked yourself before that @Joseph ?
ruhr is closish for me. Dunno though
@PeeHaa It completely parses everything: github.com/kelunik/daas/blob/master/src/Extraction/…
whatever it was, the answer "I need to echo html into a variable" is wrong, so go backwards until you get to a reasonable question, and ask that :)
@JoeWatkins what do you mean Sir ?
@PeeHaa what does closish mean ? ^^
can I find sponsors for an event?
I'm not old, you are the second person to call me sir in the last day, and one person called me sire the other day ... this is weird ...
not here i guess @SagarNaliyapara
can't afford
@Traxstar This will explain to you how "ish" works: youtube.com/watch?v=WTG2amHSkXI
Ok , I need to assign some text 'html' to a variable ? is that a better way ? @JoeWatkins
@Traxstar Rotterdam
@PeeHaa so you will be there ? :D
@JoeWatkins but this text happens to be in a file which i include
@JoeWatkins Joe, my leige.
@Traxstar Dunno yet. Probably I have actual work to do :P
@PeeHaa okay, i will ask a few days before it starts again ^^
@JoeWatkins Must be the beard
@Joseph I can't understand your idea from the words you are using, code is probably better ...
@Leigh you would come if we get together meal plans for sunday ?
Sure. I eat.
I thought you did
As long as you sit at the head of the table and wear a crown, sire.
@kelunik \o/ may I request this to be added for shits and giggles?
wtf are you talking about :D
my prof is talking about stack overflow error for about 15 minutes, and everytime he says stackoverflow i need to look up :D
how long do we think it is between a new compression algo appearing and web clients having support for it ?
i have a file named file.html it contains this text, 'Joe has a long beard'. Occasionally i include this file somewhere in my app. now instead of including it i want to put it's content into a variable $var = 'Joe has a long beard'; how can i achieve that ? @JoeWatkins
(I have no idea, I don't watch that sort of thing)
@JoeWatkins okay thats kinda random D
$var = file_get_contents('some.html');
kelunik@kelunik:~/git/kelunik/daas$ bin/github-import peehaa asynctwitter
v0.1.0 done
this is probably not a good idea ...
^ @PeeHaa done.
@JoeWatkins Depends on who made the algo
it's facebook
Well ... have to deploy it again. That's still a version that doesn't support dashes in package names.
bode well does it ? and what sort of scale are we looking at, months/years/versions ?
@kelunik Cool :)
@JoeWatkins hmmm dunno in that case. If they would have teir own browser it would have been faster
@kelunik YOu manually fixed aerys-session? :)
yeah, like if it were google ... gotcha ...
I can't find anyone talking about it ... I don't really know where to look ...
@JoeWatkins Maybe broaden the search to include stuff like e.g. encoders
@PeeHaa No, that's broken as well. It shows no classes and functions, because the field is set to not_analyzed in Elasticsearch instead of keyword as analyzer.
brotli is pretty new and appears supported
@kelunik oh rite :P
@kelunik @bwoebi any clue on this ?
@JoeWatkins I think Chromium supported brotili pretty pronto, but then Google algo, Google browser
@JoeWatkins On?
4 mins ago, by Joe Watkins
how long do we think it is between a new compression algo appearing and web clients having support for it ?
@JoeWatkins Depends who builds it and how good it is.
You could add it to Chromium today if you wanted. Good luck with the build chain though, it was a PITA last time I tried
@Leigh yeah but now seems well supported ...
Good Day how are you all
I need little help please if possible
@JoeWatkins I need an extension for that. It's just so totally not worth it doing in PHP, at the very least without JIT.
If Google builds it and it's good, it will directly be in Chrome and therefore widely supported.
it's facebook/zstd and benchmarks appear pretty good
@JoeWatkins Is that possibly a case of "Well Chromium has it, so we need to keep up"?
@bwoebi Same for brotli.
@MazharIqbalRana dont ask for help, just ask ! :)
@kelunik yep.
@Traxtar LOL
@MazharIqbalRana little typo in my name, isn't it ^^
so the answer is we don't really know how long it will take, because it doesn't seem to have happened recently, and we can't compare to brotli adoption
Oops Sorry @Traxstar
right ?
@MazharIqbalRana no problem, whats your question ?
@JoeWatkins yep.
@Traxstar Here is my div where checkbox is created at client end

<div id="option-div">
<br /><label>Printer <input type="radio" id="printCheck" name="equip" value="Printer" onclick="javascript:radioCheck();"></label>
<label>Scanner <input type="radio" id="scanCheck" name="equip" value="Scanner" onclick="javascript:radioCheck();"></label>
<label>PC <input type="radio" id="pcCheck" name="equip" value="Pc" onclick="javascript:radioCheck();"></label>
<label>Telephone <input type="radio" id="phoneCheck" name="equip" value="Telephone" onclick="javascript:radioCheck();"></label><br />
@MazharIqbalRana please post your code on pastebin or something like that :D
Traxstar its already on StackOverflow sending u link
This is link

@MazharIqbalRana give me a sec, i will have a look
@JoeWatkins Well… let's call you King Joe of the Preprocessing realm of Hypertext from now on :-)
@MazharIqbalRana why you aren't able to safe it in db ?
@bwoebi :D
you got your ajax call that opens a php. just create row in db that got boolean and update it with your ajax call. other way would be to work with sessions. therefore you can just use javascript
> But here radio is created so i am unable to insert generated radio fro client side in mysql
this is the kind of thing that makes our heads want to explode
@Traxstar I am safe but prob is that harcoded i can do easily this client side created one giving probs
@MazharIqbalRana sorry, not understanding what you mean
@JoeWatkins radio waves too intense?
@Traxtar row is already created in db just unable to update in ajax.
does it ever make sense to final a private?
@bwoebi maybe it does mean that
@MazharIqbalRana create an update query in equipements.php. Get the post data from the radio box and run the update query.
Hey guys, anyone use to Mail::send ?
that's not a php thing ... be more specific ...
Laravel 5 thing (facade)
I don't think any of us are intimately familiar with laravel, and if we are, we don't talk about it in public ...
And why that ?
@Traxstar insert query is there
$query6 = mysql_query("insert into accessories (is_accessory) values('$q1')");

here $q1=$_post['create']
at least 5 people are writing out the reasons why they dislike laravel at this moment, they may not all be sent, because we had that conversation a million billion times before ...
@Traxstar create is name of radio
no, it isn't
@JoeWatkins Hum okay still for 5 people disliking it there is thousand using it. Anyway I havent create the project but only working on it so if anybody is familiar with Laravel her can he express him self :) (In mp if it is that horrible)
First your variable names are kinda bad style. Think about $updateQuery or so. Second you should use the new mysqli_ statements cause mysql is deprecatet.

Next is you need an update Query and not an insert. Init your database with default=0 and update if isset. Your radio button got a different post name ;)
@Baldráni Just because a lot of newbies use something doesn't mean it's good
@Patrick Im not judging if its good or not I just want to talk to somebody who used it before.
@LeviMorrison yes, but that's no longer a minor refactoring, that's completely different code
@Traxstar Why update because I am not updating it is addition of new row. and u mean if(isset [create] is it?
@Baldráni You came to the wrong place
@MazharIqbalRana have you written the code by yourself ? going to launch. back in 1 hour
@Patrick I came to the only place... And I'm sure there is Laravel or at least Symfony user over there.
@Traxstar no this javascript one is done by someone else who is not available yet I am weak in JS.. dats y OK have good lunch :) you can skype me pls engr1111 if possible
@Baldráni Symfony yes, laravel I don't know of a single one
So lets ask the question as if it was symfony then. So how do you use a variable send in the layout of an email as an array ? (Knowing that {{array[variable]}} does not seems to wrok and {{variable}} netiher
@Baldráni Laravel yes i'm here...
Hey greetings :)
So have you used Mail::send before ?
How do you retrieve the varaible send as
Mail::send('emails.aLaCarteMail', $data, function($message) use ($user)
@Baldráni Your question is a perfect example of why anyone, worth their weight, dislikes Laravel. It tries to sell you lies. Because you actually believe that {{array[variable]}} is a Laravel thing, and not a PHP thing, you shifted all your focus from learning the most rudimentary aspects of PHP and focused all of it on learning an obscure, unfamiliar, poorly invented, convoluted, thing.
the $data part being an array like $data =array('xxx => xxx')
Variables in PHP begin with a $. So {{array[variable]}} is not a variable. Welcome to lesson 1, on day 1, of PHP.
@Baldráni something like this {{$xxx}} in blade template
@SagarNaliyapara not working sadly
My mail is being sent but all the variable are blank
Still no 500 error
So it must be when I send them first... I'm using serialiseData() through ajax to a controller then splitting each input in varialbe
@Baldráni then it should be blank in server side also in that case only this can happen otherwise there must be 500
Enter: The dangers of trying to reinvent PHP in PHP and then calling it <Not PHP>
@SagarNaliyapara I do agree with you but when I check serializeData() its not empty :/
Anyway I'm not mistaking the way I should retrieve it. So I'll go run more check in the controller And come back her hoping you're still there if there is some avancement.
@Baldráni then not easy to figure out what's the problem is blindly...
@Baldráni you are unserializing user input directly into php variables?
@Patrick Yep, retrieving the data like this :
$email = htmlspecialchars(\Input::get("email"));
then puting it in an array, then sending the array through mail function
@Baldráni why are you escaping for html if you're not using it in an html output?
... because Laravel
@ThW I'm using it in a layout send by mail function. (If I have not miss understood your question)
@PeeHaa :D just an excuse to be fat
@bwoebi @JoeWatkins you're both coming NW now?
@JayIsTooCommon I am, not sure about Joe
Does this mean I'm not the youngest one anymore? \o/
@JayIsTooCommon How's spain?
@JayIsTooCommon How old are you?
I am going to be really annoyed if you have a tan when I see you
Better get inside quickly
@bwoebi He's 12
Hot but awesome - I'll work on a tan :D
@bwoebi 20 :)
@JayIsTooCommon depends on which month you're born in, lol
July :D?
then you're younger
Well, fuck you.
@JayIsTooCommon Why anymore? Why should it change? :P
He thinks he can catch up to us
:D - I'm off early on Sunday btw so you might as well cancel the meal
Reason the more to finally have some fun
How are you going to handle the early Sunday start btw? :D
@JayIsTooCommon Not sure yet. Maybe some drugs+booze cocktail
Just do an all nighter, turn up drunk and heckle @Jimbo :D
In fact I'm most worried about questions at the end tbh
I don't want to answer any, and there's only so many times I can say I'm not sure, we'll chat about it afterwards
@Jimbo You should be. I have been preparing!
Be very afraid
Srs :-(
There'll be so many mum questions
But more serious. You could have us ask the questions :D
@MazharIqbalRana no not skype :D i am here if you like too :D
Yeah tell us what to ask and we'll take up all the QnA time :)
^ exactly
Once you have answered it you also have to ask me "did that answer your question" and I will use all kinds of superlatives to explain how good you answered my question
and if we get desperate, we'll just have a 5 minute coughing fit while asking the Q :D
hi guys i got error like this(Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered ).please help me to solve this.
@abdul how should we do this without knowing the code ? ^^
!!tell abdul !!how-to-ask
@peehaa...wait i will send
And isolate the problem part please
Chance is you will find the problem yourself that way
dont post your code here. go for pastebin or so pls
1 message moved to bin
@peeha ...i'm a php beginer,so please help to solve this
That's not isolated at all
That's a code dump
ok sorry @traxstar and @peeha
@abdul post your code into pastebin, place a comment at the line where you believe the error got cause from. Then come here, share your link and ask again
I often willing to help. But only if people help themselves first
What's your opinion on this throwing a fatal?
@Traxstar @peehaa please refer this link:stackoverflow.com/questions/39738761/…
@JoeWatkins definitely somewhere if you are gonna come up :-)
@JayIsTooCommon nooooooooo ... ooooooo ... oooooo
@DaveRandom I think I will
@abdul thats not the way you should ask.
Think about your problem. Give us an idea what you guess where it comes from and we help you to fix it. But just posting an error message isnt good practice. We cant help you like this and you cant learn anythink if somebody goes there and just fix it.
@JoeWatkins awesomesauce :-)
ok @Traxstar
@pmmaga looks expected
but it's not really overriding
oh but it is
Isn't that.. like.. the definition of overriding?
final private functions are anyway bullshit.
if it would be actually overriding, then this should return B, no?
yeah it is a bit strange
yup, marking a private as final is a question by itself
it's too late to answer some questions ...
@JoeWatkins The answer is: JUST BREAK BC!!!
Useful snippet of the day: <?php class_alias('Exception', 'Tantrum'); throw new Tantrum();
by the time php 11 comes along, there will just be a different set of inconsistencies to deal with, and fix by php 15 ...
@Gordon or just write 'Exception' ?
anyone know opencart completely ???
lol, opencart
if you read it in a biblical sense, it's funnier ...
@littlepootis after a few days i got the feeling that you are here the whole day, then if somebody ask for something you dont like you just say something like "lol,opencart" and then you disappear for the rest of the day :D
he was only saying what we were all thinking ... I mean c'mon, opencart ...
@JoeWatkins hmm?
open as in open to thieves ...
@JoeWatkins yeah but it is like i said :D
@Traxstar ok
@bwoebi where "to know something" means you had sex with it :D
@JoeWatkins I cannot decide between and
@littlepootis shouldn't make you angry or so. just thought its funny :D
@bwoebi lol
Hi everyone, I need a little help regarding writing a Functional Sepecification of a WordPress theme. Can anyone help?
@asma dont ask to ask, just ask ! if somebody can help he will
or she ... they ...
we don't do wordpress here
@JoeWatkins It.
@MadaraUchiha dunno what that means
If anyone ever wrote a functional specification of a WordPress theme, can they share with me?
@JoeWatkins Apache attack helicopters.
@MadaraUchiha okay ... are you in trouble ? should I send help ?
@JoeWatkins You said "she", "they", I added "it"
asma please refer this link :netcorps.org/kb/wordpress/…
@MadaraUchiha agree ...
@abdul thanks. I found it earlier but it does not describe the details of the sections of a specification.
@DaveRandom how wet and windy is Manchester of late ?
@JoeWatkins don't worry. I don't get him either… probably E_TOO_MUCH_FLAG_QUEUE
@asma ..if you have any dought..study here codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development
@MadaraUchiha fyi, some people think that, when someone says "I identify as attack helicopter", it is meant seriously
I've never heard anyone say that ... I get it now ...
@JoeWatkins apart from the epic rain last week some time, pretty reasonable for the time of year. It turns on a penny around here though.
forecast for fri/sat is rain but OK on Sun
Can't put much stock in that though
@PeeHaa Hacktoberfest rulez. First PR: github.com/amphp/file/pull/10
@bwoebi Do you think the callback thingy is fine?
@kelunik context?
you mean when()?
@kelunik doesn't look wrong
It's a bit ugly, but it works.
@Gordon +1 because TIL too
it does both, filtering and replacing. very neat
> RegexIterator::REPLACE: Replace the current entry (see preg_replace(); Not fully implemented yet)
I wonder whats missing
that comment may be out of date
it's not obvious from the source code whatever ...
if you have docs, you might be able to find out who put the comment there ...
btw: git.php.net/… \cc @JoeWatkins
\cc @amp-users, @kelunik @DaveRandom @PeeHaa @Trowski
oh cool
@JoeWatkins Just found bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=71924 … can you please verify the attached patch?
@bwoebi That's useful
I mean, it doesn't look wrong to me, but my m4 fu is weak
@PeeHaa Shall I backport it to 7.0 too?
@bwoebi Doesn't matter much for me. I will jump on 7.1 once it's available for my projects
tbh I'm not understanding the witchcraft either, if it looks good to you, ship it ...
@JoeWatkins It doesn't look wrong because I just don't understand enough m4 to know whether it's good :-P
@kelunik nice
Yeah, but I imagine many people using their distros phpdbg and thus being on 7.0…
me neither, if it works, it's good, until someone tells us otherwise ...
@JoeWatkins do you know who I may ask to review it?
what do you thing about vagrant ?
@Traxstar it's wonderful
@Gordon im not kinda sure if i understand the using right. Can you explain in shortform ?
you dont understand why you want it or how you use it?
i dont understand what to use for. typing vagrant up in console creates a new vm or what does it ?
yes, it creates a new vm. usually, this vm mimics your production server.
yeah okay. and how do is use this then ?
I am not sure what you are looking for in an answer.

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