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12:07 AM
On a scale from bad to good, how good is Death Note? Is it worth watching?
It's been recommended to me many times but I haven't gotten around to it myself so I can't vouch for it personally.
It's a very interesting anime / manga.
It's also hilarious sometimes.
So, I'd say it's good.
The premise/plot is pretty good.
@Borgleader I'm watching the first episode now.
It's pretty neat so-far.
12:23 AM
error C2065: 'MeshDescription' : undeclared identifier
Variadics, once again, fucking me over.
Does this look invalid to anyone?:
template <typename ...Tn>
void Emplace ( const TKey& key, Tn&&... argn ) {
	indices.Add( key, items.size() );
	items.emplace_back( std::forward<Tn>( argn )... );
@rightfold If you want something a little fucked up "Eden of the East" is great.
Eden of the East definitely ranks up there among the "fucked up 1st episodes".
I have to watch that again
its been too long
any one knows Vb.Net?
Let me guess, you have a VB.net question but the VB.net room either doesn't exist or is empty so you came here?
12:33 AM
@Borgleader yup, right :)
@Borgleader i've been struggling in an regex for hours. search whole net, read blogs, etc, etc asked in chat, etc etc, but all in vain. Finally, i decided to avoid regex and work on with native vb.net :|
Post your question on Stack Overflow.
@ThePhD :)
Almost nobody here who's present knows VB.NET super well to help you. Also, I am of the opinion that VB is a fairly crappy language, so I wouldn't try to figure it out myself anyhow. :D
@ThePhD i dont knw y everyone hates vb !!!!!!!
@ThePhD which is the best language to learn? i'm still new in vb. iplease suggest me which language to learn so that i can quit vb
Java. :D
12:38 AM
@ThePhD but i dont like java! :|
That's unfortunate.
@ThePhD y r u in C++ if u like java? :|
Perhaps ActionScript 3 in the Flash environment?\
@ThePhD i never heard that before!
That's a shame.
My final recommendation - perhaps the best of all - is PHP.
12:39 AM
@ThePhD ya, i learnt php :)
@ThePhD i love php :)
Very nice.
@NokImchen That's wonderful. :D
Another language that might be better for client-side things is Python. It's certainly not my favorite but it can get the job done.
@ThePhD thanks, Mr. PhD :)
It is certainly better than VB.NET and if I remember correctly should give you great Regex support out of the box.
There should be a PHP and a Python room around here. You should head over to those, perhaps they'll help you more than I can.
@ThePhD but i want to learn something which can do web client software development + system tools + handle large data (not sql)
@ThePhD oh, those ppl there hates me cos i keep on asking questions :(
That's unfortunate. I could never imagine why...
12:43 AM
@ThePhD oh, cos i ask questions and they cant understand my question cos my communication skills are too bad :(
Well, you should try searching Stack Overflow for more answers to your questions. I'm sure someone has asked these kinds of questions about web clients and large data mining / pruning.
@ThePhD yup, ppl had questions like mine cut only in c++ and other languages. Moreover, my questions are so peculiar that no one in d world had questions like mine!!!
That's unfortunate.
Well, if it's interactive web client, you even might want to check out Javascript.
But, that's the extent of how much I can help you. I'm not a Web person myself. :D
Are you sure you can't use Python, PHP or Java? I know they have wonderful regex capabilities...
PHP especially.
@ThePhD i can use regex in php
I have to go to sleep now. I seem to be having some sort of hallucination about VB/java/PHP advice in the Lounge. Must have rest.
12:50 AM
@ThePhD but i want to make desktop app for my own purpose, so m doing that using Vb.Net,
@MartinJames oh, goodnight :)
@NokImchen Well, then finally I would sort of recommend C#. Desktop application development is wonderful in C#.
@ThePhD is it easy or hard? i like vb6 cos its easy!
@ThePhD but i'll definitely try C# :)
thanks a lot :)
Have fun.
Ryuk is funny.
1:07 AM
omg ... want :)
My shit eating-grin is huge right now.
@Borgleader EXAMS D:<
> This is very reminiscent of a big if else tree in imperative languages, only this is far better and more readable.
;_; no it isn't. (guards)
Well.. I guess it's okay.
max' :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a
max' a b
    | a > b     = a
    | otherwise = b
is one of their examples
but their other one was ~4 and was pretty big
I can't make heads or tails of that.
1:13 AM
A: Why was this answer deleted

user221135I am not sure who would be considered more idiotic. The average 'stupid' that form the community which down votes, the idiot who started the vote system and thought it was a good idea, or you for visiting this website and actually taking it seriously. This isn't where intelligence goes to die. I...

Wow... check out this guy's comments: meta.stackoverflow.com/users/221135/…
Now the guy is trying to vandalize posts... lol
@user221135 Get off your high horse, jackass. — Etienne de Martel 5 secs ago
1:28 AM
@ThePhD Done :) internship started though
@ThePhD "if a > b return a, else return b" sorta
they're called guards
This is my original Stack Overflow username. I know this is hard for your small brain to grasp, but there are thousands of lurkers who never post and read your drivel, face palming all the way to their first post. I am merely an observer, speaking what I have seen is true. — user221135 10 mins ago
shit son.
He's obviously lying. Because 2221135 is his meta userid.
So he never changed it.
Mysticial P.I. make that a show please
Thank you for proving my point with your immature and childish remarks. All three of you have done nothing but speak to remove all doubt that I am right in my judgement. I'm sorry Jeremy, but I do not have to specify what "annoys me" to give my claim validity. If it is true, the reality of the stack site attests to my claim. Besides, the list of things which annoy intelligent people is much longer than three dumb children yelling at me for giving a legitimate, truthful answer to the question posed. "Why was this answer deleted"? Because people here are idiots, plain and simple. — user221135 1 min ago
1:35 AM
Oh, fuck that shit.
actually not many people read those questions and answers - most would only have about 30-1000 visits in a year, which isn't much as long as a webpage is concerned
Why am I even trying.
I'd like to see what the puppy would say.
@Popular: I hope that was tongue in cheek, as acceptance rate in general is meaningless, more so here on Meta. — perbert May 20 '10 at 15:13
They've thought accept rate has been useless since 2010?!
It's only recently been removed.
But yes, a lot of people refuse to answer questions from a 0% accept rate OP.
1:37 AM
How is that not justified?
It shows that they're help vampires.
Heck, even I've gotten into the habit of ignoring questions from 0% accept rate OPs.
Think WP will ever catch on?
WordPress already caught on.
I have not really seen any OPs that have zero or almost no accept rate ... was it common?
Sigh. Windows Phone. I feel like it had a 7 appended to it once.
1:40 AM
They took it down a while ago.
But yeah, in I saw a ton of 0% accept rate people.
I usually left a comment pointing them to the FAQ about how to accept and then usually it'd raise back up to ~70% or so.
I see a lot of crap and morons in every day.
crap I can answer?
How would anyone get Unsung Hero? — Rapptz 5 secs ago
damn. Someone answered
1:47 AM
@Rapptz vc and now Closed
you guys I'm so lame
Late answer to old and well-answered question. Not sure if we should keep it or nuke it:
A: Why is the linux kernel not implemented in C++?

user2345299 First of all what did you mean by saying "Templates are restricted to those approved in the Linux Template Library." Linux kernel already uses a lot of MACROs, so why would templates hurt? STL is a bloated mess, imho. But the source code and design are available. With that, one can write a f...

I read it and I don't have an opinion.
begins with "C++ is bloated" and ends with "Good C++ is beautiful"
Anyway, I say keep.
It isn't bad.
It reads pretty lame to and is not backed by much but not so humble opinion
The whole question is opinionated if anything
That guy T.E.D.'s answer is wrong though
At least the first bullet point
lol scrolled down to read that -19 score.
+7/-26 so he gained rep from it.
1:52 AM
pwned by jalf and Konrad...
Pwned by jalf and Jonrad where?
The -19 answer that Rapptz mentioned.
The guy is a PHP programmer.
I think the coolest thing we've done here lately was closing a question, reopening it, and then closing it again.
kalf and Jonrad
Oh found it 10k only
2:05 AM
Just got through one of the funnier episodes this week:
@Rapptz Need screenie?
Nah I remember it well.
I NEED to call a function to call a function from a functionn c++, and you must undestand that the function is used aprox. 50 times in a run (it variates) and it is 42 lines long.
You totally saved it somewhere. You even got the typos right.
I think it's a new change because in my votes tab it shows (deleted)
and you can see it
2:07 AM
Votes tabs now shows deleted stuff?
I can't find a single deleted question on my votes tab.
I sorted by closure
I see the (deleted) markers, but the questions themselves aren't actually deleted.
How did I cast deletion votes?
Those are your own posts.
Which you later undeleted.
2:12 AM
Rapptz is OP versus himself.
I've only deleted 2 posts?
Nothing that's deleted will actually show up on those lists unless you're a mod.
Which is why I'm confused how you found that call a function question without a bookmark.
I can't wait till I have downvoted more than upvoted.
2:14 AM
I'm +4538/-3
You downvoted only three posts?
All deleted.
2:14 AM
Question, is there a way to emulate a while loop in Haskell?
@Rapptz In a monad or outside of a monad?
Outside of a monad, you're looking for recursion.
Inside of a monad, you can use let with recursion (or for an infinite loop, Control.Monad.forever).
Is Haskel really scheme?
Haskell is not Scheme.
2:20 AM
Both Haskell and Scheme are functional languages, though.
Haskell is more similar to MLs than to Lisps, but still quite different.
I have had the misfortune of needing to Scheme for my research. I want it dead. I want it dead.
At the end of the day it became bash HERE files...
@Rapptz Can you give an imperative example of the loop you want to create?
I'm watching Death Note in the meantime, so I may respond late unless you ping me.
Oh it's okay I think I got it.
I was trying to implement the fibonacci loop one in Haskell
2:24 AM
Anime >> Haskel
anime :: IO ()
haskell :: IO ()
main = anime >> haskell -- valid equation (^_^)
This one's cool.
fib = fst . fib2

-- | Return (fib n, fib (n + 1))
fib2 0 = (1, 1)
fib2 1 = (1, 2)
fib2 n
 | even n    = (a*a + b*b, c*c - a*a)
 | otherwise = (c*c - a*a, b*b + c*c)
 where (a,b) = fib2 (n `div` 2 - 1)
       c     = a + b
I don't know what that period does though on top..
That's a very fast implementation.
@Rapptz function composition.
f . g = \x -> f (g x)
2:31 AM
Same as in mathematical notation but with a period instead of a circle.
fib = fst . fib2
-- is the same as
fib x = fst (fib2 x)
That's function composition.
Right, that was a brainfart. LOL
@rightfold I remember that shit from 9th grade algebra...
2:32 AM
It should be pretty obvious if you add type annotations.
that's cool.
night folks
night folk
print(sum (filter (<4000000) (filter even [fib x | x <- [1..40]]))) this works with euler 2
not sure how ugly that looks..
2:37 AM
@Rapptz Can I give a readability pro-tip?
go nuts.
the parentheses bug me if it's about that
print $ sum $ filter (\x -> x < 4000000 && even x) [fib x | x <- [1..40]]
$ is function application. f $ x = f x. Normal function application (space operator) has the highest operator precedence of all operators, but $ has the lowest precedence of all operators.
what's \x -> ?
2:39 AM
Same as [] (int x) { return x < 4000000 && even(x); }.
lol space operator
oh it's a lambda?
initials :: String -> String -> String
initials firstname lastname = [f] ++ ". " ++ [l] ++ "."
    where (f:_) = firstname
          (l:_) = lastname
You can also do print $ sum [y | x <- [1..40], let y = fib x, y < 4000000, even y] if you like.
What does (f:_) do?
2:42 AM
Pattern matching.
: operator prepends to a list, e.g. x : [1, 2, 3] == [x, 1, 2, 3].
(f:_) takes the head of the list and binds it to f, and binds the tail of the list to _.
yeah I remember that
_ cannot be read from, only bound to.
@Rapptz Wait. Does that compile?
2:44 AM
I found it in that Learn You Haskell book thing and I got confused at it
I was following up until that point
initials :: String -> String -> String
initials (f:_) (l:_) = [f] ++ ". " ++ [l] ++ "."
This is more idiomatic.
yeah he (she?) mentions that
> We could have done this pattern matching directly in the function's parameters (it would have been shorter and clearer actually) but this just goes to show that it's possible to do it in where bindings as well.
-- I prefer this, though.
import Text.Printf

initials :: String -> String -> String
initials (f:_) (l:_) = printf "%c. %c." f l
@Rapptz "the author" :)
2:46 AM
The author has always sounded weird to me since I was in school.
Ryuk is hilarious.
The function pattern matching is cool.
f :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> a this thing
And you mean Integral, not Integer. :)
2:55 AM
that too
It's kind-of similar to concepts or C# constraints.
The author calls it pattern matching
2:56 AM
The author is referring to this:
lucky x = "Sorry, you're out of luck, pal!"
Ah, I assumed he meant the top since it follows the function definition.
though that makes more sense than what I was thinking
Constraints are there for limiting which types you can pass to functions if you're using type variables ("generics").
what's a word for when something doesn't seem like reality?
2:58 AM
Screenie of SO post: i.stack.imgur.com/MkMj5.png
-- This is illegal.
f :: a -> String
f 1 = "foo"
f x = "bar"
-- You need to enforce a to be integral, otherwise it won't ever be
-- matchable to 1; it would be a type-error.
... I don't even understand the question.
What is he asking?
He's asking does the way you sit impact your sex capability.
I think the question is, if coders sit for long periods of time, does it affect your ability to reproduce? (or just have sex)
.... Uhhh.
Try it and find out?
3:03 AM
@Mysticial You should make a website stackoverflowwallofshame.org and post those screenshots for all to see.
The answer is no.
anyway bed time for me, bye
@rightfold failoverflow.org :P
I like the idea. I can easily put them as a sub-directory on my existing site. But I'm not sure if publicly antagonizing users is such a good idea.
@Borgleader Niiight. :D
3:05 AM
My website is fairly high-traffic.
@Mysticial Host them somewhere else and hide your name from the screenshot.
I don't have another domain.
And I'm too lazy to get another one.
Don't forget to change the color scheme if you do that LOL.
I say publicly shame them
3:14 AM
I have an error in VS2008 building: 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1000: Internal error during IncrBuildImage
Link to the object that contains IncrBuildImage.
I rebuild and it coms OK.And will occurrence in the future
Dat face.
I'm hungry.
3:20 AM
I never look at a human face & become hungry
unless I am looking at a barbie cake
3:32 AM
Q: Please correct my calculations

user2093028My calculations are very off, can anyone correct it for me? (It generates and runs fine) I have to submit this real soon at 11:55pm Central Time Zone. (I would like to just get straight to the point and submit the work.) I really just want to get this assignment over with. I'm sorry if I sound to...

^^ guy's in trouble.
vtc as too localised
I want to see somebody pwned by their own professor on Stack Overflow.
It's happened on math.SE.
Somebody did a dropped a take-home exam problem.
Prof sees it, creates an account to "comment" on it and call out the student.
Whole thing gets linked on Hacker News.
The prof's "answers" got repeatedly nuked by mods because they are non-answers.
link pls
3:43 AM
@Rapptz all deleted now
I don't have 10k on math
Everyone involved was pissed. Everyone watching was laughing their ass off.
3:43 AM
They should've framed, laminated, highlighted, and gold-hemmed that shit.
@ScottW Oh, I'll hem you with something else, sweetiebunches~
What a sticky situation.
@Mysticial THANK YOU
Reading it and reading the whole comment blog, a big discussion about cheating ensured.
People even calling into question whether college/university education - the way its being done now - is effective.
4:03 AM
@rightfold When I saw it (before it was deleted), it wasn't clear who was pwning who.
Was it the prof pwning the student. Or the commentors pwning the prof.
Guess what?
I predicted that feeds would post an XKCD comic!
^^ Didn't know I had that until I searched.
4:39 AM
4:57 AM
in Anime and Manga on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 6 mins ago, by Logan M
Q: Why is $n^2-\frac{n^2}{2} =\frac{n^2}{2}$?

user672009Could someone please expand on how to get from $\displaystyle n^2-\frac{n^2}{2}$ to $\dfrac{n^2}{2}$? I can't seem to wrap my head around that.

^^ wtf...
I just read this and I'm pretty sure it was a troll
Nice answers though
> Sufficiently advanced ignorance is indistinguishable from malice.
I think that one time he said "APPPPLLLEEEE" or something was actually trying to mock you all up, but yeah, I agree...
5:11 AM
@Jueecy.new lol @ someone downvoting for the use of "shit"
that was pretty lame
2 hours ago, by rightfold
@Mysticial You should make a website http://stackoverflowwallofshame.org/ and post those screenshots for all to see.
^^ absolutely!!
1 hour later…
6:44 AM

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