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That's half a job.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I assume that the other half should be comparing for equality, hm?
It is useless without a matching equivalence relation.
So you have to do the matching on your own by hand.
right, but std::equal_to already existed.
uh oh I think I'm a bit lost
so unless you want to deprecate it
    std::size_t seed = 0;
    boost::hash_combine(seed, p.x);
    boost::hash_combine(seed, p.y);
Yay, my first tumbleweed. Finally.
I am officially a fan of hash_combine
Y it no in std?
I actually asked about that in Bristol
It would be better variadic, though.
@BartekBanachewicz Um, they forgot?
there was a proposal in Kona, I think, but it was not ready for Standardisation, and nobody has come forward with a new paper since then
@R.MartinhoFernandes oooh yes. return hash_combine(x,y,z);
all old papers are invalidated?
@Rapptz What do you mean?
Like, they can't be brought up again in the future?
the original paper was not ready for prime time, you can't just go back and accept it because nobody fixed it
Do you have to rewrite it?
@Rapptz More like abandoned, I'd say. If no one picks them up to defend in a meeting they're left behind.
Hm. I wonder why it's <type_traits> instead of <typetraits> ...
To mess up crappy syntax highlighters.
@Rapptz They can be brought up again or revised; but they won't ever be accepted as Standard unless the issues involved are addressed.
like Coliru's and ideone
Exactly what I was thinking.
so if you don't propose a revision to a fundamentally flawed paper, then it will never get accepted
@DeadMG well, what if a paper is rejected for running out of time?
@ThePhD You know what's worse? <typeinfo> vs std::type_info.
@rightfold type_index. :D
@Rapptz That issue is automatically addressed by bringing it up again at the next meeting
@ThePhD I was going to say "consistency" but I don't know.
@Rapptz Then it's not rejected, but deferred.
deferred papers are almost always considered as a priority at the next meeting
at least, I believe all subgroups did this at Bristol
@BartekBanachewicz Given std::hash<std::tuple<T...>> you can just return std::hash<std::tuple<T...>>()(std::forward_as_tuple(x, y, z));, btw.
How many papers did you guys read btw?
oh lord, I risked responding to the robot on a potentially contraversial issue
at LEWG and LWG we might have got through 30 or 40
or more
@thecoshman lolwat
if you look at the document numbers, there were about two hundred papers total gone through at Bristol
very busy
are you going to the next meeting?
if I can afford it
it'll probably run me three times as much as Bristol
but that's looking doubtful
where is it?
ah right
the flights alone will cost nearly twice as much as going to Bristol
@thecoshman Now you have to do it!
Hahah shit
2096 errors
And it's not even done building x3
What horrible things have I done
WTF are you doing?
that's nothing
You forgot a semicolon
you should see how many linker errors I can get by commenting out the LLVM libraries from building Wide.
ITT ThePhD set the compiler to C mode.
C89 to boot.
ITT ThePhD tried to actually compile
Also highest amount of errors I've gotten is only 25000
1 hour ago, by rightfold
@Rapptz Don't bother, he's just ThePhD'ing.
C11 isn't substantially more compatible with C++ than C89 is
@R.MartinhoFernandes do what?
@rightfold oh right, derping, basically
@TonyTheLion Trying to reduce my compile times. :c
The MSVC flavour of it is C89 + the C++ compatibility, though.
@ThePhD what are your compile times?
6 mins ago, by thecoshman
oh lord, I risked responding to the robot on a potentially contraversial issue
last clocked one before I started changes was 12:51
People will still only use C89.
that reminds me
I should commit
@ThePhD that's not that long
But it wasn't a super duper recompile (i.e. I didn't hit full rebuild)
well I think I got a speedup
17 hours ago, by Crowz
I thought the trailers for Oblivion were very deceiving, personally.
bah okay
was just gonna say I enjoyed it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The inventory system was crap, though.
no confirming or denying as to whether or not I agree with Crowz :)
@DeadMG I think the allocator will really come in handy later, because right now I'm not adding a lot of chunks; I'm rather doing a lot of operations on the existing ones
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh good :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes... I have made that risk... I am not risking it, I have risked it...
@BartekBanachewicz Changing the allocator isn't just about allocating and freeing faster; it's also about speeding up access via better cache coherency.
@DeadMG I wonder how much of an effect that would really have here.
Meh, I'll take a look when optimizing for real
depends a lot on your cache and what your other memory stuff is looking like and what freeing you're actually doing
memory stuff is basically a map of flat arrays.
each array is a cubical chunk
@BartekBanachewicz I meant the map.
@TonyTheLion Much better, #define ALL_THE_THINGS free
Anyway, bye all.
@DeadMG well as I said. It's indexed by (now hashed) int vector in chunk coordinate system.
chunks can exist anywhere, but in practice they are close to each other, i.e. no chunk is just "floating"
auto willy = malloc(6_metres);
how many is 6 metres in bytes?
TIL about willy
willy ?
unsigned int foo == ~0UL what the hell is ~0UL???
@BartekBanachewicz About the size of a killer whale.
@ThePhD Oh FFS
Kids these days.
Get off my lawn.
What did I do wrong now ;~;
@TonyTheLion 0UL is unsigned long (long?) and ~ is one's complement.
ITT Robot explaining @ThePhD what a willy is
Free Willy is a 1993 family drama film and released by Warner Bros. under its Family Entertainment label. The film stars Jason James Richter as a young boy who befriends a captive orca, named "Willy." Followed by two sequels, a third non-consecutive sequel, Free Willy: Escape from Pirate's Cove, and a short-lived animated television series, Free Willy was a financial success, eventually making a star out of its protagonist Keiko. The film's famous climax has been spoofed several times in popular culture. Michael Jackson produced and performed "Will You Be There", the theme for the f...
@R.MartinhoFernandes I preferred the Simpsons version.
also the money shot of this movie was so retarded
I half-waited for fucking rocket jetpack
@rightfold ah right
Crossbreed Priscilla
Just use std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max() instead.
@TonyTheLion ULONG_MAX
Budget $20,000,000
Box office $153,698,625
I always read sqrt as squirt
Yes, but you're Tony.
I am Tony.
This is a fact
I am cactus
go to r/cactus
A school recently sent out a reading list with The Handmaid's Tale summarised as: "A chilling dystopian vision of a world ruled by women."
I have no idea what that means
It's funny.
@TonyTheLion just lol at it and move on
@TonyTheLion lol
@thecoshman Normally, that's what I do
but today isn't normal
I'm looking for a needle in a haystack
Always laugh at things without knowing why they're funny
that isn't normal
@CatPlusPlus lol
@TonyTheLion get a magnet fool
magnet don't cut it
Always laugh at things regardless of whether they are funny.
@TonyTheLion get a big magnet fool
@thecoshman shut up fool
@StackedCrooked lol
@thecoshman lol
so.. IBM are into animation now
@thecoshman What is that boy doing??
and I just realised the screen shot in that article makes it look like the boy is pissing
@TonyTheLion The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopian novel that portrays a world where women have no rights at all.
@StackedCrooked just noticed that :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes portraits?
@R.MartinhoFernandes well now that I know what dystopian means, that makes sense.
@thecoshman I'm glad I didn't click that link
Sliced down to 100 errors!
nice slicing
@TonyTheLion it's 100% SFW, just good old fashioned nerdy stuff
damn, can't link and one boxed image :(
Apparently it's his foot.
those be atoms bitches, not metal balls!
hmmm atoms
Pff, all movies are made of atoms.
seriously, check out the article
too lazy
@StackedCrooked not like this, fool
@TonyTheLion it's two videos o_0
@R.MartinhoFernandes ಠ_ಠ
damn, one edit review of a badge :P
@rightfold awesome :)
Mr T pronounces it as "foo!"
@StackedCrooked and I know English, fool!
You don't.
though I did have a slight panic that I had actually said 'I no English'
@thecoshman Meh, I was expecting to hear atoms sing.
@thecoshman :P
> You can always escape from awkward unreturned high five situation by shouting "Heil Hitler!"
@R.MartinhoFernandes whoa, tone down your expectations a bit
2 Errors
This wasn't so bad
Even though all singers are made of atoms..
@ThePhD 1) you 2) your code hrhrhr
i am a terrible person.
I can expect to hear the backyard birds singing - they do that when they want food
@ThePhD That's 2 too many! Fool!
@StackedCrooked Mr. Rogers disagrees.
that's all Vivaldi's fault
@R.MartinhoFernandes apparently, they could actually hear them move as they ... moved the atoms into place
@R.MartinhoFernandes :)
@StackedCrooked Fool!
I'm listening to Spring right now
@BartekBanachewicz StackedCrooked Vivaldi
colleague has just discovered that PHP extensions are more than DLLs with an arbitrary function interface, and considers it some mindblowing revelation
@StackedCrooked what
@LightnessRacesinOrbit are there extensions to PHP?!
oh god.
@BartekBanachewicz oh dear lord
@BartekBanachewicz Yes: .php
don't let it breed
you've never heard of mysql_query?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit colleague? wait... dumb moment, place of education, or person you work with?
yea I've used it. I thought it's a library
@LightnessRacesinOrbit how are they more than that?
@thecoshman no such thing as "colleagues" in places of education I understand your question now. Yes, the latter
@BartekBanachewicz PHP libraries are called "extensions"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit meh.
@BartekBanachewicz s/meh/ah okay I was wrong okay thanks/ FTFY
@LightnessRacesinOrbit exactly that
I once wrote a php extension :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ¬_¬
The other word is "college"
@StackedCrooked You have to fit into the Zend framework. There are constraints. devzone.zend.com/303/…
@LightnessRacesinOrbit they still look interchangeable to me (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol not gonna read that
@thecoshman Why?!
@StackedCrooked Fortunately you don't need to. Simply consider that PHP int is not the same as C int and you're there
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's his superpower.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok
MSVS keeps amazing me
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :'(
for each is a keyword in C++/CLI
@BartekBanachewicz each what?
@StackedCrooked square
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am always scared when I type and my code turns blue
like event
@R.MartinhoFernandes excuse me a second, I just need to throw up
@BartekBanachewicz that would be scary if you don't use syntax coloring and you're color blind on top of that
VS's editor is so great that it cannot even keep all the languages separate.
they just assume I am writing C++/{whatever} crap
which I'm not, fuckers!
> The super-rich enjoy having money at their finger tips. NBA star DeShawn Stevenson didn't like the idea of having to find an ATM machine to withdraw cash, so he put one in his kitchen.
that's actually a good idea
@R.MartinhoFernandes It doesn't help that Microsoft has decided to use the same file extensions for all their C++ dialects. They're not making it easier for the compiler.
@R.MartinhoFernandes As is array, conveniently.
.cli ?
One letter away from a terrible PR accident~
@LightnessRacesinOrbit haha
@ThePhD clit
yes I said
Zing! And Tony takes the bait.
What did you expect?
That I would lie dormant
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hopefully it's not one that charges :U
@ThePhD Tony has a girlfriend?
and let this moment pass
I made move, forward, EnableIf and DisableIf highlight as operators in my vim config.
I hate CamelCase
Taken already.
camel_Snake ?
@TonyTheLion :(
@ThePhD That's just stupid. It does not work for single word identifiers.
Camel_snake is concepts.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's about looks
My personal favorite:
derpstormcase <3
@Xeo If they do that for real, I will stop using C++ forever.
@TonyTheLion Function is also important.
@rightfold promise?
Hungarian notation <3
I think I have a derpstorm in my code
@TonyTheLion which one?
@BartekBanachewicz pszChar
that's the bad one.
@TonyTheLion good one is ok.
50 secs ago, by Tony The Lion
no, that's DirectX case
Meh, good one is still crap.
Sturgeons law
@R.MartinhoFernandes yea, should be in types and statically enforced
It's actually the exact same one.
It only differs on the level of granularity.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Topic was outdated and stale. Please change. [c++] [c++11] [no-helpdesk]
AlTeRnAtInGcAsE is the best.
for dynamic languages it's better I guess (makes more sense)
yousuckcase is my favourite
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Tony is outdated and stale. Please change. [c++] [c++11] [no-helpdesk]
@TonyTheLion SQLCASE
@DeadMG lol
@BartekBanachewicz The point where it starts making sense in a dynamic language is the point where you should have static elements.
isn't C# static?
@BartekBanachewicz You can have both.
boost::any, huh?
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Robot is a C# helpdesk, come on in [c++] [c++11] [no-helpdesk]
C# allows dynamic typing.
@BartekBanachewicz much less crappy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think you spelled 'I wish C# would burn in hell' wrong
funny, didn't know about that.
No need for casting.
@thecoshman You suck.
@BartekBanachewicz it's a relatively recent addition (4.0, or 4.5 IIRC)
@R.MartinhoFernandes XD
Also, stop FUDing.
I've finished my Java classes already
@R.MartinhoFernandes Don't be so hard on him; he's been dealing with the Java.
we are moving to C# now.
csharp> dynamic x = 42;
csharp> x += 10;
csharp> x
@jalf Yeah, 3 years.
Java is really a nice language
@jalf 4.0 had it when VS2010 launched
No. Stop smoking.
it's good for simple uncomplicated stuffz.
IDE is great
and it's still a statically typed language, they've just added a few pseudo-magic classes on top to support dynamically typed code
and community and libraries and all
so as long as noone forces you to use SwingWorker, you can write reasonable Java code
@jalf I don't see how the implementation makes a difference.
You have sections of code with types checked statically and sections with types checked dynamically.
@rightfold Can you set that x to a string?
Even overloads can be dynamically resolved, which is kinda cool (multi-methods!)
csharp> dynamic x = 42;
csharp> x
csharp> x = "Yup, you can."
csharp> x
"Yup, you can."
@ThePhD ^
@R.MartinhoFernandes no more visitor pattern!

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