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melaks message above
rektangle, bruh.
Regex is the buddy to substring matching & manipulation ...
Why is my first instinct for all "My girlfriend made me a <insert shit here>..." posts to say "Is she single?"
you like shitposting obv
Yeah, it's amazaing!
Ha, Fallout uses the image of the vault door as the sticker on the disk. Pretty slick.
Season pass...
Yeah, complete & utter shit. Microtransaction cancer transforming.
I don't know how to make this class
without making it take up >=200 bytes
> Most recent projects: Geo location application in Ruby on Rails. Recommendation engine in NEO4J based on collaborative filtering. Deployed wordpress application on Linux server on AWS.
I'm pretty sure he added that last bit to deflect bad head hunters?
sehe developed the skill to chat while sleeping!
'sup cat.
I'd say we're in similar timezones
I woke up waaaaaay too early
Sleeping is overhyped.
So I've been thinking about Lounge adventure game
Kind of thing
I have a splash screen and some dumb ideas that will never be playable so I think it's ready to go
You should also have a launcher for added coolio factor. :D
user image
(this took way too long for what it is)
cats romance sounds like a lady gaga song
Looks better than Fallout 4.
(its random)
Still looks like shit though, needs more chaos
Maybe if I had an interval set to look for overlaps and just placed things completely randomly instead of filling up lines like I have now
And I'm thinking about this stupid thing again god why
this is good for loungecoin because
"You've got to respect a game that kills a baby in its announcement trailer" xd
Haha, never should've come here!
Which one is that
Fallout 4 /hides
> like feeding the baby and helping that lady fart
> look at those creepy eyes. Yup. Definitely a grocery store worker
Guy has a vendetta against teal. :D
O noticed he calls many colours that
@ElimGarak Is it a transform?
> Get children to play with your logo and they will spend their life associating your brand with comfort and titties.
@CatPlusPlus Looks nice. Is it on GitHub?
> You can tell he's a dad because he's wearing a fake smile.
@sehe Ahahah, hits home. :D
No comment
Aww, they'll be better when they're 25, don't worry. :P
yup. And you won't even notice it's fake anymore
@ElimGarak But what are you using it for
@VermillionAzure Wat? :D
@ElimGarak Stereographic projection
@ElimGarak utah teapot :)
what are you using it for
@VermillionAzure Encoding normals in 2 half precision channels is a common application
Stomach acheeee.
@Nooble What dyu eat?
@Borgleader No clue.
Today at lunch a roast beef sandwich thing.
@Borgleader Those guys driving all those cars all the time #envy
@ElimGarak normals for what though?
surfaces that lights bounce off going towards the camera?
@Borgleader Look at all those rich people.
a round of applause for the Blizzard cinematic team
once again
@VermillionAzure Surface normals, perpendicular to an arbitrarily sized surface (depending on detail you need) recording its orientation which is used generically for many things, but yes, it is involved in lighting computation, but also faking ambient occlusion and many other things, it's probably easier to speak of things where they aren't useful.
@Borgleader Didn't they already do some sort of other legion
@ElimGarak But how do you get negative normals that are pointing away? Or does the position on the sphere represent the normal itself given a set observation coordinate?
@VermillionAzure using legion = burning_legion;
@ElimGarak ahhh, right
kne wit
@VermillionAzure It's projected onto the plane, normals facing away are encoded in the part of the plane bounded by the unit sphere. There's only a singularity at {0,0,1}, which is easily amended.
@ElimGarak But vectors require two "points" unless {0,0,0} is implicit
Yup, that's a non issue. :D
I'm sort of confused now whether you use it to store world or projection data
It's world data right?
You project it onto the plane and store the uniquely identifying plane coordinates and then decode it in the shader with special care for 0, 0, 1.
@ElimGarak But that's not what i'm asking
what is the "it"
@EtiennedeMartel So I started looking for condos in mtl, sadly all the ones I like are out of my price range :P
(yes, im sure youre interested by this fact)
It's just the normal vectors of the objects unaffected by perspective?
@VermillionAzure The normal, which can be in any space (tangent, world, view)
It's really simple. :D It's fiendishly clever and simple, actually. :D Up until folks were introduced to it, some schmucks managed to fuck it up by encoding normals in spherical coordinates (as the normal implies, radius is 1, hence two channel encoding). But in some cases which most devs miss because they suck at mathematics, proper handedness is lost.
"proper handedness" what
You mean like whether the normal is going out or in?
Yes, it gets flipped if done poorly.
I don't really understand unless this is related to gimbal lock
But you're telling me that they basically encode normals with just (x,y) universally by projecting?
from some point like (0,0,1)
Yes, by tracing it through the normal's coordinates which fall on a unit sphere. All upper hemisphere normals are outside the area bounded by the sphere and all lower hemisphere is inside.
@ElimGarak ah, so the normal's implicit root is (0,0,0) on the unit sphere and you project the end point of its vector onto the new UV-projection plane
And then you store the coordinates and just decode it when you need it. When you're moving to the next part of the pipeline, you encode them again.
@ElimGarak Memory vs. CPU I guess
Yes, burning ALUs is much better than burning bandwidth.
@ElimGarak That's true, but... do we really need all that resolution in the first place?
@VermillionAzure What do you mean, FP precision?
@ElimGarak Yeah, why not just go with more discrete values and encode with integrals?
I'm not talking realistic graphics
Stuff like blocky Minecraft stuff
Half precision (16-bit) is usually used with no problems. And you can reuse the usually allocated additional two channels for storing other data, possibly HDR.
But I mean calculating normal vectors is not cheap if you have a lot of surfacse
@Borgleader Looks like you need a better job then
If you were to enumerate the number of normals avaliable in the engine and then encode using scalars of those normals could things go faster?
e.g. if I have a minecraft world and I want to do raytracing or something
> enumerate the number of normals avaliable in the engine
Normal data is baked into textures when projecting high poly meshes onto low poly meshes and macrosurface normals are stored into vertices, by averaging surrounding face normals in the case of smooth shading.
@melak47 So I mean instead of having the full millions of possible values for normals, just only have maybe 64 angles avaliable for something like Minecraft
I dunno I know nothing so I'll shut up right now
I'm going to test out this differential expression module now
One good thing to assume is that you're always wrong when you think you've run into something obvious (and then go write some stuff and realize what everyone else has). :D Usually you're missing a crucial bit of context. :D Game devs can be stupid, but everyone is granted the rank of captain obvious. :D
I don't even know where to start with OpenGL
Forget OpenGL, it belongs in a museum. Do Direct3D 11, then move off to Vulkan if you care about cross platform or Direct3D 12 if you don't...
@EtiennedeMartel By the time I get one these will be sold out ;)
I'll just aim lower sigh
Have you considered a luxurious career in botany? :D
Old Montreal? That's just expensive for nothing.
I mean, you get crap services.
@EtiennedeMartel The view will be nice, it overlooks the highway which will become a park soon enough (or so i hear)
+ i much liked the interior design of it all
Yeah but remember that you spend half of your awake time outside of your home.
@CatPlusPlus Ah rust. I should learn it :P
The surrounding area is just as important as the place itself.
@CatPlusPlus how does the cat like rust?
@ElimGarak why
It's ok
Also I don't want to ever touch Direct3D
@EtiennedeMartel Fair point. I also visited these but again all the cheaper ones were sold and i couldnt afford what was left. The neighborhood for this one is nice imo.
Some questionable syntactic choices
@CatPlusPlus Yeah that's what's making me hesitant.
@VermillionAzure It's a relic of a time past.
@VermillionAzure OpenGL. Or as I like to call it, SIGSEGVGL.
@Borgleader Villeray is nice.
I've decided to try out that 'skip semicolon to return' thing after all
@CatPlusPlus from you I expected it to be cargo cult :P
@CatPlusPlus Lol what.
@ElimGarak What about the modern OpenGL profile
Isn't that supposed to be equivalent to the newer version of Direct3D anyways? I have a book too
And don't worry about cross platforming, Direct3D is perfect for learning, especially 11. When you start worrying about cross platforming, you'll probably be working on an actual project. And by then, Vulkan 2 will be a thing.
@Nooble Everything is an expression and stuff
@EtiennedeMartel Thats what everyone is telling me. Its how I found them. Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll find similar accomodations for cheaper.
@ElimGarak Vulkan's not going to be a graphics api I thought on the same level as OpenGL?
And that project will probably be 2-3 years from now, if it has any hope.
@ElimGarak TBH I have a greater chance doing a job with data science by that time than getting a 3D model to render before htat
Anybody want to sequence raw RNA data with me?
Anyway if you're on Win64 you can install Rust nightly and experience THE SPLASH SCREEN with RANDOMNESS
@VermillionAzure It is a next generation graphics API and by the time commercial viability begins to matter to you, the only API worth considering.
@ElimGarak That's true but I don't think anybody's going to code in just pure Vulkan right? Somebody's going to come up with a higher level API
@ElimGarak Unless he ends up working for a MS first party ;)
or Sony for that matter
What does Sony use?
Then it is GCM for ye!
OpenGL? Isn't their architecture... special?
OpenGL is special.
@Nooble No but Sony's architecture was especially weird if I remember correctly
@ElimGarak its neither GCM nor GSM :P
One controller core, eight worker cores, strange GPU unit, and PowerPC architecture with AMD chips
Oh oh oh only 11 hours until Extra Life.
@EtiennedeMartel gl w/ that
@Borgleader The PS3 ones, the PS4 changed it to an N or something
@EtiennedeMartel We'll be watching you.
Is it just me or does AMD shove their chips into every game console that goes out?
Yeah. GNM.
@ElimGarak PS3 is ded now, long live PS4 (actually not that long plz, the harware sucks already :P)
@Borgleader PS3 doesn't even have an emulator yet
what is this
@VermillionAzure It never will, all games depend on its very specialized hardware environment and its processor is Cell with a unique ISA which doesn't begin to map to x86_64
@ElimGarak Maybe PS4 then
Agh my website is down.
But effort.
While the new consoles are based on x86_64, they are integrated closely with each other (CPUs and GPU that is)and share memory. PS4 goes as far as not even partitioning memory between the CPUs and the GPU, allowing for zero copy (sharing resource pointers like it's 1991).
@ElimGarak Sounds right
Yeah, unlike their API names... My mind always goes to GSM (telecommunications) when I think about the Playstation 3's graphics API. Wonder what the next name is going to be when they release a Playstation 4.5 halfway through the cycle because they fucked up the hardware specs. GAEM
@Borgleader And... I fixed it.
Playstation 5 introducing the new graphics APIs, GAEM and GAEMX. Sample engine implementation -> Icicle.
The good old copy-the-repo-delete-the-repo-paste-the-repo-and-push.
That always works.
@Nooble Cd2p
@ElimGarak Watch as they go back to PlayStation
but this time
@Borgleader That spot :D
Loved this intro
My chicken showed more mental ability - I opened the back door, she saw me, came over, looked at me, then pecked on the lid of the bottle containing her feed. I opened the lid, she helped herself with the food ...
I <3 u, chook
@ElimGarak I need to work on Icicle ugh.
It's so dead. It was a great learning experience though.
anyone good at mysql calls?
@3.14159265358... Yeah.
I'm an expert with 15 years of experience.
I am a famous pornstar
how can i do this:
DISTINCT calander.hrs, calander.mins
@ElimGarak good for you, we need more of those in this world
@3.14159265358... You need to do KOA LLA (calendar.hrs, calendar.mns)
@Nooble what?
break the line
@3.14159265358... KOA LLA (calendar.hrs, calendar.mns)\n
@Nooble gives me a bug
@3.14159265358... I am pretty sure you should get a healthy baby koala.
@3.14159265358... What does it say?
Nooble is drop bear not a koala, they might look the same, but they are very different creatures ...
@chmod666telkitty Koala by day, dropbear at night.
lol my own bug :::gun to brain:::
there weren't any openings for it
Wait I think I see the problem @3.14159265358....
Yeah, the .... should be 9793
You're using MySQL.
@ElimGarak I used to know Pi to the 100th digit.
Memorized it for a school competition but someone beat me.
i forgot to add openings that would qualify for the overall script
i applied for B&TG
Grant timid people power is like giving chickens guns
FUN, they can't put chickens on trial
Yeah, they will eat them instead ...
@chmod666telkitty yep
I feel like making a game.
But for that I need to rewrite Icicle.
@Nooble Just breathe and it will pass :P
@ElimGarak :P
what has been happening in the Realm Of Lounge since I vanished these past 5 hours
@jaggedSpire I'm back
@Borgleader yay!
any updates on the cuteness watch?
@jaggedSpire yes
@Borgleader his head is the size of his mom's nose! :D
@Borgleader Golden Retrievers are basically fluffy, mobile, comfort pillows that are ludicrously happy at any given time. :)
@Borgleader I dunno, but don't have a cow, man
@jaggedSpire i rather snuggle
error: cute overflow
begins foaming at mouth
Halp! I broke @jaggedSpire :(
I didnt mean to!
jaggedSpire.exe has crashed. Would you like to restart?
> > yes
Oh my, those are rather cute!
oh, if only I had logs to send to the developer. :P
I think maybe I'm going to start demanding one cute picture for every five minutes spent helping a non-regular in chat
I have a few complaints as well, the results from humor() are totally unpredicatable, and the female interaction module seems to be completely broken, it throws an exception whenever I call it :P
yeah, the female interaction module appears to be complete vaporware. I bet the implementation is just a throw statement.
anyone on the mumble channel?
we appear to have been left entirely to our own devices
I hope it doesnt wake him up...
@sehe Thanks to your code sample I managed to do what I set out to do: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/1668cd64dd8ce68b
@jaggedSpire I cant help but find them funny ever since i saw this
and now I want to change my avatar to a fox stuck headfirst in the snow
<3 these comics
and now I like them too
Phew! All of this socializing is making me sleepy... g'night
it's been a while since you were on
@jaggedSpire awwwwww, hes such a cutie.
oh boy, its 1:30 am
how about some sleep
night all :P
hmm I just found a curry mac and cheese recipe
I need quotes
what kind?
"" have some
2 hours later…
templates/snippets broken in R#10
only thing it shows completion for thus far is mbox
Nice that templates can be shared in team-shared, dunno if that is new
^ "Standard" means it's outdated
Interesting point :D
I must have been mentally drunk when I wrote type IO : *. instead of type IO : * -> *..
Time to write a lexer.
> Introduction to Haskell IO/Actions
y u no "Introduction to Haskell I/O Actions"
Oh, it's a MediaWiki subpage.
no std::experimental::string_view::assign
-1 broken design literally unusable
that’s a container operation
it's unimplementable.
string_views are just views, they can't offer any operation that might mutate their length.
Funfact: compilers are metaprograms.
I just want something to simplify x = std::experimental::string_view(&str[a], b);
containers provide .assign
I want to do x.assign so I can change what the view points to
string_views do not model const std::string*, they model const std::string&.
not seeing the immediate relevance here
hello, can someone tell how to get folder icon's image from the OS ? that is the icon that the user uses for his/her folders(for example KDE has different look for folders than GNOME) ? something cross-platform is preferable
write it yourself.
in any case I don't see why operator= is provided (granted, by = default) but not something to simplify overwriting the view.
@Rapptz Have you ever rebound a reference?
@Rapptz that’s not an explicit constructor
@edition are you talking to me ?
@LucDanton it's two parameter so I don't see how else I could do it..
@niceman yes
@Rapptz x = { foo, bar }
@niceman 1. Write some code. 2. Profit.
@edition Do I look at some path and read that file into an array ?
I dunno, it's your code, you write it.
oh right
no initializer_list
doesn't make sense here
@Rapptz wouldn’t be an issue either
yeah differing types
I'm afraid of this solution as I have to look for a different path for different OSes(and different desktop environments on linux too)
@niceman Your not helping yourself by not researching OS API's properly.
it's 5:30 AM
@edition Seems to me that he's not helping himself, at all.
bool is a boolt-in type.
> path-empty = 0<pchar>
I've never seen this before
I mean I get what it means because it's in the name, but still new to me
Ohboy I feel fragile this morning
why ell you wouldn't have drunk excessively last night, would you?

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