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Come on bus
I know you can do it
@набиячлевэлиь This clang thing is such a hack.
But clang is so good.
what clang thing would that be
@sehe Clang for msys has a bug where it doesn't implicitly -pthread when the thread model is POSIX.
oh I recall
So Nab and I end up having to make a batch thing.
That calls clang++.exe -pthread.
It could also be a bug for Clang 3.7, but I haven't checked.
Q: Does "\n" flushes the stream in c++

user3901250I am new to learning C++ and I was reading C++: C++: "std::endl" vs "\n". But when I try this code cout<<"Hello World\n"; int n = 1/0; return 0; prints Hello World on screen However if I try: cout<<"Hello World"; int n = 1/0; return 0; This does not prints anything. ...

oh beat me to it
oh shit this is going to be hilarious
@orlp Server error.
I think I know what you tried to link to though.
how is this not a dupe? Also, the answer is incorrect, lol — sehe 26 secs ago
@Nooble do you run google chrome?
@orlp Ok let me try that.
@orlp works fine on opera
it's only for google chrome!
and it's fucking hilarious
It crashes me even when I just look at chat.
if you're on google chrome, and you hover over this link: github.com/%%30%30 , it crashes your tab
@orlp it redirects to a google search?
not even clicking on it
just hovering over it
my chrome likes it all fine
ah, not when hovering the link in chat though. Intlesting
What is it.
Looks like a very very simplistic vulnerability in url decoding?
Bad NUL handling
time to sleep guys
sleep well
I finished Trigonometry homework.
So happy \(._.)/
Can't escape now, evil backslash.
this is genius
hide %%30%30 somewhere in your URL when handing in homework
then pray your professor uses google chrome
I hand in my homework by hand.
So in college you get to hand in homework digitally?
@Nooble duh?
at least in a CS course
or at least mine
@orlp Well, I'm not in college yet :(
Please make a proper question title (including the header was no problem whatsoever, and you could have easily checked that). Include the relevant code. — sehe 4 mins ago
Answered and downvoted.
That question is terribad
@orlp Ah but if he's a CS teacher.
Probably uses wget.
Got Chemistry homework.
Then English.
Send help.
why; it's good for you (potentially)
@Borgleader What if you're a depressed asshole with low self-esteem?
@sehe I'm trying to sleep at 11.
At this rate, it ain't gonna happen.
2:53am here. Nope
Don't you have work tomorrow?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Then you could become just an asshole :)
@Nooble Yes
@sehe Are you on your desktop right now?
lol Dawkins picking on a 14-yo? very classy
@Nooble yes
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva why does everyone read it that way
It could very well be humour
5 hours ago, by sehe
@Rapptz Yup. That's the real lesson here. Not even dawkins is immune to group think under the right misinformation.
But everyone knows humour doesn't propagate through internet
5 hours ago, by sehe
I'm not putting down the child. I'm putting down myself & the rest of us for being fooled. And the police for arresting him for nothing.
Oh I read only this one
Which could very well pass as joke
140 character limit is a bitch
@sehe Do you like sleep?
He just wanted to cram in what part wasn't ok, and spergies come up with ... the right words then
@Nooble Sometimes
sehe pls go hibernate for the next few hours
I have the bad habit of absolutely finishing stuff I start
@sehe When do you have to wake up?
(I need this for the portfolio I keep on you)
I have to wake up by 5:30 ish.
Well I did that some 4 years ago too
Ah good news at least.
Tomorrow I dismiss early.
@Nooble I absolutely have to wake up by about 4:00 (but nearly always by noon).
@JerryCoffin Do you work from home?
Also noooo I missed the USA hate train
@Nooble No (during the week, my alarm goes off at 5:30 AM).
I see you are reading up
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Did I miss it too? ( I think so actually)
Don't we all
@JerryCoffin Oh ok.
Sleep is so precious.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva First marsupial president.
Gray president > Black president
50 presidents
I see what you did there. That's proper saturation of hue
4 hours ago, by ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ
And then you say, "Hey, maybe cops are really racist. Weird. Let's see what happens here..." and then you sit down and watch a black dude resisting arrest and not complying to what the cops say and getting arrested.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Guilty until proven innocent.
Black until proven white.
I hate it when homework asks me for my opinion.
On absolutely boring topics.
Just say you think it boring
It is an opinion
Yes and then the teacher says that I need to go more in-depth about it.
Or pick an opinion. True debating style
And include details and analyze all the metaphors.
Wait what. You have to have an opinion with metaphors? I have been missing out
heyyy teacher u know what else I could go more in-depth about
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Tempting.
Very good question.
I'm gonna say no.
It pretty clearly is failing on the #include in prog.cpp on line 9. — John Elliot V 1 min ago
Fuckwit. Ooh. That wasn't nice to say
Of course it isn't. Comment the phrase_parse call. Or, maybe, read my answer. — sehe 25 secs ago
She's kind of an evil teacher.
Yeah. That. It's not the first question that drew my blood attention
Small glasses.
Lots of people I know have small glasses :)
Not taking this kind of creepy "strong" (hahaha) selfies though
This is typically the kind of avatars I steal use for various purposes
We know
Although your current avatar can only be found in a forum thread with (asian) beauties
Not just asian beauties.
Central Asian beauties.
oh. that
You had to be on Mumble.
When Ansdjhfas Aadfjkshg changed her name/avatar.
Why, actually. Did we not call it instantaneously
The cicada incarnation
Nabijaczleweli did a reverse lookup on the image and exclaimed "Beautiful Central Asian Woman" as the title of the image.
I regret to inform you that the next one isn't as pretty
aahahahaaha. Premonition
place your bets down ding ding ding
Is that a hairy girl?
Looks a fair lady with a lot of facial hair
How can you not? Have you.... not seen my answer? It's 52 minutes old. Comes with a working example live on coliru... — sehe 17 secs ago
fuck. whit.
hahahaha sehe <3
go to bed
I will. Cheers
Night all
Good night.
@thecoshman I can remind you of this periodically
Also in you want off my plonk you need to guarantee you would never say that I harassed you or I harassed you but you enjoy it. As I can not read what you say so you need to get your remark quoted by a person not on my plonk
@chmod711telkitty Not legally binding in most (any) jurisdictions
@sehe I can remind you of this periodically.
I know nooble. Love you too
My phone logged me out, had log back in ... Plonk does not work on transcripts
please. I've just edited a few lines for style (cleaned up the includes, don't use using namespace std. Do you think I make the samples up? I copied yours. If you can't read C++ how will you write code? — sehe 24 secs ago
This is bad. I mean. I'm-surprised-level-bad.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva That's not passive-aggressive. I was being Just(aggressive)
And - sigh - messing up the parentheses. I think that's the worst part of it
Thank you
One day I'll figure out a convention for naming parameters.
One day I want to visit a naming convention.
type_ feels so bad.
@sehe hehe
This hotel is the awesomes
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva But snake_case
@Nooble I use Pascal for types
Why don't friend declarations introduce an actual declaration?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Blame @набиячлевэлиь for introducing me to snake_case.
I go function_name(TypeName argument_name)
all alternatives are equally annoying anyway
How about function names?
Can anyone recommend an example of using C libraries in C++. I'm curious what a good way is to allocate C structs on the heap other then malloc.
Hey dawg
hey scat
@ScottW Hi.
Just tell me there's no pineapple on it
I see people use new ClassType(...) to allocate a class instance on the heap
@ScottW I'm sure we went over this before with @jaggedSpire.
@Nooble eh?
I typed auto and VS crashed
@ScottW ooh nice!
@jaggedSpire Ah! You were lurking.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva 10/10
@Nooble no, I have pings set to...ping
Anyway I remember Scott proposed I go over to his house to eat dinner. But we had to pick up Nab who was in Poland. So I proposed we build a giant catapult.
@ScottW I'm DOWN.
Make it in NYC.
I vote for pooland
@ScottW haha
Jagged lives in the states?
You see 2/9 of those people you listed reside in the best city on earth.
Therefore you should host it in NYC.
I thought jagged lived in... .... Europia. Somewhere.
What accent.
Wait what.
@ScottW She does! Or at least, that's what it sounds like.
@ScottW rightfold?
It could just be that there's a vacuum sucking up all the pronunciation.
Like that air conditioning in the back.
I never noticed an accent.
On the other hand, we have @ʞɔᴉN.
Who talks in the 50-150 Hz range.
@jaggedSpire Do you have an accent.
@Nooble No, everyone else does
@jaggedSpire I see.
I was right!

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