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I'm leaving forever if they ever change that badge.
Q: javascript unhandled exception in skelJs in ASP MVC 4

sorosh_sabzIn the Name of Allah Hi everybody, I tried to use a template HTML5 web site as view of my MVC 4 application. this template is here : http://html5up.net/helios/ Unfortunately I have some problem with this. I tried to put main frame of these template in my _layout page. Also I put other parts ...

@R.MartinhoFernandes lmao
I have 7 gold badges
5 are Famous Question
Also it should be gold.
Because holy hell you need a lot of patience to last a year after year.
Oooh, I should get them to make a badge for 5 years.
Oh hey 9AM.
Time to go to sleep the office.
poor cat
Q: Difficulty rating for questions

SigTermHow about adding difficulty rating for questions? Idea: Add rating for all questions using either 10 point or 100 point system. 1/10 == "you could've googled it", 10/10 = "nobel prize for solution". User cannot rate his own questions. Question can be rated by people that either answer or vie...

I'd lol if the coffee machine breaks down
grumpy cat ++
"There are couple of users that have high reputation but poor knowledge." lol
> Add rating for all questions using either 10 point or 100 point system. 1/10 == "you could've googled it", 10/10 = "nobel prize for solution".
Binary would do, really.
With 99% being "you could've googled it. idiot"
holy fuck
I thought I had a lot of famous questions
hi does anyone know how to get to c++ lounge? can't find it anywhere
Q: Does python have a string contains method?

BlankmanI'm looking for a string.contains or string.indexof method in Python. I want to do: if not somestring.contains("blah"): continue

Also I'm so winning right now.
I can't tell you how happy I am.
this dude has 9 answers and 72 badges
Here's a hint.
I wonder how many people on SO don't have any questions.
@CatPlusPlus Winning what?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Everything.
@CatPlusPlus Me.
hi guys, i feel like this is too insignificant to ask on SO.

do you know why my ternary operator is not working? It's saying "operand types are incompatible" :/

struct Shape {};
struct Rect : public Shape {};
struct Elipse : public Shape {};

Shape* randomShape() { return (rand() % 2) ? new Rect() : new Elipse(); }
@Rapptz Highfive.
I kind of like my new programming font
If it's too insignificant to ask on SO, how do you expect it to be received here?
umm I thought chat was a little more informal?
Plot twist: it was asked and answered already on SO by someone else.
@Oleksiy ternary operator requires the same type to be returned
I mean jesus, our quality bar is so high it's practically on another planet.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Probably multiple times
Seriously, if you think your question is trivial the answer is already out there.
ok I died a little bit inside
apparently I need the trunk of LLVM for this
@nightcracker Surprisingly not bad.
Your ST2 looks pretty :v
What theme do you use?
@Rapptz lol, dude read too much Ayn Rand it seems.
And a case of the awesomes too.
@Servy: In my opinion, there are not enough people that are "experts", and their level is not high enough, and it looks like number of newbies is increasing. There are maybe 5 really powerful people I've personally run into, and they are only maybe 10..15 years ahead of me. If that's the best industry can offer, I'm kinda disappointed. — SigTerm Aug 6 at 16:57
> Anonymous Pro (2009) is a family of four fixed-width fonts designed with coding in mind.
@Rapptz Soda Light
What makes it "designed with coding in mind", apart from the marketing blurb?
sorry @R.MartinhoFernandes I just pressed R-tab and expected to get Rapptz ;)
@CatPlusPlus Wild guess: dashed/dotted zeros and something similar on Is or ones. Done.
@CatPlusPlus distinguishable 0Oo1lI
IOW, ridiculous.
@CatPlusPlus and easy to look at, even with special characters for many hours in a day
@CatPlusPlus at least, that's what I would expect from a font "being designed with coding in mind"
@nightcracker Which is, like, every decent font?
@nightcracker So, a font designed to be readable like... any reasonable font out there?
I still like Consolas though
consolas is nice too
> Various computer keyboard symbols.
I think some people value distinguishable zero/O too much.
@R.MartinhoFernandes 0 is thin.. O not so much. :P
If your code is unreadable without such a striking distinction, you are doing it wrong.
I don't think I've ever confused 0 and O.
I like wingdings for coding
@nightcracker Everything is so easy to distinguish!
But what if I do int something = O by accident and- oh, nevermind.
int x = 1l
That's... nonsensical. I fail to see why we need fonts to support nonsensical code.
1l * 3 == 33
not 1l.
bad nightcracker.
I have more problem with you assigning long to int.
Soda Light looks different
I also have more problem with English.
And I was supposed to go to the office!
@CatPlusPlus Exactly.
I should... move.
Or something.
good plan
@Rapptz what do you mean?
damnit brain
Yours is like, a nice shade of grey.
Dark themes the only themes.
I may have modded it
I could send you my soda theme folder
@nightcracker Call it Soda Light Plus!
Soda Light Pro
@R.MartinhoFernandes Soda Light++
that'd be nice
Right, moving.
Without a chair.
@CatPlusPlus I don't like dark themes, or overly light themes.. so grey is a good mix.
go preferences > browse packages
delete Theme - Soda folder and paste mine
Link to messages, or I'll bring out my gif again.
but moving the mouse is effort
please SO, we want gif avatars
@nightcracker thanks man :D
@Rapptz np
ITT color theme smuggling.
@Rapptz don't be mad at me when all hell breaks loose when it autoupdates
pfft, auto updating themes.
I think I actually manually modded this theme with GIMP one day...
Warning: seizure.
if we star the gif, will it onebox in the starboard?
no just the link
please SO.chat devs, make it happen
that'd be incredibly bad if it oneboxed in the starboard
then we need to star it off
but other trolls keep starring it back up
We can cancel your stars.
We can't cancel you, but we're working hard on that.
All your star are belong to us.
There's something flickering here.
Hi everybody
What you can advise to share data between processes?
Actually, I need to send data (matrix) from one process to another
Should I use 'CreateFileMapping' ?
@StackedCrooked Setting image.animation_mode to once in the about:config thingy is awesome.
Try FedEx.
@CatPlusPlus, too expensive! I've thought about it
Man, this will be a productive day.
Are you still not on your way to the office?
Also, it's raining.
I told you it'll be raining.
when did you wake up
did cat sleep?
2013-08-19 17:00ish
cat must nap sometimes
@CatPlusPlus then our schedules are aligned :D
s/aligned/equally fucked up/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Almost ready!
I can't chat on the way.
I can't cat on the way, either.
I don't know where did that come from but IT WAS AWFUL
you can't chat
you can't cat
@CatPlusPlus No portable telegraph/daguerreotype/analytical engine/astrolabe combo?
@R.MartinhoFernandes My phone is very close to a telegraph
But fuck paying for mobile Internet and also Opera Mini doesn't support JavaScript.
Or anything, really.
this one caught me off-guard
Haha, one more outdated machine.
I'm an outdated machine
@nightcracker Linked this earlier
Well, it took me only 40 minutes to get dressed.
I must be turning into a lesbian after all.
I should get drunk after getting back.
For extra funny feeling.
@Rapptz oh
@nightcracker Oh I'm a noob. What I was actually looking for was your colour scheme.
(You have now found out that I procrastinate installing stuff)
@Rapptz open Color Scheme - Default in the packages folder
@Rapptz create a new file, Slush & Poppies.tmTheme
lol Slush & Poppies
it may or may not be a default theme I got somewhere
I think I modified it
I've been using my own personal.tmTheme for like 7 months
It's not fun to make, there was a site to help with it
so... RSS logo; opinions please.
too black
morning kitty
@TonyTheLion morning
@thecoshman Why do you need a black RSS logo?
@nightcracker my site is rather black too though
@TonyTheLion why RSS logo, or why a black one?
@thecoshman ditch the gradients
@nightcracker on the logo, or my site?
@thecoshman the site
not sure about the logo - have to see it in context
@nightcracker I prefer it with gradients, I am not so keen on flat designs. Any particular reason you think they should go?
@thecoshman both
@nightcracker crude paint do ya?
they feel incredibly out of place and random
and gradients behind text is generally a big no-no
@TonyTheLion rss logo, because it's nice to have a visual clue that there is an rss feed. black because I think it fits in with my 'stlye' better, but does not distract too much from the fact it is still an rss logo.
@nightcracker well, it's the header and footer, not the main content, so I want them distinguished as separate.
@nightcracker is that so, first I heard that view
6 hours ago, by Scott W
don't tell tony
I read it @ScottW. Mwuahahahahaha
@thecoshman oic
@TonyTheLion thanks for the input :D
No worries :P
don't like the link color in the footer, but just a random mockup
I tried doing that question about _s in number literals as constexpr, I failed miserably and produced code that hurts the eye :<
@thecoshman but get a better font than default, especialy for the title
@nightcracker Yeah, I would have to change the colours if I went that route. I do still prefer it with the gradients though. On my screens they are very subtle.
@nightcracker yeah, that's for sure :P
@thecoshman I'm afraid your screen sucks then - they're very clear on my screen
If p and q are pointers, and p is null, and q is valid, then what does (p || q) evaluate to?
@nightcracker that's probably true :P
@StackedCrooked what language?
@StackedCrooked C++ ?
Of course c++.
because this is the Java lounge
don't mention the C word here
@nightcracker I mean, I can clearly see they are their, but they are not that strong a contrast from top to bottom
ofc it does?
p | q would evaluate to q i guess
Interesting :P
no wait
it's a bool
logical or returns a bool @nightcracker
both | and || produce boolean output, no?
The || operator returns a boolean.
not |
| is a bitwise or
welp, I lose
| would probably do it as if it was a long
| doesn't work with pointers :(
reinterpret_cast to long would probably work, but that's getting hairy
stupid Python threw me off
>>> 0 or 123456789
AFAIK on linux pointers are unsigned longs
as in size
So random, but so good.
@StackedCrooked using bitwise OR is faster though: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/…
there, fixed link
Grass root street naming in Berlin. http://t.co/AbRZ9LOYWJ
@Xeo about, the namespace std thingy, that's the n-th time they changed the rules for range-for. Stephan Lavavej had a slide about it on GoingNative 2012
@TemplateRex Yeah, it originally also allowed mixed iterator types. :(
@Xeo any idea why they don't allow ordinary lookup + ADL, like everywhere else?
I had this toy iterator on a raw 64-bit uint (to see if I could iterate over std::bitset) and it can't be made to work with range-for, unless I put begin/end in namespace std (which is UB). Ordinary lookup would fix that
Just put it in the same namespace as your iterator.
raw 64-bit ints don't have namespaces ;-)
@TemplateRex turn it into a container
Hmm, then I have no idea what you are talking about.
64-bit ints are not iterators, and cannot be.
A 64-bit uint can be looked at as a bounded std::set<int>
you can define proxy iterators and references to iterate over all set 1-bits
Wait, you want for(auto x : 42) to work as is?
you can even define begin() / end() non-members to get first/last 1-bits
I'm glad it doesn't work.
for(auto x : bits(42)) is not only good enough, but also better.
I know, and that's what I'm doing now.
it was just proof-of-concept thing
here we go again - 4th build of llvm
in any case, std::bitset is completely broken, so I'm writing a set<int, N> that allows normal iteration and satisfies the invariant std::is_sorted(begin(s), end(s))
@ScottW :)
doesn't that mean all zeroes have to be in the front of the bitset?
@nightcracker the index of each 1-bit represents an integer, std::bitset is almost a packed set<int>, except it doesn't have iterators
so e.g. the integer 42 = 32 + 8 + 2 would be the set { 1, 3, 5 }
oh you want to iterate like that
and for (auto i: set{ 42 }) std::cout << i ; would print 1, 3, 5
I thought you were doing 0 1 0 1 0 1
good mawning
@R.MartinhoFernandes boy! do I have to come over there and stamp on that journal or what?
@nightcracker yes that's how it's packed into the raw 64-bit int
and that's how std::vector<bool> is doing it
that specialization should never have been made
Hehe.. sorted array of bits :)
Why is std::bitset "broken"?
@Rapptz no iterators
no abstraction
..okay then.
it should have been a packed representation of set<int>
Can't say I agree, but more power to ya.
TIL <bitset> includes <string>
preferably in two flavours: packed_set<int, N> (old std::bitset<N>) and packed_set<int> (boost::dynamic_bitset)
Loungeworthy jokes:
@Rapptz what don't you agree with? do you find std::bitset useful?
I don't find iterators for std::bitset useful
It's not a container (quite apparent, it doesn't even meet the concept of a container).
Fun fact of the day: std::valarray has no member begin/end!
gcc has find_first and find_next members, so does boost_dynamic_bitset
I asked an apparently hard question to answer, seeing that it hasn't been answered in the first 15 mins.
Fun fact of the day: no one uses std::valarray
@Rapptz that's why it's broken: it's not a container!
It's not supposed to be one.
If you think that's a defect, go discuss it on std-discussion
@TonyTheLion Might be your tags.
502 + 3 followers
@Rapptz Not sure what to tag it though
Feel free to correct them, if you have better ones
@TonyTheLion huh?

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