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@StackedCrooked Six years out of date? Asked and answered by some invisible person with no review, not even the peer-stuff on Wikipedia?
out of date?
@DeadMG Oh, no argument there. The point though, is that while you certainly can write non-portable code in C++, you can also write code that's about as portable as you care about.
do the facts change every year or so?
@JerryCoffin Quite true.
not saying that it is fact.
@StackedCrooked Every 207 days
@StackedCrooked The perspective of mainstream economists does tend to change when, y'know, massive recession and financial meltdown that hardly any of them saw coming.
Economic theory doesn't change whimsically.
a massive financial meltdown isn't a whim
Sometimes I think I should have studied economy instead of languages.
anyone who didn't change their ideas when everything exploded under them is probably not the sharpest tool in the shed, y'know?
@StackedCrooked Economics is a very interesting field.
I only learned very basic stuff in high school, like protectionism etc.
@DeadMG That can (and should) change how they react (or advise others to react) to the situation, but not the fundamentals of economics itself. Somebody who can't afford to eat is broke, regardless of how well or poorly the people around him may be doing.
@JerryCoffin That is true, except it appears that we have a very poor to no understanding of macroeconomics.
I mean, the experiments proving QM sure as hell did knock Newtonian physics off the list of "fundamentals of physics".
@StackedCrooked Hey, that's all they learn in American colleges!
If you can fully understand what happened in Reykjavik in 2008 then you can understand what paradigm shift occurred since for economics.
@DeadMG I can't argue that -- in fact, I'd tend to do the opposite: I think anybody who thinks macroeconomics can be understood should probably spend some time studying chaotic systems, and realizing that (almost by definition) macroeconomics is a chaotic system.
AFAIK the crisis was more caused by gambling than by faulty understanding.
@JerryCoffin I think it will be easier to simulate real economies with a quantum processor and some more advanced AI
@StackedCrooked Hrmm. How would these be isolated?
@DeadMG Yeah, technology will save us
@StackedCrooked Yes and no. Yes, some people took some pretty serious gambles that they almost certainly shouldn't have. But, the de-regulation (for one thing) that allowed them to take those gambles was largely based on lack of understanding.
@StackedCrooked They gambled because they didn't understand the risk.
@sehe I bet that Skynet's economy never crashes.
@DeadMG I think that's misunderstanding the situation as well. I think quite a few did understand the risk -- but many were in a position to gain a great deal (e.g., bonuses) if the gamble paid off, but (at least though they would) lose essentially nothing when/if it fell through.
Meanwhile in Ontario healthcare is amazing as 64% of Cancer patients get fully treated in 6 months, Toronto remains the most multicultural place in the planet and we surpassed the population of Chicago.
@JerryCoffin I absolutely think that there was nowhere near enough punishment heaped on bankers and private investors.
the problem is that the government is too afraid to act against them because our economy depends on them so much.
@BDillan I haven't had anyone die on me yet in the past 2 years I've worked in the hospital. ^^
I don't live in Ontario
@BDillan I see that you're quite defensive of your location.
@DeadMG Much (most?) of the problem really stemmed from the government in the first place (at least here in the US). Much of the problem here can be traced directly to banking deregulation, and is exactly the sort of problem the regulations were designed to prevent.
@Rapptz there are no beds in your hospital
That's rather assertive. How can you be so sure?
@DeadMG Many of the problems in Europe are also clearly traceable to governments, such as governments having far more debt than the regulations were supposed to allow.
@Rapptz Dieing patients are a liability issue and you transport them out.
@JerryCoffin Yeah, that shit was bananas.
FTR there are over 800 beds here
@Rapptz He is a lunatic.
@EtiennedeMartel Kudos to him, for taking the time to actually share thoughts and even write an old fashioned letter, in this day and age. The sender nobly accomodated the fact that grand-mothers don't necessarily have facebook or, for that matter, internet.
@BDillan Do you even work at healthcare?
(That's my way of saying your ignorance is showing)
No one died in a hospital in 2 years under your eyes... -_- What wing do you work under
@Borgleader Hey hey, I know bait when I see it. :P
@BDillan Research.
Anyway, Ontario voted Conservative last elections, so yeah.
why does cmake insist on using MSVC ? :<
@A.H. What are you trying to make with it?
@A.H. You can tell it to use something else i think
@BDillan I do research and help with cancer patients (hence why I brought it up)
@A.H. I believe that it can only cmake what the cmakelists support.
@Borgleader I tried -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc and still
@DeadMG Governments have much the same motivation though: value is based on perception -- so if they can convince people of prosperity, 1) they get rewarded for it, even if it's an illusion, and 2) if they're convincing enough, its being convincing can actually make it real.
@EtiennedeMartel Oh wait. s/he/she/ there. The letter was sent by a mom. Sorry for being sexist.
Quick question. How do you post pictures?
just enter the link?
@BDillan Just post the URL.
If it's an animated GIF, we'll bin it.
Try the sandbox room or the Bin for that shit.
damn that was quick
Puppy will also bin anything just for kicks.
@EtiennedeMartel ...or a test message.
seriously, why do people say that I bin quickly?
I just move my mouse over to the "bin" button and push it.
it's not hard
you have a bin button?
This chat is moving too fast...
well, no, it's more like a three-button sequence
Well that time was legitimately fast.
It took less time for the screen to refresh at 80 Hz to delete my picture
@DeadMG Tell me where that lives. It's under 'room/move messages/select/focus the target room edit box/type bin/click the target room button' for me
@BDillan You don't have CRT anymore
@sehe Try turning your mouse sensitivity up (or playing competitive FPSes for fifteen years first) or both.
I wonder if you can make a bin button with js
CRT or not the screen refreshes at HZ
@DeadMG I hate the mouse. Anything involving the mouse, for me, takes at least 200ms. I loose interest and drop attention around 50ms
@Rapptz We oughta
mouse is and always has been my primary tool of interaction.
I hardly remember a time before I used a mouse.
I think I musta been about 9 years old when we got our new computer that had a mouse.
@Rapptz Relocating probably calls a Web service somewhere. We just need to hook it.
@DeadMG I do recall a time before having a mouse (although all my own PCs had one). However, I never liked it. I don't like to be a slave of the computer, having to hunt things moving across the screen. I rather tell it commands.
Anyone wants to run Fiddler while binning something?
I'm too lazy to do it right now.
@sehe The things are on the screen in the place I want them to be, and when I click there, then I command my machine to do something.
I honestly regret the fact that I got my first computer at 8 and I played Tonka games on it until 12 instead of learning C and developing Napster first :p
@DeadMG I can, 'cos I'm older. We had to use console interfaces, no GUI. Crappy editors like ed, teco, vi. Pretty dismal.
@EtiennedeMartel Don't dream about it. It's gonna be a userscript or bust. I surely HOPE this thing involves cookies and HMACs and stuff.
Oh look! Some devs are still using vi(m), and console interfaces! Wow, I thought I was old ;)
1 message moved to bin
@MartinJames lol. I think ~50% of this room loves to use vim
Wow, it is a Web service.
POST /admin/movePosts/10
how else would it be implemented?
@EtiennedeMartel That's not a service. That's REST-ful. Aaaand I called it: it uses message auth
@sehe It's a restful service.
at least, it is if you can perform it at a sufficient pace.
Uhoh. Blue monsters zooming in on illegal activity
unlike you slowpokes
Depending on how it's implemented you might be able to automate the mouse clicks for it ;) but that would be error prone
@sehe At this time of night, after numerous 6X, I will not pick a fight, even with devs who have a cretaceous mindset and cannot think past stdin/stdout :)
@EtiennedeMartel Call it a service. That's your choice. w3.org/TR/2004/NOTE-ws-gloss-20040211/#webservice
Anyway, bedtime. I wonder if the EagEll has landed?
@MartinJames "6x"? You like this?
@Borgleader I'm tempted to make a custom command for this. I think Ctrl-B is still available
@sehe How surprising, their definition implies that you need to use something that is defined by the W3C.
While, in practice, most people don't give a shit and just use REST.
Because SOAP is crap, and so is WSDL.
When you look at him from the side, he looks like a badass with shades.
From the other side, he looks like an awesome, caring individual.
It makes me so happy. <333
@ThePhD Admit it, you want to make babies with him
They also accept interns into the Compiler Development team.
And the STL team.
@MartinJames Ah -- I think I prefer my version of it.
It's a bitch
@DeadMG Get a job there so I can bother you on company time. :3
@ThePhD Well, if they would accept me, I certainly would.
@ThePhD I know a guy who works at Microshaft.
I know about 6 4 xD
@EtiennedeMartel Really? :o
I don't know what he does, though.
@DeadMG Put in your application alllreeadyyyy.
James McNellis?
I think he's a SDET or something.
@ThePhD You mean, to all those jobs where the minimum requirement is like a Masters and five years experience?
@DeadMG Apply to be an intern or something, I dunno. :c
you have to be actively taking a university course to be an intern, I checked.
Try to talk to STL directly when you go to one of those fancy C++ meetings.
@DeadMG Yeah, the issue in your case is making sure your CV gets through HR filtering and lands in the hands of an actual software developer. Which means you need to know someone on the inside.
can't afford to go again
Show him your potentiiial.
and I wouldn't want to harass the guy
so unless you intend to pick up the tab for me to go to Chicago for a week :P
I don't have enough money for that, Id on't think. ;~;
I would go myself to defend @Xeo's paper.
@ThePhD dude you worked at microsoft, how do you not have money
@Borgleader Supporting that Family.
Ever since the government saw my paycheck they evaporated the support that goes to my Family.
Even though it's only a summer job and I'm a student.
wow, thats pretty shit
So when I go back to school I need to pick up a real job.
shouldn't they restart it when you are no longer getting a paycheck?
@DeadMG They retroactively demand repayment, as they view the entire summer as "getting money you don't deserve"
So you backpay the government programs, which means you receive nothing and have to remain on the program until the time is up and all the money is paid back.
Gonna blow my meta rep with a parody post.
They also slashed my insurance too, which is wonderful. :3c
@R.MartinhoFernandes Linkylinky!
Q: OMG Stack Overflow is being perceived as a helpful environment

R. Martinho FernandesJust look at this great example of how nice and helpful Stack Overflow is getting these days! Delete a member array correctly in C++ This is obviously a neophyte learning C++ that lacks knowledge in a particular C++ concept. How do we reward him? Here's a sample of the feedback we've provid...

I searched for jobs for an hour, and I found like, 4 vacancies.
time to play L4D2 for a bit.
Well, he's not lying, Steam just told me he started playing L4D2.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm so confused.
Q: Why do we let hostile users dictate the perception of Stack Overflow?

JaredParThis question is a great example of why Stack Overflow is getting a reputation for being a hostile environment these days Possible to convert C# get,set code to C++ This is clearly a developer used to C# who is trying to apply existing concepts to C++ and failing. You can see from his comm...

Oh we're still referencing that question?
Sorry, flew over my head.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wut
It's a parody
I got a downvote on my answer to that question today, meaning people are still reading it.
@Mysticial No one ever rants about people not being hostile!
Damn nice people!
@Borgleader hehe, it's actually #1 on the related sidebar.
can someone explain to me why everyone hates cplusplus.com?
@Oleksiy because it's bad
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh that's even better. I almost linked it in my comment, that solves the issue.
@Oleksiy It's crappy.
Borgleade... Thanks for that. I like the "glass is half full" kind of optimism.
@Borgleader Yeah, it was your earlier message that prompted me.
@Borgleader @StackedCrooked um ok? those are "great" arguments
error: incomplete type 'std::ios_base' used in nested name specifier
well shit
@Oleksiy It sports poor code samples, misleading or flat-out wrong documentation, and provides no way for the community to easily curate that.
There used to be a question "What's wrong with cplusplus.com?". But alas, it has been deleted by jerks.
Q: Why is the cplusplus website bad?

pedromanoelI always used the http://www.cplusplus.com as a reference. I really like the way the documentation is organized, making it really easy to find what I'm looking for. However, I was looking for good alternatives and I stumbled upon this question: Good reference for C++ iostreams? There, one of th...

@Oleksiy I don't know what you,re expecting here. Its has bad examples and errors. It,s a bad source of info. Use cppreference.com instead. End of story.
@Rapptz It was asked by @FredOverflow IIRC.
@R_G Huh?
@StackedCrooked Yeah.. this? It's dead now..
That said, editing anything on cppreference.com is a nightmare, but at least it is possible.
@Borgleader TBH, I don't even understand the accepted answer. 'The rect array has automatic storage'. If the class is intantiated with new, how is the array storage 'automatic'??
If someone has 10k on programmers they could get it
@Rapptz How did you find that?
@Rapptz I already read that link, the question was closed because apparently it's "not constructive". There's nothing useful in that post anyway
@StackedCrooked It's in the comments.
@MartinJames Because it wasn't newed. look at the code.
@Borgleader: You got a down vote, so people are still reading it. That's optimism to me. I've got a thing about down votes. Well, really, about drive-by down votes where people do it without at least saying why...
@MartinJames Technically the answer is wrong. I avoided commenting on it because it is the sort of pedantry that only makes things worse.
@R_G Oh, he did say why (and he was wrong) you can look at the last 3 comments under my answer.
Well, at least he was reading it and explained his wrong answer. That's a plus. LMAO!
I wonder if it would be hard to "hack" SO so that you can see deleted posts without having 10k rep.
@MartinJames What he means is that it gets taken care of automatically.
@R_G yes, certainly better than a silent downvote
@Oleksiy oy mate. If you don't want to accept the fact it's bad, then more power to you. It's bad because the examples are pretty shitty, using the notion called C with Classes rather than actual Modern C++. The website itself isn't community edited, so you can't fix any issues you have with it should the documentation be wrong (which it used to be back then, I'm sure some of the points were addressed now).
@StackedCrooked You (anyone) can see deleted revisions, if you know their GUID.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, I get that, it's a member var, but...
Is chat laggy for you guys or is my internet being retarded?
man. :(
@Rapptz Turn on the limiter for your dodgy torrent downloads.
I'll see how much I'm seeding
@MartinJames lol
Ah yeah.
making the internet better ...by deleting popular posts.
I'm seeding at about 400 KB/s
@Rapptz nice
argh, fuck my internet dropping out all the time,.
@Rapptz OK, stop all torrents with ratio>1
I'm not a big seeder tbh.
My highest ratio is 320.31
Rapptz is such a giver.
I dont dl anymore but I used to not seed because bandwidth caps
that file alone is ~200 GB uploaded
it's the Winnie The Pooh movie
200GB Winnie The Pooh?
LOL! So much Tigger..
@StackedCrooked damn you and your infinite interwebs
@StackedCrooked Mine are okay
@Rapptz Winnie the Pooh is 200 GB?
Oh, horse sax :)
@Rapptz wow
In practice, is there another common cause for overflow besides recursion?
@Pawnguy7 Massive local arrays.
@Pawnguy7 allocating too much stuff on the stack (like a huge-ass array)
My highest ratio is for the book "The Well Grounded Rubyist".
By in practice, I mean.. well, somebody who knows what it is, and to not make such big local arrays. Unless your answers take that into consideration. Perhaps they do.
@Pawnguy7 Wat?
@EtiennedeMartel Wow now youtube is going to think I'm into horse porn
the bottom 4 related videos are horses mating
Fun fact, Day9 puts all of the raw videos for his sc2 show in a folder called Horse Porn and it's hundreds of GB big
@Rapptz There is worse than horse sax - you should hear them playing clarinet.
..or any woodwhinny, for that matter.
@Pawnguy7 I don't know any other ones that are actually common.
OK, I'm slaughtered.. must go to sleep..
@CatPlusPlus the number is cat
I'm getting a service unavailable from Facebook. Am i the only one?
@Borgleader Why should you be so lucky?
It's working for me.
Hey, my Japanese partner ressurected from the dead!
Multiple servers ftw.
I'm talking to her again! I managed to go 5 lines without breaking japanese.
@ThePhD He/she was dead?
BFN done.
@ThePhD cg
@StackedCrooked More like MIA, but dead sounds cooler. :D
@ThePhD I'd like to see those 5 lines.
What's the compilation time limit on Coliru?
60s if you hack it
curl stacked-crooked.com/timeout -d 60
makes it 60s for the next request
@StackedCrooked :( Got this link back. Seems broken. coliru.stacked-crooked.com/…
@R.MartinhoFernandes That doesn't look right.
Works for me.
>curl stacked-crooked.com/timeout -d 60
@ThePhD That's ..me?
@StackedCrooked Uh. I think so. :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wow, 10005 lines
I even whipped out the music note in this conversation
I'm having too much fun with Japanese x3
@Rapptz That reminds me, I have limits on the output size, but not on the input size.
Changing your IP address or using proxy servers to access public websites you've been forbidden to visit is a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), a judge ruled Friday in a case involving Craigslist and 3taps.
@Rapptz BRB changing proxy
@StackedCrooked Input size is already limited by compile time
How do you say "Indeeed!" in Japanese?
@Rapptz It's 10000 transparent wrappers around a function that outputs something. (meant to show stack overflow without recursion)
@ThePhD Sonotori?
Sou desu!
Sou ne.
Oh bother, so I have to stop being anonymous?
@StackedCrooked I knew this one! xD
Sou desho. Etc.. :P
Hmm, should sleep now.
Good night.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Guten Nacht!
Or, uh. I hope that's right.
Butif not,
@R.MartinhoFernandes lmao
@ThePhD No "-n".
@R.MartinhoFernandes こんばんは、ロオーボトサマ。
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ooh. Okay.
Geh Nicht In Die Stadt Heut Nacht
It's very well known in Belgium.
こううん =Good Luck?
Never heard that before.
How would you say Good Luck?
kambarou, kambatte, ...
I think.
But that means "do your best".
in anime, i usually hear kambatte
although i guess anime dialogue might differ from normal day to day speaking
@StackedCrooked Haha, thanks. :P
It was just a random sentence :P
@StackedCrooked rofl :P
I need to say "I need to go"
私は いく 。。。。
And that's as far as I get
@ThePhD No no, you should say "I should go"
Does programmers.SE usually have so many downvoted things on the front page?

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