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because it's popular
I think the oldest TLDs are all ran by Verisign.
According to Wikipedia, prior to ICANN the US Government did it.
@Rapptz Aaaand it seems they basically still do it.
@Pawnguy7 When people start programming their first project is usually either a website or a game and if it's a website they use PHP because Google says so.
@DeadMG yes. I was trying to figure out how people get into it.
ARPANET was US government project too.
Hrm... you might be right.
I fucking love modules. No more headers.
Superior alternative to bool started = false; and if(started++)?
there's a Standard functionality for one-time initialization, I believe- std::call_once or someshit
@LucDanton lolwut
Don't mention std::exchange.
Don't use ++ on Booleans.
@LucDanton :(
@DeadMG It's one of those bastard loop thingy.
Gah non-x86 Android emulator so slow.
Hahhaaha Android.
Right, interspersing a separator between inserting items into a stream to be precise.
Why is this valid in D. :v
Oh wait, enum class.
All this time I was wondering why EnableIf<is_stream_insertable<Stream, Item>>...> was SFINAEing out and it didn't occur to me to check in what order the trait accepts arguments :(
Woah Android-x86 works without effort.
@CatPlusPlus With respect to what? :O
Also, fun.
U.S. government and more secret orders to all telecomm providers to record every conversation everyone has ever.
Gee, how wonderful. ._.
VS syntax highlights fine, but only the first line.
and also if you add more lines, the syntax highlighting becomes out-of-date (the colours move where they should not be)
They had to change the Facebook design again...
SaveableRange or SavableRange?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm still tempted to have copying with the meaning of saving.
D program y u segfault.
Stupid bug.
@LucDanton Perhaps "restorable"? According to the dictionary, "saveable" and "savabled" are both words, but refer only to being saved from harm, not simply stored.
@JerryCoffin Ah, a good suggestion, but it might give the wrong impression that the operation 'rewinds' the range.
@LucDanton Definitely Saveable.
@LucDanton Hadn't considered that, but you're right.
Some wording that the D range lib uses that I like is 'saving a checkpoint', if that helps.
Actually, how does/would saveable differ from copyable?
Saveable usually implies serializable. o.0
I think.
@LucDanton Savable -> Savage, not sure why I think that. :D
I think in truth we (meaning @R.MartinhoFernandes and I, no offence intended) have been very much confused in all respects here. When it comes to ranges there's a mixture of reference semantics (e.g. iterators as handles) and value semantics (e.g. copying an input iterator vs copying a forward iterator) that also depend on the language used.
So at some point I wanted to have 'copy means an independent range'. Then came the worry that would make using ranges only usable by-ref (whereas iterators are meant to be cheaply copied). This would make the difference with an actual container somewhat thin, and how would they compose with one another?
I eventually produced what I have right now, which is ranges that readily compose with one another, can be returned, embedded, and be passed by-val. (This results in a big caveat.)
> Looks like you uploaded your first ever YouTube video.
Uh no YouTube you're bad at counting.
The natural conclusion though would be 'saving via copy' indeed. It can't have another meaning: a range object represents some indepedent traversal/iteration.
Oh that reminds me, better make my istream_range move-only.
are all things that ever return IEnumerable<T> immediately iterators?
or can I just return an instance of a type deriving from that interface?
Define "immediately iterator".
Things don't turn into iterators magically.
well, I have IEnumerable<T> f() { if(x) { return y; } } where y is a List<T>
but C# complains that I did not use yield return/yield break.
even though I don't intend for f to be an iterator method, I want it to return an object derived from IEnumerable.
IEnumerable has GetEnumerator and that's the iterator.
Oh C# calls generators iterators.
Strange terminology.
Oh my pointer was null.
I suppose I can make my source ranges that embed a container move-only, too, because I have no idea how to get myself out of those.
@DeadMG You sure it's C# complaining?
What's the error code?
@DeadMG You need to return or throw from all code paths.
ideone.com/ER4z3K Works on Mono. vOv
I'm too lazy to create VS project but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
I think it was just intellisense
working fine now
I have to admit that getting it to work as a VS addin was initially a bit bitchy
but my "Re-lex the entire file at every opportunity" approach seems to be working for now
except that if you put in an unlexable character at the end, bad things happen
hmm, C# lambdas can capture outer-scope variables by reference, right?
Subtle ADL bug from inheriting from a base in namespace detail.
@DeadMG Is that also called a closure?
@JerryCoffin One thing save can do a copy constructor cannot, is that when a range embedding e.g. an std::vector<T> is saved a range referring to that embedded container is returned.
@rightfold, how do I copy an object into self inside a class defining a method obj.copy( other_obj ) in Ruby?
@Jeffrey I have no idea what you mean.
Do you mean this? :v
@rightfold I'd like to define a method named copy! ( for a class X ) that accepts an object2 of class X and copies it inside self. So that after obj.copy!( obj2 ), obj and obj2 have the same attributes.
I seem to have broken my comment reporting somehow
@rightfold Yes but without listing all the attributes...
You want attributes or instance variables?
@rightfold Instance variables. The ones that start with @.
I guess I'll have to loop trough the instance of variables of obj2 then. I was hoping for a copy_in pre-built method
class Sugilite
    def assign(other)
        raise ArgumentError.new unless other.is_a? Sugilite
        other.instance_variables.each do |ivar|
            instance_variable_set ivar, other.instance_variable_get ivar
@rightfold Yeah something like that. Thanks.
@CatPlusPlus #clone only makes a copy of x
Yes. Make a copy instead of creating a new one and assigning entire state.
(Which is making copy except the very manual way)
it works pretty well now, except that if you change something which would necessitate a change on another line (multiline comments, say) then the editor doesn't seem to wake up and notice the changes to the other lines
@LucDanton Yeah -- I was reading through your monologue leading up to that. Still sitting and thinking through the consequences.
guys. how does python work?
@Crowz Fairly well, within its limitations.
I dislike learning programming languages so much...
@Crowz ?
@MarkGarcia I gotta learn some languages to do something but I hate doing it
@Crowz You hate to learn?
mostly just boring monotonous stuff.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, other will be created via #clone before passing it to assign. ( If that's what you mean )
What are you doing and why are you doing it this way.
Instead of doing y.assign(x.clone) do y = x.clone
There, no need for assign.
Because y in this case is self.
@CatPlusPlus No, y, not "why".
@CatPlusPlus It is a database model object. One of the constructors loads the data by the id provided to the constructor. The model has a refresh! method which will reload the data from the database again ( in case something has changed ). The refresh method needs to reconstruct itself. That's why.
Instead of implementing mutating refreshing, just load the object again externally when you need it.
Well, I thought that in this particular case it would make sense to allow the object to reload its fresh data by itself.
I've never done reload on an object.
There shouldn't be a case where object has inconsistent state anyway.
Model should either be clean and in sync, or dirty and awaiting save.
@CatPlusPlus God, I'm tired. You are right: I used that right after submitting and edit to the model. The model can update itself in the editing method, instead of calling #refresh!.
ah, bootiful
now I got some pretty basic Wide syntax highlighting in VS
time for sleep
Time to sleep for me too
Night everyone
G'night both of you.
@EtiennedeMartel I couldn't find any better. Sorry. Hope this one suits you just fine. s.tf.rs/2013/06/15/Cica-dana-Rouzi-12.jpg
today at work a German shepherd just walked in and started walking around and laid down. No owner to be found
Q: Explanation of memory allocation for array of pointers to fixed size arrays

PatI have a program that I've written that requires me to declare an array as such float (*array)[3] = new float[faces * 3][3]; Now I understand the syntax and all, this is an array of pointers to fixed size arrays. What I don't understand is the underlying organization behind this. Since there w...

^ I had the same confusion before.
@MarkGarcia While I hate to preach ignorance as a good thing, in this case, removing the confusion gains you little -- this just isn't a very good approach to the (any) problem.
@Takarakaka What.
@JerryCoffin And at the time you understand the whole thing, there's a good chance that you've gained enough experience and is mature enough not to use them.
@thecoshman yes, that converts strings to integers (+ 0).
Why's this... I can't think clearly.
C++ considered harmful
Also aaaaaaa Google is not working
@CatPlusPlus Auto-complete? Mine's not working too.
Maybe something happened to their executives.
Q: Creating a simple driver for Win7

user2491808I want to create a driver skeleton. Here's my source code: #include <NTDDK.h> extern "C" NTSTATUS DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING pRegistryPath) { pRegistryPath = pRegistryPath; //unused DbgPrint("Hello World!"); pDriverObject->DriverUnload = NULL; ret...

> It looks like your post is mostly code; please add some more details. It looks like your post is mostly code; please add some more details. It looks like your post is mostly code; please add some more details. It looks like your post is mostly code; please add some more details.
I've started playing a game and now I forgot why I needed Google.
does anyone else have a problem with chrome and amazon instant video?
It's 5:50 in the morning and I have a terrible headache and I need to pack some clothes and I forgot to do laundry yesterday.
@R.MartinhoFernandes good morning :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Grab an alcoholic beverage.
@EtiennedeMartel I don't keep any such thing at home.
College life never ended for @R.MartinhoFernandes.
I have no idea why my head hurts, to be honest.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wut.
I haven't touched alcohol since Wednesday.
Dehydration? Stress?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dehydration.
Drink lots of water and go back to sleep.
Nah, I'm fine with sleep.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Eaten enough food?
Water followed by a nap will cure your headache.
Trust me.
how do you, uh, propose that a question is a duplicate?
@EtiennedeMartel I don't want to sleep now, because that means I won't sleep on the train.
donothingfor2minutes.com and meditate about life.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The train?
I get headaches after I take a nap sometimes.
I wonder how many in can actually sit still for 2 minutes in front of a computer.
I get a weird taste in my mouth if I nap for too long.
@Nican I'm not on the computer to become more bored
Keeping your mind clear of though is harder than it seems.
@Nican I can do longer when I'm reading, though with a habit of constantly scratching my head.
@EtiennedeMartel it's the taste of death. nap too long, and you're gone!
@EtiennedeMartel I'm travelling today. Boss wants me to go to some conference in Königswinter.
@melak47 That makes sense.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, I'm sure that would be a terrible experience.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Königswas?
Also, where the fuck did I put my ticket. This is going to be a terrible day.
I don't suppose you can call in sick?
I'm not sick.
@R.MartinhoFernandes With that attitude, sure.
What attitude? This day will be "desperately rummaging through my stuff to find the ticket, go to work, get on a train until it's 23h." There's no space left for awesomeness there.
WTF! I refreshed Candy Box!!!
lol owned
Candy reset
@MarkGarcia and you didn't save?
@melak47 Not for a while, obviously.
I guess someone... puts on sunglasses ate all their candies!
I think I've run it for two hours or so.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you'll be riding the train until 23h? where are you going, russia?
@melak47 Fucking floods added a couple of hours to the trip.
(Also, departure is only after lunch)
well, uh, have a nice day :S
I'm going to bed ._.
Is that a joke?
It's for real.
> “I’d like seven pounds [≈ Newborn human baby] of lamb.”
Sounds like novelty :s
It kinda sucks though. 300000000 metres ≈ distance travelled by light in one second, but 600000000 metres ≈ no results.
I'm not sure at what point I should enact the Wishing Well's multiplier on my lollipop count.
@ThePhD ~2 million.
Should be more than enough.
I've got 3 million right now. o.0
Okay. But it's ultimately your choice (and you're addiction in collecting lollipops).
@MarkGarcia Fuck, ti wans't enough!
There's an upgrade that costs 30,625 kLollipops. D:
I can't afford that shit for a looooooooooong time.
You need to have that item that does you 300 lp/sec.
I didn't know that item existed.
Guess I gotta quest harder...
I think I am playing with fire again, I implicitly called a mod coward and weaker than a 6 yo girl
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Link?
You just love wading your nipples over the fire, don't you?
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 18 mins ago, by Telkitty 猫咪咪
@jcolebrand An elite troll would treasure courage the same way she holds creativity and intelligence in high regards. While as almost all decisions made on SE sites are subjective, the fact who ever deleted my Troll Bin had no courage to step forward and declare so implied said incident was not proper use of power but more of an abuse of given authority.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 18 mins ago, by Telkitty 猫咪咪
Yes, the issue was trivial, and power are abused all the times. But even most of the 6 year old girls have the courage to admit wrongs they have done. The responsible person's cowardliness is despicable!
^ Implicit huh?
It's sometimes nice to contest mod decisions.
If implicit had that definition, C++ would be safe as hell at all times.
Also to call moderator a bitch, huh?
I thought of wording it as to cast doubts on his manhood (being more of a puss than a 6 year old girl). But then I would really risk the chance of getting banned sometimes in the future. I like to play with fire, but I calculate as to not get burnt :x
@thecoshman Does that matter? "There are no alternatives" doesn't make a bad thing good; it only makes it worse.
@ThePhD I don't think this site roast naked witch, not that I am a witch :x
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Or ARE YOU?!
Maybe a combined class, Trollitch.
I wish I could be one ... imagine the power of banning any person your want with a whip of your finger :x
wait I am describing a hacker not a witch
hacker = new e_Witch(); ?
Maybe a breakfast consisting of citrus and coffee wasn't such a good idea.
it is ok, unless you put milk in the coffee
A breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs would be nice.
@LucDanton I see no proteins there!
or anything really
Using breakfast in a loose sense here.
"first thing I ate today"?
"What can I scrape until the shops open in the morning?"
Shouldn't shops open in ~10mins?
a bit more
This is not your personal blog - we don't care about whether you are on a train or what you have for breakfast. >_<
Scrambled eggs on toast .. mmmmmm
With that said, I dreamed about this lounge a couple of nights ago, I can't remember about what though :x
This is so sad ...
I need to spend less time on SE
I think I should plonk you again, Tel kitty. After giving it a bit of thought, your words are even more annoying than your pictures.
I am logging off to concentrate on my work anyways.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am more inclined to both listening to some one rant about how shit something is if there are alternatives to try out that deal with the issues provided. It also helps prove that the issues are faults with the solution and not just details of the problem that are messy to solve.
If he provided an alternative it could be misconstrued from what I've seen.
what do you mean?
Some people feel very religious about certain things. Sorta like a list of why C++ sucks and then you suggest a superior alternative would be Java.
It's usually better to leave it out.
even if it was a case of 'SQL mangles this data type, but look this, this and this can manage it' it would make the argument for for why SQL is bad for that in the first place strong in my opinion
That way you don't come across as biased.
no I'll take this. C++ is bad because of the source/header thing, makes it more effort to manage code, but look at Java and C# they both manage to utilise just one file to function as both header and source. (this is not the start of a C++ vs the world argument people)
My point is, he was just ranting. Providing counter examples turns the article from a cat like rant to a robot or ape like reasoning that you care to listen to
@thecoshman Like I said, it's better to leave it out so you don't come across as biased (or in some cases, an advertiser). If you cared deeply about it you would research your own alternatives anyway if you were convinced by his arguments.
@Rapptz potentially, but a worthwhile risk IMO. By providing a variety of alternatives to individual problems you are showing that these are problems that can and have been solve "as shown by these products". It's not so much that I am looking for a "A is bad, use B" as a "A is bad at feature 1, but B and C can do this. A is bad at feature 2, but C and D and E are great for it".
I guess if you don't restrict yourself on it sounding like A vs B then it isn't that bad but you have to know how to do it properly.
It's just to me, simply saying something is bad is just a rant, even if you can explain why aspects of it are bad.
I don't think so.
I see it as constructive criticism.
well I guess falling into A vs B is easy, but that is why articles that manage it well are few and far between and very nice to see when they do surface.
@Rapptz perhaps yes
Can someone help me with an as3 problem
I swear it will only take a seconf
1 message moved to bin
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't think [a] -> [[a]] works without a GC.
garbage collector
also time for groceries
@java a) this is a C++ 'focused' room b) we do not tolerate link dumping, we consider it very rude c) there is only one regular that I know who deals with AS, and he's not here
I think 2 days ago.
@thecoshman I don't think he likes using it, let alone helping.
@ScottW lol :D
@Rapptz oh, that's another thing altogether :P
@thecoshman Hi.
As of today, I'm not dealing with AS anymore, FWIW. :D
@Xeo Now that deserves a serious congratulations!
@ScottW Work.
@JerryCoffin Robot wouldn't believe me!
@Xeo for now FTFY :P
Did you make a game?
I worked on the client of one of our projects.
@Rapptz There. Back from the shops with plenty of junk food. No need to worry about me now!
Lots o' grains?!
Don't think so.
Hmm.. It fails the health test.
Also wow, junk food in the morning?
I've been awake for over 12h.
Sup Suckaz
I'm having one of those days where I spend a large majority of the day thinking of what to do but end up not doing anything at all.
@Rapptz I've done that
Anybody know why this is an exception :
'char* toWrite = "F";
toWrite[0] = 10;`
yes because it points to a literal
Crank up the warning/conformance settings.
you can't change that
Undefined behaviour.
use char[10] = "foo";
just use std::string
fuck pointers
I am bit banging a hardware device and this is being written to a serial port
I also don't know what he wrote
lord, 197 pings over the weekend :P
o_0 fuck... open tab syncing isn't going to work cross browser... how am I going to continue my candy farming now?
with that, I'm going to work.
enjoy :D
@Rapptz Read a book. And/or stuff.
Also I ate an apple. Will I die?
Why would you die?
you will die regardless whether you ate an apple
so the answer is yes
I dunno you showed some concern earlier.
I'd rather expect the downvoter to think that your dismissive attitude was uncalled for. People don't get to pick their compilers on a whim, or because someone on the internet shrugged. That all said, it's not even a compiler feature in the first place. — not-sehe 1 min ago
First I said citrus doesn't mix well with milk. Second, apple is not citrus
@not-sehe How's that relevant to anything.
@TonyTheLion check out these guys They are cooler then I could ever hope to be :P
irrelevance is the theme of this chat ...
If the code is valid C++, it's valid answer. That someone uses broken compiler is not a reason to downvote anything.
@CatPlusPlus which is what @not-sehe was saying...
@thecoshman note to self become more black
@Mikhail oh, took me a minute to realise you just failed at responding the right message
but yes, yes I do like black metal
Someone missed an important public service announcement regarding linking.
apparetnly cat you image is not flay enough
brb going to get a tan
spray tanned charcoal geek

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