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@CatPlusPlus You're probably right. I don't like it when people blurt out righteousness all over the place and expect thanks in return. I mean, he can't even be bothered to use sentences, let alone punctuation, in his dismissives. You're right it hasn't got much to do with the answer.
with git, how easy is it to go back to a previous revision, and from there make a fix, then merge that fix to a more recent version?
Checkout the revision, commit, merge?
@thecoshman If you've already pushed your commit then it would be a mess if you make some changes in previous commits.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 hmm... perhaps I need to revise my understanding of exactly how Perl tracks types...
If git complains about detached heads then just create a transient branch from that point.
@MarkGarcia I don't mean edit the commits them selves, I'm talking about branching for a bug fix
You can branch from any point you want.
Q: C++ chain of tasks

DejwiI have to handle the following scenerio: I've 5 tasks("A","B","C","D","E"), I'd like to parallelize them but in respect to their dependiences. They have to be executed in such an order: A --> B --\ C ----------> E D --------/ So "E" is executed when all the previous ones are finished and "B" h...

std::when_all(std::async(A).then(B), C, D);, huh?
let's say in the main track I have made changes to a function, and then in the bug fix branch I also make changes to that function. When I merge, what will git provide for me?
A merge.
@thecoshman Rebase and merge are your options.
It's like any other merge I don't know why you need to ask.
right, so will the git merge tool actually help perform the merge, all will it just say 'please save a merged version of this file for me'
I just got done being brainwashed with Love Live! School Idol Project.
Anime is crappy.
@thecoshman You merge the bugfix branch to the head of your main branch (merged-to branch).
it's more like how git reports to you that merging change set X into change set Y requires adding these files, removing these ones and merging these ones, of which these are not trivial
If files didn't change much then automerge will go through, if not then there'll be conflicts and you'll need to manually resolve them, just like any other merge.
Uh I have AI exam in the afternoon.
I'm already falling asleep.
is this your final year?
Next semester is last.
erm, so with git, how does adding a tag to a commit in a repo differ from making a branch on a commit in a repo?
A tag is a named revision, IIRC
like HEAD (I think?), or tip in Hg
Branch moves, tag doesn't.
Also tag is an object in git's database, branch is just a transient label.
You can sign a tag, can't sign a branch.
makes sense
just trying to get an understanding of these things so I can help explain it to a team that has more or less only ever used ClearCase
I am thinking of going to another hiking/camping trip this weekend - it is not going to be as dangerous as the last one. Yah? Nah?
the fuck do I care?
Well, I should cut down dangerous activities, but I am addicted to them. Strictly speaking the next weekend's one is not dangerous per se.
try banzi sky diving
I am still booked in for 2 more scuba dives
I want to live fast & die really really old
@Telkitty猫咪咪 you realise SCUBA is an abbreviation and as such should be capitalised
Closing and reopening an fstream causes a crash :|
Scuba diving is a form of underwater diving in which a diver uses a self contained underwater breathing apparatus to breathe underwater. Unlike other modes of diving, which rely either on breath-hold or on air pumped from the surface, scuba divers carry their own source of breathing gas, (usually compressed air), allowing them greater freedom of movement than with an air line or diver's umbilical and longer underwater endurance than breath-hold. Scuba equipment may be open circuit, in which exhaled gas is exhausted to the surroundings, or closed or semi-closed circuit, in which the breat...
It says it right there that it's an acronym.
@Rapptz Yes.
Well, used to be.
but wiki says 'scuba diving' not 'SCUBA diving'?
The term "SCUBA" (an acronym for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) originally referred to United States combat frogmen's oxygen rebreathers, developed during World War II by Christian J. Lambertsen for underwater warfare.[2][4][5]
"SCUBA" was originally an acronym, but is now generally used as a common noun or adjective, "scuba".[6] It has become acceptable to refer to "scuba equipment" or "scuba apparatus"—examples of the linguistic RAS syndrome.
yeah... it has sort of become it's own word now... so not sure if it should still be treated as an acronym
@EtiennedeMartel ...had he still been an owner — or at least even a regular. Whatever your problem was there (I didn't invest the time necessary to follow the discussion far enough to understand), I deliberately removed myself from the position where I was allowed to care.
RAS syndrome again.
@Rapptz And I forgot. Congrats! :D
And I forgot how to use Word after having such long intimate moments with Stack Overflow markdowns.
@sbi "oh but we can only have so many owners"
@Rakkun I am glad you liked it. Actually, I was contemplating going there last weekend (we could've bumped into each other!), but adverse circumstances made me push this off one week. If you happen to still be in the area next weekend, I might be able to make some time on 22nd/23rd.
.... Wow.
@thecoshman Please point out where I said this after October last year — which was the last time I was a regular here.
Are you actually meant to fight through Hell? :O
@ThePhD Watchatalkingbout?
@sbi I didn't mean you, just mocking the general vibe there seems to be with having people as owners
@sbi Uh. The candy game. candies.aniwey.net
Also, how did going through your own personal hell with those negotiations go @sbi? :O
The way I see it, as long as they can be trusted to not bin every message, pin all the crap or change the room title to stupid shit, more people should be owners as it helps ensure there are more people who can moderate the room
@thecoshman You know, that rule was once called into life out of necessity and due to actual events. I think that was during the time you were here rather sparingly.
@sbi oh I was around for that scandal. But it seems to have gone to far the opposite way
It should not be a big deal if someone is made an owner. All this 'grats' stuff at some one becoming an owner is rather silly. It only helps reinforce this idea that the owners are some how better.
@ThePhD Yes
It's a positions of responsibility, not respect
@thecoshman Being responsible carries the reward of being respected.
@MarkGarcia Only if you don't screw up.
@MarkGarcia point missed
@MarkGarcia ..or of being a convenient scapegoat.
Owners are owners because they are responsible and can be trusted to act responsibly. at least, that is how I see it should work.
@Xeo Then strive not to screw up. And if you do, you should learn from the mess you've done.
... Why am I up this late.
I have work in 7 hours. =[
@ThePhD Well. One of my neighbors, a woman who put a lot of time and effort into this fight, but who, as we now know, is probably more concerned with a possible carrier in politics, made a grave mistake that might have led to us being excluded from the negotiations between the politicians and the house-owing company. (If you have 200 people, you'll always have queer ones, too.)
So we had a very exhaustive meeting (5hrs) Friday night discussing this with her. To no avail. (But I guess if you're the type who listens to 25 people from wildly varying background telling you that you have done Wrong™ you don't get into situations where they would have to do that.) Well, in the end we voted for her to step down from her (assumed) assignments.
@thecoshman Yes. And respect is a reward we give to them in turn for the service they render. It may be implied or explicit (like the "grats" thingies ;) ), but it is still respect.
@MartinJames Why's that?
@sbi Well, damn. Can't have one career-massaging person ruin the thing for 200 people! Smart move to vote her out
@sbi Do you means that she made a grave mistake, or a grave 'mistake'? You can never tell with politicians, (or wannabees).
@ThePhD Yeah, only we probably waited a month too long. Or three months. Sigh. This is all volunteering. You just assume everyone shares your goals.
@MartinJames Judge for yourself: In order to push her paper, which nobody (even the two of use accompanying her to the negotiations) had seen up to 15mins prior to the meeting, she mailed politicians that another paper, which contains an exhaustive list of errors and omissions researched and put into shape by a dozen people in working sessions that lasted for weeks, should be considered moot by them, thereby damaging the reputation of our "official speaker", who sent it.
Politicians were confused by this, and all agreed they'd be better off without us bunch of nuts.
@MarkGarcia Sometimes, after some fuckup that is really nobody's individual fault, a sacrifice is required. That is usually someone with responsibility.
@sbi Ow
That sucks big time.
@sbi Yeah - sounds like deliberate sabotage to me :(
The guy who's been our official speaker told us he'd resign (thereby again qualifying himself for the job), which was probably the worst blow of all, because he is that good.
@MartinJames And that's part of the responsibility. Yeah, it's unfair. Totally unfair to blame one person for the shit of the whole. But it's better that way, there's only one to blame, there's only one person who needs to understand that he have done something wrong, though a fault that he has not (directly or one-handedly) committed.
@MartinJames More like a case of being blindingly overambitious.
How do you say "bitch" in German?
@sbi I hate that political crap, even when it's only about promotions etc. in a company hierarchy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Schlampe"
@R.MartinhoFernandes To her? "Bitch". She speaks English well enough.
@R.MartinhoFernandes 5 hits in Google Translate. A pretty rich language indeed!
@sbi Can you hack her bank acount to look for large deposits?
Well, anyway, there's two more important events this week where we have the chance to tell politicians of Berlin (which, unlike the politicians of our community, which is part of the state Berlin, own that company) why we think the company they are supposed to control runs amok. I'll be on one of those, and it is currently considered to make me speak publicly. With here and our speaker two of those out of the loop who used to take most of the workload, I might have to step in a bit more. Sigh.
@sbi It's really sad that you have to go to such great length just to have an affordable space to live.
@MarkGarcia See here. /cc @R.Martinho
"Hure" seems the most appropriate. It's the same meaning as I'd use in Portuguese.
@sbi Nevermind. I'll go with ßitch.
Wait, they all mean the same.
Going now. Good luck with your speech @sbi. Don't blush. ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm.. reminds me - need to finish weeding - more hard work with my hoe :)
@Xeo What makes me explode every time I think about this is that the only reason for the state to have its own housing companies is for them to have a rent-decreasing effect on the property and housing market. In order for them to fulfill that, they will certainly have to take below-average rents.
But when you expect them to produce a financial return, and staff the upper levels with people fit to do so, this fails miserably, making the state invest the money it earns in supporting those who can't afford their rent anymore... This is just plain nuts.
@MartinJames IRTA wedding, and hoe was kinda inappropriate
@thecoshman Fuck that. I hate this idea that simply pointing out flaws is not constructive.
It fucking is.
@BartekBanachewicz Eh? You'll have to spell that out for me. 'Weeding' - digging up weeds. 'Hoe' - garden tool.
It's only not constructive for people that cannot fucking think for themselves.
Identifying the problem(s) should always be the first step towards any solution.
I like this guy.
@sbi Yeah - might as well just have private rental companies.
@MartinJames wedding: the ceremony in which two people are united in marriage. hoe: common abbreviation of whore
@BartekBanachewicz I don't want to marry anyone, (and it would be illegal ATM). I just want the dandelions and nettles gone!
@LucDanton :( I have suspected that for a long time, but I never gave it enough thought to rule non-GCed implementations out.
@MartinJames illegal?
@MartinJames The rent for my apartment, for all out apartments, was supposed to be at the very uppermost limit of what is even allowed here after their planned modernization. Why pay for the bureaucracy necessary to run state.owned companies when all you get is that?
@BartekBanachewicz Yes - I am already married!
Well, I'm going to work now. Bye!
Woah, that's late.
@sbi Yup - I entirely agree. If they cannot make the model work as originally intended, might as well abandon it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait, which function are you guys talking about? split-like things?
Q: There's no memory leak in my code(rather sure), then how to find out those codes who eat up my memory?

ToryNow, I have a VC++ project which will occupy 1.5 G memory(the peak value), and then it will give back memory in 5 minutes. But, I want to optimize the memory usage, because 1.5 G is too huge. Besides, I'm rather sure there are no memory leaks in my codes, I have tested my codes with 3 tools(Purif...

How the fuck does this get upvoted?
@R.MartinhoFernandes down voting is the new upvoting
OH SHIT, AM I IN DEEP:(( The recent little thread about weddings reminded me of somethine - it's Anne's birthday today! I have no card and I promised her a nice meal out. I have nothing booked! I'm going up the field to walk the dog and to use my phone out-of-sight and earshot. I may be eligible for marriage again soon :(
@MartinJames it's not a big on is it?
@MartinJames ooooh, get your snacks ready guys!
@MartinJames worse case, get your ass to town and get supplies to do up the house! hire some sort of guy to play music, get some voile to through over the windows, candles everywhere and cook something amazing!
This is hilarious. "How to set volatile array to zero using memset?" => immediately people suggest casting away the volatile.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I meant "I'm gonna start working", but I failed to say it properly. I have been at work since 11am, but spent most of the time reading mails and chatting. I will have to work now, though.
OK, The Forresters and the Crown were booked up, but I got in at Wu's and Anne loves Chinese. I can breathe again..
Q: How do you make a hentai game?

winI want to make a hentai game and I'm kinda new to programming. How do I do it? Thanks. Would you like to have responses to your questions sent to you via email?

@R.MartinhoFernandes If the volatile array is being used for comms with drivers, the relevant interrupt/s would need to be disabled, no matter whether memset, loop, whatever, to actually ensure that the array is, at some point in time, is actually zeroed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes a legit question. Answer should be "by writing c++ source code in editor and compiling it, probably using some libraries".
@thecoshman Hehe - thanks for the suggestion. The only music I could maybe get at this short notice would be the Cavemen - they owe me a favour. Apart from being inappropriate for a birthday, not sure that three guitars, bass and drumset would fit outside the window. Also, this is UK, so rain :(
There's one undelete vote.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahahaa now that's really funny
@R.MartinhoFernandes idk I think it should be a legitimate question?
poor robot will overheat if we don't stop soon.
Also clearly a troll because a Hentai game would be written in AS3 and not C++
@Mikhail I thought it would be written in Haskell, because it starts with 'H' too
that's why Unreal Tournament is written in UnrealScript and Crysis in C++, duh
Makes sense because C++ is written in C++
@BartekBanachewicz "...vague, incomplete, overly broad..." Seems to fit the definition of "Not a real question".
@JerryCoffin I was joking.
@BartekBanachewicz Two now.
maybe these people also think it's funny
@BartekBanachewicz I added a vote 'cos I was up the field 'walking the dog' while the question was live and so didn't get a chance to downvote it.
I would have posted an answer: "Depends what kind of hentai game you are planning to write. For example, a multiplayer hentai shooting game is so very different from a hentai dating game, which again differs from a hentai strategy game"
> Technology sucks. I just tried to wipe some mustard off my phone screen and now I've got a years subscription to ChicksWithDicks.comChris Burns
@sbi Maybe phones should have a 'mustard mode' button?
@sbi Heh, I always lock my Phone / Nexus before wiping it.
@MartinJames sounds like the dude is writing malware.
Ahahahaha, the reactions at work now that I've shaved / cut my hair.
@MartinJames yeah, I meant in side o_0
@thecoshman I don't need to book music or cook myself now, OTOH, with the price of wine in Wu's, it might have been cheaper.
@sbi Mustard... right...
@Xeo Why the slash?
Dunno, just because.
@Mikhail Hmm.. could be. It should have used a GUI app. I guess that option might stil be open - a 'GUI' with a hidden window that spawns the console. Why so many devs use Windows console anyway?
@Xeo Which one is the right one, then?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Both
> The difference between unmanaged enums and managed enums that makes managed enums more suitable for managed code is that managed enums are managed code and unmanaged enums are unmanaged code.
I just wrote this.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :D
50 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
poor robot will overheat if we don't stop soon.
@R.MartinhoFernandes OK, you get a star, even though I had to read it three times.
I like the alliterative nature.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where?
Oh, there
Someone added the C++11 tag again
Robot renders revealing rubbish?
meh, C++11 is almost 2 y.o.
fuck. it reminded me that next VC++ update wasn't released yet :'(
Go home, your circuits are fried. — Xeo 1 min ago
woot, cling rocks.
Meh, dessert was strawberries with chantilly :(
i got a gingerbread cake and an accompanying coffee
@MartinJames ah those alliterations
@BartekBanachewicz You want more? 'Martin measures mass, makes misery' - 93.6kg :((
i weigh less than 70kgs now
too much work * too low food
@BartekBanachewicz My usual summer weight is about 76-80kg. I blame Berlin/robot :)
@MartinJames what does berlin/robot have to do with it? :p
@melak47 Easy targets.
easy targets for what?
@melak47 Getting his conscience clean.
@melak47 I visited Berlin to go to a concert with robot. Unfortunately, I went for three days and, when not actually at the concert, I may have over-indulged a bit :(
TBH, I had a few beers at the gig as well.
you ate enough in three days to gain 13.6 kg?
I wish I could eat 13.6kg of food o.O
@melak47 Is that possible without involving lead?
13.6kg of weight gained != 13.6kg of food consumed
but no worries, I will probably have to pay like my month's earnings to repeat the semester
so no food for me
what does my commit activity say about me?
Your name?
I think svn is not completely useless! it helped me figure out that I nap at 3 AM and should probably go to bed instead of waking up and writing more code :S
@melak47 Err.. not quite. The crappy, wet UK winter/spring also contributed - not enough exercise.
or maybe I'm sleep-programming
I particularly liked the 'Bauern' at the canal-side restaurant. It's like a big omlette thingy with potatoes, bacon. I ate a few of them. Dread to think of the calorie count.
"A few"?
@R.MartinhoFernandes OK, four :(
@melak47 Yum! At least I only had a salad with my mega-bauern.
@MartinJames Wow
The real problem here is that the answer doesn't address the question. If it did, it would have been a duplicate of far better answers, e.g. How can I efficiently select a Standard Library container in C++11? in c++-faq. An answer to his question would be most useful to the OP.not-sehe 1 min ago
@melak47 you somehow lost commits 3, 5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14?
@not-sehe those are hours of the day
also.. not-sehe? lol
i google bauern and get weird result
@microsoftarmy google bauernfrühstück :)
..or 'German omlette'.
is anyone familiar with Zobrist hashing?
@melak47 nom nom
Very delicious, but also very heavy.
But that's how it always goes :(
@Xeo While googling the bauern, I found some recipies.... must resist!!
..err.. yes?
do I have to hash to a size_t for std::unordered_map? I have a 128bit key, and I would prefer to just, like, keep that 128 bit? :S
@melak47 O(1) is slow :P
but I don't want collisions ._.
2 things left and this semester is oooover
@melak47 std::map
@melak47 "Can I use hash map without hashing"
@CatPlusPlus exactly :D
Also use perfect hash function and you won't have collisions.
hash(n) { return n; }
@StackedCrooked as I said, my key is 128 bit of crap, size_t is not
perfect hash function ... sounds tricky ...
too bad. Use boost::hash_combine
My back turned into raw pain.
I hate all nighters.
if you have a laptop you can lay on your bed while work on the laptop
once every couple of hours
That's a horrible way to work.
Make a bear programming language.
pear programming language?
> Gear is an object-oriented programming language with a powerful type system
Documentation: bytecode
Unfinished, let me guess..
@StackedCrooked won't be finished ever
@CatPlusPlus you gotta start somwhere, huh?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I stopped reading at 'XML'.
I read out of order.
I stopped at the the picture of the pears (need to go fruit shopping tomorrow)
I have an exam tonight at 20h50.
@StackedCrooked I have one at 11:00am, but we are going to play golf later
@StackedCrooked Jelly
I have exam tonight at 16:30.
' tonight at 16:30' <-- sounds like oxymoron
There's no 5th year of Japanese organised by the school. So this is the end.
Think you know enough to start translating stuff? Or watching One Piece in Japanese? :P
Not really :p But I have a classmate that does translations.
we are talking about the language not the food right?
Going to the shop now, brb.
Fun. Have it.
@rightfold why didn't you name your language Pear?
Because that's something PHP-related and fuck PHP.
ah right better to avoid any connection with PHP
Everything is connected with PHP.
It's the great Universe joke.
I think I'm gonna fail this exam.
Qt is cute. PHP is not
@BartekBanachewicz and maps for GeoJSON files.
@Cygwinnian I think you shouldn't speak anymore
@CatPlusPlus What is it about?
@rightfold that's more recent. They've fucked up the shader displaying normals, though.
@Cygwinnian we, on the other hand, consider you as annoying prick.
What's with kids these days, thinking trolling means saying something nobody takes seriously and is just sad.
I'm not saying stupid things I'm totally ~trolling~
I am not sure if he knows that it's not a grammar mistake and is double-trolling
You're silly for giving attention to it.
I only use assembly on server side.
@CatPlusPlus thought you use lowly paid monkeys on the server side
2 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
You're silly for giving attention to it.
you can't resist either.
Garbage in garbage out
lowly paid monkeys sometimes have guns
In some cases lots of garbage out
Use Haskell, Elixir or D.
But seriously I want sleep.
And food.
Where's my food.
you ate all the food delivery people nearby, remember?
In your ass.
@CatPlusPlus our AI exam was really easy
our was easy too
but I'll prolly fail the semester so w/e
I didn't even remember any of the math, and forgot to bring a calculator...just multiplied some crap here, divided some there
I wrote one AI and it turned out not to suck.
It was an enemy AI for a 2D platformer.
what did it do? predict when zoidberg finishes a project with 100% accuracy and 0 learning time?
I wrote an AI for the tic-tac-toe
@melak47 Simple, just always answer "Never".
It was a platformer game and the enemies followed you, jumped over walls and avoided lava.
@DeadMG false.
That was basically it but I was proud of it. :P
@BartekBanachewicz what course was the problem again? :S
@melak47 Numerical Methods. I've passed the theoretical and lab sections, but failed on projects
turned them a tad late
and the guy was looking on stuff like the size of font (I made the code, but we had also to write reports)
> You used Comic Sans, I'm gonna have to flunk you
something like that.
also I've managed to fail to exams last semester and I probably will only be able to fix one of them
@BartekBanachewicz Uni education at its finest.
@CatPlusPlus IKR
I got 5.0 for internship metacourse :laugh:

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