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> Stop being so smug about evrything...
I answered twice already, the latency comes from the network medium itself
@Will Its the questions you ask, ones that could easily be answered if you bothered doing some research and reading.
d o y o u u n d e r s t a n d
"the netwerk medium"? seriously?
that's as specific as you can get?
is it possible to get more specific?
do you know what network medium means?
not for you apparently
@Will medium- that thing used to facilitate network communication
ie wires and shit
it can meany anything between a and b
Now who's being smug
ah it's a troll
ok time to go
had enough now
okay 5/10 because I bit
I am being generous today
resuming regular nonsense now
went to the doctor she gave me stuff to take worth 4 pizzas :<
What for?
@AlexM. IRTA 'with 4 pizzas' - I never get treatment/prescriptions like that from my doctor.
@Morwenn cold
actually flu
but w/e
zinc supplement wtf
this was to fatten the bill for sure
propolis woot
Oh, most of the time I just wait until it leaves by itself.
@AngryLettuce rub a peach on someone's screen
@Morwenn yea tried that for 4 days didn't work
@AlexM. 1~2 weeks if it's the flu.
Unless it's a more dangerous kind of flu.
'The Bartek Strain'
problem is I can't work like this
so I need to see the doctor to get a leave
That's not a serious problem as long as you can still lounge.
lounge with sticky keyboard, ewww (coughing too much from flu)
in my room it's warm and nice
outside it's freezing cold and there's AC in the office
@MartinJames Escherichia Haskelli
@AngryLettuce lol, no cure.
@AngryLettuce that's a pretty harmless thing to get infected with
... since it has no side effects
Spaghetti Haskelli
@AlexM. ahaha
@AlexM. I work from home - when I catch flu/whatever, I don't even get the silver lining of time off:(
@MartinJames but sick leaves are mandatory by law
and they're paid
@AlexM. Good one.
@AlexM. good one
@AlexM. Sure, but not really for me:( I can still work even if my keyboard drips if I turn it upside down.
static methods vs free functions go
@AngryLettuce Your face vs your mom go
Omg everyone it's @Marco
good morning people
They both suck
static methods are related to the class somehow
Waiting for a "your mom" joke
whenever I use static methods in C#
@Ell Except when you like Java.
it looks like the enclosing class becomes a namespace
or a module
Mom loadFromFile(string filename) throws OverflowException;
@Rerito Your mom has global scope.
> I use static methods because I don't want people to use using namespace.
Imagine you have Robert and parse_robert(Stream input, Robert& out). Free function or static method of Robert
Let me parse you Robert.
I use static methods because Java envy.
java envy newmeme
@Morwenn isn't it possible to alias a namespace::function in C++?
@KhaledKhnifer You can create a free pointer to it.
hm, VS2015 ICEs when building a VS2013 project with static analysis
and for VS2015 projects it is ridiculously slow
I'll go with java envy
What's that? Zalgo-encoded robert?
#include <iostream>
auto& cout = std::cout;
main() { cout << "Hello, World! "; }
okay I've no idea how to use intellij idea
@Morwenn y'a une proposition standard pour using a::b::{c, d};? :D
@Ven I don't think there is anything close to that.
@Morwenn really :[
sadness. I should propose it.
@Ven You'll need some strong motivating points.
I think that's better than doing: using namespace std;
I'd rather have namespace-level expressions: auto a = std::{ abs(sin(cos(42.5))) };
@KhaledKhnifer what's auto&
@GettingNifty auto is data-type that is decided by the compiler based on the r-value, auto& mean that it's a reference
Is it a memory address pointer
@Morwenn what is a in that example?
@KhaledKhnifer The result of std::abs(std::sin(std::cos(42.5))).
Equivalent to auto a = [] { using namespace std; return abs(sin(cos(42.5))); }();.
and means anti lock brake system to me
@Morwenn better than using namespace. allows to import a few functions without needing 34534 lines
I'm pretty sure it's not enough at all to convince the committee.
@Morwenn I like the idea
@KhaledKhnifer How about using std::cout; instead?
@GettingNifty Oh.. another lock-free implementation;(
@Morwenn scala does it
@Ven « XXY does it » has never been enough to convince anyone.
'twas but a joke
You are a joke.
now now, 'tis a bit rude.
I hate open source.
> you absolutely do not understand programming, you should be ashamed.
> the lesson is over. Now you're a little bit closer to my level.
Who's a bit rude now? :p
you said it to my face.
when I thought we had something in common.
But your face is an abstract entity created by the puppy.
@Ven AFAIK we still speak French.
I thought you were a bagget – but it's more like fagget.
what did you just call him, you niggeure?
I made it sound more french like
t'es bégé
Theatre Noir
I once used a stupid API which functionality is meant to be extended, with a get function that is private .. someone was stuck on SO on it, I told him to just go to the file & change it to public
@AngryLettuce then you should dislike templates even more since it’s like coding against the wind
@thecoshman it’s a joke
Yay, I've finished to implement the 8 measures of presortedness I wanted to implement. Now... d o c u m e n t a t i o n t i m e . . .
>>> random.sample(x, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Population must be a sequence or set.  For dicts, use list(d).
>>> random.sample(x.keys(), 1) # wtf
>>> random.sample(x.values(), 1)
TypeError: Population must be a sequence or set.  For dicts, use list(d).
in today's "wtf Python" I give you this
Python 3?
I guess keys are indeed stored as a list.
While values aren't and you've got a nice generator object instead.
But still...
>>> random.choice(x.keys())
TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing
@Rapptz list(x.values())?
neither of those are list(x)
@Rapptz Ok, now wtf.
@Morwenn ikr
It has special casing for dict_keys
If you're wondering
well kinda
dict_keys best type
dict_keys seems to meet the Set requirement up there
@AngryLettuce ftr and to elaborate on my joke the closest thing to 'mocking' (or really, type checking) when templates are involved is concept coverage. which isn’t something concepts-lite is providing or is in the eye of anyone involved with the Standard as far as I know. it’s all from scratch and requires programmer discipline, so nobody does it
it turns it into a tuple (why?) so I guess list(x) is truly the way to go.
lol .. because Python
@Ven are you a coffeescript contributor?
@slaphappy yeah
@Rapptz Open an issue?
I'm also a LiveScript contributor, which I actually use
@Rapptz in python 2 x.values() used to return a list, in python 3 it returns an iterator
why javascript, you no coffeescript, ain't java just a type of coffee??
@Ven TIL
@Ven GH is definitely missing a "fuck off" close reason uh
@slaphappy yeah.. :\
ruins your mood for the day
@slaphappy SO as well :P
@Ven I guess. Compliments for your patience :)
:tips fedora:
:tips dorito:
:dips dorito:
Garlic is good.
I like garlic mayo
Garlic mayo and that red chilli oil that sets stuff on fire.
Need Doritos now:)
I love red chilli oil
Proper indentation matters. Also you tagged your question compiler-errors but your description mentions that the compiler does not give any errors and the program runs. Please fix that. (P.S: cin values aren't read by compiler the compiler does not ready any values, it's your program that reads the values. All the compiler does is turn your source code into an executable) — Borgleader 2 mins ago
le sigh
and to make it healthy, you can tither mayo with super strained yogurt
I don't like mayo, but garlic + chili oil sounds awesome.
@MartinJames mmmmmmmmmmmm doritos
Garlic and chill (and then she breathes near your face)
Haha xD
@Ven Don't do oral...
mayo in general is about texture, not all mayo are made with raw eggs & saturated oil combined, which taste like obesity
@Ven you forgot onion
@MartinJames .. unless both sides are okay with it
@KhaledKhnifer lol, a little unlikely after chilli oil.
Handmade mayo with walnut oil is ok.
@slaphappy GH like Growth Hormone?
@MartinJames some people like it spicy
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper Salmon:)
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper omg, what are you doing .. now I'm craving salmon, which is only sold in the corner of my city
Sauce à l'oseille €€€
I'm too hungry to tyep straight.
@KhaledKhnifer Ryiad?
@Rerito Bird sauce?
@MartinJames I know, isn't it ... especially with that sauce
@Rerito yup, our people don't eat salmon
@KhaledKhnifer Obviously I am trying to make you buy salmon :p
@MartinJames Nope it's a plant I dunno how to translate it. I kept it in french as in french slang "oseille" also means money
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper wanna see a photo of fancy pizza we have locally ?
Every time I Lounge when hungry it's a disaster:(
@MartinJames What happens? You eat your own hat?
@wilx Shoes and scarves are also now in short supply..
Look, pizza pics, every time:(
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper this not only has mixture of white cheeses, it also has white sauce & thick ranch sauce
@KhaledKhnifer is that chicken with jalapenos?
I'm off now. I need pepperoni within the next half-hour to prevent spontaneous developer combustion.
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper yup, they also jalapeno chilli oil in the white pizza sauce, and you can ask for tabasco which ruins flavor
Oo nice :)
@KhaledKhnifer I hope you die painfully.
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper guess what else, the pizza resturant offer to deliver your order in 10 minutes, if it exceed 10 minutes, you get a free pizza, I go during busy times, I pay 2$ and end up with 2 pizzas :D
OK, off to shops..
@LucDanton jokes are funny
@thecoshman thank you
@LucDanton ergo, that was not a joke
Such terrible questions this morning argghg T_T
here is a url on same problem that is not solved how is it not solved? it has an accepted answer... Please provide a minimal example of the problematic code. — Borgleader 4 mins ago
>.> why do i even bother
@Borgleader dem sweet sweet internet points
@jaggedSpire I wont get any points by closing shitty questions :P
THANKS FOR THE HELP I GOT IT. :) — Alvin 17 mins ago
this guy seems like a happy customer though :P
@Borgleader that sweet sweet feeling of productivity when the new questions feed is clean of completely shit questions, just before another comes in?
ffs, isp is going charge me a further €5 a month for fuck all
isn't that their function in life
raise prices, do fuck all to justify the increase
act shocked when you move to a different company that has temporarily become worse at shafting the customer
is there a convention for the name of a non-throwing index into a collection when not using operator[]?
@jaggedSpire good question
because for polymorphic base types, something had to be around before rvalue binding
the only other related things off the top of my head I can think of is get<N> (but that’s compile-time checked) and *it (but that’s another interface altogether). plus even things like Boost.Fusion use at<N> so it’s all muddled
@jaggedSpire ..and here it is - macros: stackoverflow.com/questions/35039313/…
@MartinJames and it is surprisingly less of a doozy than I expected
It's certainly a shit question, but not as shit, you know?
also maps have .find() together with operator[], but again that’s for a particular interface
@LucDanton yeh. :\
@jaggedSpire I don’t understand that bit
@jaggedSpire Fo some reason, it's showing up on the C tag as well, even though only tagged C++
@MartinJames 10 upvotes for that? wow...
@Borgleader A pointed question with simple, concise code. Can't really be mad at that.
@LucDanton for a polymorphic base type you're going to be referring to it with pointers at least some of the time, and for that time if it's got a contract as a container of sorts that doesn't throw on out-of-bounds, you need some way of indexing into it. The syntactic sugar there is somewhat broken with operator[]: the best you can do is three additional characters for (*bleh)[3]
Help me with code design. I parse 30 different messages from network. Currently I have a struct for each message and a boost::signal for each message so that any code can easily listen to what they need. But this is freaking redundant. How to fix?
Unfortunately, I chose a really bad time for this conversation, since I need to go to work. :\
Would you mind continuing it later if you're still interested?
@jaggedSpire okay; I think rvalue binding is a red herring. FWIW I think a lot of people are okay in that situation to have a wrapper with its own operator[] that forwards on
@jaggedSpire well I’m really all out now, but if you do find a name (whether your own or an existing convention we overlooked) I’m interested
Yeah, I am selected for the third interview /o//
@Morwenn Were you selected to win a free iPhone, though?
@Morwenn <3
@набиячлэвэлиь I don't care at all about iPhones :3
@TonyTheLion ♥
Aparrently, the last link I posted re. macros was not bad enough for the Lounge, so: stackoverflow.com/questions/35039493/pyramid-of-number-sums
I tried to SVN commit, and my intellij crashed
@Morwenn heh, some get hearts, but I get called names. obviously.
(also congrats <3)
@noob This is where templated code can take care of the internals of raising the exception by using common functions to handle the internal busywork. Have fun!
@Morwenn Very well
@Ven You get hearts too <3
@Ven And that's because you're using SVN
@Rerito ...no
@Ven SVN cannot be subverted to obey
Finally finished that documentation.
Hot, kinky documentation.
@ThePhD I will let you judge.
Honestly, it could be far more complete but it's enough for now.
@Morwenn where boots?
@Morwenn Looks complete enough to me. :D
@thecoshman Not sure I understand the meaning of the question.
@ThePhD A few things are not clear enough: the definitions are simple but not descriptive enough. I could use some math, but GitHub doesn't want no MathJax/Katex :/
@Morwenn embed .pngs
@набиячлэвэлиь I'd rather not have math at all.
So what dovi need to do to get a dynamic website on aws with Java, do I install the SDK on an the Linux instance I installed in ec2?
How do I access the terminal
Because my static website is only good for another 3 months anyways
@Morwenn all forgiven then <3
@Ven I only call names people I kinda appreciate.
@Morwenn where is it?
I'm presuming it's a job interview...
@thecoshman A company that works in medical imagery near Brest.
@Morwenn is it called Hart?
Why, no.
Missed opportunity
J'ai mal à la gueule
Eat cheese
@Rerito Drink less next time.
@Morwenn Generate stuff into gh-pages instead of relying on preview rendering
@CatPlusPlus I would if the Wiki tab linked directly to gh-pages.

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