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5:00 PM
I couldn't help myself but turn around and say "int main. Don't use void main, that's non-standard"
Thing is, lower_bound doesn't quite give me what I want.
I want the one element that is less or equal.
And they were just staring blankly at me
I think I need to use upper_bound in both directions.
Fuck me.
5:01 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Will do c:
Or lower_bound in both directions.
Something like that.
@MohammadAliBaydoun so do you have their phone numbers? :u
I know what you mean by lower_bound, you kinky robot.
@BartoszKP No, I walked away like a boss
well done
5:02 PM
I don't mess with girls who don't know their standard C++!
let them want you
: D
@Puppy a while ago you said you wanted to make an IDE. you should make a refactoring tool instead
@MohammadAliBaydoun I'm not sure you want to mess with those that do, either.
depends on the meaning of "mess with"
Can I inherit a copy constructor?
5:05 PM
you do, but don't want to usually
I could write it manually by doing Child(const Parent& other) : Parent(other) {}
but I want to do using Parent::Parent
@BartoszKP I'm getting a compile erroe :(
What's the difference between IT Internship and Software Development Internship?
should I answer "I don't know" for the joke to conclude?
@Ell maybe I'm guessing wrong but probably because the of the reason I was referring to: parent's copy constructor will construct a Parent instance, not Child.
@Ell That's stupid, in the general case
How do you call those avatars that are created automatically by the email?
Like @ell's one
5:08 PM
from where do you synthesise the rest of Child's state?
from the aether?
This isn't general case really :P
@Jefffrey shit? ;0
so good point
that's why it doesn't work
@Xeo there isn't any state in this case
5:09 PM
Then just create that ctor with the parent as an argument
@Ell You’ll have to.
found it
TIL: In TypeScript accesses change semantics depending on whether or not it's in the same literal module block.
you use TypeScript?
5:10 PM
i.e., module x { f() { g(); } g() {} } is different to module x { f() { g(); } } module x { g() {} }
@Jefffrey hey, this is a hand crafted .svg of military precision
I'm serious
Yeah he converted his gravatar to an avatar in .svg.
@BartoszKP I understand that, yup
5:12 PM
He could have just saved the gravatar but he had to complicate himself.
it's just that I like to see concrete opinions with which I can disagree or agree in movies, books and so on
5:30 PM
bug fixed simply by moving source code to a different file.
fuck you, TypeScript.
Use filesystem-based modules (works with both CommonJS and AMD) instead of module crap.
so, fix broken feature by moving to even worse feature?
also, I have no idea what CommonJS or AMD (in this context) are.
@Puppy a working feature is better than a broken one
I'll take "Feature that actually achieves something in some cases" over "Feature that achieves nothing by design"
Wait, we're talking about JS?
Stay away from anything module, the syntax was overhauled a few months ago, most of the current tools use the old syntax and will break when browsers start shipping.
Use browserify, if you can't for some reason use RequireJS. If you use TS it already does its own thing
5:45 PM
> Stack Overflow is currently offline for maintenance
TS can be used with RequireJS. It's nice.
@rightføld not here
@TonyTheLion I was hoping for a November release of the print book :(
I'm hungry
5:50 PM
@rightføld none of it is nice, it's all hacks :D I can't wait for there to be a good alternative to that mess.
Perhaps soon.
Then wait another seven years till you can use it in production.
JS is actually ok-ish to use atm. I wouldn't say I really enjoy it but it's a pretty acceptable language for most web uses. There are stuff it absolutely sucks at but I don't need it for that.
No, Bing, I don't want to translate Italian into English. Thanks anyway.
lol Bing
5:53 PM
facebook v0v
also the translation is terrible
> [ODDS] Exercises and receiving odds (in view of the appeal of 17 December) all interested parties who wish to follow a tutorial or ask questions of Probability are invited to attend one or both of them exercises/reception to be held on Thursday, 4 December, at 14:30 – 16:30, courtroom Wednesday, December 10, P200 hours 13:30 – 16:00, room
> [ODDS]
@rightføld I have been writing Java lately, and I didn't really mind. Should I be worried? Am I losing it?
@FredOverflow Yes.
5:55 PM
What do you prescribe?
I've been thinking over an hour about what language to use for some tool.
@FredOverflow Clojure.
@FredOverflow well, they did fix a lot of stuff.
@rightføld That's not nearly enough.
5:56 PM
@FredOverflow I've ported 3 things to scala for fun and so far I'm pretty happy. It has really gotten a lot better since last time I used it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Still can't throw checked exception from function passed to map, so they didn't fix enough stuff.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The language or the IDE experience?
@FredOverflow That's so fitting I'm tempted to print it on some t-shirt.
@rightføld lol really?
5:58 PM
@rightføld Well, only about 30% of Java developers hate checked exceptions, so what are you gonna do...
@FredOverflow Clojure, Lombok or Scala.
@FredOverflow lol @alt
On an unrelated note - I find it interesting that everyone hates checked exceptions but they hate dynamic typing where unchecked exceptions are kind of like dynamic typing with typed catch as a typed pattern matching.
@StackedCrooked hahaha
@FredOverflow compile times are bearable, the tooling is very good and yes - a lot in the language. You write scala and not "Java library scripting in scala code", all the collections work and perform pretty well - I didn't even include java.util in any of the three.
5:59 PM
Checked exceptions are fucking annoying for exceptions that you virtually never catch except in some main function/loop.
@BartoszKP Oh nice, I didn't know alt got boxed, too.
E.g. about all I/O errors.
@FredOverflow I didn't know that either ;D
nice indeed

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