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@R.martinho can't gdb tell you when iterators get invalidated?
@Ell I'd put it above most anheiser-busch products.
The two kinds of beer are dark and piss.
@Chemistpp I'm more of a bock kind of person.
But I do like a good IPA once in a while.
@ThePhD because I have no outputs specified for the custom build step. I just want to copy some crap to the output directory :S
bock is good for headaches the day after
@EtiennedeMartel Those are tasty too. I just really like a bitter beers. ESBs are good too
@melak47 robocopy
@CatPlusPlus I told someone [american] Guinness was too light once.
@ThePhD yeah. but what do I put as outputs for the custom build step? o.O
Guinness too light? :L
@melak47 It shouldn't go in the custom build step property.
It should go in the Post-Build-Event property.
I like porters.
@EtiennedeMartel You're horrible.
just because he likes subservient men in clerical positions./>
who is chemistpp? someone new?
way noob
@ThePhD the what where wha?
> Remind me to stop working each day
@EtiennedeMartel mmmm the tastiest way to drink things my GF can't :D
@Ell Noob enough that Bartek laughed at my first two posts and refp trolled me up this morning.
Ahh right
TC++PL 4ed: "C++ is a language for someone who takes the task of programming
how much of a chemist are you? Or aren't you?
I am
Just finished my PhD in organic synthesis
@Ell Hmmm, they are never valid in the first place.
Something's terribly broken here.
I may be asking you for chemistry help next year if you stick around ;)
basically, he doesn't know shit about programming, professes to know lots about chemistry, and I think (wasn't paying attention) that he was trying to lord it all over people because of how difficult his chemistry problems were.
@Ell Studying carbohyrate-protein interactions.
@DeadMG That is not how that went down.
Girls, girls, let's not get into a bitch fight now
@Chemistpp don't worry, he's special
@DeadMG I said I didn't have time to learn C# and got a bunch of attitude about it as if I was a lazy punk 12 year old.
Hello :)
@thecoshman I gave up.
@melak47 All good? :D
@ThePhD more or less
Wtb artist.
Could you recommend me some books to learn C++ ?
Also wtb no-stomach-virus will pay big moneyz.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Motherfucker?
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are released every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a good C++ book...

got it =)
> I'm on the farm now suffocating from the stench of a thousand cow farts. But it smells like roses to me, because I'm nowhere near this moronic conversation.
Man, I love this quote.
"There is nothing interesting you can say about Computer Science that Dijkstra didn't say first." - Edsger Dijkstra
I like how he was so full of himself.
I don't
I think being humble is a more attractive trait
that is just imho of course
@ThePhD why does my command fail :S
wow veery nice recopilation of books, thx Martinho
@melak47 robocopy's returns are not C-shell friendly.
@ThePhD ?
They return 3, 2, 1, or 0 on relatively harmless warnings (not errors).
but no copy happened :(
Robocopy copies by directories, rather than by files.
You list the source dir, the target dir, and optionally a file list.
If you don't list any files, it'll plonk the toplevel to the other's toplevel.
Grindstone looks pretty cool, but doesn't play nice with Dropbox. :<
If you specify /E, it'll be recursive.
@ThePhD Wat.
Why do you care about csh.
@rightfold C-based-shell friendly, so bash, sh, zsh, csh, etc.
omg Z shell <3
Anything that depends on Return Code == 0 to indicate success
@ThePhD What does C has to do with it.
@ThePhD warnings don't exist.
@CatPlusPlus C's job -- back in the day -- was to return 0 on success and various other things for failure. It usually lined up with shell scripting and stuff.
@ThePhD none of my commandline statment seems to run :(
@melak47 Does the build succeed?
Derp 0 success.
fuck "the day"
@ThePhD yes, it even lists my build step >_>
I decided to try IE11. It has WebGL! But it somehow manages to lag with the hover effects on SO chat.
Programs should return Maybe Error.
@melak47 Shrug. I'd need to see output to get an idea of what's going on.
@ThePhD there is no output :(
@rightfold or Almost Error
How can MSFT screw-up hover effects...
@CatPlusPlus robocopy doesn't return 0 on success, which is what most scripting languages depend on -- it returns OR'd flag values, and 0 when it does absolutely nothing.
@ThePhD 1>PostBuildEvent:
1> Description: copy crap to output dir
and that's all. build succeeded. nothing happened.
Post Build Event: is empty?
@melak47 Why not simply give a more accurate output dir in the first place?
Show me the command. What's it look like?
IF EXIST "$(OutDir)shaders\NUL" del /F /Q "$(OutDir)shaders" & IF EXIST "$(OutDir)media\NUL" del /F /Q "$(OutDir)media" & xcopy /s /i /y shaders/ "$(OutDir)shaders/" & xcopy /s /i media/ "$(OutDir)media/"
even the del doesn't happen
Stop scripting your build with crappy shell commands.
so how do I copy crap there :c
@melak47 dude... PS
@kbok photoshop?
Can't you just add to project, set "copy to output directory" to true and call it a day?
Or just learn MSBuild properly.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Csharppe only.
I know how run programs in Ubuntu, with gcc but, whats about windows ?
@melak47 What is the goal? What are you trying to do?
@ThePhD "Content"?
@Ivan Don't waste your time on Windows unless you must. Consider doing your work in Qt
@ThePhD ..copy crap to the output directory
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not sure if that works properly when set to yes or no.
@Mikhail ...what?
@melak47 From where to where?
@Mikhail Non-sequitur.
@ThePhD from anywhere to the output dir. mostly project dir to output dir
Don't bother with Windows, just use tennis.
@ThePhD Me neither, that's why I asked.
Why don't you try it, though, @melak?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Time for me to try it! <3
@Mikhail I will work with CUDA in Windows I have to learn C++ to use openGL
See, it's even built-in.
@R.MartinhoFernandes so I add D3DCompiler_47.dll to my project? :/
It even has examples.
@melak47 Use a redistributable?
@Ivan I'm pretty sure CUDA is C++. If you want to do CUDA-opengl-interop, take a look at the Qt examples. For example google "Qt OpenGL CUDA Mandlebrot"
@CatPlusPlus and then?
Copying DLLs by discovery requires parsing the PE headers and verifying bitness and discovering dependencies.
@melak47 And then put it in the installer, I don't know.
@CatPlusPlus it still won't be anywhere my app sees it when launching
@Mikhail Thanks so much, that is I was looking for
I have a bad habit of singing to myself when my headphones are on at work
(Psst you're supposed to run the redist)
@melak47 Well, I saw shaders and media, so I assumed it was just shaders and media.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Marking it with "Content = Yes" did not copy my random thing to the output directory. =[
( In my VS 2012 VC++ project )
It's even called Copy.
Colour-coded for your convenience.
blegh, so I get to manually edit my project file? ^_^
I don't see any colour
@kbok the links are blue
@melak47 That's not unusual
constexpr unsigned constHash(char const* in, uint const h)
  return *in ? constHash(in + 1, 31 * h + static_cast<unsigned char>(*in)) : h;
@melak47 Didn't you hear that VS is awesome?
That looks like a terrible hash to me, but this guy says QT uses it
> unsigned …(… uint …)
That doesn't seem very constexpr.
@CatPlusPlus works in GCC and MSVC, good enough for me
@melak47 So you're just trying to get [ProjectDir]\shaders and [ProjectDir]\media to copy to the output directory.
@MooingDuck I doubt that you could have gotten a constexpr function to work in MSVC, which does not support constexpr.
@DeadMG on second thought I might not have done the constexpr tests in MSVC, only runtime :/
@melak47 You always do for build scripts more complicated than "build everything here".
GUI for every aspect of the build system is impractical (and it'd be just tedious to use anyway).
robocopy /xo /njs /njh /mir "$(ProjectDir)media" "$(OutDir)media"
robocopy /xo /e /njs /njh /mir "$(ProjectDir)shaders" "$(OutDir)shaders"
if %errorlevel% leq 3 exit 0 else exit %errorlevel%
@melak47 ^ That should probably do the trick. It's still shell-based, though.
@ThePhD even the del doesn't work, and it doesn't complain about failed builds..
Don't try to manually delete the folder.
robocopy /mir will automatically update and override and delete files that either are older (update/override), and if they're not present in the original directory, robocopy will delete them.
This is entertaining.
/mir is basically "Mirror this directory here"
Good Bye.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's not even real meat.
A friend of mine has that. It's just parts of a plushy, in a can.
more LLVM "We exit the process after dumping an error message EVEN WHEN YOU EXPLICITLY ASK US NOT TO!"
Jesus christ my stomach. :x
... Oh my god, I know why I'm sick.
@EtiennedeMartel You expected "canned not-even-real-horse meat" to be real meat?
Before I got sick, I started working on Wide.
DeadMG's stomach thing transferred to me through Wide!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I mean, it's not even meat related.
It's a plushy.
dhwajkdwadhwajkdhwjkd DEADMG IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT.
George Takei says it tastes like spam.
@melak47 Is it working out?
@R.MartinhoFernandes That guy is also fabulous.
@ThePhD I doubt that very much. Gallstones are not infectious.
I could have sex with you and you wouldn't catch it
Did you try it?
... Would you? <3
@DeadMG s/ and you wouldn't catch it//
Would you wear a cowboy hat while you did it and whisper naughty things in my ear about void pointers?~
@ThePhD Applejack is definitely your favorite pony.
@ThePhD No.
@ThePhD No.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No.
q_q my hopes and dreams all crushed.
@ThePhD no.
I added a Target thing like the thing in the cat's link..and it does absolutely nothing
not mentioned by the build, nothing
Try copy-pasting the robocopy thing I gave you into the "Post Build Event" property, like you were doing with your weird DEL thing.
Are you building the right thing?
And, uh. Remove the target thingy.
@EtiennedeMartel What does this have to do with ponies? D:
Status: Lounge still bad at build systems.
Sorry. :P
I haven't quite gotten good at MSBuild.
robocopy works. scrw MSBuild
@CatPlusPlus Everyone sucks with build systems.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: .NET garbage collector is too slow [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [kbok-still-graduated] [no-helpdesk]
I've only relied on what I hope to be the best shell-based thingies I can write.
I survived Boost.Build.
I can do anything.
@CatPlusPlus teach me MSBuild :D
That should be a T-Shirt.
Puppy status: still bad at .NET.
@melak47 why not CMake?
Oh gawd,
@EvgenyPanasyuk because
not CMake. :c
    <Shaders Include="shaders\**\*.*" />
    <Media Include="media\**\*.*" />
  <Target Name="CopyFiles">
    <Copy SourceFiles="@(Shaders)" DestinationFiles="@(Shaders->'$(OutDir)shaders\$(RecursiveDir%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
    <Copy SourceFiles="@(Media)" DestinationFiles="@(Media->'$(OutDir)shaders\$(RecursiveDir%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
CMake can generate Ninja build files, so it at least improved a bit.
^what's wrong with this :(
You made the target, but targets are not unconditionally built.
... I'm not even sure I can read that. o.-0
yay fixing more bugs in Wide for the second time.
@CatPlusPlus ._.
so how do I get the target built
Standard MSBuild targets that IDE uses have extension points.
you talk in riddles
seeing 0xFull in code is confusing :<
function taking two unique_ptr<> &, expected to set them both, is that a shitty design?
Return a tuple or a pair.
Out arguments are always a shitty design.
@CatPlusPlus what does $(BuildDependsOn)do?
Silly me
@melak47 Variable substitution.
Q: Java convert a string to "ISO-8859-15" encoding?

OlivierThis String must be XML compatible, that is for example a < character is converted to &#xD;

Only Jon Skeet can correct your question
BuildDependsOn depends on BuildDependsOn?
No, it expands to the old value.
ftr I don't know MSBuild that well, I just read the docs.
Doc-Reader Cat Plus Plus
His monocle contains the Documentation of One Thousand Ages.
it werksss
Well, now you can ditch my robocopy script. :D
not yet
I still have to tell it to delete the directory before it copies crap there >_>
Wrap a robocopy task for MSBuild instead
And use /mir and let it do all the hard work.

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