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4:00 PM
@EtiennedeMartel I agree, but since I don't have any other tools, it's difficult for me see that something else should be done.
I mean, what do you recommend instead?
@DeadMG I don't disagree with binning. I disagree with binning stuff instantly without giving any chance to anyone.
@JerryCoffin ... that too. Use the blue flags (spam/offensive) for that kind of stuff. And only spam/offensive content
clutter up the room every time someone asks a question? we'd never get anything said except Stack Overflow.
What I'm saying is: don't pass your frustrations on hapless newbies who are looking for help.
and the transcript would be full of nothing but "Sorry buddy, wrong place, yadda yadda"
4:00 PM
Like, uh, Area 51 spam
@DeadMG You really like hyperboles.
It does happen, though.
@CatPlusPlus But not all the time.
@BoltClock I don't see the problem if it's tagged NSFW.
@EtiennedeMartel That's mostly because the instabinning means that they don't come back, which is what used to happen.
4:02 PM
Helpdesk sessions are boring.
I mean, if you click something tagged NSFW and you get offended, it's your own fault and you shouldn't whine.
Even if it's not "sorry wrong room" then it's still clutters up the room.
@DeadMG You got any data to back that?
@CatPlusPlus Dude. Fucking Reddit posts clutter up the room.
My rants clutter up the room.
Now if it was more like "who wants to help me, here's a new room I made for this".
you mean, "Did I keep extensive records of pre-instabinning and post-instabinning questiondumping rates?"
4:03 PM
Everything clutters up the room.
because the answer to that is of course "no".
1 min ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Helpdesk sessions are boring.
@rightfold Like I said, I'm just messing
I feel like instabinning makes people run away from the room, even though there was maybe a chance that, properly guided, they'd improve and eventually stay and contribute.
Elitism 101
4:03 PM
@BoltClock So in your opinion, is there any situation in which binning makes sense at all? If so, perhaps you can explain -- right now, at least to me it sounds like you're pretty much saying that binning shouldn't happen at all.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, I possibly think that there are too many reddit reposts here.
@BoltClock omg you're so metal.
There seems to be a direct correlation between being negative and wanting to bin everything.
@rightfold ..... wat
i.e. the two people who are the most aggressive are also the two most cynical.
4:04 PM
@JerryCoffin Honestly? I don't know. I didn't use chat very much before becoming a mod, and now that I have mod powers I'm not entirely familiar with this "binning" practice
@JBL But then we would do nothing but guide people, and the explicit purpose of being here is to get away from guiding people, since I already do that on the main site.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf I've been held hostage here for as long as anyone can remember
@JerryCoffin next time I am going to post the Q back from the bin
@BoltClock Binning is a workaround for lack of real chat moderation tools.
Which is a result of SO policies about chat being dumb.
@BoltClock There's a room called the "Bin", which is where we move all the messages that we would like to remove but can't, and "binning" refers to moving your message from the room in which it was posted to the bin.
4:05 PM
And the fact that there seems to be no developers working on a chat at all.
I'd be happy to guide people to ~real~ C++ rooms with /kick.
Hell, we can move messages between unrelated rooms, why can't we move users.
That'd be potentially hilarious.
23 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit


Friendly conversation, including C++ talk — NOT the "Lounge"!
That's your target.
@EtiennedeMartel So, he's leaving for good?
@DeadMG I agree and that'd annoy me as well, but then, even with the [no-helpdesk] spec, it's still a chat bound to a Q&A site aimed at helping people. The fact it's tagged with a language name lead people into thinking they can ask for help there aswell.
4:08 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Until it dies like all the rest.
Anyway. Why don't we ask all the owners about what they think of that binning issues?
I hope it doesn't.
@JBL See, I don't understand this logic. Since we're bound to a Q&A site, use the Q&A site when you have a question.
unless you have a more specific audience in mind, I guess
but in order to want to ask the people in this room instead of SO in general, you would have to actually know the people in this room first.
@BoltClock Perhaps a related question: is there any point in having room owners at all, if a room owner's reaction to offensive/off-topic content should be identical to anybody/everybody else's? At least from a viewpoint of day-to-day running of the room, much of what room owners do (beyond messing with the room's title) is binning.
Messing with the room's title is the real power.
4:09 PM
LOL I just got rate-limited dismissing chat flags
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Frozen for answering a C++ question. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-helpdesk]
@BoltClock I hate the rate limiting so damn much.
@JerryCoffin This sounds like a good question for meta
@JerryCoffin Nominally, we have a couple other powers like pinning, but that's about it.
Rate limiting is tuned for people typing with one finger.
While hanging from a ceiling.
@CatPlusPlus Using a finglonger.
4:10 PM
@CatPlusPlus And drunk on Absinthe.
In zero-gravity.
Salad fingers?
@CatPlusPlus With the keys six meters apart.
I mean we're fucking programmers, you'd expect we can type faster than two messages per second.
@CatPlusPlus How do you hang in zero-gravity?
4:12 PM
@rightfold Very carefully.
@DeadMG True. Thing is, knowing people in this room goes through discussing with them, and that might be hard when you're not that good w/ C++ because what else could you do but ask questions, considering most of the time this isn't trivial C++ that's being discussed there ?
Well, not per second. I'm bad at math. But still.
I win.
4:13 PM
@JBL Er, considering that a large portion of the stuff we discuss isn't C++ at all.
When I figure out how to make silly badges with Open Badges I'll give you one.
@JBL search SO; most of the questions binned (that i've seen) are already answered on SO
I encourage people to lurk before posting.
I did that.
@CatPlusPlus that's what I've been doing for quite some time now.
I rarely speak in the chat.
Though most discussions are interesting.
4:14 PM
@BartekBanachewicz You're right :/ It's a coping mechanism against stress.
The point is to observe the culture, and make some effort to fit in.
Vacation in August is going to be awesome.
If you spend 2 hours here you'll have a picture that we hate unsolicited basic question linkdumping crap.
@CatPlusPlus "Java sucks, PHP sucks, C fanatics suck" - Congratz and welcome !
4:15 PM
Because likely some dumb idiot will come by, not lurk, and get yelled at.
Ahh yay sha512 works
Learn from other people's mistakes!
@R.MartinhoFernandes where are you going :)
s/Learn from/Laugh at/
@JBL and 'new' and raw pointers suck. but sadly that's actually C++
4:16 PM
btw @BartekBanachewicz I pushed to one of my formerly empty repos. :P
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Raw pointers form the C in C++.
Well, they contribute to.
@JBL mhmm but smart ptrs >> (this is a greater than, not an operator) raw pointers for most things
@rightfold imma eating, but will totally check later
Hmm, this trick is neat: mv src/{,postduif_}listener.erl.
I knew you would be writing it in erlang
4:20 PM
Me too.
So many things pinned, phew.
@rightfold will you need a desktop client? Will it have a web api?
4:23 PM
I'll write client in Python.
You will try to.
@BartekBanachewicz No need for that negativity! :P
I am not negative. I am trying to invoke showoff reaction.
@BartekBanachewicz how is Intel food? my Google friends gloat over google food :(
@BartekBanachewicz Fail.
4:28 PM
I overslept. :c
No, it's actually still before work.
Gasp, I should go. Bye !
@EiyrioüvonKauyf decent. but that depends on the site
@Telkitty 猫咪咪 this might interest you: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/32522/goats
4:36 PM
Ooh I am banned from the chat again, now I know how Julian Assange feels when he is prosecuted by the US government or how Galileo felt when he was tried by the church. Seriously though, I have only posted a real drug war video and marked it as violent and NSFW. — Telkitty 猫咪咪 2 hours ago
Also, hi.
@Xeo yeah i don't get why he was banned. >> click on a link marked violent and NSFW. complain when it's violent and NSFW
@Xeo yeah, that's why I randomly come and go now. I come when I'm compiling, and when I remember I'm supposed to work I leave
@EiyrioüvonKauyf not he, she, and because she's dumb
@MooingDuck i'm supposed to be working ........ i forgot
@BartekBanachewicz oh ehhh..... i see?
4:38 PM
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Admitting that something is inappropriate doesn't give you the right to go ahead and post it anyway.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Simply marking it as "NSFW" doesn't excuse posting content/links that simply don't belong here at all.
"Hey guys, just a warning, but here's some child porn. <video>"
@JerryCoffin *if somehow SHE could tie it into convo then ok out of context I can understand your positions
@LightnessRacesinOrbit fuck it. what ZHE said
this chat is entertaining sometimes
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Some loose connection to existing conversation doesn't excuse clearly off-topic content either.
what's the topic of this chat anyways
nobody can agree on the answer to that question
4:41 PM
@khajvah That's more or less the current topic of discussion. I'm not sure anybody can draw a hard line between "topical" and "nearly topical", but it's pretty easy to agree that "Mexican drug war murders" is a long ways away from topical.
except, obviously, when it comes to videos of Mexicans being brutally gunned down
or child porn
@JerryCoffin *for now
yeah I agree with that
but still it isn't a good argument "off topic "
4:42 PM
sure it is
I am new
:| hmmmm as long as you aren't one of the new guys like on Javascript
@khajvah Whatever comes up, and then some programming.
i mean, you can say "inappropriate" but off-topic... anyways
yeah programming, I actually came here to have a break :D
Mar 13 at 14:36, by Xeo
1 user moved to bin
4:46 PM
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Which part do you think is "for now"? While I think the discussion might help define a somewhat clearer line between topical and otherwise, I think it'll remain a judgement call forever. I can't imagine a point at which the topic will include videos like the one that was apparently linked either. I'm certainly not going to hang out in a room where it is.
@R.MartinhoFernandes After thinking about it for a day, I want to say that ought not compile. (It does, but I don't think it should). Use foo::aliasfor similar instead. But then that makes functions behave differently than static members.... hmmm...
@JerryCoffin honestly i have no clue
@MooingDuck What shouldn't compile?
@Xeo I love those jokes :)
4:48 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Go Bartosz!
@Xeo auto ptmf = cfoo.b->aliasf; where aliasf is a member function pointer.
@BartekBanachewicz holy snap. you have that power?
but now that I wrote it out I disagree with myself
Editing audit messages is another hilariously broken chat "feature".
@EiyrioüvonKauyf chat.stackoverflow.com/… except some of those were real
4:50 PM
@Xeo lololo nope
@MooingDuck aliasf is just a normal variable
@MooingDuck :L i . see
-_- i already used my star allowance for today
4:51 PM
@CatPlusPlus yeah, that was fucked up
I have a proposition: We all move to the Bin and chat there. Binning issues solved.
basically when you launch Skype, you're violating ToS of Fiber
Don't be evil, unless it makes us a profit.
Man all the flats I wanted to go view in London besides one were all already rented out
@TonyTheLion i want to star this :( but i can't
4:54 PM
@TonyTheLion I know your pain
also 6 pinned messages seems like a damn lot
Starboard temporarily a pincushion.
you a word.
Okey, I wonder if I can implement Concepts.
@BartekBanachewicz I'm going to have to book viewings as close as possible to the time I get there
@BartekBanachewicz Nope.
@CatPlusPlus hm?
4:56 PM
1 hour ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Also, if anyone wants to complain about the current overpinning going on, I'm at fault. Sue me.
and also hop into let agencies then and there see what they got
also, @JerryCoffin I would like to lodge a complaint about one of your fellow wasp friends, whom currently resides in the office I work in, and is very irritating and annoying.
Kill it. With fire.
> I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.
4:58 PM
@CatPlusPlus Hard. Office is quite large and high.
> On a traffic light green means 'go' and yellow means 'yield', but on a banana it's just the opposite. Green means 'hold on,' yellow means 'go ahead,' and red means, 'where the hell did you get that banana at?'
@TonyTheLion I doubt they're any friends of mine. Bees live in huge hives, but we wasps are much more selective about our friends.

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