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5:00 PM
@TonyTheLion Get more fire.
did I just get flagged?
why is that flagged?
I'm all for migrating away just to make this retarded flagging stop.
I didn't realize people could see flags on their own posts
@MooingDuck ohhhh
5:03 PM
@TonyTheLion nature has lots of wierd stuff, I figured red bananas must exist :D
@CatPlusPlus Yea, I wouldn't mind migrating to a place we we're actually in control.
@CatPlusPlus have you created appropriate platform already?
@JerryCoffin oh damn. :(
Introducing Coliru Chat..
j/k :)
why j/k? good idea
5:04 PM
I like this chat and I think the problems with it are blown out of proportion.
@CatPlusPlus because y'know, you're usually looked at as a negative one here. If you made a community effort and make something even really simple, that would be really a strong point towards migration. IMHO.
@R.MartinhoFernandes one now taco boat it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes You'll find your way back again in no time!
Wait. Found me.
5:07 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Can you guarantee that it's not a waste of effort?
Or not. What the fuck is wrong with this street?
ITT Robot's adventures in real world.
If you need a guarantee to do it then you will never do it :3
> National Orgasm Day - Who you sharing yours with?
@CatPlusPlus I guarantee it.
5:08 PM
Also I noticed today that Unity's licensing terms changed, and mobile platforms are now supported for free.
Which means I can upgrade to 4.2 woo.
Apr 22 at 14:52, by Jerry Coffin
@TonyTheLion I've decided to take a leave of absence to try to find myself. If you see me before I get back, could you get me to wait for me until I do?
Oooooooooh. Turns out 114 does not come after 128.
Not lost anymore.
@CatPlusPlus yay
@TonyTheLion is that today?
5:11 PM
Anyone doing home accounting? Is there something like GnuCash but with less annoying multicurrency support, and ideally deferred conversions?
Which design principle are you breaking if you have enum { True, False, FileNotFound }; ? Orthogonality?
@StackedCrooked Principle of least surprise, and also principle of being actually competent.
I've only ever done accounting on HomeBank
and it wasn't for very long. I have no money.
5:12 PM
@CatPlusPlus I think it depends on your attitude and definition of "waste" here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why are you bothering the lounge? Template-errors? Weren't compiler gods smiling at you today?
Creating an entire chat platform for the express purpose of migrating the community there, just to have community not migrate in the end, is my definition of waste.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sounds like real progress. Some day (just for fun) you should visit Salt Lake City. The Mormon template is surrounded by 4 streets, all named "Temple", so there's a North, South, East, and West Temple street. Better still, East Temple and West Temple both run north/south (and vice versa). You end up with directions like "go east on North Temple until you reach the 1300 block of East North Temple, then turn South on North Street until you reach..."
@CatPlusPlus I would join. Felines to the top!
In Japan the houses are numbered, but not ordered.
So you can't find a house simply by knowing the address.
5:15 PM
@CatPlusPlus you might interest other people with it vOv
also there was some sort of chat startup lately
user image
In related news, Beefeater tastes like old socks dipped in cow urine.
I've never tried it
@CatPlusPlus there must be some existing chat platform we can base it on
@EtiennedeMartel My idea of a dash.
@BartekBanachewicz With the chat, or the chat code?
5:17 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Utterly false, and a base libel on old socks and cow urine!
@CatPlusPlus both, really.
> The unit test doesn't cover that eventuality.
best excuse ever
It's a large project, even if it's based on XMPP or whatnot.
I'm in favor of user scripts to mute annoying aspects of this chat.
5:18 PM
Oh wait... isn't @rightfold already working on an IRC client?
@ShuklaSannidhya yea and rightfold is really known to finish projects....
@ShuklaSannidhya that won't ever be finished
He totally creates a socket already.
5:19 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Fun fact: "chat" is French for "cat".
@CatPlusPlus oo, that's a sign the project is coming to an end
@EtiennedeMartel hm
If we developed a great chat platform then how will we get users. Or will it only be used by the regulars here?
how did I just get stuck on tropes? Robot, I'm sure this is your fault somehow!
I'm fine with that.
@MooingDuck lol
@StackedCrooked only regulars
no noobs
5:20 PM
That's not fun.
ah, explainxkcd linked me to it. Robot, you're safe for now
What about Atlassian? That looks like something proper to base on.
no flagging
You have a weird definition of fun.
Nothing is off topic
5:21 PM
^ ... telkitty will be jumping for joy
Ahaha... presently, It is in erlang, two-days later it will be in haskell... four-days later it will be in D and six-days later that fuckin pony would delete the repository...
@ShuklaSannidhya pretty much that
@BartekBanachewicz that looks like a possibility
I have an idea. Ask @rightfold to write a chat platform!
I suggested hipchat a seconda ago :(
5:22 PM
In that case we could just form a Facebook group and use the built-in Facebook chat.
@EtiennedeMartel he's already started :P
Then, when it's done, we can migrate the Lounge there.
@StackedCrooked uh, no
@StackedCrooked no please no. i despise that
But you can't edit messages on hipchat
5:22 PM
Or we could just run an XMPP server that's not Facebook.
@EtiennedeMartel never going to happen
@StackedCrooked Your mom.
Imo.im ....?
@Ell I said base on, not use it.
You know
Chat could be one Lounge project we actually could do together
as, uh, bunch of people together... well... friends?
@BartekBanachewicz How can I help?
5:23 PM
@BartekBanachewicz It's not sure you can "base" on it.
@CatPlusPlus look at the offered functionality when designing the specification
Oh, that kind of basing on.
@ShuklaSannidhya That's only a sugestion.
why not try to use that one first
before going into a dev cycle
maybe that one is all we need
but it's not free.
5:24 PM
I'd pay 2$/mo. vOv
> $2.00 per user per month
I'd pay too. But I don't think others would.
oh well if you're not willing to pay that
then you don't belong there
will keep trolls out quite effectively
it has 30 day trial
are we in?
5:25 PM
so we could try
I'm in!
Oh cmon! we are fuckin programmers. Can't we write a chat app?
@ShuklaSannidhya do it then
@ShuklaSannidhya we are programmers
It's a large project.
Oh, hipchat has XMPP.
5:26 PM
it has everyting really
but they require my work email
and I am not sure if I want to give my work email to them
give them a different email o.O
@BartekBanachewicz I only have 19 days left :(
@Ell i thought they might reject free domains
2 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
I signed up with my gmail
But I don't have any bux!
5:28 PM
Cat Plus Plus
Developer, Korystat
@TonyTheLion lounge?
@EtiennedeMartel Already started.
@BartekBanachewicz ah ok
@rightfold So, already ended?
:laffo: Who created that room then
5:28 PM
@EtiennedeMartel no :V
@rightfold are you doing openid?
@CatPlusPlus One of those that's about as small or large as you choose to make it. A simple two-person chat is one of the typical first exercises in network programming. A fully featured chat could easily take a full-time team months.
we need to give all the same subdomain right?
@TonyTheLion i am not sure
@JerryCoffin I'm assuming a baseline of SO chat-like features.
5:29 PM
create it and try giving me a link
@Ell most unlikely
Or maybe I will. Dunno.
@rightfold just a database of users or what? anyone can join?
@CatPlusPlus that being said, if it was a full-lounge project, we would have heck of manpower
Of course anyone can join.
5:29 PM
> lounge.hipchat.com This subdomain is already in use. If your team is already using HipChat, please ask the group admin for an invite.
and we could really add features as the time goes.
But room owners can at least ban people.
@TonyTheLion then dunno, loungecpp and send me an invite
@BartekBanachewicz And how much time would you be able to commit?
@CatPlusPlus Right -- I just find it intriguing that some types of programs have (for example) a fairly high hurdle to getting something that works at all. Chat happens to be one where getting something that works a little bit means you really haven't even gotten started yet.
5:30 PM
@CatPlusPlus for the first few sprints, if there would be enough interest? Quite a lot.
@JerryCoffin It fits nicely into iterative development.
we could really start with basic functionality
@BartekBanachewicz sent you invite over Skype
Send me one, too.
@CatPlusPlus Good point.
5:32 PM
@CatPlusPlus Where to?
@BartekBanachewicz lol, that should work
@CatPlusPlus @StackedCrooked I guess if we split up the development reasonably (meaning some people on backend, some on frontend, some on desktop app), then the sub-teams won't even have to argue about design anymore
> Welcome to Foobar chat!
I changed the name
5:35 PM
My boss asked me today if I wouldn't want to be a project lead, and I wasn't sure if I can do it properly.
uh, no, this is not gonna work (Atlassian)
Ahahaha you can only have one account globally, even though they're tied to teams.
@CatPlusPlus as I said, it wouldn't be really a big project, because we could work in 2-3 person teams
@CatPlusPlus Are you working full time now? Or is this student-job?
Anyway, I can lead, and we can try doing something.
@StackedCrooked I'll be a senior developer starting January. :v:
Yeah I'm working full-time during summer.
Bit less during semesters, but last one ahead, so.
5:37 PM
@CatPlusPlus when you know you are a senior?
If you are 60 years old.
@StackedCrooked :D
When you get a raise and a title with "senior" in it.
^ this
if you want to join our hipchat, ping me with some place I can send you a link
5:40 PM
:P I like being a junior and surprise people a little bit, hihi
@TonyTheLion me please, do you know my email?
@Ell nope
Got it?
meh. deleting is a feeble defence against spam >.<
5:41 PM
@CatPlusPlus Leading is hard.
@EtiennedeMartel I know.
Job title... :S
@CatPlusPlus I think we can do rough estimates basing on first milestone
@EtiennedeMartel ...but not as hard as kerning.
and that can be pretty trivial, like, you know, basic stuff
5:42 PM
I mean, estimating is just "assign that many points to a thing".
It gives an idea of how much we can expect to be done in a timeframe.
i fkn hate doing that
can we link Trello or Pivotal to GH?
Pivotal yeah. Trello dunno.
But Trello sucks.
Not like we're getting paid and going way over estimate is terrible or whatever.
I'm not making a Trello account on basis that everyone can add you to anything, whether you want it or not.
5:44 PM
hm, alright. Pivotal is free for non-commercial, so if you link it to GH and you say it's good it's cool with me
Perhaps before estimating, it's best to get at least some vague notion of what it's going to be? Just for example, will it be basically a web site like SO chat, or something based on (for example) open standards like XMPP and such?
@JerryCoffin all of those are potential features
we have to brainstorm as many as we can
and only then pick desired functionality
Yeah, we're definitely sketching up the picture before colouring it.
and split to milestones.
5:45 PM
Ah I can't get into the chat room :S
@Ell we left it FYI
You can give me account names or emails.
@CatPlusPlus bananu7 @ o2 in Poland
If you care about your email not being public for some inane reason, email to [email protected]
I mean, account names if you already have an account there.
I'll make a GH organisation, too.
5:48 PM
hipchat inlines images
you can have an avatar too
@TonyTheLion no linking to messages is a nono to me
Woa, you guys are really hellbent on doing this.
Trying doesn't hurt.
And it's more realistic than Kyrostat, too. :v:
It's incredibly realistic, as long as you avoid scope creep.
Scope creep o.O
5:50 PM
Gimme GH usernames too, I don't have follows set up.
@Ell feature creep
@CatPlusPlus make a guess.
Welp wrong form.
@CatPlusPlus Can I start spamming stories as a form of creating ideas?
Can you create new repos in LoungeCPP?
5:54 PM
@CatPlusPlus no
I want to do master repo/private forks model.
add @Tony to Pivotal too
@CatPlusPlus there will be at least 2 repos
backend and access.
5:57 PM
Eh, we'll figure out the permissions on this thing later. Brainstorming now anyway.
What are you on now pivotal?
This is a good opportunity to make official Lounge logo, finally.
@Ell that's a tracker

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