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8:00 PM
which is a pretty important element of template masturbation
template<typename T>
void f(T x) {
because of ADL
fuck implicit ADL
Late binding.
Which equals power.
So it's good.
8:04 PM
I don't get it
What's nice about that data structure?
Just wanted to try this idea.
I needed something that has fast push_back and pop_front. Deque is kinda weird. boost::circular_buffer does have fast push_back/pop_front but it's ...circular. It wanted something that grows like a vector.
@StackedCrooked pair of vectors
one to push to, one to pop from
8:07 PM
if the one to pop from is empty, reverse move the one to push to into it
Yours does grow like a vector but never shrinks
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ sorry, fixed
And it also assumes that there's a value that should be ignored in the domain of T
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ That was only for debugging purposes in the print function.
8:08 PM
@StackedCrooked then you can have amortised O(1) push_back and pop_front
the latter implemented in terms of pop_back
@elyse That's kinda what my posted code does.
But I use swap instead of move.
@ScottW Yeah, I did a poor job.
oh I didn't notice you posted code
8:10 PM
it's the standard way to implement immutable queues
because this works well with immutable linked lists too
@elyse Oh, wait, I don't do the reverse move.
I should have customized it more for this room.
@StackedCrooked Oh woops
@StackedCrooked reverse move is what allows you to use pop_back in the implementation of pop_front
8:12 PM
I currently have this: mBuffer[0][mFront++] = T(); // poor man's ~T()
stop writing bad cryptic code
@StackedCrooked Oh, I see so you are "removing" elements by reinitializing their memory allocation and then moving mFront forward.
Reverse move can be expensive for large vectors.
In my case it goes up to ~50k.
instead of using magic numbers 0 and 1 to refer to buffers in an array, make two variables push_into and pop_from
magic numbers are obviously better than normal numbers
8:13 PM
They also don't exist by definition
@StackedCrooked I know something fun you can do
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ yep
yesterday, by elyse
Magic doesn't exist by definition.
Checkmate atheists rightfold
A simpler solution would be to wrap circular_buffer and inside push_back increase the capacity if size==capacity.
8:14 PM
std::vector<T> push_into, pop_from;

// when pop buffer is empty:
std::swap(push_into, pop_from);
std::reverse(pop_from.begin(), pop_from.end());
std::reverse is too expensive. If I do that on a list of 10000 elements than I waste many too many cycles and have a thrashed cpu cache afterwards.
(I've been there...)
std::vector<T> push_into, pop_from;
int pop_index;

// when pop buffer is empty:
std::swap(push_into, pop_from);
pop_index = 0;

// in pop:
auto result = std::move(pop_from[pop_index]);
return result;
uses lots of memory though!
@StackedCrooked If you store std::optional<T> you no longer have a need for T()
@elyse that doesn't seem to use too much memory..
8:19 PM
it keeps all the elements in memory until the pop buffer is empty
even after they're popped
@Lalaland I could go for something like std::vector<typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T)>::type.
std::optional<int> or would double the allocated size
Yep, that would also work.
T() seems like an annoying requirement.
call it elyse_queue
8:21 PM
Why isn't this possible :(

enum Type
//clubs (♣), diamonds (♦), hearts (♥) and spades (♠)

@Lalaland Yeah.
Call it staqueue
a colleague named Kevin once wrote a procedure that sent emails and he called it kevinmail
@набиячлевэлиь nice :)
@Gizmo Characters outside of the source character set
8:21 PM
staqueue'd crueuqed
@Gizmo sadly, not possible in gcc
one area where MSVC is better than gcc
@milleniumbug HERESY
MSVC throws errors too
1>d:\development\projects\casino\main.cxx(25): error C2143: syntax error: missing '}' before '?'
1>d:\development\projects\casino\main.cxx(25): error C2059: syntax error: '?'
1>d:\development\projects\casino\main.cxx(29): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}'
1>d:\development\projects\casino\main.cxx(29): error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
1>d:\development\projects\casino\main.cxx(30): error C2059: syntax error: '}'
1>d:\development\projects\casino\main.cxx(30): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}'
weird, it should work
Vlinder prohibits all control characters other than LF everywhere, and non-ASCII characters everywhere except in comments and string literals.
8:23 PM
maybe resave as unicode file
I'll try
@elyse y u no CRLF
@StackedCrooked It's fuqued up.
because CRLF sucks
@Gizmo Put this in all your files
8:24 PM
@elyse Now I won't be able to coed in Notepad! -1
use Vim
@elyse What? I need to be able to name variables ◕‿◕
@Gizmo weird, it allows bananas
8:25 PM
var ◕‿◕ = 3
@Lalaland That's JS
Or Scala, maybe
@Lalaland write let @"◕‿◕" = 1
@elyse let @"the bodies hit the" = "floor"
yup, works too
@milleniumbug -1 needs more gęślej jaźni
8:26 PM
@ turns a string literal into an identifier.
talk monads to me bby
I chose to use # instead of @ for attributes.
sub secretSubroutine(): () { }
Private Sub?
y u no General Sub
or Major Sub
8:29 PM
@Gizmo Separator for code sections:
// ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣
// ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
// ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♦ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
// ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠
@StackedCrooked Welp xD Nice use
Would be fitting for poker software.
sub missive(slut: Serves): Master { } in module bdsm
It compiles!
8:30 PM
@StackedCrooked You got to throw in one different one right in the middle.
Gotta make all the OCD people twitch.
@Lalaland good, good
with struct Serves { } and typealias Master = ().
let the InternetOCD insecurity flow through you
@Lalaland fixed
8:31 PM
oke defines not gonna do it, intelli sense shows what it extends so (which is good but not in this case)
@StackedCrooked not enough
//   $$$$$$\ $$\  $$\            $$$$$$\                $$\
//  $$  __$$\\__| $$ |          $$  __$$\               $$ |
//  $$ /  \__$$\$$$$$$\         $$ /  \__$$\   $$\ $$$$$$$ |
//  $$ |$$$$\$$ \_$$  _|        $$ |$$$$\$$ |  $$ $$  __$$ |
//  $$ |\_$$ $$ | $$ |          $$ |\_$$ $$ |  $$ $$ /  $$ |
//  $$ |  $$ $$ | $$ |$$\       $$ |  $$ $$ |  $$ $$ |  $$ |
//  \$$$$$$  $$ | \$$$$  |      \$$$$$$  \$$$$$$  \$$$$$$$ |
//   \______/\__|  \____/        \______/ \______/ \_______|
it's almost in the middle
@StackedCrooked More like ^
needs to be shifted more to right :P
with a weird percentage, like 67% on the right
8:34 PM
 _  _              _                    _                _
 | || |_____ __ __ | |_ ___   ____  _ __| |__  __ ___  __| |__
 | __ / _ \ V  V / |  _/ _ \ (_-< || / _| / / / _/ _ \/ _| / /
 |_||_\___/\_/\_/   \__\___/ /__/\_,_\__|_\_\ \__\___/\__|_\_\
gifs inside code would be great
ultimate unreadability
data URLs
@Mysticial needs more cock
@Mysticial Double points for star bait which doesn't actually work correctly on the starboard.
hey hey hey, don't star ascii art ¬_¬
8:40 PM
double β = φλ;
@Morwenn reminds me of APL
which has a operator
@elyse It was from an old joke C++ proposal.
(⌽1 2 3) = 3 2 1 guess what it does :)
About overloading whitespace operator and stuff.
APL operators always seemed alien to me, sorry.
8:43 PM
@Morwenn Then the metaoperator is for you!
@elyse rightfold
It's Haskell's flip.
@StackedCrooked no, reverses the argument
hence (⌽1 2 3) = 3 2 1
Leftfold is the superior fold anyways.
8:47 PM
I should write a program in which every function is written in a different programming language, using at least C++, COBOL, Haskell and OCaml, with FFIs.
Dr. Stroustrup had genious ideas.
but not a smartphone
Dr. Stroustrup for RO!
but what kind of program should it be!
8:53 PM
@Mysticial One day, I'll catch up to you.
highly unlikely
IIRC, self-bondage programs sucked. You could write a good one.
And writing the program would pretty much be self-bondage by itself.
What what
8:56 PM
@Morwenn Pop pop
hi @Prism
@elyse An erotic text adventure game.
did yall see the pluto images from today
@Morwenn let's do bondage together
8:57 PM
@elyse I'm not that much into that.
@elyse std::bind(rightfold, rope);
@Morwenn good!
@milleniumbug You forgot the std::placeholder
8:58 PM
@Lalaland Yeah I guess it'll be a text adventure.
but not erotic
@milleniumbug Using SGI STL std::rope?
@Morwenn hell yes
Probably the best class name ever.
8:59 PM
So, std::bind(rightfold, __gnu_cxx::rope());
that's AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean
or InternalFrameInternalFrameTitlePaneInternalFrameTitlePaneMaximizeButtonWindowNo‌​tFocusedState
@elyse That name isn't even remotely fun :(
@elyse cleanse it with fire
@Prismatic have you booked your flight yet
9:01 PM
once I save up a bit of $$
@Angew got it! Thanks! These codes are not written by me. These codes are in the Quantlib libraries that came with Quantlib 1.6 . I'll fix them in the ways that you and ductiletoaster have suggested. — Amatya 3 hours ago
Ah. Mass nouns.
Get to know them
> these codes
Today's the day I make a c_array_view<T, n0, n1, ...>
@ThePhD I thought you'd been doing principally that for the last three years?
9:04 PM
Any thoughts on whether I do c_array_view<T, n0, n1, n2...> or I do c_array_view<T, stride_class> and let the stride_class have static members?
@Puppy Uh, no, just buffer_view, which isn't compile-time in its strides.
> This open-source MATH library is available for C, C++, C#, Java, and FORTRAN developers right now. It works on Windows, Android, OS X, and Linux systems. Benchmarks shown by the project claim that it's much faster than Intel MKL and other popular math libraries.
Anyone ever seen/used Yeppp before? /cc @Mysticial
Joke thief
@sehe Coincidentally, I heard of it for the first time this morning.
It's via Phoronix, likely
I must say that the "we have everything for every language on every platform and we're also the very fastest" sets off the "hot air" alarm bells for me.
Yet, 't would be foolish to ignore it completely
9:08 PM
> We generated benchmarks for special cases you'll never use to highlight how great we are.
I haven't done linear algebra since grad school. So I've been somewhat out of it in that area.
@sehe Looks cool, but the documentation hurts my eyes.
@sehe It's been posted here before some time ago, so I have previously heard of it, never heard of anybody that's actually using it.
That's why I steal benchmarks: if I perform better than the other ones on their own benchmarks, it probably means that I'm actually doing things right (or not).
@StackedCrooked I bet you could come close with a vim macro (playable with, say yy@")
9:09 PM
@sehe Why is clang so much faster than GCC 0_o
@sehe We'll see when others run the same numbers.
@Nooble I bet 4.8.1 didn't implement the avx2 instruction set properly yet?
Q: My program wont get in my else statements

TheMrDrakeI am having trouble getting into my else statement, which is weird. I know this because I can get into the if(!inFile) and do the statements there. As you can see I have tried putting cout statements to test where my programs gets to. So basically my program before it get hung and basically sits...

The marketing on that does seem to be overly flashy. It's almost as if they have something to hide.
@sehe Oh ok.
9:12 PM
@Mysticial Millions of dead bodies
And I mean millions
@Mysticial I'm somewhat reassured that the web design sucks badly though. Truly badly. Like, Frontpage'98 extensions level bad.
@Nooble (I haven't checked)
I feel weird.
You are weird.
Please use a debugger. Perhaps something else is wrong (cough, understatement of the month) — sehe 7 secs ago
9:15 PM
speaking of being weird
@sehe GCC 4.9 changelog: Intel AVX-512 support was added to GCC.
I hope GnuCOBOL works on Windows.
@elyse weehooweehooweedledoot!
oooh cool win32 binaries
I'm hoping to release my YMP bignum library sometime before the end of the year. It's going to be (already is) faster than GMP for large numbers. But I'm probably not gonna advertise it other than a small link on my website.
9:15 PM
@Morwenn Yeah. Isn't that avx-4 though?
ugh 7z
@sehe Haha, no idea. But there's indeed been work on avx after GCC 4.8 :)
@sehe What does that keystroke do? @" repeats a macro afaik, not sure how it combines with yy
@Mysticial You want use to do the marketing (if it's any good :))
@Morwenn At this level, compiler support doesn't really matter that much. It'll probably all hand-tuned assembly anyway.
9:16 PM
@Morwenn Yeah. I suppose it's more of a QOI and depth-of-feature than a "essential instruction set present" thing
@Mysticial Good point
@sehe Which is why those benchmarks are somewhat misleading.
The MKL benchmarks are probably easier to trust.
I almost only write standard C++ anyway and without compiler extensions, so I'm not really at ease with vector extensions yet.
@Mysticial certainly
@Morwenn Me too. As one should. Because you could use MKL, Boost Numerics, Eigen, ... if you need it
9:20 PM
I was kinda surprised by the smoothness of the FlappyVird vim plugin though.
Unless, of course you dwell with the smurfs and keep the world's largest collection of Anime Pi
@StackedCrooked What. Trying
@sehe Blaze too.
@sehe Don't get your hopes up. Especially since the main part is closed-sourced (binary only) and only for Windows atm. I expect to be flamed by the open-sourced people. (and I already do for my Pi program)
Oops. I forgot things can still be released as closed-source in 2015
Current status: git clone https://github.com/mattn/flappyvird-vim #vim #flappybird wth?
9:22 PM
@Mysticial Provide a Boost.Multiprecision wrapper alongside for the marketing :p
@Morwenn Not possible. The interface isn't compatible.
Eh, too bad then..
Boost.Multiprecision and GMP/MPIR interfaces do not have room for multi-threading and memory control.
Multi-threading is basically the only that matters in my library. And is the reason why it is faster than GMP.
I can claim to be 10x faster than GMP simply because I use all 8 of my cores whereas they use only 1.
@StackedCrooked agree
I'm going to sleep.
Eh, algorithms were somewhat hard. Then parallelism happened and it suddenly got harder.
@StackedCrooked I suppose it uses chaning syntax highlighting matching virtual columns to draw the bars
9:27 PM
@elyse night
@elyse Dream sweet dreams :p
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
> All tests passed (26 assertions in 5 test cases)
travis set up, woop woop
how many commits did that take?
@Mysticial That still seems to mean ~20% faster per thread, doesn't it? (obviously far short of 10x, but a real improvement nonetheless).
9:29 PM
Eh, I never had the courage to set up Travis for my Cache testsuite. Actually, I don't even know how to do it.
@elyse 8.
@elyse that commit workflow is super dumb, but once it's up it's mostly unpainful
This is awesome
I want an hermit crab tank now
9:30 PM
@набиячлевэлиь Catch.
@набиячлевэлиь bandit?
> If your crab is going naked or losing limbs [...].
That's hardcore.
@Mr.kbok Bandit masterrace
Can Travis do OpenGL stuff.
9:31 PM
@Nooble Just install x11 'n shit on it
@набиячлевэлиь I like it. It's easy to use and to deploy.
@набиячлевэлиь I suppose.
@Morwenn Too many ugly macros, plus it kind of explodes sometimes
> In your crabitat,
Software rendering is, like, so fast.
9:32 PM
@JerryCoffin Depends on the sizes of the numbers. There are some sizes where I'm 3x faster per thread. And there are others (on older processors like Sandy Bridge) where I'm 2x slower per thread. There are two algorithms that I'm holding back. But I'm adding a new one based on only published algorithms which I have high hopes for.
> crabitat
@набиячлевэлиь It's C++11. If you're going to support older compilers you can't use it. It's kinda stupid for a test toolkit really
> rabit
> bit
@набиячлевэлиь It never exploded on me. Not that the latest iteration of Boost.Test uses the same kind of ugly macros with operators overloading.
@EtiennedeMartel I love the example.
@EtiennedeMartel lol
convention for macro parameters?
Just farted so long and hard that my voice recognition software wrote a Daily Mail column.
^ in case @Puppy would ever consider switching careers
9:43 PM
@sehe it could write code with the correct setup no?
@StackedCrooked pretty old
hadn't heard it before
Still a super cool song thou
I raise you a savant
Am I old fashioned for having real trouble with the lyrics
Most of it is pretty funny. "Would you fuck" with all them "parent" texts. Nice and jarring.
parent texts?
9:48 PM
But the "you have done something that slightly disappoints me and now I'm going to phantasize publicly about excessive violence with criminal intent". Not fine.
@StackedCrooked Ow yeah :D
@Mr.kbok "look at everything I've done for you"/"you'd be no one without me"
I know it's not about parents. But sure as hell it's paternalistic.
@Mr.kbok Never heard that one before :o
Surprising from a savant fan such as yourself :P
@Mr.kbok That guys has too many songs.
9:50 PM
@sehe "Now you're going to die" ?
@Morwenn Yeah he went from nonexistent to #1 dude in electro scene in 4 years I think
@Mr.kbok In the context. Yes
@Mr.kbok More like he went from non-existent to #1 in 2012 when he composed 4 albums and managed to have all of them #1 on BeatPort :p
"You are going to die", reminds me a lot of Mr Oizo's track Positif many years back which has the line "vous allez crever" :D
9:52 PM
Arrêtez de vous reproduire
@StackedCrooked That one was great too ^_^
@sehe TBF Knife Party is often about violence
Who would've known
@Mr.kbok yup. Not my cup of tea.
@Morwenn This can keep me entertained for a whiles
Truth to be told, I hardly ever listen to Savant songs older than Alchemist.
9:54 PM
> FreshFriF
sadface, old music lot better :((

Aleksander Vinter
eat mcdonalds every day? go listen to the old songs :P
@Mysticial Yeah, I wouldn't expect anything like a precise 20% improvement for every single case.
But well, this week I'm only replaying the new Infected Mushroom album again and again.
It was even playing when I got my teeth removed.
@JerryCoffin The current performance graph (which I don't have in front of me atm), is really fucked up. For sizes where an FFT fits in cache, it completely destroys and humiliates GMP (per-thread). Once it spills, it immediately takes a 10x performance hit becoming as much as 2x slower than GMP on Sandy Bridge. But as you scale larger, my code "catches up" since it's better optimized for the asymptotics. On Haswell, the drop is not as significant, so it always stays faster than GMP.
@Morwenn really OO
I try not to listen to music I like when I do something I dislike, because I don't want to associate the memory to the music

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