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That deer is an asshole.
But the cat was smart.
Actually ran away
Honestly, the woman's screams were more traumatic than the deer kicking that dog's ass.
The dog was like "Heerrppaa derrrppa oh OH OH GOD DEER DEEER"
The dog didn't do anything
The cat could have easily killed them both. Cats are ninja.
because pet dogs aren't trained to kill preys
if the deer met a trained hunting dog, the story would be different
The deer caught the dog by surprise.
Once it started hitting, not much it could do.
That's how cats just don't give a fuck how big you are
Also, those people are either very stupid or that's some peaceful kind of alligator I've never heard about before.
Yeah what the hell is going on there?
Seriously that alligator could have ripped that cat apart easy.
And the dude and the boy.
some dogs are over friendly
Yesterday I linked to a video where it disembowelled a Zebra.
A zebra and a cat doesn't have the same agility. I doubt the fight would have been won by the alligator that easily.
I found a cheaper and more disgusting version of Bear Grylls - food for louis
@Jueecy Zebra: 40 mph, Domesticated Cat: 30 mph
@DomagojPandža lol, what
@Rapptz, I'm talking about reflexes
It's awesome. :D
My second favorite.
Our 6 year old has known about the truth of baby making for a while now.
One afternoon, hubby was home from work early, Miss 6 had a new dvd and a bag of grapes, it was a rainy cold day, the heater was on, it was the right conditions for a nap.
So hubby and I slid into bed and were cuddling up, and Miss 6 comes in, sees us and immediately backs out of the room. A few seconds later she reopens the door, sticks her head in, and whispers "Dad, you should use your penis now, I'm ready to be a big sister" and closes the door.
Actually, I'd prefer my kid to be that smart.
And not to discover these things in unsafe environments.
^ totally agree
@Rapptz, is it true? Or is it just copied and pasted?
Not my story.
@Rapptz, where did you take it?
Yes, Rapptz, return the child to its rightful owners.
who do you think you are, just copy/pasting children
I like snow crashes.
@Rapptz Kid be trollin' e'rybody.
I just love physics <3
TIL to sprinkle the salt in from of my house.
For some reason emphasis on certain words reminds me of Gilbert Gottfried
A great idea, bring a huge-ass high-mass fire truck to the scene of the crash and expect it not to slide and wreak havoc.
@Rapptz Ahahahahah what the fuck
I keep seeing Iago. xD
What is the three little children girl saying?
@ThePhD lol
@Jueecy huh?
@melak47, in the beginning of the snow crash video there's a girl yelling...
@Jueecy something something I have three little girls inside something something? idk
no, that doesn't sound like it. I have no idea.
You know a word i haven't heard in a long time?
Has that abomination died?
> Recently, I've done some work in C++. It's a powerful language and fun, but the retarded compilation system makes me cry a bit. - Notch
Unfortunately, I agree with him. =[
@ThePhD wow what a coincidence, I just read an article on how SimCity doesn't really need servers contrary to what EA said, and it had a quote by Notch too
How official is this best room thingy?
@Rapptz You mean, SO official? :)
Yep yep
@MarkGarcia How could something that's 100% subjective possible be "official"?
@MarkGarcia your avatar reminds me of this: youtube.com/…
@Telkitty Aw sorry. Couldn't watch.
yellow duckling swallowed by a fish from bemeath
@JerryCoffin Ah. Statement made by a "subjective" cat.
Recently, I've done some work in C++. It's a powerful language and fun, but the retarded compilation system makes me cry a bit.
I will never cease to be amazed what types of people succeed in life.
@DomagojPandža lucky people
you are a bit slow if you have not figured that out by now
@DomagojPandža Deal with it. It's been there since the beginning.
Luck has nothing to do with it.
thus: slow >_<
@DomagojPandža Actually, I tend to agree. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that crappy compilers (especially gcc and VC++) have been some of the biggest hindrances to C++ being popular at all.
@JerryCoffin Not the compilation system issue. The fact he only recently ventured in C++ is what is disturbing.
He used java
what do you expect
What's wrong with GCC?
@DomagojPandža Oh, that. Well, while I kind of agree, I can't say it really surprises me much.
I know, that's the even more disturbing thing.
@DomagojPandža Who's who?
@MarkGarcia Notch, author of Minecraft.
@DomagojPandža Is he planning on porting Minecraft to C++?
@MarkGarcia He had to do it for the Xbox version.
I think that page is a bit outdated.
@JerryCoffin have you evaluated D at all
Good luck to him.
@Rapptz Quite a few things, but chiefly that it's pretty slow, and that it's so badly written that it's essentially impossible to use pieces and parts of it -- you pretty much use it as a whole, or you don't use it at all.
@JerryCoffin I wouldn't really say that the inability to use parts of GCC is a contributor to C++'s unsuccess
What new C++ learner wants to use parts of a compiler
@Rapptz Nothing's wrong. Something just ain't that right.
I'd use Clang but I have a firm belief that it's impossible to use on Windows.
@SethCarnegie I've looked at it some, but mostly when it was fairly new and still too incomplete to really be competitive at all.
It's not really workable on windows, unless you do some crazy work with it.
YOu'd have to talk to rubenvb and DeadMG
They know how to make that stuff work.
Even ruben's build fails on me
It's a lost hope.
DeadMG was working with rubenvb to get it to compile right.
You may need live assistance.
@Rapptz I compiled it a while ago but it was v3.0
Or just ask DeadmG
I... would like to write my own language and compiler that is essentially C++, but cleaned up.
Did he built libc++?
or just Clang with libstdc++?
@JerryCoffin If you have time you should look at it again, it seems really sensibly designed and easy to use
I don't know.
Andrei Alexandrescu develops it (as you know)
@SethCarnegie Most of them, even though they don't know it. They want to use (for example) an IDE that does a good job of syntax highlighting, (including pointing out errors essentially as you write them). They'd like to have intelligent tools that handle things like taking a class definition and automatically split it into a .cpp and a header. I could go on for days like this...
@JerryCoffin Good point, I have dreamed about writing an IDE that would make using C++ a lot better, but I haven't done it for exactly that reason
My current goal is to identify all the vexing parse issues with C++ and either change the syntax subtly or just remove the feature entirely (if it's a C holdover, like Trigraphs/Digraphs).
@SethCarnegie *Andrei. Yes, it clearly has some good points -- but I'm not at all sure it's gotten to the level of completeness to handle the kinds of things I do (obscure enough that they're not likely things to be added early on).
@JerryCoffin what kind of stuff do you usually find yourself doing?
Since I've removed tri/digraphs, I can solve template ambiguity using <: and :>. Pointers will be delimited with the ~ character, and declarations such as int~ a, b, c will result in 3 pointers, rather than 1 pointer and 2 integers.
@ThePhD the pointer thing is not really a parsing issue
@ThePhD Just develop a new language that doesn't support overloads.
Supporting overloads is critically important.
@MarkGarcia I just invented one, I call it C
@ThePhD But not necessary.
It is extremely important for productivity.
Especially for something like Constructor Delegation.
Writing what boilds down to 5, 6 init methods is the most retarded cruft I've ever had to deal with in C++ ever.
Thankfully C++11 included Constructor Delegation.
@SethCarnegie Pointers actually were a parsing issue.
@ThePhD really? What ambiguity does int* a, b, c have
@SethCarnegie the notation is misleading
@Rapptz to you, not the parser
oh he said parsing issue
but still, it's misleading to the coder
Not only misleading but there's an issue with a * b declarations that would require a back-tracking ( Infinity ) parser to resolve ambiguities.
I don't remember the exact syntax, but it came upw hen we were discussing it before
@ThePhD just do _ptr
so intptr would be int pointers
All the fuss about misleading features, it's C++!
That disqualifies a lot of class names that people could make.
@Rapptz then you'd get intptrptrptrptr
And that ^ would happen.
just like casting, the retardedness would discourage it
It also messes with typename parsing.
Every typename would have to be checked for a ptr prefix.
well I was going to suggest ptr<int> or something
Again, that disqualifies a potential template class.
Sleeptime for me. Night
who cares?
The idea is the language itself shouldn't impose any gross syntax on its users.
Why would anyone make a dumb_ptr
@Rapptz That sounds misleading what with intptr_t and uintptr_t.
T~ is a good pointer syntax, in my opinion.
then you'd like Rust
I don't want Rust.
I want C++ without the neck-breaking parser issues.
New pointer syntax: int☚ myPtr;
So I can develop tools for it without calling down Holy Level 5.
@MarkGarcia perfect
I move that we should begin to use keys not on the keyboard in our programming languages
So you'd get Math::π
@SethCarnegie Motion seconded.
@ThePhD making a proposal to the committee
@SethCarnegie Sorry, had to leave for a while. Anyway, most of what I write for work are more or less a cross between a debugger and a logger/tracer (i.e., keep track of what some target software does/how it works).
@Telkitty As if the C++ committee would accept a proposal that said "Hey, shake off some of that legacy C crap and make the language less of a parsing nightmare!" would go swimmingly with the whole committee.
C++ is beyond reparations or fixes to the syntax: it has too much momentum and cruft. You'll have to start fresh.
Q: C source code lexical parser in Java

MACI need a lexical parser that will parse C source codes and I have to do it using Java language. I researched for it and saw ANTLR and JAVACC. Which of these parsers are better to use and why? Or do you have any other parser to recommend? Answers will be much appreciated. Thanks.

@ThePhD no, just add some functions to istream/iostream
Thank you for saving my life!
I survive thanks only to your inspiring website... Just wanted to say,
static html website, I am inspired
It's shog9's, the mod, "website".
Fuck. Look at it again. It changed its background thingy. It's dynamic. lol
doh random() to generate random background. I did that 10 years ago ... with my website
and my website was interactive
Just found out: alternate stylesheets. bogus
debugging run, so 'interesting'
@MooingDuck yeah I don't like that ;/ but ye shit happens when you have gmail, hotmail, o2, nd twenty other providers
You mean, you don't do it like a grown up and use a mail client?
I'm still searching for a mail client that doesn't suck.
Thunderbird is ok in general, but whoever had the idea to place the ENTER PASSWORD button exactly at the OK button of an error message deserves a special place in hell.
@LucDanton That's a bummer. :(
It was kinda to be expected, though, thinking about it
Mmm.. the robocopy still isn't finished, damn
@Xeo Yup
I bought some more of that cheese with the toxic berries in it. It's so good.
Man, the weather is really fucked up
Today, we got a bright and warm sunshine. With snow on the ground.
@Xeo Some snowflakes around here. They don't last, but they're still here.
@Xeo: A co-worker reported -16° C. Here it's currently around -8°C.
Got no snow here, just cold and sun
(Someone ask me about the cheese with the poison peppercorn. I'm not done yet.)
what's with the poisonous cheese?
Well, I had to try it again. It's quite intoxicating; in fact I would say the taste is to die for.
Lounge CPP again, oh what happend?
friendship over? xD
morning all
Ohai Hyper Cosine Machine :P
it really is bat shit cold for this time of year isn't it :P
@thecoshman yes, snow here
it should be 20*C
had to use the space heater again, ridiculous
it's -5.
@GamErix oh good, you finally worked out that poor joke. Tell you what go back to my maths classes in say 97/98 and be original back then
my lord my healing tattoo is itchy as all fuck! It's like sun burn
@thecoshman At least you won't notice it's cold? xd
@GamErix oh I notice it's cold just fine :P
it seems my bodies reaction to cold is vent all liquid out my noise
@thecoshman ah well.
Mhm school is serioulsy boring today.
yeah I still have to get my diplomas
@thecoshman Shouldn't it be healing you instead?
@R.MartinhoFernandes 'healing' is an adjective in this context, fool.
Yes it is.
though I suppose I could have done with a comma after 'lord'
@thecoshman I don't see how that makes a difference.
@thecoshman Nope, I could still interpret "healing tatoo" as "magical device that heals".
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's not a talisman for healing. It was either recently added or removed.
I parsed it that way at first, too, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes not if 'healing' is an adjective. It would be an an adverb
What would the verb be?
In Xeo's post there is a variadic: template<unsigned N, EnableIf<is_multiple_of<N, 3>>...>. What does this mean?
@LucDanton adverb, healing.
Aug 18 '12 at 17:30, by Luc Danton
Silly ambiguous English.
@thecoshman Yeah. What would it be an adverb to?
@LucDanton tattoo
@StackedCrooked If all N are multiples of 3.
Adverbs modify verbs. Hence the name.
@thecoshman Not a verb in the context.
¬_¬ are these serious questions or just trying to point out my stupidity?
@thecoshman An adverb modifies a thing other than a noun. Adjectives modify nouns. Tattoo is a noun.
@Potatoswatter there's only one N, I think.
@LucDanton then it seems I have only just learnt what adverb really means :P
@LucDanton They can modify adverbs too.
then in that case, instead of adverb, I simply mean verb
@R.MartinhoFernandes adverb are recursive? o_0
@R.MartinhoFernandes In French that's called 'an adverb's adverb' or something like that. Or it used to, I don't think that's the preferred terminology nowadays.
@thecoshman You can do this excruciatingly slowly.
@StackedCrooked So there is. Maybe link to the post. Anyway that looks like a pack expansion. Else he's using it to be able to declare a non-type argument but not pass a value to it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... slowly is an adverb I take it?
@thecoshman Yes. It applies to the verb "do".
but back to the root problem, 'healing tattoo' can only be taken one way if 'healing' is an adjective; to mean 'a tattoo that is healing' it would have to be a verb. Though yes, given the ambiguity, I can see how you would presume I meant 'healing' has a verb.
@R.MartinhoFernandes On second thought it's been too long and I'm not sure what I should be remembering here. Can't track it either.
@StackedCrooked Ugh. Using all the levels of conversion sequence partial ordering to obtain 13 levels of overload priority is not a good idea.
@thecoshman Participles (as in "healing") are adjectives when put in the function of an adjective (i.e. modifying a noun)
But yeah, it's the second thing I mentioned. He wants to declare a non-type parameter for SFINAE, but not worry about ever passing it an argument.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't see your point here... sounds more like you are saying (and I am sure you are not meaning to say this) that adjective would be the obvious choice for the 'role' of the word 'healing' in what I said.
boost::shared_array Y U NO ITERATORS?
@thecoshman I am saying "healing" in that sentence is an adjective no matter how you look at it.
Your attempt to clarify stating it was an adjective changed nothing.
@TonyTheLion No begin and end overloads?
@R.MartinhoFernandes it can be a verb, 'a tattoo that heals' => 'a healing tattoo'... no?
@thecoshman It's an adjective there.
Verbal forms can be adjectives.
@StackedCrooked nope
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is that a correct use of "verbal"?
Stupid English Y U NO MAKE SENSE!
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's called a gerund, and every verb can have that form
I have to admit that this is cool ;o
I don't think either's a gerund.
@Neil How about "can"?
sounds like it to me, based on wiki :P
Flying machine. Joking jester.
@Neil It's a present participle. (which happens to look the same as the gerund, but that's another matter)
Q: Does an allocation hint get used?

Alex ChamberlainI was reading Why is there no reallocation functionality in C++ allocators? and Is it possible to create an array on the heap at run-time, and then allocate more space whenever needed?, which clearly state that reallocation of a dynamic array of objects is impossible. However, in The C++ Standar...

In Latin and English grammar, the gerund is a non-finite verb form used to make a verb phrase that can serve in place of a noun phrase. The English gerund ends in -ing (as in I enjoy playing football); the same verb form also serves as the English present participle (which has an adjectival or adverbial function), and as a pure verbal noun. The Latin gerund (gerundium) is a verb form which behaves similarly to a noun, although it can only appear in certain oblique cases. (It should not be confused with the Latin gerundive, which is similar in form, but has a passive, adjectival use.) In r...
@thecoshman Did you even read that?
'I enjoy playing football'; 'My healing tattoo'; I don't see how the form is different
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes ¬_¬
@thecoshman "I (enjoy playing) football." vs "My (healing tatoo) is something"
but it seems I got it backwards :S
Can you modify the would-be gerund further with an adverb? Can you add an object?
@R.MartinhoFernandes He makes a valid point
@Neil No he does not.
It's a completely different function.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was talking about you
You're welcome to disagree with yourself if you wish though
@Neil That's mighty confusing!
@R.MartinhoFernandes He makes a valid point, @thecoshman
oooh.... I think I see what this gerald things are (am I allowed to attempt comical Malapropism?)

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