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You owe me 2 rep you filthy mammal!!!
@TonyTheLion I keep asking myself that
@Cicada done
@Cicada Eternal war!
@Cicada Can we be friends again now?
I hoped you'd play along and downvote some more XD
@TonyTheLion thought you were lovers, what happened?
@Telkitty WTF, stay out of this.
can't wait to have that 500mbit internet connection ; d
just 99,- eur / mo
Oo ... those emotions. I wasn't suspecting anything to start with
@Cicada Who needs downvotes? Just point me in the right direction!
ITT Jalf is on a downvote mission
@Cicada no
because this is the Internet
nothing is a surprise
expect everything
@Cicada lol
@Cicada I would be surprised if you sounded like a parrot
@Cicada we'll hold you to that :)
To what? :)
stop fucking with poor tony
1 min ago, by Cicada
Alrit I'll give mumble a try then
wait that sounded wrong.
this ^
@BartekBanachewicz ahahahahah
@BartekBanachewicz Does Tony do anything else besides fucking anyway
@Cicada I pretend to work on occasion
I might get on too ... and start singing some songs to scare everyone else off
and I repwhore furiously
@Cicada do I look like his bitch to know?
@Telkitty if you do that, I will hunt you down and troll you IRL :P
Lions have very interesting sexual life IIRC
They have a bone in the penis FYI
they can break their penis
Getting a "boner" makes more sense for a lion than anything else, in fact.
@TonyTheLion last time I did it on team speak, someone recorded it when I thought nobody was listening and posted on the web 5 years later. Scary ... but since I have gone through it once, there is no fear now :x
@TonyTheLion I will laugh like on this guy with this crazy code.
@BartekBanachewicz what?
oh that
Surprise, surprise - restart fixed the problems I had with Perforce. :|
downloading app, will voice troll you in ...
2 mins
@Xeo surprise -restart? Sounds like a command line thing
@Telkitty not even on mumble, so have fun
@jalf Well that's non conventional. Would be surprise --restart
Q: Multiple split tokens using boost:is_any_of

PeteI am unsure how to use boost:is_any_of to split a string using a set of characters, any ONE of which should split the string. I wanted to do something like this as I understood the is_any_of function takes a Set parameter. std::string s_line = line = "Please, split|this string"; std::set<...

cplusplus.com is bad and you should feel bad — Tony The Lion 15 secs ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit This shit pisses me off. 11 score for an answer with no explanation whatsoever; 3 score for an answer with the same solution but a hearty explanation and full working example. And one of those upvotes only came in just today! Grr!
@casperOne I think your action here was mistaken, the user meant to answer his own question - atleast that's what it seems like from the code.
mumble, which server?
chan /hm/
Array of inheritance, lol
@thecoshman wtf is that
Looks like a picture
Can anyone confirm
Anyone, please?
yes it's a fucking picture
@Cicada your powers of observation are boring.
so is your sense of humour
@BartekBanachewicz ¬_¬ if I wasn't at work, I'd send you a fucking picture...
@DomagojPandža hey, out of curiosity, how do you do text rendering? freetype, directwrite/2d, something else?
@Cicada as is your ability to state the obvious
@BartekBanachewicz Looks more like a non-fucking picture to me.
Oh, and good <insert time of day here> all.
Good 14:21? Makes no sense
@Cicada It's a Bible chapter and verse.
totd not hour
> He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.
'Good afternoon' makes little sense either. What does it really mean when you say it. That you think that is? Are you asking if mine is? Stating that you hope it will be?
Sounds like incest
Sounds like insect
@thecoshman No, he's greeting you in the afternoon. Geez, learn some English.
lol today's daily WTF.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but how does proclaiming that the afternoon is good become a greeting?
sounds rather mean to brag that you have a good afternoon
this is the best ROMe ever ?
@thecoshman Stolen from Yahtzee, I believe.
@thecoshman "Isn't it a good afternoon?" It's basically a mutated ice-breaker.
@DeadMG boy you need to learn your self some books! It is Gandalf greeting Bilbo
TBH, I prefer the one in Italy.
mumble server ip?
@Telkitty it's on the wiki
@thecoshman I prefer to stick to good books.
@DeadMG such as?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Must be one of the Russian nuclear-powered ones.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Like this?
@thecoshman Spoke to customer. Still an issue.
@thecoshman Currently mostly a Stephen King fan.
but certainly not LoTR.
@R.MartinhoFernandes huh?
@Cicada Yes, but mutated in dinosaur format.
@DeadMG strictly speaking, not LotR, but the Hobbit.
@thecoshman How to Feel Superior Because You Read Different Books
@thecoshman Principle identical.
puppy is grilled?
and King has the same inability to self edit as Tolkien, them books be massive :P
@ScottW stop stealing food of asians!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Many years ago I worked in a place that served fast food (I refuse to call it a restaurant) and one day, the owner decreed that we were no longer to tell customers to have a nice day. He'd gone to some other fast food place, and been told to have a nice day, and resented it, because: "I had other plans that day!"
@thecoshman That's like a staple of fantasy.
Stephen King is a strong believer in writing books without knowing how it'll end
@R.MartinhoFernandes Really an excellent read, couldn't put it down.
The book on antigravity?
@thecoshman Size has little to do with it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it is, but still too long
Tolkein plain couldn't write for shit.
@DeadMG his written books beg to differ :P
@DeadMG I think he's a little overrated, but he was one of the few in his time that wrote books like that
Q: Doing 64 bit migration , having issue in using ml64.exe

user2165634I am doing 64 bit migration of a project, I am having the following issues: The project contains inline assembly code Found that we cannot use inline assembly code on x64 platform Therefore i first thought of replacing this inline code with c++ But had some issues doing that . So, i thought of...

@DeadMG He was the best Quenya writer of the time.
Hence he defined the genre
@DeadMG Have you read the Dark Tower series?
@DeadMG ehehehehehe /cc @sehe
@SamDeHaan Yeppers.
@DeadMG I enjoyed that the most of what I've read of King's work. But then again, I prefer fantasy to suspense in most cases.
I am a suck contractor.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh you :P
Dark Tower series was the worst stuff King did
Good evening folks!
@SamDeHaan Hmmm, I don't think TDK was that great of a work.
something like It or The Stand, maybe.
@Neil @DeadMG based on what metric?
I'll say one thing for sure about King, that man should not be aloud need Film or TV
It reeks of new author trying to write a cool fantasy book
@Neil The first book was exactly that.
@Neil Yup - I read, like, the first couple chapters of first book. Gave up, bought Dean Koontz books instead.
but he did the other six ten years later.
> mostly meant to be used in a context where template argument deduction (and in particular type deduction) occurs.
@DeadMG Yeah, in fact it was his first work
Anyone know a filehosting site made using django?
after he was already rich and famous.
He improved a lot since then
@MartinJames Skip to the second. Even King admits the first is bad.
what is the difference between template arg deduction and type deduction? Isn't it both deducing types?
He himself referred to his work as the literary equivalent of Big Mac and fries
@TonyTheLion Non-type arguments?
@DeadMG Meh - once a series gets poisoned, I don't go back.
@DeadMG "non-type" arguments are still types in the literal sense of the word though, no? I mean int is a type? Perhaps in a template context it's a non-type, but in the general case, it's a type.
@MartinJames They're not really written by the same author at the same time.
@R.MartinhoFernandes WOAH
@TonyTheLion They are values, which have types. If you have template<int i>, then i is most assuredly not a type.
@R.MartinhoFernandes <3
And with that said, I'm going to work.
@DeadMG oh interesting
Q: A trick for optional reference using universal references?

VincentI've found a trick to use optional reference in standard C++11. Do you think that this technique is reliable and the behaviour is well defined according to the the C++ standard ? // Optional reference using C++11 // V. Reverdy - 2013 #include <iostream> #include <type_traits> temp...

this question
he's cheating by providing a default template argument, but I don't see anything wrong with it
It's taken me a long time, but I just twigged the Cicada antigravity ref :(
@Xeo Fair enough. Undone. The whole thing is a mess, frankly. The question is NARQ (or should be downvoted into oblivion) and a code-only answer is pretty worthless. I'd be in favor of deleting the whole thing and telling the OP "try again"
I got sidetracked by the SK Dark Tower controversy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes until what?
@TonyTheLion Spoke to customer again. Still an issue.
@TonyTheLion ..until my brain catches up with the posts. Only had two coffee so far.
A: A trick for optional reference using universal references?

DeadMGWat. Firstly, what you have "achieved" could be far simpler achieved by, say, overloading. And secondly, it is not the same as an optional reference at all. The optional reference is a value, which may or may not contain a reference at run-time. The behaviour is well-defined but it's neither des...

Puppy is really a master question nuker
If you ever need anything nuked into oblivion, ask Puppy. (take note Obama when you need someone to get rid of NK)
@TonyTheLion ..but he's so cute!
Gotta go out, my own canine is squeaking.
@MartinJames he's cute as long as you don't get in his way, because then he becomes a monster. :P
where's the joke?
the joke is that it's not a joke
it's a trueism
France isn' that bad... it's not 'Merca for one thing
when you delete a unvoted answer : is it visible for other users with login+pwd ? how much time did it stay there (in your account) ?
Have you ever been to either of those?
I was about to ask the same thing
@tigrou Users with 10k+ rep can see deleted posts.
can you delete forever
You can email the team directly if you feel it is something that really needs to be purged off the Intertubes forever for risk of Universe collapse.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Been to France... meh
have a star
@thecoshman so you're just following the masses about Merica then.
@TonyTheLion I'd like to argue, but sometimes it's just better to accept what the masses say :P
@TonyTheLion No, Merica is pretty terrible. There's no need for any doubt there.
Plus I done TV
@R.MartinhoFernandes : like posting ultra secret nuclear missiles lauching codes in answser by mistake ?
everything is logged on stackexchange even chat
@SamDeHaan I guess it does somewhat depend on where you go in Merica and what you're there for, mostly talking as a tourist. Also who you are with, makes a difference.
@casperOne After the edit to add the pair<int, ...> part, it's not totally NARQ anymore, I think. Still a bad question, though.
@TonyTheLion Well, I'm not saying that you can't enjoy your time here. But it's terrible, objectively.
@SamDeHaan right. So as a Murican yourself, what's your biggest gripe with it?
besides politics
Merica is fine, right up to the first beer.
@tigrou Doesn't sound like purge material: the only sane procedure for dealing with that would be to change the codes.
Beer is awful, yes.
And then an answer with invalid launch codes is not problematic.
> But i'm afraid to reduce performance due to extra vtable access.

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