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@Sippy totally. Just integrating Azure AD into my OWIN API right now.
Oh wait azure AD
less ew
still ew?
AD is nice but it feels like learning a whole new profession sometimes
Nah it's fine. Kinda necessary, given the integration. They've made it pretty transparent.
good morning, i saw 3 cruller in box but then they all disappear after 5 minutes, it must be a trap
@Squiggle guy looks like Louis Litt
@tweray You're still alive then :D
nothing can kill me, mortal
except milk
anyone fancy a giggle ...
but srsly, heading orlando this weekend, so if you don't see me next week, you know what happenned
I then handed that link to Microsoft who found it just as amusing as I did
from this site: askmehelp.com/softwares
you've been warned ... but feel free to troll them should you be that way inclined
lol, for a while i read the url like hatebin.com
LOL!!!! so funny ^^ !!!!
@wadry tl;dr
apparently us developers don't know much about "source code" only "codings"
and to fix a login issue to a web page you should "allow full control access to your pc so that they can reconfigure the source codes setttings for the server"
its clearly a problem in my "active directory settings on the pc"
What's source code?
I don't know ... i'm just a developer
That is pretty sad though.
Funnily enough I asked the same question of the real MS support and got a completely different answer
Worst tech support I had, personally, was with my local Lenovo support when I had problems with the bluetooth driver on my laptop. I called support and was promptly asked if I was running 23-bit or 46-bit Windows.
I also shared my desktop with the MS tech support guys whilst still in this chat with these "Microsoft Silver Partners" and showed them ... MS thought this highly amusing after a whole 3 seconds
the MS tech support guy was like ... Yeh they are totally legit ... WTF!
This was probably due to their support scripts being in Hebrew (RTL) written in a crappy app that didn't handle numbers-inside-RTL text very well (numbers remain LTR in RTL scripts), but it showed the tech's total lack of understanding of the very basics.
interestingly enough though he said that these guys were following MS first line support process pretty well early on
dude, if they really understand how computer works, why do you think they still working as tech support?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan That has to be a troll
VS has a new kind of broken with Update 2, freezes and cannot be killed using task manager.
@JohanLarsson How did you manage that
@Sippy No, no. They just took random people off the street, gave them step-by-step scripts and hooked them up to a phone.
Me: Hi Microsoft, i'm having trouble logging in.
Microsoft: Ok just go to this website and login then we can help you with your problem.
Chat session ended ...
@Sippy How did MS manage that
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan wow man that's awesome
@Sippy You never had VS freeze?
@JohanLarsson Not like that
@Sippy Minimum wage support jobs FTW.
@Sippy Repro steps 1) write some code
"Can't be killed by task manager" usually means there's a debugger attached, or a crash dump in progress.
Do people just hate on VS cos it's cool? Lol
I used to like VS a lot, a bit less as of lately.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Just kill the whole damn process tree
Still a nice editor when it works.
@Sippy I hate on the bits that deserve it, like the XAML designer.
@Sippy It really is slow
I was party to a conference call with Microsoft the other day with an Azure developer who uses Sublime as his main IDE
May XDesProc be cursed with a thousand page faults.
The most annoying thing is when it freezes for about 10 seconds as soon as I start typing something.
It has pretty good support for C# now
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Nothing fancy, just wrote a line of code.
This happens a lot.
@KendallFrey 2muchIntellisensing?
Lemme guess, TFS @KendallFrey?
hello how to get all tables in a given schema
in oracle
@Sippy no, it doesn't matter what I'm typing
@RoelvanUden tbf, that's probably it
It can only be TFS after that right?
Yeah, it has to check-out the file first, which is slow when TFS is asleep.
Like, 30 seconds slow
how retarded is microshaft
I'm using git on this sln.
u ever heard of async bro
@SRJ I literally took your question, word for word, and plugged it into google. This is the first hit: onewebsql.com/blog/list-all-tables
@JohanLarsson I never use anything but git when I have a choice
@KendallFrey But TFS works on the principle of exclusive access to a file...
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Pfffft google. Who uses that /s
then why does it "sleep"
@KendallFrey fucking lol
gonna try to kills skype and see if it releases VS :D
never heard anyone call it microshaft before
@KendallFrey Because Microsoft.
May be similar to the app pool bullshit.
Takes ages to spin up a site too.
Of course, all VS-bashing nonwithstanding, it still kicks the butt of any other IDE with an equivalent set of features.
@JohanLarsson Yo! Funny you say that - I have had the issue with other windows services before
hang on what exactly does this mean?
1 min ago, by Roel van Uden
@KendallFrey But TFS works on the principle of exclusive access to a file...
Oh god. I'm like a crazy cat lady, but with plants. And not a lady.
do you even tfs?
@KendallFrey If you check-out a file in TFS, someone else can't edit it. Like, at all.
I won't put it in the same category as Sublime/VSCode and other lightweight editors, but I'd take it over Eclipse or IntelliJ anyday. I wonder if Project Rider will be halfway decent.
@RoelvanUden Um. No.
Uhm. Yes.
TFS doesn't require exclusive check-outs.
Or at least not with our configuration
@Sippy Lotus notes used to be my go to process for killing. It used to mess with the CAD process.
Then you have Local TFS.
I haven't used TFS with exclusive check-outs in years.
@TomW Plants. Natures best products come from them :D
But it still requires vertification from the TFS server.
We use local workspaces
Yeah, it still verifies and marks the shit you checked out on the TFS server AFAIK
Which is subject to the same problems
Really, local tfs repos are just a bandaid for a much bigger problem
Can you keep it down a bit about TFS? Kinda overflowing with VS hanging right now.
Ill give you a hug @JohanLarsson
This room cannot contain the totality of the MS toxic ooze.
Time for a SSD by the sounds of it...
I tried some online thing for generating markdown TOC, was broken.
Guess I'll write my own.
@JohanLarsson markdown parsers are BS, every one is different
No standard
i love codings
I have a feeling that if I try to reboot right now VS will keep Windoze hanging.
Have had it showing Logging off... in the morning a couple of times after Update 2
After rage quitting on a freeze the day before.
Linus Torvalds should write an editor.
But it would probably be something like Vim.
Hes to busy flipping of nvidia
Jokes aside sounds like you might need a new machine tbh ;p
yeah, +1
Company has some reinstall over network thing, tried it a while ago but of course it was broken.
Everything broken since forever.
I need a unit test for my unit test
@RoelvanUden you're bluffing. I don't believe you'd write unit tests.
I actually have one at the moment!
@RoelvanUden What company do you work at btw never asked but quite curious since were from the same country :)
@R593B OrcaGroup. I'm sure you don't know them :P
Hmm nope indeed never heard of them b4.
We only have 1 consumer product after all. The rest is B2B
Just googled it, pretty neat :)
What does the git -checkout command?
> Communicatie is van groot belang voor iedere organisatie, ook voor het midden- en grootbedrijf.
if Im currently on a branch
@R593B :P IMO our company website looks pretty bad.
0.o ok, this is going to pose a problem for me
@RoelvanUden oh yeah I didn't mean that ;p
@RoelvanUden I meant the services they provide :)
Yeah that is pretty neat :-)
gooood morning
Speaking of bad websites , Afuture had a really bad one for quite a while but their delivery etc was top notch.
@TomW Communications solutions. From small telephone centrals to national alarm systems. From SMS to push, IVR, and so forth. Anything communication really :P
So I guess you can say websites don't represent the services :)
@R593B Oh yeah, bad websites are almost a sign that their service is potentially much better :p but hey we're finally overhauling the company site.
het @RoelvanUden
what's upp
morning folks
Method Boolean Any[TSource](System.Linq.IQueryable1[TSource], System.Linq.Expressions.Expression1[System.Func2[TSource,System.Boolean]]) is a generic method definition you don't say... I hate it when my computer tries to be clever.
@SteffenWinkler if it's the issue I think it is I think you need MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod
@bluetoothfx work work work work work
Good evening
Nununu its not that late yet :(
6pm here
2:25 here :)
its 8:25 here
it's coffee time
Timezones always confuse me a bit lol
i already have some
gotta read timezones. I feel americans use a lot of timezones.
they confuse a computer more
there are 3
I always keep wondering if it means for example @codebrain lives in the future for me lol
more then 3
hawaii doesn't count
lol i do live in the future but it aint exciting, same coffee and same keyboard.
Is there a "world" time?
everything is +/- off that
you forgot alaska
world time lol
Ah alright
@failsafe that's the shortest tutorial on timezones. (Y)
@juanvan UTC
@Sippy Don't blame me lol I never really looked into this stuff
@R593B :P
You didn't ever hear that you live in GMT+1?
UTC it is. GMT is based on london ?? idk
utc/gmt same
Ehh I used to google to see what times events are for me.
Damn brits trying to be all important
So yeah, london.
think it was the chruch
Greenwich is a district of London :D
ah yeah
@Sippy Another stupid one for ya : What sort of time would we use on another planet ?
Would we create a whole new time "system" for that planet? XD
A different planet would have different number of days in a year, different number of hours in a day etc
probably AMT + X *10^8 ?
Mars is done in Sols?
or is that just a fiction thing?
Astronomical Standard Time? :D
@Sippy I can see that getting confusing if we were to live and travel between a good amount of planets.
Various schemes have been used or proposed for timekeeping on the planet Mars independently of Earth time and calendars. Mars has an axial tilt and a rotation period similar to those of Earth. Thus it experiences seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter much like Earth, and its day is about the same length. Its year is almost twice as long as Earth's, and its orbital eccentricity is considerably larger, which means among other things that the lengths of various Martian seasons differ considerably, and sundial time can diverge from clock time much more than on Earth. == Time of day == ...
@R593B Yep.
Since americans are gonna find out the new planet, they ll make it American stndard time
It would also fuck with humanity to no end.
Cos we rely on a 24 hour day, as we evolved with one.
@codebrain don't think that is true
@Sippy Hahahaha yep
New month names would be fun
Oh god please don't make them internet polls though.
humanity is already fucked up, barium
One Mercury-day is 2 Mercury-years long.
I would be willing to bet they would just add to the 12 that already exist
Monthy mcMonthface
I love that fact.
@TomW Imagine being born in that month on that planet.
how about Month0 Month1 Month2....
TomW name them after the constellations, every one would be on a different month, but know what month it is
@Squiggle i have no clue what that means
They'd probably keep a 12 month year to be honest. In terms of timekeeping.
And a 24 hour day.
in terms of timekeeping.
Just cos humans need to sleep.
Come to earth : Yea I'm born on the 352th of Monthy McMonthface
wadry pls
@codebrain In the time it takes for Mercury to rotate once (in relation to the Sun), it will have orbited the Sun twice.
@Sippy I knew this. Why did I know this?
@RoelvanUden You are a bit odd.
@Squiggle thanks
@codebrain so one day stretches two whole years.
How long is a mercury year in people time?
@Squiggle gives new meaning to having a long day
i ll have a lot of time after work then
jesus that planet rotates slow
@Sippy 176 Earth days
@Sippy i can get used to it. really fast.
oh, no that's a day
88 Earth days per year.
well done squiggle u get a internet points
yeah its okay, i am worried that i will be pain on a monthly bases. then i have to wait like what.. 176*30 ? just kidding lol
Are you female?
autocorrect. kill me
typo to be accurate
ie fuckup
Doot de doo. Installing visual studio...
wtf i got 34677899 characters right and one letter to fuck my life
@codebrain wait...you count your letters?
i have them recorded
well that one character is all it takes. One mistake can change your life
wow that sounds like something else
so that i keep count of the number of keys i type. keeping up the pace
> Jupiter has four highly significant moons, the largest of which is Ganymede, which orbits Jupiter in 17.30 Jovian days. If we put 18 days in a month, Jupiter’s calendar would therefore be 582 months of 18 days each, with +1 day per four out of five years.
I am not remembering 582 months
The months should just be numbers.
no one remmembers its the 120th day of the year after all..
Humans like to name stuff.
humans are stupid... I'm glad im not. No offense...there are exceptions.
i was on a client call few days ago and my client lives in Texas
I live in india. she was like, "What's time in your place ?" i think you have a 24 hour difference !" i was like ..
24 hrs ? are you kidding me
hes not
shes not
literally just slip the AM/PM
my mistake
SHE >>>>>S<<<<<<HE is not
hello guys
hello guys
the females?
Pfft what about the nongender people
I need to get an element from a list of objects that contain over 400000 elements
and the both gender people
my execution time is over 120s
and I don't want to slow down my program any more
@BadroNiaimi you dont have a id or something ?
@RoelvanUden I dont think its that excessive. is it?
hello guys, gals, bi, tri, and quad sexuals. Does that work @R593B?
@JABFreeware Are you suggesting that guys isn't gender neutral?
TFS build history looks very pretty this morning
yes I have an Id
@JABFreeware I am pretty sure you forgot the It's and maybe there are bots here too.
red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry
@Sippy literally it is not...
cant offend the bots
@JABFreeware In pretty much all latin languages, it is.
@Sippy this is english good sir
which is a latin language.
the point....is?
@Sippy Latin is a Latin language
ur a pleb
@JABFreeware The point is, the plural form of a word used to reference a male in a Latin language always references both genders indirectly.
In french it's 'ils'
this isn't french good sir
dudes is also gender neutral.
@Sippy So you're saying "boys" means "boys and girls"?
I have done before lol
@KendallFrey yeah english has dumb rules.
Cos in English it's they
you broke my point kendall fuck off
!!youtube fantastic features english doesn't have
@Sippy you speak french?
I have used boys to reference a group of people consisting of men and women lol
But that wouldn't make much sense to most people.
@Sippy you would be incorrect
@JABFreeware I did
@JABFreeware Nope.
you did?
I did.
@Sippy no he didn't boy refers to just about anyone and male children used to be called girls
he forgot?
@AlexL Oh cool
You unbroke my point, have an internet
@JABFreeware I haven't spoken french in about 6 years
No.. 8 years
fuck I'm getting old
girls.Contains(boys); //returns false in most situations
girl = "child, young person" boy = servent normaly male
I have heard girls called boy in old movies actually
@Sippy old <<<
still used correctly in a lot of ways
@Sippy Fun fact: boys used to be called girls
so @KendallFrey you're a girl?
English grammar isn't as formalized as in many other languages.
> Until the late 1400s the word 'girl' just meant a child of either sex. If you had to differentiate between them, male children were referred to as 'knave girls' and females were 'gay girls'. Equally, a boy could be called a 'knave child' and a girl a 'maiden child'.
@KendallFrey are you sure?
@JABFreeware Last I checked.
In some regions or dialects, it's common and acceptable to use the male form to refer to mixed-gender groups. In some it might not be.
Yep, still not a girl
@KendallFrey which was when?
ahhh good
5 seconds ago, now
hello everyone, I'm back
no new updates then
Hi back, I'm Kendall
but isnt their some mental condition where you see things on your body that doesnt exist?
nice to meet you ^^
This room
Is basically Twitch today
Even in languages that do have a prescriptive organization that defines language usage, like Hebrew, there's a big discrepancy between official and everyday usage, and everyday usage will often cause a change in the official rules.
TIL languages are complicated

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