It's not so much as greed as the fear of a change for the worse, in my opinion. I would welcome anyone with open arms, but alas, the facts speak for themselves as @MaartenWachters points out. Criminality often goes hand-in-hand with their coming, and that is the problem. I wish everyone the best if they stuck to the rules we all have to.
I made a huge post about this on my facebook page the other day... It's as Roel said.. It's a very small minority that is doing this. But media is making it such a big deal, just to sell numbers
For instance Taharrush.. Media is all over the place regarding this and it has been going on in the ME for years.. Informing people about it now is not making the integration easier for the newcomers.. Not to speak about those immigrants that lived here for years already.. Makes it even harder for them
That sounds really bad @MaartenWachters.. We have a lot of immigrants here, but not that kind of issues
I think the world will collapse within 20 years. If we manage to survive that time, I think brighters days may come.. But next 20 years will probably be shit
lol. Always love it when someone posts crap like that. No official source and no absolute numbers (for example: if you've one burglary/year and next year you've two, that's 100% more burglaries!!!!!oneoneoneeleven!!)
As within every group of humans there are scumbags, idiots and assholes. Also, as with every group of humans, they are the minority.
@JakobMillah yup. Media is trying to sell stuff with the most absurd headlines. Either completely 100% pro refugees or 100% against. In either case reality looks different
@SteffenWinkler Except that they actually DID rise 41% in my town. I have pictures of an 'refugee' geting arrested as he killed 2 people and took police from a chase through my town
@MaartenWachters I helped in a bike repair shop for a few weeks where they work with the refugees together to repair their bikes. Can confirm, they are good people. Well most of them.
@JakobMillah it'd actually be kind of easy to solve the entire situation. At least in Germany. Give the police the manpower they need and start integrating people instead of letting them settle in big groups in parts of cities.
as I wrote in my facebook post as well.. What happens when the global warming as reached the point when all the ices has pretty much melt away and entire countries like NL and what not has to move? That's like hundreds of millions.. Where should they go?
@JakobMillah Thats the biggest problem, its all well and good saying we need to take in Refugees but something has to be done to reassure the general populace
I was the only 'white' person on the bus that day. Most of the times noone gives a shit, black and white, but that person did give a shit apparently so
@JakobMillah You mean the couple of people living in NL? I'm pretty sure they can settle somewhere in Scandinavia. There is space enough. Or Russia. Or Greenland. Heck, there is so much free space and NL isn't that big/densely populated.
ok if you guys want to keep a cool head, stop reading the news. Most of it doesn't help you at all and it just keeps painting a bad picture of humanity.
Just remember that humanity has gone through much worse and came out alive. We'll be fine.
"There'll be war; there'll be peace But everything, one day, will cease All the iron turn to rust All the proud men turn to dust So all things time will mend So this song will end" - David Gilmour, Childhood's End Verse 3
Most people pay their maids $50. We pay ours $200. Government primary school teachers here earn $250. We refuse to pay someone who does not have any qualifications more than a qulaified teacher
It's not just doing the dishes
Someone has to feed the gardener and the dog
Someone has to make sure there's no dust anywhere in the house
Either you and me have two very different ideas of what 'typical house/yard' means OR we've a very different idea of what time is worth. I'd never pay someone 200€ for messing with my bedroom/stuff. Cleaning takes what? Maybe two hours/week combined?
Anyone here used iTerm on a Mac? I'm having weird issues with my arrow keys in the terminal. They work fine though when I open up y files using vi/pico/etc
@AlexL you've to adjust for what the median income in the country is and what 1$ is worth/can buy you. I for one have no clue about that in case of Zimbabwe.
i use this code to transform inputs from user to xml file
XElement employeeXML = new XElement("Person",
new XElement("Id", Guid.NewGuid()),
new XElement("Firstname", this.nameInput.Text),
new XElement("Lastname", this.lastnameInput.Text),
new XElement("Email", this.mailInput.Text)
what i need to do is to attach the file to the old content of xml file when new data are entred
What is the best way to update an XElement (update the value of itemNumber of element Pen) in this XML?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
@RoelvanUden I don't think I can do Top 1 and then sum of values of a column
SELECT fc.ID, f.Prices, f.OrderID, SUM(f.Prices) FROM FruitCrates fc
LEFT JOIN Fruits f ON f.FruitCrateID = fc.ID
WHERE fc.OrderID like '1635' AND fc.Rights = 1 AND fc.Cancelled = 0 AND f.OrderID IS NOT NULL
hey guys I have a jsfiddle I dont understand why 3 ajax get requests are made on datepicker change .Some help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks
down vote
I have a SQL Server query like this:
OrderID NVARCHAR(100),
Prices INT,
Total INT
INSERT INTO ##Temp (ID, Prices, OrderID, Total)
fc.ID, f.Prices, f.OrderID, SUM(f.Prices) AS Total
FROM FruitCrates f...
I'm creating a simple distance calculator. I have a window form with 2 combo boxes. The first combobox has the default place which is the Place1 and the second combobox has the value of Place1,Place2 and Place3.
Here's my code in my class.
public class classDistance
public string Places ...
Here's a different approach: skip the SetWindowsHook API, and instead use WinEvents, which use SetWinEventHook instead. These are somewhat similar to the windows hooks, in that both involve a callback function that is called at specific events, but WinEvents are far easier to use from C#: you can...
^ can I use this to hook to windows message queues of other processes?
No, that wouldn't be valid C#. We aren't here to teach you the basics of the language, you should read a tutorial or two and maybe the language specification