There's a chain message going around encouraging people to check in at the DAPL protests to mess with the social media surveillance the police are doing there. I think that's part of the plot of Digimon: The Movie, isn't it?
Hey could anyone help me find the correct "term"? - I know my question should've been answered millions of times around the internet, I just can't find the search term...
Yeah, but I'm looking "how to get this done in python" - so need to search something and just typing above line in google doesn't give relevant results..
In [10]: z = subprocess.check_output(['python', '--version'])
Python 3.5.2 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.
In [11]: z
Out[11]: b''
In [12]: z = subprocess.check_output(["python", "--version"], stderr=subprocess.
...: STDOUT)
In [13]: z
Out[13]: b'Python 3.5.2 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.\n'
"Lists of television stations in India - Wikipedia" is the first result I get from that line, I really wonder how google makes interprets python-esque line as me searching television stations.
One reason to send it to stderr is that it keeps stdout for, well, output, so python > log.txt doesn't have the header. I can imagine someone thinking like that at some point (though I don't think I agree.)
When I need statefulness in the body of a list comprehension, I usually do something hacky with lists. But I never do it in production-quality code, only for goofy code-golf-esque games
"Wow Kevin that's a really ugly solution, why would you ever do that instead of a regular old for loop?", you ask? You wouldn't. Use a regular old for loop.
@KevinMGranger Well it's not that easy to explain: but I'm created a list of ("time-in-shadow-of-body-you-directly-orbit", "time in light", orbit-id) tupples. - The total time in shadow would obviously be the worst case (so just the sum of this list's first indices).
For example for an orbit around the moon I would have two indices: one for the orbit of the satellite around the moon, and a second for the moon around the earth.
Now to get the total amount of solar cells we need to get the "most critical" situation. It might be that this is the case for the smaller orbit (orbit with period X1, and shadow-time Y2, I need to get the energy in X1-Y2 time).
Or for the larger orbit (X2 period, Y2 time): I need energy in X2 - (Y1+Y2) time.
I could convert it to a list and just modify the third "column" obviously to show not the time but the cummalitive times. However right now I do everything sweetly with just "yield", it looks so clean right now :P.
def iterative_max_time_in_shadow(self) -> float:
return sum(i[1] for i in self.generate_shadow_light_time_list())
def generate_shadow_light_time_list(self) -> float:
o = self
while not hasattr(o.parent, "brightness"):
period = o.period
t = o.max_time_in_shadow()
yield (period - t, t, o)
o = o.parent.orbit
except AttributeError:
Plus I just wish to abuse the newest toy I learned (yield) to the maximum :P
@DSM Tbf, I have for a very long time thought how I would "end" the loop there. But in the end the best I could came up with was "ok I end looping the parent until I find a parent that has a brightness". - Yet I won't use the brightness so hasattr() seemed appropiate?
Main site comment ping rule: at most one ping, in case of ambiguity the latest applicable commenter is used. Chat comment ping rule: any number allowed in a message, everybody matched will get pinged.
@Kevin A honest question (I have no experience in the working field, would love to work though) - are "python" jobs a dime in a dozen, or actually rare? - (I really would like to get a job next to my studies, and using my decentish knowledge of data/scientific processing in python seemed perfect)
@Kevin Hmm maybe I should really start searching, so far the only ones I saw were requesting at least 3 days a week (don't have that time, I have like 1 free spare day a week I can spent). And indeed it seems all web dev, something I loathe.
Where is PyCon this year? I'm almost never able to go, but I love watching the vods..... that's one of the main reason why I learnt about GIL work arounds lol
It should probably be handled the same way other messaging services handle it: mentions are metadata, not part of the text. at-Kevin would being up a menu where you select the Kevin you mean for that, and if you don't select, it's just a literal at-Kevin without a ping.
Monday and Tuesday on Nov... I don't think I can go for those two days...... but ill be there for the weekend for sure xD first pycon for me I wonder what I would learn....
hey guys, Python noob here. I have a super quick question. What's the best way to append the result of every recursive step to a list in python? Ex:
def fib(n):
if n == 1 or n == 2:
return 1
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
# call fib(n) so that the results are in a list. fib(3) outputs:
[1 1 2 3 5]
Grrr. TIL str.encode('unicode_escape') produces b'\\x' sequences for chars in the \u007f to \u007f instead of b'\\u' sequences. The only workaround I can think of is json.dumps(s, ensure_ascii=True)
well the fib example was just an example, but the last part is literally the same. The function I'm dealing with is something like:
def crappy_function:
# bunch of crap
if (bunch_of_crap == 0):
return 1
return crapy_function(bunchofcrap - morecrap)
God why can't people just accept python to be a main productive coding language. why does everyone force java or c# T>T. the world would be a better place if python was accepted in the mindset of it being a finish product language.
It's kind of a hacky solution because results will be shared by every function that gets decorated, and it doesn't clear out in between independent invocations, but... If it works, it works.
@idjaw, since high school, university, first job, I've tried to push for Python to be done for our projects, assignments, heck even final products, I've even offer to re write all the c# into python for my current company, but no one seems to want to accept that, they think c# or java is stronger and better for a real life world product T>T. c# is depressing T.T too much bloated text
don't get me wrong I understand why they do it in c# but I don't like it T.T
also for PyCon do you get anything to remember the event by (like a mini key chain or something? ) otherwise, I'ma just justify the 100 bucks to be learning experiences
I'm sure it could happen if it directly opposed requirements. "We have a cpu-intensive workload on an embedded device with low memory. Also we need multithreading." Don't pick python for that.
So after tinkering with multithreading to rewrite a game's server code, I realized python might not be so great for it, I mean it works but my golli, it took way to long and way to much effort T>T
lol isn't that cheating @kevin, I remember doing a similar answer (with a forloop) for my university assignment and my prof told me "while you are techinically correct, I'm still marking this as a wrong answer". T>T
@MooingRawr To kick you while you're down, a multithreaded implementation might not even be that much faster than a single-threaded one, thanks to the GIL
But sometimes I look at the threaded solution and think "yep, the other approach would have been ten times as long as this and be riddled with global state", so on balance I'm glad the option is available