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Hi, can someone help on this thread?stackoverflow.com/questions/40306356/…
let me know if you have any questions regarding the script
Must resist urge to use snarky comment to document the effects of boss's insaner requiremets.
There's a chain message going around encouraging people to check in at the DAPL protests to mess with the social media surveillance the police are doing there. I think that's part of the plot of Digimon: The Movie, isn't it?
Hmm, rings a bell.
I have a weird situation going on with subprocess.check_output()
80% of check_output problems can be solved with "try passing it a list of strings instead of just one string"
@user2797021 the trivial question: are you sure that remotepath+s is a valid and existing (with complete directory tree) path for the file?
I am sure this is the other 20% problem
I have subprocess.check_output(['python', '--version'])
I smell an XY problem
Let me guess: the message is being dumped to stderr and you're only intercepting stdout?
$ python --version >/dev/null
Python 2.7.9
>>> subprocess.check_output(['python', '--version'])
b'Python 3.5.1\r\n'
@DSM that would be a good guess, I didn't know this:)
With you so far.
Hey could anyone help me find the correct "term"? - I know my question should've been answered millions of times around the internet, I just can't find the search term...
Yes, the term is "null coalescing operator", hope that helps.
spot on!
@paul23 You want a term for "I know my question should've been answered millions of times around the internet"?
a = 0
sum(a += ind[2]; ind[1] - a  for ind in list)
that is basically what I want to do, but how do you call the variable "a" - a generator expression state variable?
There is more to it thought. When I assign subprocess.check_output(['python', '--version']) to a variable, the variable is blank
the output gets printed on STDOUT
Strange, works on my machine.
>>> x = subprocess.check_output(['python', '--version'])
>>> x
b'Python 3.5.1\r\n'
It's an interpreter-specific thing.
>>> x=subprocess.check_output(['python', '--version'])
Python 2.7.9
>>> x
I am on Python 2.7.12 on OSX
py2 vs py3?
@BhargavRao XD
@paul23 I don't know if there's a name for that, because that's not actually something you can do in Python
Same as @AndrasDeak
That would actually also be a term
@sul4bh: no, the output is being printed to stderr. Nothing is going to stdout, which is why your result is empty.
Why would the output go to stderr instead of stdout?
Yeah, but I'm looking "how to get this done in python" - so need to search something and just typing above line in google doesn't give relevant results..
Default behavour?
>> x=subprocess.check_output(['python', '--version'],stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
>>> x
b'Python 2.7.9\n'
In [10]: z = subprocess.check_output(['python', '--version'])
Python 3.5.2 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.

In [11]: z
Out[11]: b''

In [12]: z = subprocess.check_output(["python", "--version"], stderr=subprocess.
    ...: STDOUT)

In [13]: z
Out[13]: b'Python 3.5.2 :: Continuum Analytics, Inc.\n'
@AndrasDeak: aaargh, you Kevin'd me!!!
4 mins ago, by DSM
Let me guess: the message is being dumped to stderr and you're only intercepting stdout?
"Lists of television stations in India - Wikipedia" is the first result I get from that line, I really wonder how google makes interprets python-esque line as me searching television stations.
Care to explain why stderr?
because that's where it outputs too :P
Interpreter specific ?
but, to more directly answer your question. A quick Google search will take you to:
@paul23 I think that's because you are including ind variable in your search term.
One reason to send it to stderr is that it keeps stdout for, well, output, so python someprog.py > log.txt doesn't have the header. I can imagine someone thinking like that at some point (though I don't think I agree.)
@idjaw thanks a lot !
paul23, what are you trying to do? Explain in words, not pseudocode
Thanks y'all !
@KevinMGranger You forgot @ before paul23
When I need statefulness in the body of a list comprehension, I usually do something hacky with lists. But I never do it in production-quality code, only for goofy code-golf-esque games
@DSM if you're running it with --version, there's no other output, it just exits
@BhargavRao It still highlights them. I didn't want a direct ping
@KevinMGranger Nope. It won't
highlighting? eh?
KevinMGranger doesn't highlight you
@KevinMGranger: .. yeah, you're right. So the current behaviour really doesn't make sense.
>>> a = [0]
>>> seq = ((1,2), (3,4), (5,6))
>>> sum([a.append(a[-1] + ind[1]), ind[0] - a[-1]][1] for ind in seq)
Something like that.
@DSM if I see something reported as a bug, I stop thinking about why and just accept that someone screwed up :P
(Mental note: report the new typing schema as a bug.)
@DSM well, you Kevin'd yourself by proxy
I saw your entry @vaultah..... o_O
@DSM <3 <3 <3 <3
"Wow Kevin that's a really ugly solution, why would you ever do that instead of a regular old for loop?", you ask? You wouldn't. Use a regular old for loop.
cbg vaultah
@KevinMGranger Well it's not that easy to explain: but I'm created a list of ("time-in-shadow-of-body-you-directly-orbit", "time in light", orbit-id) tupples. - The total time in shadow would obviously be the worst case (so just the sum of this list's first indices).
For example for an orbit around the moon I would have two indices: one for the orbit of the satellite around the moon, and a second for the moon around the earth.
Waiting for this explanation to end with "... And that's why I can't use a regular old for loop"
(I don't know what's going on, only science-y words)
Now to get the total amount of solar cells we need to get the "most critical" situation. It might be that this is the case for the smaller orbit (orbit with period X1, and shadow-time Y2, I need to get the energy in X1-Y2 time).
Or for the larger orbit (X2 period, Y2 time): I need energy in X2 - (Y1+Y2) time.
I could convert it to a list and just modify the third "column" obviously to show not the time but the cummalitive times. However right now I do everything sweetly with just "yield", it looks so clean right now :P.
that's almost as bad as pythonic
def iterative_max_time_in_shadow(self) -> float:
    return sum(i[1] for i in self.generate_shadow_light_time_list())
def generate_shadow_light_time_list(self) -> float:
    o = self
        while not hasattr(o.parent, "brightness"):
            period = o.period
            t = o.max_time_in_shadow()
            yield (period - t, t, o)
            o = o.parent.orbit
    except AttributeError:
Plus I just wish to abuse the newest toy I learned (yield) to the maximum :P
while not hasattr makes me think you should wash your mouth out with soap.
Another Canuck has entered the game. Hello @MooingRawr
@DSM Tbf, I have for a very long time thought how I would "end" the loop there. But in the end the best I could came up with was "ok I end looping the parent until I find a parent that has a brightness". - Yet I won't use the brightness so hasattr() seemed appropiate?
@idjaw, Is Canuck a slang for Canadian or a slang for French speaking canadian? (asking ya for first-hand-info)
@BhargavRao A Canadian in general
@BhargavRao that's weird. I keep seeing Kevin highlighted. Maybe it's checking my real name?
@idjaw Ah, I always thought so until I recently read it somewhere else. That cleared it up, thanks.
I thought Canuck was slang for "fan of the show The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, in particular the character Captain K'nuckles"
\o don't mind me I'm just lurking at work,
@Kevin pings both starlord and the other kevin?
Given maybe it's indeed better to just write while o.parent.brightness > 0 thanks for the review!
Well, welcome anyway @MooingRawr :)
@MooingRawr hey:)
@BhargavRao yes
every Kevin*
thanks, got bored with c# at work, so wanted to sit in the chat room of my fav language, one day ill find a job that uses it T.T
I could have sworn that wouldn't ping me but it just did, unless that was an uncleared old one.
Hullo @MooingRawr. :)
Well met, fellow member of the gets-paid-to-do-C#-but-prefers-Python-regardless club
Main site comment ping rule: at most one ping, in case of ambiguity the latest applicable commenter is used. Chat comment ping rule: any number allowed in a message, everybody matched will get pinged.
@Kevin A honest question (I have no experience in the working field, would love to work though) - are "python" jobs a dime in a dozen, or actually rare? - (I really would like to get a job next to my studies, and using my decentish knowledge of data/scientific processing in python seemed perfect)
@Kevin There are literally dozens of us!
Didn't get pinged on that but it's highlighted
@KevinMGranger ???
highlight == ping, you can't have one without the other
That pinged me and highlighted me.
Perhaps direct reply pings only ping the actual author, but are highlighted by anyone whose name matches.
Incidentally, I never see "KevinMGranger" highlighted.
@Kevin that would be silly
direct replies always reply to 1 person, that's OK
but highlight without ping is silly
@paul23 I see enough job postings for Python stuff that I assume they aren't rare. I haven't actually applied for any though.
@KevinMGranger I see two highlights. Why do you call one of them a non-ping?
the only job posting in toronto for python is, django, flask, (web dev) and maybe some ibm QA stuff T.T
Presumably the first one didn't make his browser beep, since it was in reply to me
Because a number didn't appear next to my name or make a beep
@Kevin Hmm maybe I should really start searching, so far the only ones I saw were requesting at least 3 days a week (don't have that time, I have like 1 free spare day a week I can spent). And indeed it seems all web dev, something I loathe.
@KevinMGranger that's odd......
Hello @Divakar, we have another matlab guy here.
maybe it does work like that, but I've never noticed D:
hey @Divakar:)
hey hey guys!
I think this is an edge case where a username is the same as a first name.
Sorry i was just roaming around
@KevinMGranger could you please ping me with @and?
@andras test?
for a NumPy room, how sad huh! :)
@and test
^^can someone try that
both highlighted and number shows up...
@idj like this?
@i @id @idj @idja @idjaw @djaw @jaw @aw @w
highlights for me
I think you just left a message quickly, @KevinM, which flushes the number and notification
Ah, but you don't have another user with your first name as a username
@KevinMGranger if that really matters, it's a bug, I'm sure
so looks like it just grabs anyone that matches
@idjaw I said as much..
I can see that being buggish
@AndrasDeak oh I was about to make a silly joke but you fixed it. :P
yeah, something something grammer makes me sad
something something
So, there's no NumPy room around, or people talk about it here.. sometimes? @AndrasDeak @Others
@MooingRawr: are you going to PyCon? I know for a fact there will be employers there looking for Python talent.
@Divakar rarely, but it happens. No numpy room:)
I'm often involved:D
hmm that's kool
@Divakar: hello! Yeah, there are a few of us here.
How do you handle the edge case of "allow highlights for an abbreviation of their name" and also "highlight people of that username"
Where is PyCon this year? I'm almost never able to go, but I love watching the vods..... that's one of the main reason why I learnt about GIL work arounds lol
Good to see you here @DSM!
@MooingRawr: I meant PyCon Canada, in TO.
@KevinMGranger ?
I don't see the problem, you ping everyone who matches
Did not know that existed... I thought it was only in the states like SD
Thanks for the link @AndrasDeak
I'd rather not be pinged for every message to Kevin :P
@MooingRawr @Antti is currently at pycon@Finland
@KevinMGranger well sucks to be you:P
@MooingRawr: join us!
Amirite, @Kevin?
I often abbreviate pings when it's unambiguous, and I'd expect them to be pings...
oh pycon canada is at my old university hahahaha I need to take time off If I can....
It should probably be handled the same way other messaging services handle it: mentions are metadata, not part of the text. at-Kevin would being up a menu where you select the Kevin you mean for that, and if you don't select, it's just a literal at-Kevin without a ping.
The talks (not the sprints) are all Sat/Sun.
It could remember who you meant by it last time too, for convenience
Monday and Tuesday on Nov... I don't think I can go for those two days...... but ill be there for the weekend for sure xD first pycon for me I wonder what I would learn....
@DSM Talking to my wife to see if it is realistic to do this. I might be able to!
rbrb, boss wants to see me lol
I'm surprised it's so cheap to go
So basically my choice of username is a burden on all other Kevins, yet causes no harm to myself.
All Kevins are burdens on all other Kevins. It is our gift, it is our curse.
@kev true true
Hmm I plotted out the game theory diagram for this and it's just a big middle finger
Just like Trump ruined it for all Donalds, including the Duck @Kevin
Donald Duck had it coming
Kevin is close to kvin, which is Esperanto for 5. 5 like the fingers on one hand-- we are all fingers of the same hand.
Many Kevins make light work.
All that's missing is E. E pluribus unum-- out of many, one. Illuminati confirmed to be full of Kevins.
Are you legion? Or just Kevin?
We can be more than one thing. We contain multitudes.
Multiple layers of Kevin. Kevinception...
@Kev ception
(ok I'll stop :P)
That one pinged me!? Gah
oh PyCon is 100$ per ticket
I told you...I think you're missing some pings because if you leave a message, it flushes the counter
yeah, something is not smoothed out too well with the pinging system
Reverse-engineering multikevin SO chat is tricky
so ssssh for a second, @Kev and see what happens:P
At least we know what to name the meta/bug report
@MooingRawr Much cheaper than I thought
Hushing self until next Kevin message and reply
Yes, yes, good. Now tell me why only part of the word is highlighted in @ke​vin...
maybe a full one, @kevin something something
50-500 students are 50 regular people are 100 company are 200 and contributor are 500...
didnt think pycon would be that expensive lol but eh... pay the big bucks to see real talent of the python world
so how did it go, @kevin?
Was I supposed to be doing something here? I got pinged by all the pings since my last message.
but your name is @Kevin
we're waiting for the M Granger variant to respond
Kevin of Nine
hey guys, Python noob here. I have a super quick question. What's the best way to append the result of every recursive step to a list in python? Ex:

def fib(n):
 if n == 1 or n == 2:
  return 1
 return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

# call fib(n) so that the results are in a list. fib(3) outputs:
[1 1 2 3 5]
remove ```, press ctrl+k for code formatting
I guess you could use a mutable function parameter, I don't know how kludgy that is
Grrr. TIL str.encode('unicode_escape') produces b'\\x' sequences for chars in the \u007f to \u007f instead of b'\\u' sequences. The only workaround I can think of is json.dumps(s, ensure_ascii=True)
I was not pinged, so it must be time-based
@KevinMGranger we knew that
@KevinMGranger ah...
Now to do timing experiments to fully reverse-engineer it!
I thought that too, but the function only takes one input. no option for a mutable parameter.
@AlanChavez and I'm starting to suspect this wouldn't work anyway
Optional argument that initializes the list if it's None.
so, [fib(k) for k in range(kmax)]? :P
For fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) I'm not sure if it's guaranteed which one will be called first
If you can't modify the function in any way, wrap it instead in something which you can.
It was just an example :) it was the first recursive function that came to mind
and the program doesn't know when it reaches the value of fib(k) for k<n, right?
This also definitely sounds like homework and I just gave you the (a?) answer so now I feel bad
Oh, nevermind
not homework
I'm pretty sure Python guarantees left-to-right evaluation there.
it could've been, so you should still feel bad
just working with a very old api, and I need the results in a list.
no unit tests, so if I change the function I might end up breaking a lot of things
no classes either :|
it's not tail recursion, is it?
yes it is tail recursion
I just want to avoid breaking the recursion into a loop if at all possible.
primarily because I am a python noob, and I don't know what I'm doing :)
in case of tail recursion, appending it to a list should be trivial
well that's what I thought, but I'm just getting the last element of the entire recursion
or I'm brainfarting real hard
brainfarting and recursion should be a good combination
Um.... does that program even do what it's suppose to do? I thought fib(3) should be 5 but it's giving me 2 instead o.o
No, that's right. The third fibonacci number is 2 if the first and second are 1.
oh nvm I was thinking of something else
well the fib example was just an example, but the last part is literally the same. The function I'm dealing with is something like:

def crappy_function:
    # bunch of crap
    if (bunch_of_crap == 0):
        return 1
         return crapy_function(bunchofcrap - morecrap)
results = []
def tracked(fn):
    def f_(*args, **kargs):
        result = fn(*args, **kargs)
        return result
    return f_

def factorial(x):
    if x == 1:
        return 1
    return x * factorial(x-1)
x = factorial(5)
#[1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
I like that answer kevin, very cute lol
Note that if you try this on fibonacci(5), you get [1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 5], which is decidedly not the fibonacci sequence.
Because the function is doubly-recursive.
yeah, tail recursion makes it much simpler
haha yeah I like that solution too :) although is that python3 or python2?
or does that still qualify as tail recursion?
@AlanChavez It will work on both.
God why can't people just accept python to be a main productive coding language. why does everyone force java or c# T>T. the world would be a better place if python was accepted in the mindset of it being a finish product language.
@AndrasDeak I don't think so, no
@AlanChavez That code doesn't show any specifics for one or the other. It should work the same on both languages.
I'll try it, although I'm not really sure what it does. Is that an annotation?
It's a decorator.
right! I'm using a lot of those in TypeScript.
@AlanChavez slightly different thing in TypeScript
@MooingRawr In my world it is widely accepted. We write some pretty big apps in Python.
got it :)
It's kind of a hacky solution because results will be shared by every function that gets decorated, and it doesn't clear out in between independent invocations, but... If it works, it works.
@idjaw, since high school, university, first job, I've tried to push for Python to be done for our projects, assignments, heck even final products, I've even offer to re write all the c# into python for my current company, but no one seems to want to accept that, they think c# or java is stronger and better for a real life world product T>T. c# is depressing T.T too much bloated text
@MooingRawr something something ecosystem support devs "nobody ever got fired for picking java"
don't get me wrong I understand why they do it in c# but I don't like it T.T
also for PyCon do you get anything to remember the event by (like a mini key chain or something? ) otherwise, I'ma just justify the 100 bucks to be learning experiences
I wonder if someone has ever been fired for picking python
or any other programming language for that matter
unless they picked lolcode
I'm sure it could happen if it directly opposed requirements. "We have a cpu-intensive workload on an embedded device with low memory. Also we need multithreading." Don't pick python for that.
We all love it, but everything has tradeoffs
Which reminds me, and I think it has been posted here. But this is pretty cool -> micropython.org
(that's what she said)
hehe, I was waiting for that
haha well, thanks a lot for the help. I was able to solve the problem (I think)
Here are some Fibonacci list makers. First, the sane version:
def fib(n):
    a, b = 0, 1
    for i in range(n):
        a, b = b, b + a
    return a

[fib(j) for j in range(n + 1)]
def fib_listI(n):
    a, b = 0, 1
    result = [a]
    for i in range(n):
        a, b = b, b + a
    return result
And the totally insane recursive version. :)
def fib_listR(n):
    if n == 0:
        return [0]
    elif n == 1:
        return [0, 1]
        a = fib_listR(n - 1)
        return a + [a[-2] + a[-1]]
Now the slightly insane iterative version:
So after tinkering with multithreading to rewrite a game's server code, I realized python might not be so great for it, I mean it works but my golli, it took way to long and way to much effort T>T
Let's not forget:
>>> phi = 1.618033988749895
>>> [int((phi**n - (-phi)**-n) / (2*phi - 1)) for n in range(10)]
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
lol isn't that cheating @kevin, I remember doing a similar answer (with a forloop) for my university assignment and my prof told me "while you are techinically correct, I'm still marking this as a wrong answer". T>T
@MooingRawr To kick you while you're down, a multithreaded implementation might not even be that much faster than a single-threaded one, thanks to the GIL
I know, I remember watching David Beazley's GIL lock at PyCon's vods ;(
I usually reserve threads for situations where I think threaded code will be more concise or easier to write than regular code. I'm usually wrong.
rbrb @thefourtheye
But sometimes I look at the threaded solution and think "yep, the other approach would have been ten times as long as this and be riddled with global state", so on balance I'm glad the option is available
Because of the GIL, it seem to me that asyncio is the better choice for stuff like that
I have a new terrible tutorial for us all to marvel at! python-course.eu/python3_object_oriented_programming.php Featuring such gems as:
def f(x):
    f.counter = getattr(f, "counter", 0) + 1
    return "Monty Python"

for i in range(10):

Some people miss function-static variables from C, I guess
They also return and then throw away that return.
And don't use the argument
alright. time to do halloween things with my spawns.
rbrb all
did you build enough pylons?
happy halloween

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