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@randomhopeful In C, the equivalent operators to Python's and and or are && and ||, and the result of an expression using those operators is always 0 for false and 1 for true.
@randomhopeful well, yeah, truthiness/falsiness is a general concept, and present in many languages (especially in javascript, which is extremely weakly typed)
And most languages related to C retain that convention, or have special boolean false and true values instead of using 0 and 1.
but if you ask a stranger what they expect from "obj1 OR obj2", they'll say "true or false". It's in no way intuitive to get either obj1 or obj2 as a result
if there is something bad about sqlalchemy, it must be the relationship configuration.
or more specifically cascades
@PM2Ring I see ! that's some low-level machine speak.
@randomhopeful is python your first language?
@AndrasDeak Now I understand what you meant. I squinted a bit when I first read "truthy" and "falsy" values as, like the stranger in your example, I associated true with lit led, false with off led. Hopefully, I'll manage this concept once thrown to the battlefield
@PM2Ring perl for one uses the and , or for this a lot
@randomhopeful also one needs to remember that True and False in Python are an afterthought...
@AnttiHaapala how so?
C does have the truthiness / falsiness concept, and so && / || can be used with operands other than 0 and 1, but the resulting value will always be 0 or 1.
@AndrasDeak as any concept that appears in version 2.x of anything?
@AndrasDeak First serious language. I fiddled with VB.net and PHP but I never found the clear path / clear vision I found in Python's community
@randomhopeful lol... vision in PHP <3
@AnttiHaapala well I'm unaware of these facts, is why I was asking:)
@AndrasDeak no offence intended :P
@PM2Ring I see. And the 0 & 1 are the same for integers, I suppose ? Or is C different than Python when it comes to data types ?
@AnttiHaapala non taken:P
Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct  8 2014, 10:45:20)
[GCC 4.9.1] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> False % 1
>>> False % 2
>>> True % 1
>>> True % 2
@AnttiHaapala I know, I know. The Wordpress community is pretty cool, but it's geared towards literature, computers happen to be accessories.
> The Boolean type is a subclass of the int class so that arithmetic using a Boolean still works.
good to know
@randomhopeful the bool is an integer is good for code golf :P
IOW, if you use False or True in an arithmetic context they behave like 0 and 1
>>> True + True
'ab'[x>5] evaluates to 'a' if x <= 5, 'b' otherwise
@PM2Ring That's what I meant : D So it must be the same for C
@randomhopeful in C there is no bool until C99.
@randomhopeful for the record, C is very different from python when it comes to data types
>>> [u%3 == 0 for u in range(5)]
[True, False, False, True, False]
>>> a = ['yes', 'no']
>>> [a[u%3 == 0] for u in range(5)]
['no', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'yes']
@AndrasDeak I should've guessed it, since Python is a class based OOP language. Thank you [ :
I'm not sure it can be boiled down to assigning labels to stuff
I am sure it can't...
but this is the same argument I had earlier about learning software development from wikipedia;)
Sure. Of course, some old C code will do stuff like
#define true 1
but most C old-timers would think that's silly
also, if you want to see what's truthy/falsy, you can look at this fine gentleman's extensive answer, @randomhopeful
@randomhopeful C++ is a class-based oop language yet almost everything that Andras means holds for C++ vs Python as well.
@AndrasDeak I see what you mean. I should be more explicit : I should've guessed that C data types are different to Python's since python objects inherits their behaviors and methods from a class. While C is nothing like that
@AndrasDeak :)
@randomhopeful yes, that's less incorrect.
@AnttiHaapala I understand
in C, C++, names are typed
names are objects.
The trouble isn't with Wikipedia, I'm just skipping valuable steps for the sake of trivial informations. (trivial to my current state of understanding, I mean)
in Python names are not objects.
They are identifiers
Litteral forms referencing the memory address of an object
If you want to dig to the bottom of the issue, do a cross-correlation analysis on the design choices made by Ritchie and ANSI vs those by the BDFL;)
@randomhopeful "name" is a synonym for "identifier", so yes you're again, that's not wrong, but doesn't say anything.
I'm sure I've already linked this for randomhopeful, Other languages have "variables", Python has "names"
Yeah I know, think of me as a toddler who started to speak : D Of course dogs can sometimes be brown
in C the identifiers/names (usually) name object locations, they're locator values, or lvalues for short.
@randomhopeful the thing is, pointers in C also reference memory addresses of an object
they're lvalues.
although I don't know what "literal forms" mean
@PM2Ring something something SO veteran Ned Batchelder;)
That too. :)
@AndrasDeak 98 is a literal form of an int class' instance
well, sort of...
a sequence of UTF characters
OK, don't go all theoretical CS on me:P
I'm a bit worried that if you explain enough, I'll stop understanding it;)
98 is a literal that when compiled, python will replace with a constant int 98 in the constant table.
@randomhopeful a sequence of UTF characters is about as right as calling a line of cars "a sequence of Ford parts"
@PM2Ring Yes ! It was a decisive moments where I learned the quality difference between types of resource materials : P
@AnttiHaapala lol, I thought it's lvalue because that has to be on the left side of an assignment:D Physicists, am I right?...
@AndrasDeak that's the old theory :P
like, pre-relativity era.
Newton and apple :D
the chimps and ENIAC
@AndrasDeak I'm aware of that. But since I'm only supervised by the feedback on SOPython, theory (with exercises) is the only valid option I've got : P
I'll exhaustively enumerate my way through Python
@AndrasDeak the problem was that not all things that actually are lvalues *can be assigned to in C.
@AnttiHaapala oh. And you don't just mean consts, right?
@AnttiHaapala I think I see what you mean
@AndrasDeak arrays are lvalues
haha, silly little C:P
int foo[5]; foo is an lvalue but you cannot assign to foo.
yeah, I see, thanks
it locates an object, though, so it is a locator value
don't worry, I learned this this year :P
and I've programmed in C for almost 20 years
well, people program in cpp now, right?:P
to me, cpp is like cccp
like, well I don't want to have anything to do with it.
@randomhopeful Here's something you might not have encountered yet. Generally, when you do something likea = 1234 in a Python program, the interpreter creates a new int object with value 1234 and binds it to the name a.
But that _doesn't happen for small integers (in CPython) since the interpreter maintains a table of small integers in the range -5 to 256 (inclusive). So if you do a = 7 it doesn't need to create a new int object, it just binds a to the existing 7 object. It does this to make arithmetic with small integers more efficient.
@PM2Ring You were the one that introduced boolean operators' short-cicruit nature ! I recognized the answer from Andras' link : D
@PM2Ring it does not happen for big integers either :P
if you do a = 1234, it is first compiled. The compilation results to "load constant 0", "store to name a"
and constant 0 will contain the int object 1234
@PM2Ring Nice ! Never encountered it but it is so Pythonic : D
>>> a=1234;b=1234;id(a),id(b)
(3073082800, 3073082800)
>>> c=1234;id(c)
^this happens because each interactive line has its own constants table.
they're separate code objects compiled and evaluated with the 'single' mode
well, yeah :D
@PM2Ring I happened to see that, but never thought of testing with integers :
>>> "hello"
>>> id("hello")
>>> a = "hello"
>>> id(a)
>>> [(i,id(i)) for i in [999,999,999]]
[(999, 3073082912), (999, 3073082912), (999, 3073082912)]
@PM2Ring So, with time I'm gathering hints about the change of id to "hello" (most valid hint is : I'm not ready to truly understand what's happening. But I would like to understand the change of c id compared to those of a and b
Oh nevermind, I'm sorry : / You're first paragraph is actually what explains it
@randomhopeful remember that same id does not mean that the objects are same...
Note that all this id magic is largely an implementation detail and you shouldn't worry yourself too much about it
... if the first object died before you got the id of the second
>>> a="hello";b="hell"
>>> id(a),id("hello"),id("hell" "o"),id("hell"+"o"),id(b+"o")
(3071665088, 3071665088, 3071665088, 3071665088, 3071665216)
not all of it, for instance in lst=[[0]*3]*3 you'll probably get the same id for lst[0] and lst[1] on any interpreter
@AnttiHaapala I see. That makes sense
@AndrasDeak you must
because they're the same object.
yes , except that's a crappy example:D (edited)
@randomhopeful more specifically, in CPython the value returned by id is actually the memory address at which the PyObject resides
and CPython memory allocation is built so that subsequent allocations will reuse the memory just freed first
@PM2Ring That's amazing to my basic grasp
@AnttiHaapala I see a little bit [ :
>>> id({}) == id({})
>>> {} is {}
>>> id({})
>>> id({})
sufficiently advanced compiler optimizations are indistinguishable from magic
@AnttiHaapala but was it False for the first pair of empty sets?:P
we'll never know
@AndrasDeak you can still fix your mistake before I point it out ;P
good morning!
oh noes
@randomhopeful The compiler can optimize the expresions that only use literal strings, but it can't do that with b+"o" because it has to build the new string before it can notice that it's identical to the a string.
@idjaw cabbage!
@AnttiHaapala I don't see it
Hi, idjaw.
@AndrasDeak s/sets/dicts/
now it will stay there forever :D
actually it annoys me a lot.
empty dict should be {:}
and empty set {}
I actually use it to create empty dicts, so I only don't know it in theory
Q: Empty set literal in Python?

user763305[] = empty list () = empty tuple {} = empty dict Is there a similar notation for an empty set? Or do I have to write set()?

@PM2Ring You're right, I get it now. it loads the string instance referenced by b and concatenate it to o, and by then the new object has already its id. Thank god for the == then [ :
in the battle of dict vs set, dict won.
Well dicts are way cooler than sets. Only if they were called associative arrays...:P
set suffers because it was added to the language fairly late, whereas dict was there from the start.
Hey, no fair. Dict appeared in Python before sets.
Hi :)
is pandas read_csv supposed use more memory than to_csv or am I just bad?
@PM2Ring I should also say that if it wasn't for your two links on names in Python, I would never be able how possible "undeclared" args in functions could work. It has been quite the weight until then
When I still believed that every name was a box, those args looked like that last dream level in Inception
I wish {,} would make an empty set
actually, the "other languages have variables" makes it sound too simple.
@AnttiHaapala haha it gets better. According to here
you can do this:
javascript has only names, too.
>>> d = {1}&{2}
>>> d
ah yes :P
but it is longer than set()
not useful for code golf
annoying to type too
you're using both extreme ends of the keyboard to create that
it's funny how that is suggested as an alternative solution as a set literal
@PM2Ring you meant this: nedbatchelder.com/text/names.html
@anshanno it certainly can (esp. if read_csv is using only the default arguments and to_csv is not or if you've combined or added to the dataframe that was read in) - but read_csv has a lot more parameters then to_csv so that can also be not true - i.e. it depends
@AnttiHaapala I've often linked to Ned's article, and it's in my common comments userscript. But I like the diagrams on that "Code like a Pythonista" page, and the condensed summary is pretty good.
the label makes sense...
though I'd also prefer something that could show the scopes...
like "local list of things", "global list of things"
@PM2Ring True ! That tag worn by the integer 1 in a = 1 is one hell of a solid metaphor
@idjaw yeah but set() cannot be evaluated until at run time
>>> dis.dis(lambda x: {42})
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (42)
              3 BUILD_SET                1
              6 RETURN_VALUE
that would be a BUILD_SET 0
hey...go email Guido :P
revive the debate
the Antti-hero vs the benevolent tyrant?:P
nowadays I am becoming a heretic...
I remember you wanted to be able to write 1_000_000 in Python. I saw that it will be introduced in 3.6
it seems I am often at odds with the BDFL
Anttithon 1.0
Release Notes:
- We have set literals. Check mate Python
@randomhopeful you saw?
wouldn't count on it
not in my python 3.6 yet
@idjaw and it smoothly runs python 3 code, erases disk when running python 2 code
Python 3.6.0a4+ (default, Aug 27 2016, 12:51:54)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1_000_000
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
morning everyone
yeah instead of raising SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print' it truncates the source file
if you run your interpreter and it detects it is Python2 it just re-directs you to the latest Anttithon and starts the download automatically
@AnttiHaapala This guy said it : D
msg272834 - (view) Author: Georg Brandl (georg.brandl) * (Python committer) Date: 2016-08-16 05:05

@Serhiy/anyone: can I get another review, so that we can commit this in time for beta? Thanks!
no one wants to review any features!
I updated the link to the correct start time
same with f'' string speedups
@randomhopeful it is not yet committed into python 3.6, because coredevs are lazy!!!
they want to review everything but since deving python with hg and patches is so complicated, no-one ever reviews anything.
gotta go now, rhubarb till later
@AnttiHaapala Oh I see ! Sad then : / I have to say that I liked the idea when you mentioned it. Adding two bytes to a literal for readability is a sweet trade-off, I believe
Q: get class name membership of class attributes

deimosI need to get class name membership of class attributes, to be clear: class A(object): a = 1 def __init__(self): pass So, in this situation, i need a method ( from outside the class A ), by giving it "A.a", return me the name of class A.

@AndrasDeak Laters [ :
I'm very unsure what the OP is asking and fairly sure it's impossible...
@randomhopeful the CPython coredevs are often a bit detached from the real world :D
@AnttiHaapala You're not dutch, are you? ;)
"Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch."
so I guess no.
Morning cabbage.
@WayneWerner I think that OP needs to read some Ned Batchelder.
> Fact: Names have no type, values have no scope.
Today the boss came in and said "when I check the 'show subwidgets' checkbox on the main page and then navigate to the widget view page, the subwidget panel doesn't appear like it should" and I blamed the server administrators, for they must have whimsically changed the session timeout value to something unreasonable like 20 seconds, because that's what chaotic evil server administrators do.
So I created a dummy value in the session that exists only to confirm that the session doesn't expire between main.aspx and widgets.aspx, and I made widgets.aspx raise an exception on page load if Session["expirationCanary"] doesn't exist. But now that code is in production and the subwidget panel is still not showing up, but no exception is being raised.
The first part about that I knew, and the second part I think I technically knew, but I never gave any thought.
I was hoping the solution would be obvious to me by the time I finished writing that explanation.
Well, apparently the canary value exists, so something else isn't loading the subwidget panel
you should raise log when the widget endpoint is hit
The subwidget panel is also designed to not appear if the widget doesn't have any subwidgets, but the boss is 99% sure that the widget on the page is supposed to have subwidgets.
I forget what evidence was presented to me to prove this, but it was very convincing at the time.
Probably something like, "see, when we go to this other page that also displays widget data, the subwidgets are there"
Welp, I'd log the number of widgets that are supposed to show up there. They are probably missing permissions or something
A permissions issue is possible, but not terribly likely... On the other hand, when you have eliminated the impossible...
I like eliminating the impossible
Session expiriation | widget really doesn't have subwidgets | permissions problem | cartesian doubt
It's hard to prove that an evil demon isn't affecting our senses and making the panel invisible, because the demon can also make itself invisible.
I frequently blame solar flares
Can you make a special widget that's always on the page?
cause that should always show, right?
> I'd use a numpy ndarray for 2D tables. It's both easier and faster, but it adds some dependancies.
@Kevin btw less than 250 rep :P
on tic tac toe/2d table generation
and your avatar is pink...
or whatever that color is, lavender?
There's not much I can do about the ever-closing gap, but I can fix my avatar at least. I'm going to upload a static copy.
Is there a pycharm hotkey to split a line and put the right half on top? Something like ctrl+enter, but reversed.
... on top?
foo bar

what I want:
Ok, I should be green now. Or soon, or however long it takes for avatar changes to propagate to chat.
You're green to me.
I'm green to me everywhere except http://chat.stackoverflow.com/users/953482/kevin
except you still look lavender to me :d
probably because the gravatar link is cached.
@MorganThrapp ctrl+enter, alt+up?
@WayneWerner I always forget about the alt+* key combos. Perfect, thanks!
                <img src="//www.gravatar.com/avatar/3df6fdde70a4d2590b9b8494f3edfb56?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG"
stupid stackoverflow doesn't even know how to escape html attributes :D
I use them all the time because they're as close as I can get to ddp :P
just need to hack gravatar and we will have xss <3
Alt+Shift+Up, btw. ;)
And yeah, that's the closest, but the problem is sometimes bar is multi-line, and it doesn't handle that right. :/
Alternatively, I'm pretty sure PyCharm has the ability to launch external editors. Just setup a shortcut to launch (g|mac)vim and use that for your real editing
cabbage avinash
Hi @WayneWerner

This is my input: http://paste.ofcode.org/XZbfqeryWVd69Da3H9YgiN

This is what I've tried http://paste.ofcode.org/34CBLmLW27PN2mqGnP4Wt2S

Where am I wrong?
What happens if you do save_file.write(str([lines[i:i+n] for i in range(0,len(lines),n)]))?
Generally speaking, you can't just replace all instance of print with file.write and expect it to produce the same output except it's in a file. That's because print can take any type of object as an argument, but file.write can only take a string.
Hence the error "must be str, not list"
The most straightforward solution is to convert the object to a string before passing it to file.write.
... which of course still doesn't mean that it is a sensible thing to do.
after all what you don't do with print is to read the output in again...
Although now that I think about it, that still won't get you the same output except it's in a file, because print adds a newline to the end of your output, and file.write doesn't.
@Kevin how come? I've been banging my head on the wall for the whole morning
what changed?
Nothing has changed. file.write has always behaved this way.
@AnttiHaapala what would be a pythonic way?
Or do you mean, what changed between the code you tried and the code I suggested? I added a str( call.
wait ... (more head banging) ... again
now we're good
@Kevin thanks
I know it is really opinion based, but do you use underscore case or camelcase when programming python?
Function Names

Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.

mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the prevailing style (e.g. threading.py), to retain backwards compatibility.
@PhilipB Nothing is opinion based when you have PEP
Tinkering geek I am. Server admin I am not. This is a SHAMEFULLY lazy question ( very shameful! ) : If using Python 3.5 and Flask, which web server is easiest to configure with Flask? ( Apache, Nginx, etc. ) ... Personal experience or opinion are acceptable. Otherwise, good morning ( afternoon? evening? ), hope everyone is doing well!
Thank you, didnt knew it is in PEP as i just began programming python
@AndyK I would do print(stuff, file=save_file), especially if you want identical output between printing to stdout and printing to a file
@ToddLewden nginx, if you're talking about a reverse proxy
Cbg all!
it's like... a couple lines of config
cbg @vaultah
nginx is cool
@khajvah To be fair, PEP-8 is the style guide for the Python code of Python's standard library. But it has also become the de facto style guide for general Python code.
@WayneWerner, you've not led me wrong thus far
I was bit confused because some modules , e.g. yapsy used to name functions like this: def NormalizePluginNameForModuleName(pluginName):
@PM2Ring yeah, having a common standard is very useful
And most pythonistas will grind their teeth when they see def myFunctionName()
@WayneWerner where is the cry button? T_T I've put a lot of effort to find the read one file and write to another file solution ... kidding or almost. Thanks
@PhilipB BTW, underscore case is often called snake case by Python coders.
@khajvah nginx is great because it has documentation I can read with little to no effort :p
cbg @vaultah
@vaultah It's great because it was made by the Russian power
Me just spinning up a copy of Fedora in VB... then I shall tinker with-da-nginx joy
@AndyK it always helps to spend some quality time with some documentation
@PhilipB underscore for variables (or names) and CamelCase for classes and mixedCase for functions - cause that was what the last place I worked wanted
It would be so hard for me to actually work at a place like that
not a joke
@AndyK The file arg of the print function is rather nice. But it's also good to know about the file .write method, especially if you need to write binary data rather than text.
@WayneWerner why>?
well, mixedCase is ugly, that's one reason
I'm particular about my programming. If there was a formal style guide it would only be almost the worst
@PM2Ring can you explain a bit, please?
the systems were Java based, now C# and better to use common style in eyes of whoever wrote the policies
but when I'm using python functions, and library functions that all have things.like_this() and then I have our.uglyCode() it will annoy me every time they're juxtaposed
Cabbage §
that annoyance will bleed over into other aspects of my development
granted I still teach Java sometimes, and even use it to keep my skills up, so stuff like that doesn't bother me
Unless I was getting paid twice what I am now, at least, it's just not worth it
hoping schools continue to switch to C# and Python as "Intro" programming languages - both work better
@PhilipB Pep 8 is a nice place to start, but also keep in mind that they're guidelines meant to make you feel comfortable, not some holy whims you need to follow. I personally like under scores because it pushes you to boil down the name to what you really need
what should be the average response time for web applications?
I was wondering whether it's possible to turn a non HD vidoe to a higher quality video programatically (via python) ? Are there any algorithms ? Maybe playing with codecs ?
also, I find that most places that flaunt accepted python practices also flaunt more of them. Like not writing stupid code in the first place ;)
my application takes 1 second on average and I feel like it's really slow
@AnisSouames if you have magic. You can't put back information that's gone
depends on what it is doing
@AnisSouames No
that happens in movies only
@randomhopeful i started with camelcase because that is what they are teaching me at universtiy, but i like the snakecase more, thats why its mixed up atm in my code. This looks so awful. :D
I am refactoring right now...
@khajvah <250ms is "instantaneous". <500ms is a slight lag. Anything more and you want some kind of "loading" dialog
but we didnt program python in university
@PhilipB They used to teach taught you in Java, probably
@WayneWerner @khajvah Is there any tricks to just make the overall quality better ? I mean non pixelated
also sometimes, like when I have a dashboard that will load a really cool interactive chart for the person to mess with, you just want a quick "Its loading" message so people know it is not down @khajvah
@JGreenwell I guess I should spend more time optimizing my application
It takes a long time to switch from Java to other languages @WayneWerner - especially if you get professors who started teaching Java and had to switch (ie. learn) to another language and now have to switch styles too
@JGreenwell if, on average, it takes a long time and there's nothing you can do then you can put in entertaining messages, like "reticulating splines"
@JGreenwell Not enough polyglots in Uni :P
@WayneWerner we started with smalltalk, and now also got java but to be honest i am not happy with the things. Since the skills of the students are varying a lot, we start at the bottom. So there is a lot of unuseful stuff.
I like to write my Python like Python, and if I have to, I like to write my .NET like .NET, and Java like Java
the things = the things like they teach
note - you should mention it to the professor (with the PEP 8 reference) at the end of the course cause he might not realize he's doing it
@PhilipB I understand [ :
i.e. I code Java like Python sometimes and it ain't pretty
@PhilipB That's why I taught myself Python on the side... and ended out jumping way ahead ;)
@JGreenwell blasphemy :)
I will have to do R in university, is it good?
I use it, I prefer Python - it is good at statistical calculations and can be embedded in Jupyter Notebooks (and even pass values between it and Python)
I might convince my professor to accept Python too but won't learn R in that case
@khajvah depends what you are trying to do. I would risk a yes but ...
waiting for Antti to trash it
@AndyK The print function is designed to do text output, it can't be used to save pure binary data to a file (in Python 3). If that sentence doesn't make a lot of sense to you, then don't worry about it too much at this stage. :)
check the area you want to eventually work and see if R is listed on job requirements (or check the Universities you want for PhD and see if they use R or Python or both) then decide on if R is useful to learn @khajvah
@PhilipB If you'd like to know more about nice practices in writing Python, I recommend Raymond Hastings' Beyond PEP8 . It will surely help you focus on what' important in Python [ :
but, in general, R and Python play well together
@randomhopeful thank you, i bookmarked it and will have a look at it soon :)
@PM2Ring my py-fu skills are not there yet ... but ...
@WayneWerner Imagine taking a picture from mount everest and using the enhancement app
@WayneWerner actually laughed

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