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Hi all, I how would I translate the following Matlab code:
[ x , y] = sort(z);
into Python?
what does that do in matlab
and what have you tried in python already?
It appears to be sorting and indexing.
[B,I] = sort(___)
But I'm not sure how to implement it in Python
I have in Python:
[sort_dist, index] = distance.sort()
And I receive the error:
'NoneType' object is not iterable
Or, [x , y] = z.sort()
(according to how I asked the question, first).
that definitely won't work in Python going that approach. First of all, the list sort method is performed in place, so if you do something like res = lst.sort()
res will hold None
I don't know anything about Matlab, so I'm not much help for what you are trying to do. I can speak for whatever it is you are doing in Python
So, X holds the sorted values and Y should hold the indices of Z.
np.argsort -> use the indices
from what I can tell from the brief overview I took of that matlab link you provided, it is not the sorted indices...but the indices before you sorted. You will have to actually implement this in Python. All this stuff is supported in matlab. Maybe there is something supporting this in numpy or something.
[B,I] = sort(z) <--> I=np.argsort(z); B=z[I]; #or something
found it on SO
Q: How to get indices of a sorted array in Python

GyanI have a numerical list: myList = [1, 2, 3, 100, 5] Now if I sort this list to obtain [1, 2, 3, 5, 100]. What I want is the indices of the elements from the original list in the sorted order i.e. [0, 1, 2, 4, 3] --- ala MATLAB's sort function that returns both values and indices.

that's pretty much what you are asking for ^^
I tried something like this:
sorted(enumerate(z), key=lambda x: x[1])
pretty much the first two google results when searching for "matlab sort in python"
That's been a super useful page already :)
I'd time the pure python solution against the numpy one, I'm not sure which would be faster
I hate it when my professor makes us write our own KNN routines...
it could be instructive, depending on your studies
Certainly is.
oh cool. Lucy is on TV. That movie was so awful I loved it
pinches the world to separate cell phone streams
how else would you do it?
The internet is a system of tubes. So this only makes sense for cell phone signals
the intertubes, you mean?
yes. precisely
well, good night
good night!
2 hours later…
@clickhere Maybe
@PM2Ring apparently the solution is datetime.timedelta(**{unit_dict[unit]: t})
Yes, that should work.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
hello, one of my boat is writing data in sqlitedb using sqlalchemy. Can I read that data at same time?
I should buy a boat
I'm almost certain that Fizzy is not a bot.
Ha ha. Yes. I am not a bot.
That's just what a bot would say...
too broad stackoverflow.com/questions/39243130/… I'm so tempted to comment: You could write a program to do that!
My professor just said that hadoop was made by Microsoft
Should I drop the course?
microsoft is not that bad
Look at windows
Getting worse by every release
I always thought it was Apache Hadoop
He is teaching machine learning, he should know this stuff
I might be a bad person, but I lol every time I come across that "Why is Python getting its maths wrong?" question.
cbg poke
@bereal I can relate to that, but a programming newbie not understanding the mechanics of floating-point is forgivable. However, using 3.14 for pi in a program is not. :)
@PM2Ring yeah, that's totally fine and I remember failing to understand that too, just the whole conclusion and way to put it is so cute that I imagine something like a panda.
Cbg [ :
Back from Malaysia cabbage, all
@IljaEverilä I wonder how long my comment will last. :)
I was tempted to write something quite similar
new avatar
@PM2Ring #loolol
Aaaaah those lines, they be lengthy
I hate history
@AndyK lines is actually a line from the file being read and you reassign to the name abc over and over (hence the last result).
Or did I misunderstand completely
@IljaEverilä you got it. Issue is I need to parse all the lines to cut them. Hence the for...
Depending on what you're after just either catenate the results to a flat list, or create a list of lists (appending as you go)
I want to concatenate the results to a flat list
Many ways to go about it, assign abc = [] before your loop and then abc.extend(lines[i:i+n] for i in range(0,len(lines),n)) for example.
@IljaEverilä I tried that or I remembered to try something similar
but to no avail
let me retry though
you were correct
I want to cry but I will restrain myself
You could also create abc in one go with something along the lines of abc = [line[i:i+n] for line in input_file for i in range(0, len(line), n)], but that might be a bit harder to read
@PM2Ring it seems you've successfully executed the statement from tristan import snark within PM2Ring.py
I didn't thought about using a list comprehension to do that
that's smart
@AndyK If you do cry I can almost promise you will feel better. Emotional release can be cathartic.
It accelerates defecation? (Had to google the word, first hit)
@holdenweb lol. @IljaEverilä 2ble lol
yeah it will make you feel better, but it will not make you a better programmer
a programmer doesn't cry. Not because of code written by oneself
@AnttiHaapala I keep the tears for now, and I will keep going on until I get better at programmation
I truly like that @AnttiHaapala
they can feel frustrated because of other programmers yes, but, still not worth a cry.
ha ha ha you cracked me up
it is like "how do you eat an elephant"
one of my ex-boss asked that question a while ago
well, one bite at a time...
a programmer then makes a rough plan how to eat the elephant, where to start and, what kinds of tools possibly are needed and so on... the plan gets refined over time...
and then eats the elephant.
I like the planning idea.
but eating alone is boring and dull
I've setup a meetup in town where I am, to deal with the dullness of the programing
we are coding in group
meeting once a month
... you can have a team to feast on the elephant, and drink beer... and it doesn't taste thta dull because everyone can bring their cooking experience, and you can actually eat the elephant much faster that way... and enjoy it
I have them and I have you
all of you I mean
One of our group member gave a rule: 15mn of coding regardless of what we have to do in the day
we started with katas
and now, we are trying to deal with apis
I need to make a list of the tools Python has , and see in what context I can use them like the itertools for example
every single python programmer ought to read the Holy Book.
that is the Python standard library reference.
all of it.
So much CSS...
which one
this. browse through each chapter
don't even try to use everything but go through it so that at least when you have a problem with the NNTP protocol you'll actually remember that "oh Python had an NNTP client implementation in the standard library
that's a good idea
I did that recently and I learnt tons of new things doing that, even though I've been programming Python for >10 years
people take this site too seriously
Those people who care more about digits in their profile than about their skills and personal qualities...
The same people who cheat in online chess to gain higher rating.
@bereal or copy paste python docs into SOD
I didn't check SOD yet...
@khajvah It's not just about people being precious about losing a couple of rep points. Ideally, votes should be a guide to the relative merits of the answers to a question. They are by no means a definitive guide, since not everyone who casts votes has the expertise (or spends the time) to judge the answers correctly.
This wouldn't be much of an issue if each Q&A page got hundreds of votes, but that doesn't happen much these days. On a page with only a few votes revenge downvotes can significantly distort the scores.
ok guys, I have a problem
I have a method that calls another method, which is used to retrieve data from db
Also, many people avoid commenting on answers they downvote out of fear of receiving revenge downvotes. And that's a shame, because it means the people who write the bad answers don't learn why someone thought their answer was bad enough to deserve a downvote, and so they'll probably repeat the same misinformation on another answer.
now, I want to unit test the initial method but if I mock the db method, it will look like my test is playing with method's implementation
which is not cool
how can I overcome this?
@khajvah that's why db logic is usually extracted to a separate layer
and classes that use it talk to the mocked layer when tested.
@bereal it is in a separate layer but the initial method should call that layer in some way
and if you mock the exact method of that layer, it still feels like you are messing with its implementation
I'd leave the db layer testing to the integrated tests.
Some hardcore tdd people may disagree though.
that's not what I mean though. I still have the db layer. Business logic layer method calls the db layer inside a method and if you mock the db layer, it will still feel like you are messing with its implementation, as ideally, your tests should not care about implementation
I feel like any mocking is messing with implementation
if db has a defined interface and passed to the business layer from the outside
> passed to the business layer from the outside
that I don't have
then you only rely on the contract between BL and DBL, which is fine.
how can I pass it from outside considering my db layer interface is a class ?
e.g. as a constructor parameter
that's not cool
@khajvah When it comes down to a choice of mocking a dependency or making your unit tests depend on the availability of an unrelated service, choose the former every time. Then apply functional testing to the db module (and possibly check that its results agree with the mock's)
For unit tests, you don't CARE about the implementation of your dependencies: you just need something that "works" (for an essentially very limited set of cases), as it's fine for unit tests to assume that the components it interacts with are correct.
@holdenweb what I mean is if you mock a dependency, you start caring about it
Some of our legacy "unit" tests require that our API server and our database services are both available. When they aren't, tests fail randomly. but not due to failures in the code under tests.
If I had hair, I'd be tearing it out. Instead I'll be tearing the badly-structured tests out!
Our tests are sooooo messy, that I need to invoke them in certain ways for them to pass
"Caring about it" in what sense? Other than that it meets its interface contracts, that is
and most are not even mocking, that's why I want to fix everything
Refactor your tests. You will get that time back tenfold
Sounds like we are in somewhat similar situations
@holdenweb yes, that it calls the exact method of the interface
Well one of the advantages of mocks is that you can query them about their call history. Can't do that with a live service!
@holdenweb I grabbed a book on unit testing and told my manager that I won't be adding anything new for 2 weeks :D
I love pyramid for web services because it makes it easy to do unittesting...
@khajvah mostly you want to reorganize your code so that everything gets injected from outside
... or that it can be injected
@AnttiHaapala yeah, it feels like I failed in that when interacting with db interface
@AnttiHaapala like Bobby Tables?:P
import time
class Foo():
     def __init__(self):
          self.created = time.time()
 import time
 class Foo():
       timefunc = time.time
       def __init__(self):
            self.created = self.timefunc()
plus local namespace lookup will be faster, right?:P
for the first, you can "easily" mock that using unittest.mock or other abominations
why abomination?
it is abomination.
Antti doesn't like it
what do you use for mocking?
greetings all
anything that deals with globals using "context managers" or other such hacks, is an abomination
Antti himself is mocking
you don't need that kind of mocking with a proper design
yeah I mock myself.
if you need to patch globals, you're doing it wrong.
@Th3g3ntl3m4n cabbage
@AnttiHaapala Agreed but you don't need to patch globals
not with my second example.
imagine you have a db interface which is passed to a business logic class, how can you mock db interface functions?
construct the object manually?
"db interface" :D
an object that interacts with db
Welcome, @Th3g3ntl3m4n ! You were lucky with that JSON answer. :)
an object that interacts with db is easy.
that it interacts with the db is just implementation detail
doesn't show outside, right?
yeees but you business logic depends on it, so you need to somehow mock it
all of your business logic?
you can mock by switching implementations, naturally.
Let's say, a specific method that you are trying to test
@AnttiHaapala didn't understand this part
... waiting for you to write that specific method :D
say it's a method that does x+y, where x and y come from db and you have a private method that gets x and y by calling the db object
Now, you want to test x_plus_y method.
and where does the db object come from?
as bereal suggested, you pass it to the constructor from outside
that's one possibility
(I don't know others)
I am using this kind of setup:
@service(IEventBusiness, scope='request')
class EventBusiness(RequestScopedBaseService):
    files = autowired(IFileBusiness)
    s3 = autowired(IS3Business)
in my case, the db object is constructed inside the x+y's class
that doesn't sound right :P
I am about ti change that
^ that pattern above, uses zope interfaces (yuck :P)
but the autowired works so that it expects to find a .request attribute on the instance,
and on first access to files on that instance it will call something like self.request.find_service(IFileBusiness, name='');
which in turn will wire a new instance passing in the current request.
it is a bit different from the "everything is passed into constructor"
in that if the current code path didn't need IFileBusiness, it is never instantiated.
suppose I want to test that, I can do `instance = EventBusiness(mock_request); instance.files = mockfilebusinessinstance, instance.s3 = mocks3businessinstance
this seems interesting
but I think I will go with passing it to constructor
some services are request singletons, some services are application globals etc...
for now
yeah it does work too
one of the reasons why that exists is that it is not easy to do otherwise in Java or JavaScript
however it is easy to do lazy descriptors in Python
here we go, refactoring 2 weeks ahead of me
everybody is friendly in Finland
you are unfriendly against software
I am unfriendly against people who write more bad software
why can't they take it easy, and just relax, try to stop increasing entropy needlessly.
and instead come to chat to room/6
I can vouch for that. Antti is sometimes very unfriendly.
dunno, he seemed friendly to me
you forgot not
Antti is sometimes not very unfriendly.
I'm concidering being unfriendly against the person responsible for our shitty internet connection at the office
In my (and Ilja's) former workplace there were 2 Anttis. One of us was called "the Angry Antti"
guess which one
you should concider drinking some sider.
Finland: where the shittiest network connection you ever use is the one that you need to use at your workplace.
This is Antti's law.
@PM2Ring airport pub nosebeers
This is ridiculous. Who would get such a thing
cbg @idjaw
hey you can still take it into cabin as hand luggage <3
haha. But will it count as a bag on its own?
most probably
finnair has 8kg limit
Still lighter than Osborne 1
I think air canada is 25lbs
@IljaEverilä They were fun.
@idjaw love that title:D
I guess you can use that in LARP to deal blunt damage
heh, that thing has te tiniest USB ports ever:D
why would anyone want to do serious gaming on a laptop?
Considering that some people are entirely missing their old gravatars, and that for others the old gravatars are only available at specific sizes (those that were used someplace on SE), I have a new hypothesis. What if gravatar messed up/changed their identicon generating algorithm, and the only reason the old ones are around is due to caching? This would explain why only a few sizes are kept as old, and new (hitherto-unused) sizes are generated anew, changing in the process. As I use chat a lot, my avatar is cached there; others who don't, might have their avatar lost with higher probability. — Andras Deak 1 min ago
there are multipe users now on the meta thread who have lost their old avatar regardless of size
Morning cabbage.
Hi, Morgan.
cbg catman
Howdy folks. I'd like a little help thinking through something. I KNOW this is a fundamental process that I am trying to master but I've still not figured it out ( or at least not cleanly )... Here's a pastebin, it is NOT actual functional code, more of a visual to help explain what I am saying... (pastebin.com/9PVrgM4Q ) ... I know that if I call the function directly it's a bad thing ... How would I jump back to the top of a function from within an "if" statement or what not
put it all in a loop
while True:, mostly
and break based on the if
Ahh! Yeah okay I see what you're getting at. Thank ya @AndrasDeak :)
No problem. And for the record, calling main() would be bad in Python because tail recursion is not optimized away, so after 5-6 calls you'd be 5-6 times down a recursive rabbit hole
Right, that's what I experienced once and I am trying to avoid haha
other languages might realize that you're throwing away everything you have (i.e. don't need the stack anymore), and start from scratch effectively
Python intentionaly keeps the stack trace even in the case of tail recursion, in the hopes of it causing more benefits than harm
A: Does Python optimize tail recursion?

John La RooyNo, and it never will since Guido prefers to be able to have proper tracebacks http://neopythonic.blogspot.com.au/2009/04/tail-recursion-elimination.html http://neopythonic.blogspot.com.au/2009/04/final-words-on-tail-calls.html You can manually eliminate the recursion with a transformation lik...

Nom nom nom information
If you ask something and I'm around, you'll get a lot of that:P Usually useless, rarely useful, but all sorts of information none the less:P
I enjoy collecting friends such as yourself for that exact reason. Cognitive stagnation is my hell so having people that just have things to share or think about make my world brighter.
oh I'm an endless source of sometimes-true useless trivia
What was the last book you enjoyed reading? (( None recently is an acceptable non-shameful answer ))

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