@randomhopeful In C, the equivalent operators to Python's and and or are && and ||, and the result of an expression using those operators is always 0 for false and 1 for true.
@randomhopeful well, yeah, truthiness/falsiness is a general concept, and present in many languages (especially in javascript, which is extremely weakly typed)
but if you ask a stranger what they expect from "obj1 OR obj2", they'll say "true or false". It's in no way intuitive to get either obj1 or obj2 as a result
@AndrasDeak Now I understand what you meant. I squinted a bit when I first read "truthy" and "falsy" values as, like the stranger in your example, I associated true with lit led, false with off led. Hopefully, I'll manage this concept once thrown to the battlefield
C does have the truthiness / falsiness concept, and so && / || can be used with operands other than 0 and 1, but the resulting value will always be 0 or 1.
>>> [u%3 == 0 for u in range(5)]
[True, False, False, True, False]
>>> a = ['yes', 'no']
>>> [a[u%3 == 0] for u in range(5)]
['no', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'yes']
@AndrasDeak I should've guessed it, since Python is a class based OOP language. Thank you [ :
@AndrasDeak I see what you mean. I should be more explicit : I should've guessed that C data types are different to Python's since python objects inherits their behaviors and methods from a class. While C is nothing like that
The trouble isn't with Wikipedia, I'm just skipping valuable steps for the sake of trivial informations. (trivial to my current state of understanding, I mean)
@AndrasDeak I'm aware of that. But since I'm only supervised by the feedback on SOPython, theory (with exercises) is the only valid option I've got : P
@randomhopeful Here's something you might not have encountered yet. Generally, when you do something likea = 1234 in a Python program, the interpreter creates a new int object with value 1234 and binds it to the name a.
But that _doesn't happen for small integers (in CPython) since the interpreter maintains a table of small integers in the range -5 to 256 (inclusive). So if you do a = 7 it doesn't need to create a new int object, it just binds a to the existing 7 object. It does this to make arithmetic with small integers more efficient.
@PM2Ring You were the one that introduced boolean operators' short-cicruit nature ! I recognized the answer from Andras' link : D
>>> [(i,id(i)) for i in [999,999,999]]
[(999, 3073082912), (999, 3073082912), (999, 3073082912)]
@PM2Ring So, with time I'm gathering hints about the change of id to "hello" (most valid hint is : I'm not ready to truly understand what's happening. But I would like to understand the change of c id compared to those of a and b
Oh nevermind, I'm sorry : / You're first paragraph is actually what explains it
@randomhopeful The compiler can optimize the expresions that only use literal strings, but it can't do that with b+"o" because it has to build the new string before it can notice that it's identical to the a string.
@PM2Ring You're right, I get it now. it loads the string instance referenced by b and concatenate it to o, and by then the new object has already its id. Thank god for the == then [ :
is pandas read_csv supposed use more memory than to_csv or am I just bad?
@PM2Ring I should also say that if it wasn't for your two links on names in Python, I would never be able how possible "undeclared" args in functions could work. It has been quite the weight until then
When I still believed that every name was a box, those args looked like that last dream level in Inception
@anshanno it certainly can (esp. if read_csv is using only the default arguments and to_csv is not or if you've combined or added to the dataframe that was read in) - but read_csv has a lot more parameters then to_csv so that can also be not true - i.e. it depends
@AnttiHaapala I've often linked to Ned's article, and it's in my common comments userscript. But I like the diagrams on that "Code like a Pythonista" page, and the condensed summary is pretty good.
Python 3.6.0a4+ (default, Aug 27 2016, 12:51:54)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1_000_000
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
@AnttiHaapala Oh I see ! Sad then : / I have to say that I liked the idea when you mentioned it. Adding two bytes to a literal for readability is a sweet trade-off, I believe
I need to get class name membership of class attributes, to be clear:
class A(object):
a = 1
def __init__(self):
So, in this situation, i need a method ( from outside the class A ), by giving it "A.a", return me the name of class A.
Today the boss came in and said "when I check the 'show subwidgets' checkbox on the main page and then navigate to the widget view page, the subwidget panel doesn't appear like it should" and I blamed the server administrators, for they must have whimsically changed the session timeout value to something unreasonable like 20 seconds, because that's what chaotic evil server administrators do.
So I created a dummy value in the session that exists only to confirm that the session doesn't expire between main.aspx and widgets.aspx, and I made widgets.aspx raise an exception on page load if Session["expirationCanary"] doesn't exist. But now that code is in production and the subwidget panel is still not showing up, but no exception is being raised.
The subwidget panel is also designed to not appear if the widget doesn't have any subwidgets, but the boss is 99% sure that the widget on the page is supposed to have subwidgets.
I forget what evidence was presented to me to prove this, but it was very convincing at the time.
Probably something like, "see, when we go to this other page that also displays widget data, the subwidgets are there"
Alternatively, I'm pretty sure PyCharm has the ability to launch external editors. Just setup a shortcut to launch (g|mac)vim and use that for your real editing
What happens if you do save_file.write(str([lines[i:i+n] for i in range(0,len(lines),n)]))?
Generally speaking, you can't just replace all instance of print with file.write and expect it to produce the same output except it's in a file. That's because print can take any type of object as an argument, but file.write can only take a string.
Hence the error "must be str, not list"
The most straightforward solution is to convert the object to a string before passing it to file.write.
Although now that I think about it, that still won't get you the same output except it's in a file, because print adds a newline to the end of your output, and file.write doesn't.
Function Names
Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.
mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the prevailing style (e.g. threading.py), to retain backwards compatibility.
Tinkering geek I am. Server admin I am not. This is a SHAMEFULLY lazy question ( very shameful! ) : If using Python 3.5 and Flask, which web server is easiest to configure with Flask? ( Apache, Nginx, etc. ) ... Personal experience or opinion are acceptable. Otherwise, good morning ( afternoon? evening? ), hope everyone is doing well!
@khajvah To be fair, PEP-8 is the style guide for the Python code of Python's standard library. But it has also become the de facto style guide for general Python code.
@WayneWerner where is the cry button? T_T I've put a lot of effort to find the read one file and write to another file solution ... kidding or almost. Thanks
@PhilipB underscore for variables (or names) and CamelCase for classes and mixedCase for functions - cause that was what the last place I worked wanted
@AndyK The file arg of the print function is rather nice. But it's also good to know about the file .write method, especially if you need to write binary data rather than text.
but when I'm using python functions, and library functions that all have things.like_this() and then I have our.uglyCode() it will annoy me every time they're juxtaposed
hoping schools continue to switch to C# and Python as "Intro" programming languages - both work better
@PhilipB Pep 8 is a nice place to start, but also keep in mind that they're guidelines meant to make you feel comfortable, not some holy whims you need to follow. I personally like under scores because it pushes you to boil down the name to what you really need
I was wondering whether it's possible to turn a non HD vidoe to a higher quality video programatically (via python) ? Are there any algorithms ? Maybe playing with codecs ?
@randomhopeful i started with camelcase because that is what they are teaching me at universtiy, but i like the snakecase more, thats why its mixed up atm in my code. This looks so awful. :D I am refactoring right now...
also sometimes, like when I have a dashboard that will load a really cool interactive chart for the person to mess with, you just want a quick "Its loading" message so people know it is not down @khajvah
It takes a long time to switch from Java to other languages @WayneWerner - especially if you get professors who started teaching Java and had to switch (ie. learn) to another language and now have to switch styles too
@WayneWerner we started with smalltalk, and now also got java but to be honest i am not happy with the things. Since the skills of the students are varying a lot, we start at the bottom. So there is a lot of unuseful stuff.
I use it, I prefer Python - it is good at statistical calculations and can be embedded in Jupyter Notebooks (and even pass values between it and Python)
@AndyK The print function is designed to do text output, it can't be used to save pure binary data to a file (in Python 3). If that sentence doesn't make a lot of sense to you, then don't worry about it too much at this stage. :)
check the area you want to eventually work and see if R is listed on job requirements (or check the Universities you want for PhD and see if they use R or Python or both) then decide on if R is useful to learn @khajvah
@PhilipB If you'd like to know more about nice practices in writing Python, I recommend Raymond Hastings' Beyond PEP8 . It will surely help you focus on what' important in Python [ :