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5:00 PM
@Kevin They're called "jumpers"
@Kevin Come on man, think about the internet.
@user6426692 stop pinging tristan. We're all here, we can see your messages.
ok im sorry
2 stars in as many minutes for tristan there.
I do not know the use of chat rooms Excuse me
5:01 PM
@user6426692 it might be a good idea to hang around more in the background to get a sense of how we communicate here then.
And also read the room rules, as idjaw has already pointed out to you.
@Ffisegydd yes brother
the weather is hot
This is what I always imagine when a new user inexplicably calls someone "bro" or "brother" on SO.
The time indicate: 18:03
It's a nice 75 degrees F here on the east coast. But it might rain any second. So it goes.
5:04 PM
@davidism All this time being a fanboy and I haven't seen this video yet.
pumps fist
Good shout T-Dog.
@tristan dude you kicked him again?
Wow, I feel like I cracked some code. Fallout 4 has been in my Amazon shopping cart for a week and the price has steadily fallen. I've accidentally ignored two recruiters and they responded this morning stating that they talked to the hiring managers and found more money in the budget for me.
5:06 PM
Haha. Sounds like the episode of Silicon Valley where the main characters discover that the meaner they are to the venture capitalists, the better the offers they get.
Seriously. I'm negging internet business.
Leading to the logical conclusion of saying unkind things about their mothers, and some shocking use of the word "turgid"
Maybe if I tell Google that they're the Yahoo! version of the yellow pages, they'll offer me a VP of Product spot (e.g. engineering without the nasty part of getting things to work)
I don't know why but that MGS video reminds me of
thank you
@tristan this is incredible. I want to show this to my son, but it might ruin his life.
who kicked me out?
can we stop talking about who kicked who?
anyone who can: you're being disruptive
a room moderator kicked you.
5:14 PM
@user6426692 You're being disruptive now. I'd suggest you take some quiet time.
but why i didnt do anything
You talked about what time it was where you are. It seems like you were saying things just to say them.
AKA "spamming"
It is forbidden to talk about the time this is pretty cool
5:17 PM
That time it was me
Beat me to it.
Yay... pretty orange flags - what fun
@tristan :O
PyCon hotels booked.
5:17 PM
kicks == bunnies has turned out to be a great feature
one of these days I'm going to make it to a conference
> I wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me one.
One of these days I'm going to make a conference for con artists called "conference" and when they show up, they'll realize I will have already stolen their money from the website and not showed up
I still wonder if PyCons feel like more of an academic conference or industry one
This is the last time I wish on my monkey's paw for an opportunity to test my kick-detection code.
5:18 PM
Industry. You can tell by the incessant culture talks.
@JGreenwell Yeah. I spent a considerable amount of money on training this year and so have been unable to convince FC to fund it, thus I'm going PyCon on my own "dime"
But it's like £99 for 5 days so I'm not too bovvered.
That's a bargain. I'm not being shitty. I'd go for that without a second of hesitation.
yeah that's really good
Wow, that is way less expensive than I would've assumed.
if it was that much over on my end, I'd totally do that
5:20 PM
Exactly. It's good for my career and I've always wanted to go, so I don't mind paying my way.
Even if you pick up a couple productivity tips, that's more than your money's worth
for me I first need to get a solid, non-student/non-short-term contractor job - then PyCons
It's also close enough that I only need hotels for the Sat+Sun nights, the other days I can train there/back.
So including my trains, hotels, ticket it'll probably be £400 total.
And cheap enough that if you get a hangover, it's not that terrible to skip
and you'll have a story to tell
mate, I got totally lit on that Monday night
5:22 PM
Mostly about how I found out that Martijn was really built by Apple, you can tell because of the lightning connections.
There's also a special track this year aimed at data/research which is why I really want to go.
Gonna go there and explicitly not tell people about sopython because I don't change with new people joining.
there was a conference, supposedly data, around here but it had the phrase "rockstar" in it so I avoided it like the plague
I need to get across to PyData London
I've seen the data videos from other PyCons (and PyData) so I would really like to go to those
I also need a t-shirt on it that says "My other t-shirt is a statement"
And on the back just a massive numeral "3"
I want a tshirt that has the fedora wearing snake Tristan made
5:27 PM
Last conference I got to go to (which was covered by school) was Microsoft one :(
did get a nice shirt, after I...altered it
what the heck is pervasive analytics? is that some new buzzword for "data-driven"?
Sounds like something you need to get cream for.
I assume it's meant to signify deep analysis of a system.
It's like analytics, but there's a lot of it, see.
something dealing with the architecture would make sense (and seems to match what I'm finding) - just wondered if anyone had run into the term before
Your smoke alarm stops working because the batteries were replaced with analytics. You pour yourself a bowl of cereal, but nope - analytics. You can't get to work because someone poured analytics in your gas tank. You seek consolation with your wife, but remember you were never married; you're spooning with the analytics.
fu....silly executive making up new buzzwords all the time
5:35 PM
I don't understand how avocados can be solid/unripe on one end, and rotting away on the other
avocados: the cats of the vegetable family
Nature is still in beta.
ugh, another early access survival sandbox game
speaking of which, my prediction is that "no man's sky" will be a massive letdown
I stand firmly with my prediction of "fun, but not long-lasting"
5:37 PM
As far as I can tell - it's very similar to a lot of other games?
no multiplayer == oh great. upgrade ship, rinse, repeat
... get eaten by space bear...
@tristan Technically there is multiplayer.
But it'll take ages for one player to meet another
5:39 PM
Everyone is in the same universe, so you can meet whoever you want.
There's just 18,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets so running into someone else is a bit unlikely.
But then part of the game is you're meant to head towards the centre of the universe, meaning as you keep on playing you should run into others more often.
oh, there's concurrent MP? i thought it was only "planets discovered by fizzy"
Nah brah.
the universe has a center?!
or no
Apparently. I don't know if that's true for RL.
5:41 PM
depends on who you ask
Ask @DSM.
The observable universe has a center. It's centered around the sense organs of the thing doing the observing.
DSM: how does space work
My eyes centering the world
So as soon as you boot up the game, congratulations! You're at the center of the universe.
5:42 PM
Presumably there is a RL centre of the universe from which everything else is expanding away from? I don't really get how space expansion works.
Or, at worst, you need to back up twenty feet so your character is where the third-person camera was.
All I know is that give it a few billion years and your manhood will be considerably bigger.
but how did the stuff know to find the center? how did the stuff? how is stuff?
@Ffisegydd That long? I got some emails telling me that I only needed 7 days!
5:43 PM
finding the center when one cannot define the edge of something is hard
Difficult to define the edge when there's no "outside" of the edge.
The metaphor I've always heard is, the surface of an inflating balloon expands at all points, but none of it is expanding away from any one central point
@Ffisegydd Nope. There's no centre of expansion / everywhere is a centre of expansion.
at least that's what smarter people then myself tell me
That certainly rings a bell @Kevin
5:43 PM
usually they are snickering at me too
But if it's expanding, isn't it also contracting?
@tristan You know what's fun? We don't even know what "stuff" is made out of!
@idjaw lol Good old days
Saying "but the balloon does have a center in 3d space, it's just not touching the balloon at all" is not a coherent argument to an infinitesimally small ant living on the balloon
Like, we may say, "Oh, this is gold", and we can say that it's molecules that are arranged thusly...
5:44 PM
which makes me think this whole "universe" thing might just be a big joke by physicists
but aside from that? shrugs
I just saw a video of a guy who turns dead animals in to drones
has anyone seen this video? I don't know how I feel about this
thank god we have religion to protect us from these big questions
Wouldn't be the first joke physicists played. You really think they spent $13billion to find the Higgs-Boson? Nah. Hookers and blow, all of it.
/me alt-tabs into a video game for about an hour
5:46 PM
sweet. Looks like I'll be heading to Barcelona in October for the next Openstack summit
@idjaw I've seen one such drone, made from a taxidermied cat. I consider it gross but not necessarily morally wrong.
yes...I think it is more the gross part
(and by "seen" I mean seen it online, not in real life)
It appears idjaw is in a meeting.
"that sandwich your eating is made out of old, discarded sandwiches"
5:46 PM
@tristan Monday of day 1 of sprint. Best Monday EVER
I feel it's a bit immoral. Basic dignity should be a right for any living being rather than a privilege
Aww yeah. Know what's "agile"? sitting in a meeting for 1/5 of your week.
Great, now I want to be taxidermied and turned into a drone
I'd fly you around proudly, Wayne.
5:48 PM
now this is what we call running!
@tristan only 1/5th?
@randomhopeful that's the catch: they're not living beings anymore
That looks like my dad when he was in college.
youtube.com/watch?v=L6S5amkCoyc <-- linked from a video about taxidermy drones
mine always tends to be 2/5
5:48 PM
You can bet I'd be angry about this if the cat was still living -- ah beaten!
puts on sunglasses
@Andras Haha ! True. Still, no way we could know if the cat would agree to be turned into an actual nyan cat
Monday and Wednesday or Thursday for "how's it going" meeting
Are you saying I should stop wearing my people costumes?
whether it is Wednesday or Thursday depends on when a huge bug is found - it will be on that day...and will delay you from fixing it
5:50 PM
Except for the very slim possibility that one's ghost is forever bound to its physical remains, I have no interest in what happens to my body after I die.
@tristan I think Sunday is an acceptable day to do that
Well, I couldn't tell you @tristan . Maybe the people of your people costumes like it to be worn around
@randomhopeful fortunately, cats lack the higher cognitive function necessary to make that decision. Or if you look at it like that: they'd just say "fuck you, human", which they think about everything in the world
@randomhopeful IDK, all I could get out of them was vague promises that they wouldn't tell nobody.
@AndrasDeak except sunbeams
5:51 PM
@Andras, true. You know cat-drone law in this country isn't governed by reason
Cats have hatred for all earthly things, but luckily sunbeams don't come from earth.
@Kevin Well, it's only a model. The surface of the balloon corresponds to all the space in our universe, nothing corresponds to the interior of the balloon. Also, the balloon model gives the impression that the global curvature of our universe is positive (i.e., sphere-like). But as far as we can tell, it's actually very close to zero (i.e., flat), or negative (saddle-like).
cats love sunbeams so in keeping with their wishes all Cat Drones must be solar powered
@randomhopeful would "that country" be the Land of Opportunity?
5:52 PM
@PM2Ring Yeah I assume every metaphor about space that involves a rubber sheet is a hilariously simplified model that falls apart if you look at it too hard.
@Andras Haha, yeah. It was a reference to always sunny in philadelphia, actually
" Bird law in this country isn't governed by reason. "
I'm looking at you, last piece of media I saw where they explained interdimensional travel by stabbing a paper plate with a pen
American pop culture references are lost on me by default:P
5:54 PM
lol @tristan That's the one
I know a lot about the law and various other lawyerings.
All I know about the law is that if I wear a suit and show up to the courthouse again, they're going to call the police.
Oh, also, it says here that just because I think "public defender" is a fun superhero nickname, they'll still arrest me if that's how I introduce myself at the courthouse again.
Maybe leave the cat drone at home next time.
@Kevin As models go, the balloon one's not too bad. And when it was first popularised we did think that the global curvature was positive. But since then we discovered that the expansion is accelerating, and it's really hard to reconcile that with positive curvature.
5:55 PM
That's weird - I didn't realize that you can't own a corpse
unless the corpse has been scienced with
Also, on the bottom of this, in crayon, it says "taller tacos." I'm not entirely sure what that means.
once skilled laborers do skilled things to a corpse it becomes property
the law is weird
Object oriented ethics
The law is weird because it has to govern people, who are weird.
TODO: Write cop drama called "The Clawyer" about a lobster-lawyer.
5:57 PM
TODO 2: determine if the lawyer is a lobster, or if he represents lobsters, or both.
Yay! It works.
Anyone need a good laugh at an idiot/cry at humanity? twitter.com/jasdude
The rabbit icon in small form looks like robot testicles.
@Ffisegydd That's a joke, right?
I don't know anymore.
5:58 PM
One of my favorite go-tos from about 8 years ago was to shout people down by stating that "space is fake"
I don't think it is a joke, because this wasn't: theguardian.com/music/2016/jan/25/bob-rapper-flat-earth-twitter
Did anyone hear about that jupiter red spot heat research? Been all over the news.
Yes @Ffisegydd Apparently it's what is heating Jupiter and it's shrinking
Was done by a friend of mine at uni, he's been interviewed by BBC and other-american-news-channels.

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