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The suggested edits queue is definitely among the most mentally taxing to review, in my experience...also backed up by the fact that the "high scores" are a lot lower than other queues.
It beat H&I
@manro More independent, yet work together as one? This seems...odd.
I don't think I ever saw a post in there where the correct action was to edit, it was always to open the post and VtC
yeah... it was a really weird queue... it just ended up bumping posts from queue to queue...
@RyanM I find it to be the easiest one to review.
And if you clicked the "This question is low quality" it would get kicked into triage, and marked as okay, it was awful
The easiest one to review, in my book, is either LQA or First Answers.
The hardest part about LQA is writing up the flags for the other reviewers voting to delete code-only answers...
Suggested edits is easy to review just.... Slow, it results in having to write so many extra flags for plagiarism (being approved), poor reviewers, serially bad editors...
huh, I usually don't see plagiarism there, except for tag wikis where it has its own reject reason.
...now I'm worried I've missed it.
Interesting "last minute" candidate. Big-time reviewer, big on Meta.
I have caught plenty of plagiarism outside of suggested edits, though, so I don't think I'm bad at spotting it...
@RyanM The plagiarism is primarily in tag wikis, and I've seen you correctly rejecting them, but they often get approval votes
... but not pingable in this room?
@AdrianMole Indeed. However, there's already been discussion here and a post on MSO about it - let's not bring it up again?
Reviewers also often miss the "Circular tag definition" reject reason
@Oleg, "a day of 2", woaw...!, I already found the [12-24]h I usually observed, very long... And that "Waiting Time" creates a bit of a "Vicious Circle", in the "small" Tag I answer, most Users are 1-Rep Users who post for the 1st time and try to select as many Tags as they can, which quickly attracts a few '-1' Downvotes (that some quickly approved Edit could prevent), I try to improve the Quality of those Qt's..., [1/2]
@JonClements Sorry - I should read the transcript.
[2/2] ,... but 30 days later Roomba will invariably end up deleting those Qt's as they never regain at least "0" Score and those Users very-very rarely upvote/ accept Answers... Result: I don't (try to) edit anymore, and I rarely answer also... Catch 22...!
@Nick No they do not! Oh, wait, I don't review these days either...
@chivracq Yeah, if your goal is improving new questions before they get downvotes/close votes, you really need either 2k rep or attentive askers who approve the edits.
I don't understand why so many people don't follow up on requests to provide additional information for their questions.
Nor do I, especially when people (not me) are nice enough to ask in the comments without closing
@Ryan, and yep, a big-big "Problem" also is that those 1-Rep Users also never follow up...
@chivracq eh, well, some reviewers try to mitigate that by going out of their comfort zone by turning off filters. I certainly used to do that. But that still leaves them mostly unable to review SME-level edits, so those tend to go skipped. As for the wait times, well, yeah, this is how it works - unfortunately, it sucks for everyone involved
I largely skip any edit which either should be approved or is borderline to let others deal with it, approvers are plentiful
The exception is tag edits, which I tend to act in some way on because of the fewer reviewers
The tag edits are usually, thankfully, easy to review - they are either a very blatant copy-pasta/circular definition/do not add usage guidance or done by diligent people who care about their tags
Well.... Except of course when you go back and make sure it was rejected by everyone and then find it got an approve vote and you have to write a flag about how it shouldn't have got any votes because it was blatant plagiarism /rant
Sometimes, there is a grey area in not knowing what should be in an excerpt, but that's down to a reviewer taking on the "educational" role.
^^ yeah
oh, and since elections are known as times where the network connection to powers that be is the strongest - please, finally, give the tag wiki/excerpt edits their own queue, this is unbearable!
I see a lot of tag wiki excerpt suggestions that are just a summary of their tag wiki suggestion. Wrong! Reject!
@AdrianMole or just a direct copy pasta
"This edit does not strive to improve the post. Changes to the post are unnecessary or make the post more confusing."
@Nick Yeah, that happens, too. Separate issue.
It's been a while since I got one of those. I found it quite amusing to load a review that just tell me that I'm not allowed to review it
@OlegValter I'd also accept a filter
@Someone_who_likes_SE "No usage guidance" is my general reject reason. You need to tell folks when/how to use the tag.
@Nick or a filter, yeah - something
One of the problems with suggested edit flags is that they seem to take ages to get handled as well in which time reviewers and editors continue to do harm
... like, "when using this tag, you should also include the parent-tag tag.".
@Nick The "edits" queue (done properly) is hard work.
yeah, and, preferably, also how to use it in the first place, i.e. "use for questions/posts on <insert the strict definition here>. [Do not use for posts on <insert what it is not to be confused with>]"
@AdrianMole yeah... I think I've just burnt myself out of it by putting too much effort in
I did a lot, for a while. Now, I do those I come across from elsewhere ... new change to the UI, for example.
@AdrianMole it's, frankly, less of a hard work and more like grunt work. And it really burns one out. The review queue UX does not help either
I think I last went through it a week ago, and I've still got the flag pending, with 2 more flags pending from the week before
@OlegValter Burnt-out is a good description.
Triage is the worst of the current queues, largely due to the lack of filters.
I just completely avoid Triage. It's ****.
I mostly take that approach as well, for various reasons, including that I don't generally have the extra close votes for it.
I can waste spend my close votes better in other queues.
But partly, yeah, it's just unpleasant...and this is coming from someone who's done 20k reviews in other queues.
The queue itself is okay, just slow its the reviewers that are bad
How anyone can achieve 40 CV reviews and 20/40 Triage, per day, baffles me.
@AdrianMole "feeling especially upbeat lately? Missing the days when you felt like nothing you do matters? Want to feel that feeling of hopelessness again? Try our review queues to get that and much more!"
@AdrianMole I like Triage because the audits are easy to pass. It's either an obvious spam post or a really high-quality question.
You should see suggested edit audits lmao
yeah, those are impossible to fail. Some still do, though
@OlegValter Yeah. All queues are hard work. But, in some, the options are better than in others. In Triage, even when you know what to do, it takes about 6/7 clicks to actually do it.
Yeah, it amazes me that suggested edit audits are useful.
@Nick But, that's the one queue from which we don't complaints about bad audits.
But I'm told they do catch a nontrivial number of people.
@AdrianMole yeah, I know :) It was an unpleasant surprise to hear it gets to stay, frankly
@AdrianMole One day it's going to randomly improve the heck out of a post by pure chance. Infinite monkeys and whatnot.
I've heard that one can recognize a suggested edits audit before the buttons get enabled. Is that true?
At least, everyone except an autoclicker who always clicks Approve
They load slowly
@Someone_who_likes_SE Because they're obvious or because they take longer to load? ...really, either.
Because they have to find out the random words? Is that why they're slow to load?
@Someone_who_likes_SE one can recognize a suggested edits audit before it even loads...
@RyanM both
But has there been a time where you thought something was an audit, but it wasn't?
Triage is pointless. It serves only to allow people to get review stats.
or suspensions :) the outcome depends
So it's SO only: Because the other sites don't need it.
@OlegValter Well, maybe.
@Someone_who_likes_SE I have seen one suggested edit that I thought was going to be an audit, and it was not. I don't have it handy, though.
@Someone_who_likes_SE Some days I genuinely get so confused because I reject a garbage edit as spam/destructive and expect to click the button for having passed an audit only to find it wasn't one, it was just a piss poor edit
I do see a suggested edit that wasn't an audit but looked like one: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/30060855
An SE audit that wasn't an audit? I've seen that maybe once in 3 years.
It happens maybe once every few hundred reviews, so it's rare, but it happens
Considering that you can only do 30 or 40 a day
@Scratte OK, that's obvious. What does that post have to do with "a customers mat expansion"? And who would put and some rewording which make it nicer and more important change the required minimum of 6 characters in the edit summary?
@Someone_who_likes_SE that doesn't look like an audit
Audits copy real content from other posts and paste it in randomly, so you don't get strings of random characters
@Someone_who_likes_SE Nothing. Community just randomly removes and adds stuff.
LOL! That is the edit summaries you get sometimes. I've been wanted to reject edits just because of the summary some times.
I have rejected edits for their edit summaries, telling them to put better edit summaries
Do you use a custom reject reason?
If you approve them they won't learn, if you reject they might read the rejection reason and do better
I just don't think it makes the site better.. to reject a good edit just because of the summary.
You'd also be surprised how often real edit summaries have no relation to the changes.
But yeah, I don't reject for that.
Unless it's like, offensive. Which also merits a custom flag.
Yes, but then it's rarely a good edit.
@Scratte If the summary is rude or abusive, then you are duty-bound to flag it. Bots don't see such stuff, generally.
But isn't the moderator going to see the post without the edit if you flag it?
You wouldn't reject a good edit for just the summary, but one which is on the edge of no improvement? More likely, although I'd tend to go for reject and edit and put something in the edit note
I also think it was a really big mistake to make the test of the summary to tiny. I think lots of reviewers don't even notice it.
@AdrianMole Sure, but that one isn't offensive.
@Someone_who_likes_SE No, Triage is active on at least one other site.
@Scratte I know - just sayin'.
My process is basically: read the edit: if it's clearly good, approve. Otherwise, read the summary: if after reading that, I now understand the edit, approve. Otherwise, reject.
I thought the help center said Triage was "Stack Overflow only". stackoverflow.com/help/reviews-intro
So I don't always read the edit summary.
Q: Help Center still says that Triage is "Stack Overflow only"; however, it's enabled on Physics since September

bobbleTriage was previously announced to be open to any site which wanted it. Now it seems Physics has an active Triage queue. However, the Help Center article listing all the review queues still claims that Triage is Stack Overflow specific: Triage – Stack Overflow only - 500 reputation. The primary ...

Sometimes, the help center tells lies ;-)
Mine is: read edit, is it good? Skip, is it borderline? Skip, is it bad? Reject, otherwise read the summary and then decide
@Makyen which is Physics?
Pfft. Physicists - what do they know about the nature of the Universe?
@RyanM there's probably an extra step missing: "improve if it needs to be approved but I think it might get rejected without them, reject & edit if the editor needs to be educated on how it is done the proper way"
Can you edit the summary with "Edit and Approve"?
@OlegValter Ah, yeah, I do do that sometimes.
@Someone_who_likes_SE Nope, despite the UI looking like you can.
yeah, it's not a common route to take
@RyanM I have a user script that makes a lot of changes to that particular queue and one of the options it gives is to change the colour and text size of the summary..
@RyanM you can re-edit the summary afterwards though
@Nick You can change the summary of your edit, but not of the one you approve.
So if there's a good edit with an edit summary of "adfadsfsdfa", then it's just stuck there?
Typical summary I see is "corected spalling and granma".
Well, no, but improve edit is really "Approve and edit", so it's not your summary to edit
@AdrianMole I see "edited tags".. ?!?..
@Scratte I hate those summaries
Yes, I can see that you edited tag, but why?.. tell me why?!?...
I'm like, "oh good. Why?"
Tell me why ... I don't like Mondays...
@AdrianMole You get a "y" in every day of the week.
Someone once bet me a "pint" to name a day without a "Y" in it.
... I won the bet, of course.
Don't tell us.. we're thinking.. :)
Think "glasses".
Halloween :D
... or the day before Christmas.
I didn't even consider that
Christmas Eve?
That has no 'y'
I was thinking "Lundi"
There's also: Thanksgiving
That doesn't exist over here :p, I don't even know when it is
Me either. I still know what it is :)
^^ That's not the full name of Thanksgiving Day.
@Scratte Hopefully this complaint only applies to suggested edits, or I'll be in trouble ^^;
@AdrianMole Ohh.. it does have a "day" attached.. :/
Bonfire night!
Night != Day
Bonfire night is used for the whole day
@RyanM Well, whenever one makes an edit, it would be a good idea to explain why it's made, instead of what it was :)
Shame I'm speaking to a glaswegian about this (IIRC)
I am an alien in Glasgow.
Totally could've pulled that off with anyone else
@Scratte I've long since gotten sick of explaining why I'm removing the tag from questions that have nothing to do with the IDE...I should probably find a way to automate that.
Also, the inline tag editor doesn't even have a spot for an edit summary. I blame the system!
Is equinox a day? :)
Feature Request: Inline system edit.
@RyanM It just defaults to "edited tags".
@RyanM that's 10k+ anyway
Yep (to both)
Same reason why we remove from questions that are tagged that only because the author uses VS Code?
@RyanM There's a chatroom for user scripts.. ;)
@Scratte it's a specific instant in time that occurs on a day
@Nick Oh. Here we call the entire day that. Twice a year :) Because the day and nights have equal length.
This is too much fun. I need to sleep...
@ElectionBot help
Examples of election FAQs I can help with:
- what is an election
- how to nominate myself
- how to vote
- who should I vote for
- how is candidate score calculated
- what is my candidate score
- what are the moderation/participation/editing badges
- what is the election status
- when is the election starting/ending
- when is the next phase
- how many positions are elected
- who are the candidates
- who are the current mods
- what is Single Transferable Vote?
- what is Meek STV?
I learned not too long ago that a “moment “ is a unit of time with a precise definition related to day length. So “just a moment” implies a deadline.
@AdrianMole It's unclear what you're requesting. :;
Why would anyone want to win the moderator election? Aside from the warm fuzzy feelings, helping the world, etc... is there any tangible benefit to the moderator, besides a little more work each day?
@RyanM I even have a leaderboard for who's removed the tag the most times (disclaimers: it's not 100% accurate because I'm only okay at SQL, and also it doesn't take deleted posts into account because the data for those isn't available).
@FrankHileman s/little/lot/
@Makyen Adrian clearly needs us to stop the fun, so there's be nothing to miss out on.
equinox ... From Latin, meaning (literally) "equal of the night".
@FrankHileman For me (and, I suspect, many of the others) it's because I'm already spending time trying to make Stack Overflow a better place. As a moderator, I'd be able to do that more effectively.
@AdrianMole We call those days jævndøgn.
In English for people that don't speak (presumably) Eastern European? :p
@RyanM Perfectly understandable, but probably falls under the warm fuzzy feeling category. I was just wondering if people might have other motives I am not aware of. Raising their profile perhaps?
@FrankHileman Big time! All candidates are highly motivated/dedicated curators. The diamond gives them powers by which they can extend that duty.
Reminds of a book in my language that's called "Why do the nights not have names?"
I mean... moderators can also be viewed unpaid labor.
So is any curation. Or any answer.
@Scratte Monday night?
@FrankHileman Sure.. but why not Monnight? Which is the point.
The real beauty of this site is that it is is powered by volunteers.
@AdrianMole Right so I should just answer the question myself... Still seems like a lot of work.
Hey guys
It's up to you. Always has been, always will be.
Personally, I think the large amount of work relative to the small raise in profile would make that an especially poor reason to run, but...maybe some people have that in mind. It'd be a fun fact to be a moderator, I suppose :-) But that'd be a terrible reason to put in the work required to do it properly.
@RyanM You will be a great moderator.
Thanks :-)
I do think so too
I feel like some people are counting my chickens before they hatch, though... :-)
Cool head; still waters run deep, and all that jazz.
Stephen's lazy IMO
Yes. There is no doubt from me either. You make good decisions and you're able to think on your feet.
Couldn't he post earlier
He could, he consciously chose not to
But IIRC, we're not discussing it here
Who would vote for him?
There's a meta post for it
@Scratte that reminds me, I need to finish my PC troubleshooting so that I can bring my standing desk back into service...
here @U12-Forward
@RyanM No. We're not. We already know you. You're active in curation and you always make good arguments for your decisions. You seem to have a cool head and I've never once seen you respond unreasonably to anyone.
@Scratte Oh, I meant the predictions about me actually becoming a moderator :-)
@RyanM If you don't get it this year, just nominate on the last minute next year ;)
@Nick Officially, the purpose of this room is "a place to converse with candidates, discuss moderator traits, etc." - whether that includes a particular subject is...well, I'm gonna refrain from opining, since I'm surely biased.
It is, but we've already had that conversation :p
@Nick Not sure that's an argument you want to have with for example ElectionBot :D
It'd be really nice if election comments would notify when a new one was posted
@RyanM If you're talking about me, then I didn't make a prediction. I just stated a fact as I saw it.
@Nick Yeah, there should be a "Follow" link like normal posts
@FrankHileman don't see how better tooling to do the job one already does is not enough of a reason :) You know, it is useful to entertain an idea from time to time that some people do things because they like to help with no ulterior motive
Better tooling with which to do the unpaid labor :D
But yeah, that's about right. I do like to help.
@RyanM They do, for what it's worth, notify the candidate whose nomination they're posted on...but that's really not useful to most of the people who'd like to see new comments :-)
I was making a joke about bringing up topics brought up before :p
@RyanM precisely :) if one's going to slave away, at least having a bigger shovel is nice
ELL mod election started
The election is currently in the final voting phase, ending at 2021-10-26 20:00:00Z (in 7 days).
Only 1 position!!!
is that not enough for ELL?
Actually enough
RPG, too (for 2 positions)
mods are bored there IMO
@OlegValter Yes I think that is the warm fuzzy category. Just wondering if there was another motivation. Not that it is necessarily the right place to ask.
@Nick Oh!.. lol! That went completely over my head :D
@RyanM ...which honestly surprises me a bit, given how quickly I've seen them nuke spam out of the sky
@FrankHileman It's a perfectly fine place to ask :-)
There's even an FAQ entry:
@ElectionBot Are moderators paid?
Elected ♦ moderators is an entirely voluntary role, and they are not paid by Stack Exchange.
Gotta go bye
They get a diamond! It's a girl's best friend.
@Scratte Unfortunate, then, that I am not a girl.
@FrankHileman I don't know why you think this is a warm fuzzy category :) It's just the only reasonable motivation to run for mod, especially on SO. Doing so to raise one's profile is ... a poor tactic as all you get is hate mail, calling outs on Meta and increased attempts at being tracked down. Not really the best way to get a high profile, IMO
I do currently get very little hate mail. Perhaps a higher profile would fix that.
@RyanM No one should limit themselves.. you can be anything you want :D Marilyn Monroe - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend
as for where to ask... where else if not here? Most users here are CMs, moderators, candidates, past nominees, future candidates, power users, and supporters - what would be the better place to ask? :)
@Scratte While that is true, I'm quite happy as a guy :-)
@OlegValter Thanks, I really have no idea what it is like to be a mod here.
I expect a new song on youtube about a guy and a diamond then ;)
@OlegValter "tracked down" means?
@RyanM it very well might
@FrankHileman what it normally means? Having your personal contact information tracked down for various purposes. I am sure every site regular here has a story or two about that
@OlegValter People want to kill you?
@FrankHileman Only on sundays.
Sounds awful.
@Scratte normally they want to do that on Tuesdays :)
I've only ever been tracked down outside of SE once...but it was by a friendly user who happened to work at my employer and just said hi via IM :-)
@FrankHileman Some people take it very personally when a post of theirs is closed or they misbehave and get suspended..
@FrankHileman I hope not yet :) You are probably thinking about being "hunted down". Someone can "track" you down just to say thanks
but given that mods deal a lot with heated situations, disputes, grudges, and in general are active users who perform a lot of curation, it is hardly the latter
Wait.. so you're saying that the giant S-thing.. never really happned?
where am i.................
@personthehuman you are here
@personthehuman in a vast universe devoid of meaning
this chat doesnt look like its about mods
@RyanM You forgot the 🎯
@OlegValter well it didn't sound good in the context... Not so hard to track people down if you want to do that. I don't know why people get so excited about technical answers, but I have seen it happen many times, yes.
because people are in general highly emotional beings not able to calmly reason about the situation they are in? :)
@personthehuman At the moment, we're discussing people's motivation for wanting to be a moderator, and negative interactions that have occurred between moderators/curators and other users.
@OlegValter Perhaps but amplified by the lack of personal contact.
you think those interactions would be better in person? :)
@RyanM I don't know what your talking about but you should also know that when people plan something to say hours before they say it it allways goes horribly wrong.
@OlegValter Yes they always are better in person.
@OlegValter uuuuusually people are less confrontational in person...but I'm also glad that random people on the internet don't know where I live.
can we vote mods down for this election.
@personthehuman Existing mods? Nope, you can only choose new ones.
@RyanM Hi that's me at the front door!
oh i thought this election was about ranking mods
ok thanks all time to eat... bye
@FrankHileman Wow, you're fast.
@personthehuman no, you rank the potential mods in order of preference
oh ok
im not leaving im just saying bye to frank
The election is for the appointment of 2 new moderators, the existing moderators don't really come into it
can we have an election where we vote existing mods out of their position?
Not going to happen, no
@RyanM normally, yes, not when you are trying to stop them from doing wrong, methinks. Imagine the fun to be had if all the curation actions on the site were performed IRL :)
i asked because one mod blocked my post, and deleted a comment on it where i asked him why.
..then they deleted it
Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is happening at the moment! I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
(although there is a removal process, it's not a vote and requires them to have actually done wrong, content moderation like in your case is kind of their job)
@personthehuman if you are displeased with an existing moderator behavior, you can (A) bring their actions up on Meta (be damn sure you have a good case first, though); (B) use the "contact us" link to bring it up with SE (then your case needs to be even better)
if i post the link, would you be able to view it if it was deleted?
If it's on Stack Overflow, yes, I'll be able to see it (as will anyone else with 10,000 or more reputation).
10k+ users can, I wouldn't, but Ryan could
or, you know, do a screenshot so everyone can weigh in
ok, im looking for my search history for the link
..I expect Nick to have popcorn ready.
If it was recent there's a link in your profile to your recently deleted content
@personthehuman it'll be here, probably.
@Scratte nah man, I'm in bed waiting for SO to stop distracting me
@Nick ...that might be a long wait.
@RyanM Assuming it's a Question.. :)
@personthehuman a battle-royale but with mods, I think the idea has been proposed a few times, but you might see why it wasn't adopted :P
Probably a safe assumption ;)
I was thinking it was probably an Answer.
note that no one except mods, CMs, and devs can see deleted comments. 10K users can only see deleted posts
mega.nz/fm/u1pSlAab <--- link to the screenshot on Mega cloud storage
i know i sound rude in the question but the second part was meant as a joke
You know that one needs an account there to view that, right?
@personthehuman that link doesn't work for me, it just redirects to mega.nz/start
you know SE has a hosting on imgur, right? In general, it is considered a bad tone to link to outside sources
You can upload any image to an Answer.. just don't post it! And then take the URL which will be to i.imgur and everyone will be able to see that.
I also have to repost this small PSA:
i just realized i can post images lol
6 mins ago, by Oleg Valter
@personthehuman if you are displeased with an existing moderator behavior, you can (A) bring their actions up on Meta (be damn sure you have a good case first, though); (B) use the "contact us" link to bring it up with SE (then your case needs to be even better)
Ah, non mod deletion
I'll let you guys handle this or find a meta dupe, I'm going to sleep
i know but he blocked answers and started a deletion vote
Moderators on this site have a diamond after their username..
all i know is that the guy named ChrisMM did it.
not sure if he is a submod or something. i just wanted an answer to a question and he decided to ruin my day
@personthehuman Your question is not appropriate for Stack Overflow.
Because it is too vague. there are many ways in which you could succeed in doing this.
How? i was asking if there was a certain function for doing something. i didn't know anything and wanted someone to tell me where to start, thats all.
That's not how Stack Overflow works.
actually, nevermind. i worded that question horribly.
how am i just realizing this.
In order to for a Question to be a good addition to the repository, it needs to contain a specific problem.
i meant to ask if there was a way to call a function with an input of a file (something.iso) and an output of a drive (C:, D:, ect...). I should have clarified this though.
And.. it needs to be useful to more than just you. "How to get started" isn't really very specific. And while it may be of use to others, it's seems like a post that fits on a forum.
I thought stack overflow was like a forum.
@Scratte why am I imagining you as an old Harrison Ford right now? :)
I suspect the question would have been better received without the complaint about the site's quality filter, as well. People don't take well to that sort of thing in questions.
@personthehuman no, SO is like Wikipedia but with questions and answers, not a forum.
@RyanM yea i figured that one out pretty soon. the question had 4 dislikes within 20 seconds
@OlegValter ok il remember that next time
...still, ChrisMM has no right to block my question because he disliked my joke.
@personthehuman That's a normal mistake people make. Make use of the Help Center and before you ask any Question, re-read the How do I ask a good question?. Every detail of the page. It will help you to better understand what's expected.
@personthehuman For what it's worth, three users all voted to close your question. It wasn't a unilateral decision.
@RyanM ok
are we all just typing slow or does this chat have a really bad reload time

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