I feel like this is one of those emphasis puzzles. _I_ promise not to rickroll you. I _promise_ not to rickroll you. I promise _not_ to rickroll you. I promise not to _rickroll_ you. I promise not to rickroll _you_.
I have one in my cart, just deciding what else I want to buy from Drop along with it. And hoping that the adorable cat-paw keycap I want gets restocked...
@RyanM Oooh, I've been wanting to do this. It feels like I'm leaving a lot behind by not having the numeric keypad, but objectively, I don't use it much (despite being able to touch-type with it), and it would be much more ergonomic to have the mouse closer.
I'm a fan of the Cherry MX Browns. They feel nice and they won't make everyone around hate you. But if you think Blues are too soft, you'll probably hate them.
@CodyGray I'm reasonably certain I don't touchtype to spec, but I can often type with 100% accuracy without looking at my keyboard or screen, because I know where everything is
Actually, does anyone else have a completely unstructured typing style? My hands 'float' above the keyboard and move in advance of words. Like in typing "This test", the first T in "this" goes to the left pointer and the right pointer gets the H, but in "test" the right pointer gets the T while the left pointer gets the "e".
I always use my index finger to touch the pen and also provide spacing calibration to the paper (just barely touching). Seems to help my brain know where everything is.
Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is happening at the moment! I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).