The suggested edits queue is definitely among the most mentally taxing to review, in my experience...also backed up by the fact that the "high scores" are a lot lower than other queues.
Suggested edits is easy to review just.... Slow, it results in having to write so many extra flags for plagiarism (being approved), poor reviewers, serially bad editors...
@Oleg, "a day of 2", woaw...!, I already found the [12-24]h I usually observed, very long... And that "Waiting Time" creates a bit of a "Vicious Circle", in the "small" Tag I answer, most Users are 1-Rep Users who post for the 1st time and try to select as many Tags as they can, which quickly attracts a few '-1' Downvotes (that some quickly approved Edit could prevent), I try to improve the Quality of those Qt's..., [1/2]
[2/2] ,... but 30 days later Roomba will invariably end up deleting those Qt's as they never regain at least "0" Score and those Users very-very rarely upvote/ accept Answers... Result: I don't (try to) edit anymore, and I rarely answer also... Catch 22...!
@chivracq Yeah, if your goal is improving new questions before they get downvotes/close votes, you really need either 2k rep or attentive askers who approve the edits.
I don't understand why so many people don't follow up on requests to provide additional information for their questions.
@chivracq eh, well, some reviewers try to mitigate that by going out of their comfort zone by turning off filters. I certainly used to do that. But that still leaves them mostly unable to review SME-level edits, so those tend to go skipped. As for the wait times, well, yeah, this is how it works - unfortunately, it sucks for everyone involved
The tag edits are usually, thankfully, easy to review - they are either a very blatant copy-pasta/circular definition/do not add usage guidance or done by diligent people who care about their tags
Well.... Except of course when you go back and make sure it was rejected by everyone and then find it got an approve vote and you have to write a flag about how it shouldn't have got any votes because it was blatant plagiarism /rant
oh, and since elections are known as times where the network connection to powers that be is the strongest - please, finally, give the tag wiki/excerpt edits their own queue, this is unbearable!
One of the problems with suggested edit flags is that they seem to take ages to get handled as well in which time reviewers and editors continue to do harm
yeah, and, preferably, also how to use it in the first place, i.e. "use for questions/posts on <insert the strict definition here>. [Do not use for posts on <insert what it is not to be confused with>]"
@AdrianMole "feeling especially upbeat lately? Missing the days when you felt like nothing you do matters? Want to feel that feeling of hopelessness again? Try our review queues to get that and much more!"
@OlegValter Yeah. All queues are hard work. But, in some, the options are better than in others. In Triage, even when you know what to do, it takes about 6/7 clicks to actually do it.
@Someone_who_likes_SE Some days I genuinely get so confused because I reject a garbage edit as spam/destructive and expect to click the button for having passed an audit only to find it wasn't one, it was just a piss poor edit
@Scratte OK, that's obvious. What does that post have to do with "a customers mat expansion"? And who would put and some rewording which make it nicer and more important change the required minimum of 6 characters in the edit summary?
You wouldn't reject a good edit for just the summary, but one which is on the edge of no improvement? More likely, although I'd tend to go for reject and edit and put something in the edit note
My process is basically: read the edit: if it's clearly good, approve. Otherwise, read the summary: if after reading that, I now understand the edit, approve. Otherwise, reject.
Triage was previously announced to be open to any site which wanted it. Now it seems Physics has an active Triage queue. However, the Help Center article listing all the review queues still claims that Triage is Stack Overflow specific:
Triage – Stack Overflow only - 500 reputation. The primary ...
@RyanM there's probably an extra step missing: "improve if it needs to be approved but I think it might get rejected without them, reject & edit if the editor needs to be educated on how it is done the proper way"
@RyanM I have a user script that makes a lot of changes to that particular queue and one of the options it gives is to change the colour and text size of the summary..
@Scratte I've long since gotten sick of explaining why I'm removing the android-studio tag from questions that have nothing to do with the IDE...I should probably find a way to automate that.
Also, the inline tag editor doesn't even have a spot for an edit summary. I blame the system!
Examples of election FAQs I can help with: - what is an election - how to nominate myself - how to vote - who should I vote for - how is candidate score calculated - what is my candidate score - what are the moderation/participation/editing badges - what is the election status - when is the election starting/ending - when is the next phase - how many positions are elected - who are the candidates - who are the current mods - what is Single Transferable Vote? - what is Meek STV?
Why would anyone want to win the moderator election? Aside from the warm fuzzy feelings, helping the world, etc... is there any tangible benefit to the moderator, besides a little more work each day?
@RyanM I even have a leaderboard for who's removed the tag the most times (disclaimers: it's not 100% accurate because I'm only okay at SQL, and also it doesn't take deleted posts into account because the data for those isn't available).
@FrankHileman For me (and, I suspect, many of the others) it's because I'm already spending time trying to make Stack Overflow a better place. As a moderator, I'd be able to do that more effectively.
@RyanM Perfectly understandable, but probably falls under the warm fuzzy feeling category. I was just wondering if people might have other motives I am not aware of. Raising their profile perhaps?
Personally, I think the large amount of work relative to the small raise in profile would make that an especially poor reason to run, but...maybe some people have that in mind. It'd be a fun fact to be a moderator, I suppose :-) But that'd be a terrible reason to put in the work required to do it properly.
@RyanM No. We're not. We already know you. You're active in curation and you always make good arguments for your decisions. You seem to have a cool head and I've never once seen you respond unreasonably to anyone.
@Nick Officially, the purpose of this room is "a place to converse with candidates, discuss moderator traits, etc." - whether that includes a particular subject is...well, I'm gonna refrain from opining, since I'm surely biased.
@FrankHileman don't see how better tooling to do the job one already does is not enough of a reason :) You know, it is useful to entertain an idea from time to time that some people do things because they like to help with no ulterior motive
@RyanM They do, for what it's worth, notify the candidate whose nomination they're posted on...but that's really not useful to most of the people who'd like to see new comments :-)
@OlegValter Yes I think that is the warm fuzzy category. Just wondering if there was another motivation. Not that it is necessarily the right place to ask.
@FrankHileman I don't know why you think this is a warm fuzzy category :) It's just the only reasonable motivation to run for mod, especially on SO. Doing so to raise one's profile is ... a poor tactic as all you get is hate mail, calling outs on Meta and increased attempts at being tracked down. Not really the best way to get a high profile, IMO
as for where to ask... where else if not here? Most users here are CMs, moderators, candidates, past nominees, future candidates, power users, and supporters - what would be the better place to ask? :)
@FrankHileman what it normally means? Having your personal contact information tracked down for various purposes. I am sure every site regular here has a story or two about that
@FrankHileman I hope not yet :) You are probably thinking about being "hunted down". Someone can "track" you down just to say thanks
but given that mods deal a lot with heated situations, disputes, grudges, and in general are active users who perform a lot of curation, it is hardly the latter
@OlegValter well it didn't sound good in the context... Not so hard to track people down if you want to do that. I don't know why people get so excited about technical answers, but I have seen it happen many times, yes.
@personthehuman At the moment, we're discussing people's motivation for wanting to be a moderator, and negative interactions that have occurred between moderators/curators and other users.
@RyanM I don't know what your talking about but you should also know that when people plan something to say hours before they say it it allways goes horribly wrong.
@RyanM normally, yes, not when you are trying to stop them from doing wrong, methinks. Imagine the fun to be had if all the curation actions on the site were performed IRL :)
Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is happening at the moment! I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
(although there is a removal process, it's not a vote and requires them to have actually done wrong, content moderation like in your case is kind of their job)
@personthehuman if you are displeased with an existing moderator behavior, you can (A) bring their actions up on Meta (be damn sure you have a good case first, though); (B) use the "contact us" link to bring it up with SE (then your case needs to be even better)
@personthehuman if you are displeased with an existing moderator behavior, you can (A) bring their actions up on Meta (be damn sure you have a good case first, though); (B) use the "contact us" link to bring it up with SE (then your case needs to be even better)
i meant to ask if there was a way to call a function with an input of a file (something.iso) and an output of a drive (C:, D:, ect...). I should have clarified this though.
And.. it needs to be useful to more than just you. "How to get started" isn't really very specific. And while it may be of use to others, it's seems like a post that fits on a forum.
I suspect the question would have been better received without the complaint about the site's quality filter, as well. People don't take well to that sort of thing in questions.
@personthehuman That's a normal mistake people make. Make use of the Help Center and before you ask any Question, re-read the How do I ask a good question?. Every detail of the page. It will help you to better understand what's expected.