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@OliverSalzburg Congrats btw on being an RO, now the badge that Kamil made will be extra offical.
I'm not even sure I saw that
best time to be a JS RO
haha yeah congrats @OliverSalzburg :)
@Loktar You see this nonsense? - gamestop.com/xbox-one/accessories/…
The duke controller gets re-released but not the S model?
That's what I find the weirdest of all! :p
I'm not an Xbox guy though, I don't know much about them or anything. The only console I've never purchased or don't plan on really just due to most releases being on PC as well
The OG Xbox was really special to me imo, especially System Link because it made having a 'LAN Party' disgustingly easy, but I understand the argument that "Its just a shitty PC at heart" because it really was.
@hilli_micha eh I mean most consoles are, the only thing that sets Sony and Nintendo apart from it are more exclusives
I don't dislike the xbox or anything, I would just end up with a bunch of duplicate owned games haha
I use an xbox controller on my PC!!
@Loktar You sicko
@OliverSalzburg your approved by oliver one
Oh the snail one
oh my god win 10 installation is soooo sloooow
Really? I've got bones for days against Win 10, but typically it's pretty snappy in my experience.
Aye, takes like 10 minutes on my SSD
im reinstalling from win 7 maybe thats why
and its on a semi old laptop
@Loktar i remember when i couldn't afford a controller for my pc, i stripped the wires on my xbox controller s and connected them to a usb cable. worked ok for snes games
@AustinPocus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AustinPocus really? hah that's awesome
IIRC The OG Xbox Controllers were literally USB connections with a different shape because "Uhm, you're gonna buy our controllers damn it."
oooh right yeah I forgot about that
I once played kirby on n64
at least they remedied that with the 360 and xbone
@Loktar heh yup! i still have it around here somewhere. the triggers were tricky though -- you had to configure them to be digital inputs otherwise the emulator would read hundreds of L/R presses
hah! Built in auto fire! :p
@Loktar digital bump stocks
whew, thats a hot take lol
lmao a digital bump stock would be something 3d printed that uses the controllers rumble function and correctly placed fingers to push buttons faster
someone needs to get on that
ban assault turbos
oh man, that would've come in handy for the first metal gear solid. that scene with revolver ocelot
@Loktar Sounds like a poor man's AHK
@AustinPocus See my jest, just get a controller with a 'Turbo' button.
"turbo" is such a dumb name for the concept. like, is there actually any car that turns on the turbo with a button?
I mean.. if you have a drive-by-wire throttle, then...maybe?
@KendallFrey the Turbografx 16 would like to have a word with you
annnnd all my old machines with a TURBO button! lol
@Loktar Well, let's be real, when they decided to call them "Turbo Buttons" on old PCs, that really was the epitome of bass ackwards.
@KendallFrey not the turbo, but I know that in some cars (ex. BMW M power) there is a turbo button that unlocks 200+ km for you :P
> My game is running too fast!
> Press the Turbo button then, that will slow down the processor and make the game run right.
> What?
For real though it's mighty addicting to have a button that can give you a few hundred extra hp
I'd love that
Nitrous Oxide shots?
just for the sake of having a super cool button
do u guys use let over var when declaring a variable?
@hilli_micha too temporary, but does work :P
@hilli_micha hybrid power
@RachelDockter generally, never use var. It registers things in the global scope
always use let / const
LMP1 cars can almost double their power when the hybrid system kicks in
(now some code samples you will find on the web use var, but that is because they are meant to showcase things, and not be the copy-paste type of thing)
oh right, about a year ago i used let and some browser didnt support it so i always told myself never to use it
@RachelDockter I second never using var
@RachelDockter lately i've been using const whenever i can, and let when i can't. babel will help with browser support if that's an issue
@KendallFrey ive seen Australia GP today
@KendallFrey The Porsche 918 does something similar.. the combustion engine puts out like 600bhp~ with two motors assisting for the sole purpose of adding another 280bhp~
ok ill stop using var now then
it was some real fun
@KamilSolecki bit slow mate
I just finished watching this morning's Azerbaijan GP
it was a... weird one
or maybe it was Azerbeijan
was there many crashies?
and lots of bumper changes
and the pink car got crane'd
Did both Haas cars retire because the wheels were loose?
inb4 pink car
cause that was australia
ok Ive seen todays then
I want to talk about it but no spoilers
Narrow streets, but there were really grinding each other
and by pink car I meant force india
who got shrieked and craned out of the track
i don't even remember that lol
don't bother
oh, did you watch the full race or just the highlights
I watched the race live
i want to hangouts you but I don't have you in my list :(
Im in bed tho :P
then sleep and ignore me
also kamilczak020 at googles mail thing
btw we tried discord chatrooms as hangouts alternative today with gni33 and raisingagent
honestly - feels much better
has all the features hangouts has
+ more
like that damned push to talk
For context, are you referring to the use of Discord as an alternative to here for 'off-topic' discussions?
for what we normally would use hangouts for
which is video calls
and total offtop stuff
@KamilSolecki I normally use it for memes
@KamilSolecki is there a room to join for that or does it only exist when we're there?
I get ya, I'm still trying to catch up on the saga of this room (that started Friday) and trying to determine who the main villain is. Bowser? Heisenberg? Who knows.
it is permanent.
Is using the browser version a bad idea?
I've never had an issue with it.
although group video calls arent actually part of the channel - you just add users to them from the friends list
channel is for general shitposting and voice talk, I guess?
@hilli_micha very true
@Loktar woh, you're all blue
yeah was trime for a new avatar
wait wtf is that image?
my drag and drop script
I need to add a confirmation
ooh lol
@Loktar ._.
I'm gonna miss the old avatar though, there was so much flag on display I could open it up and cite the pledge of allegiance to it before I started work every morning.

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