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7:03 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum the chat trained various web devs from almost nothing. That's in the spirit of SO, and I think it's worth putting it in the list of nice things that happened in the chat
also because everything has to be about me. But that's secondary
@BadgerCat what used to be your name?
well, nick
actually yeah i came to this chat room just looking to improve my javascript skills and here i am probably 4-5 years later or so
but honestly i have been thinking that the politics that SO pushes on everyone is really annoying and not conducive to an enjoyable chat experience
nah, we're just all horrible people and we'll have to accept that
yeah i don't need a community judging me broadly for its perception of itself
Imma wipe my laptop
put some win 10 on there finally
7:13 PM
Im a sucker cause I should have done that on the free upgrade
but I was lazy
does anyone know where to get cheap ddr4? lol
worst part
is im downloading things off my phone interent
because uh internet is ded
don't do that to your phone
7:20 PM
@GNi33 Do you yodel
@HatterisMad its a'ok I have 100GB of data left this month
@HatterisMad they quoted you that is all "" just restrict them to missionary, no midget nugget porn for them had to make sure i was typing that into the right chat""
@William oh really? that is great
so presumably they have problems with porn, midgets, and people without limbs?
they sound like an inclusive lot
@HatterisMad for the sake of current situation, please dont say stuff like that. Its not helping.
7:24 PM
@KamilSolecki it was in response to an onion article about toddlers using pornhub, i think i was in the clear for being on topic
What I'm still riled about is how suggesting the room be bombarded with flags is appropriate on meta. I flagged the comment and it was declined, however some months ago when it was joked about in the chats to send PR's to someone who had a shame list on github we were met with bans and strict warnings to never do it again lest the chat be shut down.
complete hypocrisy in my opinion.
@HatterisMad I am fully aware, i meant the message you just posted. If you mind editing, that would be great.
@KamilSolecki was that a racist comment?
let me take that to twitter
@GNi33 lmao no I literally just googled "What not to say to Austrians"
I actually with rlemon the comment should be flagged. It isn't in good spirits to talk about disadvantaged/disabled people.
7:25 PM
and I liked this one the best
honestly, the more I think about this whole thing, the more it bothers me. I need to cool off
@KamilSolecki hahaha
you missed the most enraging one though
@KamilSolecki let it get flagged if it is a problem, i am not going to help censor SO
@KamilSolecki the super obvious one
7:26 PM
I make a joke of it in here quite often actually
uh, Frietzl?
@William I'm fine with someone taking personal offense and using the flag system. I'm not fine with someone suggesting a mob comes to flag us to oblivion after a meta post was opened on how to deal with the messages. They decided to go the proper route, then a comment was added to brigade the chats
no, those are pretty funny most of the time
has to do with the big neighbour
and how we are not them :P
but yeah, yodeling and running around in Lederhosen all day is pretty good as well
7:27 PM
So wait your little country isnt actually part of Germany?
(Thats how you do it right?)
how do I login to twitter again?
honestly tough, I'd like to hear what you guys would think about this
I don't think it will work
I think it wouldn't be the worst measure to avoid shit shows like this
because honestly, this will happen again
7:29 PM
@rlemon was it really decided that way? Many people on that meta post say that if you think that X is offensive to you, flag it for moderator attention. Except for that dude who said we should all bombard it with flags, but he didnt get much attention with his idea tbf
we've tried to split rooms before and the sheer fact that not 100% of the regular will move usually kibosh-es it.
that's why ROs would need to be behind it and force it
move messages, kick when appropriate
honeslty i think the biggest problem for me is that we are using the SO platform
I know, this is a drastic measure
@KamilSolecki a few upvotes on meta, and he himself came and flagged it all. the precedence is set tho. that comment flag being declined says it all
7:31 PM
but honestly, we are using SO, new people come in all the time to basically talk about JS
that's why you join this room
the constant push to be 100% PC all the time is incredibly annoying, and i am not one who is usually getting flagged lol
when you're interested in further talk, we'll link to the OT room
it's basically what slack or discord do with channels
@GNi33 Also the fact that it literally means that we are forsaking this chat and saying that we have lost this battle. We do talk JS, we do help people, but we also do chat about things that commonly interests us, and it is something that is to be expected of anything that is in a chat form really.
@GNi33 the problem with a pure OT room is that it doesn't get people 'hanging out' in it. the traffic from regulars will drop if there are no interesting discussions, and questions will go the same amount of time unanswered
I've joined quite a few rooms that are like this. stagnant. people join, ask a q, then leave in 10 minutes after no reply
If we move offsite, we will stop comming here to help people. I guarantee you that.
7:33 PM
I'm not talking off site
separate room
but even in a separate room. people will have that open and not this room.
yeah i don't see a move offsite working well
questions will go missed more often
what lemon said exactly
7:33 PM
i think it might just be time for me to retire from SO chat
JS-Republicans and JS-Democrats :)
this room will become dead-ish
@HatterisMad political correctness also offends me
@Luggage what about people who are moderates
because all the cool stuff will be happening in the other room
7:34 PM
I think we do a decent job of answering questions as is right now. people expect we drop the convo to answer them without considering a) we don't have an answer, b) we don't feel like answering.
@KamilSolecki I'm not sure about that, we still talk JS quite regularly
@HatterisMad php
@Luggage i will choose a side
most of the time I see it is the former. people ask wildly specific questions then assume we ignored them for the convo when in fact we just don't have an answer for their jQuery plugin question
@rlemon and c) we arent obliged to in the first place.
7:35 PM
I find most questions are answereed, they just sit threee for 15 minutees beefore someone ereplies
This "e" key shit my keyboard is doing is pissing me right off
> look at meeeee - Cereal
the times questions are missed, we circle back if the OP cares enough to wait for a break and chime in.
rexcusre mre
I really don't see a problem with our question to answer ratio
but so what do we do? shutdown any possibly inflammatory discussion?
imagine what a crisis that will lead to
7:36 PM
@rlemon its higher than in other rooms, I am pretty sure.
i actually credit @rlemon and @kendall for me having any JS skills at all right now, and honestly those two and @jhawins and @sterling are the main reason i still tolerate this room at all
or do we just keep going and wait for the next "gate" to happen
I know I'm just a single chat user and don't see the entire picture.. but I am here a lot.
@GNi33 we exist like we did, but anytime someone comes complaining about things we handle them carefully
then we proceed like we did
at least thats how I see it
well we know we can be brigaded from Twitter AND meta now. so probably tread lightly.
7:38 PM
@KamilSolecki good luck to us with that
Yeah, but when the storm passes we can continue sailing
I guess I'm still a little lost on the whole situation, I just had a quick glance on what happened, it sounds like something a bit out of proportion from what I've read
@HatterisMad TBH my skills also come from here
but I'll have to catch up later, gotta run for a kid birthday
@IanC we feel the same
@KendallFrey I literally started learning JS in this room
7:38 PM
We should make less comments that need deleted, though. A subtle thing that might help steer things more positive.
actually @ndugger brought me here
we should also amend the rules page to make it clear that unoneboxing things isn't the same as deletion 😉
I learned JS in a shitty wscript environment, if I hadn't talked with people who actually knew what they were doing I'd be in a worse place
@Luggage who is the arbiter that gets to decide what comments need to be deleted though
I learned JS long before I came here (albeit not well). Still my first question on SO was why doesn't JS have threading yet
7:40 PM
@KamilSolecki how?
:42325318 i think my mother is much more vulgar than we tend to be
Like that.
@rlemon Sounds better than mine
@ndugger you literally said come to JS room, lemme find a link
well, see you guys later! Don't hate me if I bring the topic up again later when I need to catch up with the facts haha
7:40 PM
@KamilSolecki I don’t remember it, but I regret it
Q: Where to start learning assembly - IDE, examples

Kendall FreyI have a solid knowledge of C#, I can use C quite well, and I am learning C++. I really would like to learn x86 assembly language for Windows, perhaps MASM, but I don't know where to start. The first thing is the IDE. If at all possible I would like a syntax-highlighting, compiling, linking IDE, ...

@HatterisMad The comments, much worse than that one, that people KNOW they need to delete.
do we ROs need a moch more defined set of guidelines what we enforce? or should we just be a little stricter?
@Luggage I wish we had a place to post these jokes privately, I know they're inappropriate, but they're also funny.
7:42 PM
@ndugger but I said nice things to you yesterday :/
yea. it would be a loss.
Is this...?
@KendallFrey I use hangouts :D
@KendallFrey just send them to me and i will post them, i don't mind getting banned :P
as you're well aware
we should start more group hangouts
7:42 PM
@KamilSolecki I don’t remember those nice things either
only person I got on hangouts is Amaan
I hardly remember how old I am
I also agree
I heard Google is going to replace Hangouts with Google Meet
7:43 PM
moar hangoatse
I need to see @rlemon's succulents
they're rough right now. the ones at home at least.
[email protected] y'all add me on hangouts
freaking cat eats them if I put them in the sun, so they get artificial light all winter.
i don't use hangouts
bit spindly
7:43 PM
why not discord :/
cause video
@HatterisMad we probably wouldn't be welcome there.
+1 for discord
a different media for every topic.
@rlemon i don't understand lol
7:44 PM
@KamilSolecki discord does video
@rlemon discord does private channels
@rlemon is there a specific thing i need to read here
we actually kinda have a JS room channel I made
that we use for gaming
@rlemon discord !== discourse
7:45 PM
@GNi33 my bad.
these service names got me all confused
We should make a skype group chat
yeah, me too at first, don't worry
discourse is what Jeff Atwood started to do I think
im not installing skype
7:46 PM
Eww, Skype
@KamilSolecki speaking of which we should get a group together again and play something
@AndrasDeak yeah, it's all ex-SO employees I think
We should make a runescape guild
@GNi33 there's a lot of those nowadays
@KendallFrey im absolutely all in for that. Ill be available from next friday, since Im going with me buddies for a week
national holiday baby!
7:47 PM
depends on what you guys play, and if university isn't choking me, and if you even want me to be there, I'd like to join as well
did you message us per the hidden SMS feature of this chat up until now?
IP over carrier pidgeon
@GNi33 mobile vhat constitutes about 40% of all of my chat activity
@KamilSolecki wow, I couldn't be that strong
Lmao, no, I saw that a couple of days ago
@KamilSolecki typing in mobile suuuuuucks
not really
I can type pretty well on mobile
I really hate it
It doesnt really bother me honestly
7:51 PM
Neither the speed
but recently I discovered that the google voice assistant works surprisingly well
Also remember boys, fast finger training is fast finger training.
Fastest in the west.
so, even if I couldn't imagine using anythin voice controlled before, I quite enjoy that for some things
drip filling a sand bottom fish tank makes for an interesting result
ignore how dirty the glass is, that's from messing with the tank
7:54 PM
@GNi33 get alexa!
:42325454 Da, comrade!
hmm.. I don't know, I think I'd rather get Google Home
wait I can acutally switch to my PC
I've been working with Dialogue Agents for a study project a lot recently
and I really like DialogFlow. That being said, I think the integration with the google cloud would be less painful on that
that reminds me, I should get back on that
8:11 PM
one thing that tremendously bothers me about google hangouts
is that there is no push to talk
I hate it so much
for just that I'd prefer to use discord
but we gotta figure out what would majority prefer
based on previous experience i would say that switching to a different medium is going to largely fail lol
we even failed to switch to a different room
I'm talking about chill party talks like we do sometimes
Not room switching
Group calls etc
yeah i think they are primarily cemented in hangouts for that already though
I liked this interview of a mafia turned good Samaritan
8:15 PM
@rlemon @ssube @Luggage @SterlingArcher @KendallFrey @towc @Zirak would y'all be up for trying discord for that or would you rather just stay with hangouts
Uuuh is there any context to that here, overexchange?
yeesh so much talk on a Sunday gotta catch up
just got back from ready player one with the kids
tl;dr of what this is about?
@Loktar abort, abort, abort
a bit of cheese in the movie, but not bad
8:16 PM
The cheese was intentional and it wasn't cringe tho was it
@loktar i have been looking to upgrade to ryzen stuff lately but the prices of ram is insane right now and its keeping me from pulling the trigger lol
lol idk, it was a good teen movie I'd say
@towc Kendall mentioned that we are behind on video calls, I'm thinking if it's better to host them on discord or stay with google hangouts
whats your current rig?
like.. his Fav game was Goldeneye for the N64?
8:18 PM
@Loktar did you like the references? :)
but all they talk about are atari 2600 games..
and then the kid at the end is playing a colecovision
I personally don't use discord for anything else, so I'd rather use hangouts
goldeneye is so good
on the other hand, I doubt I'm going to be active on video calls, so my opinion shouldn't be of much weight
8:18 PM
@towc hangouts also has a chat for posting edgy memes that don't fit here
@Loktar oh thats right, i forgot about that post
@KamilSolecki am I in that hangouts group?
it's almost 2 years old now
I might do another build in sept idk
@towc there is no group iirc
weighing the pros and cons.
@KamilSolecki there was
but it died lol
8:19 PM
@Loktar i usually invest in to catch up to you when you are upgrading lol
@SomeGuy do you still idle there?
@Loktar well he can't really say "yes" now, can he
I think it was #sojavascript on freenode
I just joined and am an op there
but am the only user in it lol
so you just created the channel?
8:21 PM
unsure, I was an op in the original
is freenode irc?
if anybody wants, we have this that we so far used for gaming: discord.gg/nQqnZ7
@Luggage yeah
but yeah I don't think irc would work well idk
I mean I love IRC but it doesn't have the glam this chat does
like oneboxing, etc.
discord is probably a better medium
discord does video apparently too
discord does everything
8:23 PM
I use this room like IRC more than like hangouts. E.g. wouldn't want my phone vibrating while I was out shopping for a room ping.
yeah same
you can spend hours coding "funny" bots for every usecase in discord
I don't like hangouts tbh
8:24 PM
I imagine hangouts will be retired at some point
there is no freakin button control
didn't google just make some new slack competitor?
I like hangouts for an SMS replacement.
hmm it was hangouts for business nm lol
@Ikari yo fam
8:25 PM
lol man.. those prices now holy hell
yeah man i was looking at this and thinking that if i upgrade my computer i still wouldn't be putting nearly as good of parts in as you had 2 years ago lol
I paid $119 for my ram in 2016
Franceze wrote a book "I'll make you an offer that you can't refuse" must read. @AndrasDeak I don't know.... but there is no harm reading this book... it'll help us in our own way..
yeah I paid around 2k it looks like total
@Loktar i think i paid ~$800 for my current computer
8:27 PM
dude wtf
my 950 pro was $183.99
Every entrepreneur must read this book
this has it at $399.99 now
I paid ... im not saying that.
probably because it's out of manufacturing I guess
I was just thinking that was high.
8:27 PM
sorry my "dude wtf" was about the price
not about what you paid
16gb ddr3, fx9590, r9 290x, 850 evo, cx750, corsair h110i cooler for ~$800
im looking at just upgrading ram, mobo, and cpu to ryzen for maybe another $550
yeah not a bad idea
Newegg is pissing me off. I type in "970 pro" and it shows me car wheels.
8:30 PM
@Loktar i bought my 9590 with bent pins and straightened them lmfao
i was fuckin poor when i bought this shit
@HatterisMad that's my build from 2014
my 9590/290x build
heh also win 8.1 and a 2tb hdd
@Loktar thats my same build basically from 2016 XD
whats nuts are these ram prices dude...
i just end up waiting two years for people to start upgrading their rigs and i get their secondhand parts
8:32 PM
yeah dude i was ready to upgrade last night until i saw the ram pricse
I paid $304.99 for 32gb in 2014, like 240 in 2016 for 32gb
now it's over 400!
and then i was thinking... man my comp is still working pretty well....
dude the cheapeast 16gb ddr4 stick i could find is $180 each
what speed?
8:38 PM
not sure if many watch Linus here but Max quit :?
lol the beginning is a bit cringey, like he's not actually paying attention
he sounds like I do when I'm talking to my kids yet typing online
also... she put in her 2 weeks and her boss.. Linus hadn't asked her yet where she was going heh.
is he worth watching?
I've been subscribed for ages, but rarely ever watch something
he's not bad, he does pretty decent research
for a while he seemed like an intel/nvidia shill
like he was paid by them to say favorable things
but idk I don't really see that now at all personally
You forget one important thing though
Tunnelbear is an awesome VPN
they dropped tunnelbear actually
that was another cool thing too, they made a video of why
Oh, I did not catch that
8:45 PM
he has decent ideas though for videos, like that virtualized machine that 8 people could play on at once was pretty badass
Good content in general, I agree
Not sure I'd watch a podcast though
I'm never going to not have a good chuckle at that
we managed to set up a video call on discord and imho its working better than it would on hangouts cc @rlemon @KendallFrey
yeah, I like it
last time I tried discord the audio didn't work
8:48 PM
really? Yeah Discord works really well for me
maybe they've improved it
idk I've been using it for 6 months or so now, seems to be pretty good. I've never used it for video though
also haven't used it for video, but i've been using it for text/voice for a long while now
@KamilSolecki yeah whatever goes
@KendallFrey you suck, try again
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, we just need to add the code back in, but it should work
nvm I think we're past that now
9:00 PM
@GNi33 I love the vim background on the main image
as if vim is supposed to not make you feel cuddled and comfortable
I'm on a boat so can't read through transcripts too much
Yer on a boat?!
> According to the author, that program is "two lines of code that parse two lines of embedded comments in the code to read the Mayan numbers representing the individual ASCII characters that make up the magazine title, rendered in 90-degree rotated ASCII art."

**That program won a contest, because of course it did.**
Lucky bastard.
9:04 PM
@KamilSolecki we could try it. So long as it has text.
@ssube the discord version of video call combines text and video
we just tried it with gni33 and raisingagent
basically has all that google hangouts has, but in a nicer format and more things
like that damned push to talk
just read my emails
you guys've done it
We rescued thr princess?
nope, another castle.
@FlorianMargaine fun, isn't it?
9:11 PM
sure is

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