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Better for what purpose?
Rem is best waifu
within the JS ecosystem?
For improving my coding style standards...
@Ikari Emilia
@KamilSolecki added to ignore list
@KamilSolecki do you have any idea how I could render my menu card out of db information?
@overexchange probably something that's very different, try it in clojure maybe
TypeScript and JavaScript are pretty similar and so are JS and Python in some regards. Clojure is very different.
I wouldn't write production apps with it but I think it would be an interesting learning experience.
@AltayAkkus send an Ajax request to your backend
and then add them manually piece per piece or how :D
Have a backend endpoint that responds with data from database
Render the menu based on data returned from db
ok good idea
Cuz I have js logic written already
@AltayAkkus I know it's a quite a bit after the fact, but I'd nonetheless appreciate it if you didn't use terms like "I have to rape the button 10 times"
Let's try to conduct ourselves more professionally, ok? :)
I already got a warning for that
but im fine with it :D
@Ikari I changed my mind, Dor is best waifu.
pls no waifus
can we agree on that 90% of Anime is child abuse
@AltayAkkus no.
@AltayAkkus Not really.
I still don't get the Dor reference :(
It's Madara's name
Or so the legend goes.
I was thinking of TypeScript because.. 1) Get back to explicit typing after coming from python background(Of course Python/JS teaches to write better functional abstractions) 2) Good to show some parser assignments on browser 3) Not GO but TypeScript because TS supports (structural/nominal)
It's short for Hodor.
haha, I thought the same, something along the lines of 'Hold the Dor'
@overexchange Python has type annotations by the way.
I'll have to remember "Hold the Dor" for an appropriate time...
@AltayAkkus no, in general it's certainly not child abuse. Even if there were physical children involved - at least the anime I've watched.
@Luggage gets kick instantly
I'd be interested in what @phenomnomnominal has to say about the culture situation by the way.
We have more culture than yogurt.
You're on fire today.
I used it but sometimes I need to know if my type declaration iscorrect
so did y'all decide against locking the room?
TS compiler tell that in compile time
@Ahmad not yet decided, but currently the most likely outcome
@Ahmad well, a certain member was very strongly against it and from what I can tell we're all happy to oblige because it was just a suggestion we don't really feel too strongly about.
Also, making the room a gallery is certainly not locking it, the room was gallery before at times.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, it was to implement the kick feature in a roundabout way :D
By the way @copy @BadgerCat are any of you coming to jsconf in Berlin by any chance?
@Loktar @BenFortune Most things I've read say Browns feel better for typing, though. I imagine it feeling more fun to have a tactile one too, really, so I'll probably flip a coin :P
@MadaraUchiha we've had gallery mode prior I think to deal with abuse.
But yeah, generally to work around no kicks
I remember the access list page would get frozen
Does a linear switch really feel any different than a regular membrane switch?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am likely to go
@SomeGuy Can you go to a shop somewhere to test them?
@SomeGuy I have brown and reds. There is a difference, but you quickly adapt to either one and then don't notice.
Rest all is available in Python like asyc, decorators, no real threading except in IO
@KamilSolecki Nice! I'll be there (not for jsconf but for the node collaborator summit and a guns & roses concert) - let's discuss it like a week before and set up a beer
the 'notch' on the brown is quite light, though
Yeah, I'm looking. Not sure. Plus, I don't think it'd be enough to demo them for 5
Blues are best for typing
@overexchange "real threading" is a dangerous term.
@BenjaminGruenbaum would be awesome!
But they are also the "clickiest" and more importantly the loudest.
@BenjaminGruenbaum gotcha! I just feel like it's the way to go. Room 15 has been in gallery mode for what feels like forever and we definitely don't get many trolls nowadays
Reds are best for gaming, because of the low register point
Browns are a good mix of the two
Browns do well for gaming too
I have a brown switches keyboard and am very happy with it for both programming and gaming.
If you like clicky
I think I'm leaning towards browns in that case :P
@Ahmad and as much as I like the Android room and participate there at times - it A) didn't make me feel welcome when I got there (which isn't a big problem tbh) B) was very useful and nice overall.
Tactility feels good
@linkgoron sometimes wants to murder me, but that's an acceptable compromise in my book.
I'm not sure gallery would work for us
@MadaraUchiha he was the cutest groom last week :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum He was 😃
Didn't yet get to tease him over the butterfly tie
But we are getting t-shirts :D
hush hush
I didn't know but @linkgoron congrats!
I know Kali told me
Can confirm, brown switches feel great for gaming
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah fair point - it's hard to balance it with the tools we're given
@KamilSolecki he hasn't participated in StackOverflow since 2012 because he doesn't find it welcoming although for the opposite reasons.
Maybe 2015? Not sure
@BenjaminGruenbaum he's been in chat a few weeks back
Teasing madara
@KamilSolecki that's just passive aggressiveness as Madara is during a version cycle and he needs him to work on stuff :P
Real threading, I mean, using multiple cores for CPU bound threads, which is not possible in Python.
Courtesy GIL
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nah, I called him here
Mar 29 at 14:59, by Sterling Archer
who the heck is linkgoron
Mar 29 at 15:03, by Linkgoron
@SterlingArcher his god
@overexchange JS is single threaded. The best you can do is webworkers
@BenjaminGruenbaum sent you the t-shirt design in messenger
Kali already took off to get them :D
@KamilSolecki be careful, JS is not single threaded, JavaScript runs in a single thread in the browser by default and there is no shared memory (also not really true)
Node is also not single threaded, user JavaScript code runs in a single thread.
Way too much pollen 😱🙊
@SterlingArcher That's what happens when you pollen all nighter.
Can threads talk to each other in the same event loop?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Right, namely one single thread handles the event loop.
@KamilSolecki well, the libuv threadpool handles the majority of work in the event loop often in Node :P
But there is a single thread of running user JavaScript code to avoid context switches and threading where possible.
Also typical Node servers run more than one instance
JS is single threaded for the instructions that you throw in call stack, but V8 internally does threading to follow-up on your asynchronous calls(to back end) before placing te results in event q
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks for clarification then :) Although from a user perspective there is no real implications, are there?
Oops Benjamin already explained this above
@KamilSolecki depends on the context.
@overexchange actually V8 doesn't do that, libuv does in Node and different parts of Chromium do - the only think V8 can do is flush the microtick queue (nextTick and promises) - and even that's not done in Node for things like nextTick)
There are multiple mechanisms in play - it's not hard it's just multiple parts moving
@BenjaminGruenbaum probably not
We're in Mexico
K, I'm also in Finland in September if you happen to be around - no pressure.
@BadgerCat Speaking of pressure - when are you getting married? :D
how should I save a restaurant menu in a database
im not exactly sure
How multiple parts moveÉ Ah these french keyboards... sorry about weird symbols in my comments
@BenjaminGruenbaum We might be in Europe soon
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll pm you on fb
@overexchange Node internals changed quite a bit since 2014, but that's still fairly OK as a broad overall
a good start atleast
We have a doc on that somewhere that I recall reviewing, let me see if I can be useful
but it does not about details on threading
can I somehow like parse HTML internally? I have a html template embedded in my site and i want to change certain properties of it, get the html and then return it (as a template system)
@AltayAkkus come up with some sample data in whatever format you are most comfortable and we'll convert to tables. What database?
@AltayAkkus you can, but that's a pretty "dirty" solution in term of code cleanness
[{categoryName: "Pizza", categoryDescription: "All Pizzas are made with tomato sauce and cheese",products: [{productName:"Pizza Margherita",productSizings : [{sizingName: "small", sizingPrice:"4.00"}{sizingName: "medium", sizingPrice:"6.00"}{sizingName: "big", sizingPrice:"10.00"}]}]
that should be my db structure smh
here(github.com/shamhub/Design_pattern/tree/master/…) is my code for nio using eventloop. My guess is, Node should use select() unix system call with event loop
and you want to make relational DB tables?
I see 3 tables in that JSON example.
I could not get square brackets on this keyboard
i dont know what relational db tables are
I need the most efficient method to store those values above
its pretty hard to explain ik
Ok, so you haven't chosen a database?
I have a menu, there are 2 buttons, add category and add product. When you add a category the category has a button add product and each of them should send a request to the database and save the category and save the products appended to it
Do you know any SQL?
(it's not our only option, just seeing where you are)
basic things like insert
pdo statements
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see that Node is poll() ing instead of select() ing in that document
select where
serializing data
2 of those are SQL, 2 just play support :P
sqlite is easy to get started with. no separate db service to deal with.
Q: What are the differences between poll and select?

SashaI am referring to the POSIX standard select and poll system C API calls.

@KamilSolecki we talked about this before, how can my database know to which category I just added a product too when I use no ids just classes?
I dont want to use the thing thats the easiest, I want to use that thing so I dont think in a few months "fuck why did I choose this db"
You need to use ids somewhere. You could look up an id from the database if you have a name.
i mean in the html
each category gets a UUID?
Guys there’s an hour left on the Alien sale on humble bundle! humblebundle.com/store/promo/alien-day
is there only 1 alien game in sale lol
@KamilSolecki what do you think about 2 tables, categorys and products
with structure
Alien: Isolation, Alien: Colonial Marines and Aliens Vs Predator (all include DLC)
categorys (id/categoryName/categoryDescription/categoryUUID)
@AltayAkkus it's hard to tell what you mean without knowing your layout/structure
Just adding a UUID doesn't change anything. I'm not sure why he said that.
Can you, in short words, present what you exactly mean
ough ok so
@overexchange select only works for up to 1024 FDs
@Luggage I prolly misunderstood
i have a website, you can dynamically add categorys, and each added category has an add product button to add products to this category
I now need a good database structure for it
Your two tables above look good, but you may need a third table for sizes.
Each category should have an ID and each product should have one, as they are specific entities in your system
and the product table needs the category id on it to reference it.
ye right luggage
ok good idea luggage
Category (categoty_id, category_name....)
4 tables categorys products sizes options
Aah ok ok
since I need custom options for the user to pick himself (something like when you order kebab if it should be chicken or human meat)
Product (product_id, category_id FK, ...)
I need to generate ids then
and they need to be unique af
why do they need to be so unique?
cuz when I have a double my whole site is going down lol
you'd probably be fine with auto-incrementing counters for quite a while
Just assign them ids auto increment style
depending on your database, uuids can be much slower
@KamilSolecki and um how can I like parse what category the new product belongs to
I'm assuming from seeing the draft you showed me earlier today
when I click that add product button how can he know what category the new product belongs to
this one
when you add a new product, you use one of the existing category IDs
Where products are always under categories
your html form will list the groups, the user selects, and the "new product" request will include that ID.
drop down menus, they're a classic
And your server should make sure that a new product has a group chosen, just like it should also maek sure it has a name.
Enforce those rules you care about.
your server and database can both enforce that, probably
problem is that the categorys dont have ids in the html
they just have a class
Put them there. Or in the JavaScript in the browser.
what is the value of the class? can you set it?
look at the example every category is a .category-group
but they dont have actual unique IDs
so I have no information I could send my backend to clarify what category the product that was just added belongs to
i could only send them a dom element lmfao :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Am from C system programming background, it is more easy for me to catch Node backend(written in C) more faster than Django. But, job market says Python backend is better. I know, Node is powerful than .NET & Spring environments
am yet to fix on that
well, that covers just about all of em
I mean, Node vs Django
where did you get the idea than python was better than django? or that node can do more than .net?
I did not get u: python was better than django?
yes node is powerful than .NET & Spring
@AltayAkkus I see hand-made html and the JS that just shows/hides some things. There is no form with data.
in what way?
for high load client scenarios
ah, those
I need to add that form data
but how could I do it
hm I could do the following
When I add the category, I send a post to the API so it registers the new category
Is this for homework / job by the way? It's OK if it is, just wondering the context.
and it responds me with the ID of the category (in the db)
Reason, any new project tries to create new opportunities for JAVA backend, because I see Oracle`s JAVA as propaganda machine, in Canada market(atleast)
@Luggage no my homework is boring as fuck
Otherwise Node should rule
backend market
and then I could add the ID to the category and then whenever I add smth it reads the category ID, sends it to the server and responds me with the product ID again
good idea
now hopefully the last problem with the db
@overexchange backends like node and .net serve slightly different purposes, though
I want the user to sort categorys, like he adds a lot of dishes and category, but he wants certain dishes to be at a certain position, and certain categorys as the first categorys (like Pizza Pasta is first, Dessert are last)
that's where the value of smaller services and a mix of backend tech comes in
how could I implement this backend wise
node is better at handling a lot of messages, .net is better at handling massively parallel database work
mix em together with a MQ and you have something wonderful
"how could I implement this backend wise" is like asking how to make good bridges. It's too broad of a question :)
@ssube I'm starting to slowly love rabbitmq
@Luggage they're very similar. You need so many different materials, different construction for different parts. And if a regular person builds a bridge, it will probably hold up for a while, but not under load.
@KamilSolecki I've used rabbit most heavily as a puppet controller, haven't done much with it directly (using SQS now)
@ssube I see you went aws all the way :D
@KamilSolecki at work, at least. We don't have enough people to manage our own clusters.
No no no no no no
the 10-20% markup for the managed databases, f.ex, is a lot less than the time we spent fixing maxscale when it diverged at 2am
Internet down
Please not today
sorting categories ...
It's not too down, we can see you.
@Luggage mobile ;)
can you hear me now?
Would be fine if I didn't need o d a fresh install of my laptop
that's what I've been doing lately
the internet has been horrible the last week or so
And downloading things through my phone doesn't seem like a fun thing to do
@ssube speed or the people on it? :)
Mergesort is more stable for sorting multiple columns
Speed, I get bad LTE at home
Sedgewick explains it very well... Google it
uptime. It was sitting around 98.5% according to my robots, then had an overnight outage (timed almost exactly to when I was asleep), and has been sitting around 90% since
lowest 24h uptime was just over 70% :|
That not good
that's why the clusters are no longer at ssube's house
I really hope this is temporary and not a broken fiber on their part
Because that means it won't get fixed today
my house is a cluster, I have another in the cloud, and one in canada
need to federate them and things will start failing over when I go offline :D
I too would like a house in the cloud.
one of the guys on my team has a l2 bridge between his house and Google cloud, with clusters on both ends, and it takes ~30s to fail up to the cloud
Our national holiday starts tuesfay, so I have room to escape work for a week ;)
You use separate usb inputs for your windows-on-linux setup, right?
yep, but you only need it for certain devices
i.e., HMDs
specifically ones with multiple devices within them (not sure the term), that have their own bootloader
that sounds right
mice, keyboards, wifi, bluetooth, and even some internal devices (fans, coolers) work fine with passthrough
better recharge that battery.
whenever I see a screenshot with < 15% battery I scream internally
Been out of house the whole day
Gotta chat somehow ;)
then start using an Android ;-)
I don't think android can overcome batteries or internet connections :(
some android phones have really efficient battery usage
mine lasts 2 days or so, now that I'm not playing shitty mobile games
Some. mine does. some of my past ones.. not so much.
Mine used to last 24h, but the battery might need changing already
whoo, got my decorators working with the bot: github.com/ssube/isolex/blob/master/src/handler/…
it's a whole new JS without new :D
@ssube hey, got a minute for a quick question about karma webpack and TypeScript?
Our karma suite returns incorrect error lines for TypeScript files - when you expand them in the browser they show the correct lines but not in the karma report
where does karma get its coverage from?
istanbul, but coverage is turned off in this case
I have a similar issue with istanbul that I'm trying to solve
I think webpack or the TS loader is doing something with the sourcemaps that istanbul doesn't understand, but what... :(
It doesn't work even with istanbul turned off in a watch run we use ['webpack', 'source-map', 'renamer'] as preprocessor for ts files
About Istanbul btw, so you know: istanbul.js.org/docs/tutorials/typescript
these framework names get weirder by the day
I've never managed to get source-map-support to work
actually just removed it from this project today because of that
the main problem with most of those istanbul examples is they don't take webpack into account
@ssube shit, but that's effectively what everyone is using though
But even without istanbul it's not giving us right stack traces in webstorm
exactly. I have the same problem and it's on my shortlist to fix, so I'll let you know.
only difference is I don't have karma involved, but that should be easily adjusted for
yeah, I've used that and the remap-istanbul package before. The latter sort of worked, I don't remember why I moved away from it (incompatible with some version? idr)
hey guys. is it a common practice to use gulp to bundle vendor files(like d3) + the app's scripts together into one?
It's more common to use webpack for that these days, but .. yea. kinda.
i tried using webpack with angularjs and i had some problems hehe. i just gave up and am using gulp to keep it simpler :D
not necessarily into one file, but in the same run
usually you'll have a few bundles with different parts of your app. Your vendor bundle will be larger but probably won't change as often, for example.
@Dream_Cap I use webpack config, it is simpler and i define uglify with minify as well to compress
@RaviTejaN Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
man, reading up on the issue of yesterday somehow makes me want to move to a second side-chat for "offtopic" discussions
@OliverSalzburg ever watch youtube.com/watch?v=13oOInTY2ik ?
(not the specific ep, the channel)
I don't think so
he loves everything, but still nice food/culture channel
@GNi33 I've had the same idea, but I'm not sure we could sustain two channels
I think it could work out
I'd also see more benefits than disadvantages in this to be honest
I'm going to write up my thougts on the repo real quick, although I don't think anything will come of it
I personally don't think it could work
Switching between two channels already failed for me, as I've used both this chatroom and slack with some other people from c#
In the end, I would either sit here or in slack
I'm more worried that one of the rooms will be mostly idle and die out
I already have slack, this, sometimes irc, and a hangout (or a few) open
@KendallFrey nudge do some moderation
done, my dear
@BenjaminGruenbaum just for the record, I didn't change my name because of the harassment, it is because I identify as a cat rather than a girl
I can relate
/nick Oliver Snailsburg
@towc who set up javascriptroom.com I didn't know this existed.
Jan 9 '13 at 16:17, by Neal
I just got http://javascriptroom.com for science!
what does heart mean on the github issue?
> heart - technically 2.9 is <3, which is an easily ignored fact we've known for years.
Thxs luggage
It's just a joke voting option.
I just saw the issue and the P word story
but I'm not sure I understood the idea, is it to turn the room into a room you have to read and accept the rules to join?
oh, nevermind, there's a link to a description of gallery rooms
@BadgerCat you identify as a cat?
I identify as a neko
In case anyone missed this by the way:
...and... That was probably my fault. The JS room is one of the most active rooms in chat right now, and has lately been the target of repeated attacks by trolls and users with an axe to grind about something on the main site. I'd advised them to be quick to kick disruptive users rather than letting them derail the conversation, which I still believe is good advice in general, but not applicable in this specific situation. Based on what I've seen here and elsewhere, I believe we need an explicit "whistleblower" policy to cover such situations, encouraging self-reflection and correction. — Shog9 ♦ 14 mins ago
@William the fuck is this shit

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