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12:00 AM
@ssube you should, it's a cool feature
I have enough projects in-flight in enough languages :)
one day I'll use C# for something again
12:22 AM
oh god so much landfill
one assembling machine producing 1700 landfill per minute
12:36 AM
TIL factorio has cloud shadows
> Okay well tel me this How did African American people appear on this world science can’t do that because a white and a white make a white they don’t appear someone had to of done that?!
why does factorio not have a version 1?
you mean why is it still prerelease?
isnt it like... about 4 years old by now?
It's still being actively developed
I may have heard suggestions of a full release some time in the next few "major" alpha versions
12:55 AM
@KendallFrey It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Evonique
Adelle and Eve
how to use a object in if statement?
how to ask a better question?
You need to reword your question or provide more context
I am trying to minimize the form of how valid the size that each input should be, knowing that it must be greater than 3
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@PedroMiguelPimientaMorales Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
hello friends
Hello William old pal
code here, I am trying to minimize the form of how valid the size that multiples input should be, knowing that it must be greater than 3
> estadosActivos.energia = true;
2:10 AM
@PedroMiguelPimientaMorales read the room rules.
> Having a single unified language in the chat is a must, and this language is English.
I think this also applies to code. I'm not spending time to learn another language for sure.
My Dark Twitter theme update has been published: userstyles.org/styles/159066/darktwitter
@BenFortune PR please 😀 , merged my DI library and published that, and fixed the bot send cooldown (I had totally botched both the logic and the timeout)
gotta fix a few tests that are leaking async stuff, then the bot should build (and I can build a container out of it)
2:53 AM
@ssube feelvr.game interesting stuff
that looks like a nice wheel, but the brake pedal would be a real game changer
how so?
(I just skimmed)
mine has a rubber nub underneath (with some springs and metal bits), so when it gets close to bottoming out, the pressure increases a ton but the brake force (in game) does not
it sounds like this one will accurately measure that
You mean the fact that it has load cells?
if I understand "load cell" right and it's not some marketing BS
2:58 AM
load cells are pretty mainstream already, I think
I like the fact that you get two rims
it would be a nice step up from my current wheel (if it's true)
I don't like how few buttons I'm noticing
hm. I have 8, a knob of some sort, and a dpad. They have 10, but only buttons.
not totally sure what the knob does, but not having a dpad would suck
I've got 15 buttons, a dpad, and a dial
and I use most of them
the buttons I used the most were the paddle-shifters-rebound-to-look, but with VR, those can go away
3:05 AM
Doesn't look like it has stick shift either, which is disappointing
I use mine for black box navigation in iRacing, and handbrake in DiRT
maybe, maybe not. The stick shift I have needs to be plugged into the PC by itself already
iRacing uses a lot of buttons :P
so it might keep working with that wheel
yeah probably
I'll definitely look at them again around shipping time and see what the reviews say
3:07 AM
howdy guys
the belt-free wheel and load cell brake both sound good
I think with an external shift lever/button box I'd be happy
the dual-belt in mine can pull back well enough, but it's not the best for sustained or certain very quick movements
although, if I can get a laser/CNC head for the printer, I would like to make a new shift plate
The main issue with my FFB is it's too light, so I usually have to choose between feeling floaty and saturation
3:10 AM
one that vaguely resembles a car :P
@MadaraUchiha @Ikari @Zirak @KamilSolecki Overwatch's Retribution bots were designed to make you feel like you were better than you actually are - kotaku.com/…
3:56 AM
hey. does anyone have any experience with flow and scss modules?
flow keeps giving me errors despite me trying absolutely everything in my .flowcofig options
4:17 AM
this game has unexpectedly nice physics
4:43 AM
guys in agnular js I need to start two loops same time so i have used ng-repeat ,But i couldnt get result?How I solve this?
5:38 AM
@Neil so it won't work because I want to install packages straight to a zip, the fs is going to be a bottleneck here
because now i have to either watch what pip is doing or wait for it to finish then glob and read from fs
6:36 AM
@Mosho What game's that?
6:56 AM
This is even worse than Apple 😐
did you do some research ?
It was actually the US gov that started the court case
MS joined later due of
> discourage both counterfeiting and the spread of malware within counterfeit software
@KarelG they testified that burning the copy from their OEM sites is software piracy, I am more pissed on the false testimony.
which btw is downloadable for free he simply downloaded the OEM copies, gave it to people who don't know how to do so which have legitimate copy / key of Windows on the laptop.
> Lundgren had 28,000 disks made and shipped to a broker in Florida in an effort to sell them to refurbishing shops for 25 cents each. These shops then wouldn't have to make them, and users who don’t necessarily know they can go online to download the software could preserve their computer without needing to buy an entirely new one. The appeals court says Lundgren’s infringement of Microsoft products cost up to $700,000.
those disks were hand away for free
but he sells at 25 cents
I would not ask a price for something that is free. I just give it back to refurb shops
> Microsoft decided to press criminal charges against Lundgren for distributing the disks, which he did to help people keep their computers running longer. Microsoft argued that this free-to-download software was worth $25 per disk, which the court accepted.
@KarelG How would you get a CD-R for free?
that price is actually the payment for re-activating the key on a refurbished pc
@ShrekOverflow those restore disks were included in OS installment packages
7:11 AM
@KarelG Again, he didn't give them cracked pirated keys.
@KarelG yes, and people lose them, all he was doing is making it available to people who already have old laptops that are fucked up and can't fix them.
he probably collected it from multiple sources.
Yes, but he is selling those
I would not like that
@KarelG Would you pay or not pay this guy to come to your house and fix it, assume he brings his own disk and you are an elderly person who has no idea how to do so ?
that is a totally different thing
@KarelG That's the redistribution cost, not the product price.
7:13 AM
but MS is acting childish tho
Again I'd be OK if MSFT says oh this is insecure and blah blah
even a cease and desist
They could have asked to not gain profit for that.
but $420 K
and $25 for a copy of free to download OEM copies?
that is just false testimony
that 25 is for reactivating the license ...
Many companies give away free products but charge the distribution cost, which is the effort they make to bring the product to a region that would otherwise be cut out.
7:14 AM
those judges probably did not understood it very well
@KarelG These are OEM copies, they activate if you give them the right CD
the Key is printed on the back of your laptop $0 originally.
if the CD is right
@KarelG It's about setting an example, not "being childish"
@KarelG Which if you are downloading from Dells OEM website is right
7:16 AM
Though that's not to say I necessarily agree with that sentiment
I have done it 10s of times when using Winblows because it barely was stable
I doubt that you are neutral in this case. I do not like apple system but I do not bash it like you do now
@ShrekOverflow Don't call it that in the C# room, or they'd lynch you ;)
Apple would do the same thing
@KarelG And Apple is pathetic for doing that too
7:17 AM
That he gets punished is justified but I do not agree with what he got
a fine proportional to the gained profit is a justified sentence
@KarelG I am sure he could be fined etc but $50k + 15 months in Jail is completely insane for this. Consider Napster was sorted out with a Cease and Desist, following court case IIRC
> a fine proportional to the gained profit is a justified sentence
I don't think Microsoft would make any profit by people just downloading OEM disks and re-activating windows
I do see microsoft losing profit because these people would buy a new laptop so not sure where the $700K comes from
like if he got 1000 US$ profit, just fine him for 1000 US$
The music industry reasoned at a certain point that every song listened to illegally was like a loss of 10 dollars, which in the grand scheme of things is a ridiculous claim
7:19 AM
also atleast in case of Apple if you bork a macbook you can download the OS in restore mode.
!!> 25 * 28000
@KarelG 700000
there you go
I don't think $25 is a justified cost to download an OEM copy re-install which would at most cost you $0
I do know math -_-
7:21 AM
yeah true. that MS lawyer clearly abused the judge's lack of pc knowledge
I don't know meth :(
@KarelG and that is what I am pissed about
!! sniff meth or do math
@KarelG do math
If apple does the same, so will I be pissed on them too
Good bot
7:22 AM
no pleasure for me then
I take this case similar to Canonical suing you for burning CDs of Ubuntu kinda.
Frankly I find it more ridiculous Oracle's claim that google was copyrighting the java jdk
@Neil lol yep
also Oracle sending people notices for JavaScript as a name
They did that?!
@KarelG also I bash all tech companies, equally.
7:36 AM
@ssube Merged :P
@Neil yeah oracle has copyright on javascript
btw I need some help with finding the right terminology
@KarelG sure :D
I have baked brownies yesterday. It tastes good but when picking one, it falls apart
like if it crumbles
I want it to be solid
7:42 AM
yeehaw, last day of work till next friday!
so I may miss something or some ingredients were not used correctly. So I decided to google it why
@ShrekOverflow time to TM the room again?
@KarelG loose is the literal translation
@Neoares TM = ?
@KarelG Eggs?
7:44 AM
JavaScript TM of Oracle
@KarelG TradeMark
the topic
cause the sue
ah. I was thinking at a Technical Machine
@Ikari many
@KarelG you live in a good countru
7:45 AM
oh, today I have to play 5 rankeds lol
TM = Tree Massagers
the season 9 ends in 1 day
@Neil I took two eggs as what those 4 recipes are suggesting
@EEJ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
7:45 AM
lmao, you didn't even do your placements?
no xD
@Neoares Tit masterbation
I'll be put in platinum, I guess
@KarelG Did you double the recipe or anything?
7:45 AM
need to play full 1 season to get to diamond
@Neoares wich game?
half. Those were for 4 persons. I took for 2 persons, so I halved everything
quick maths
so the recipes required 4 eggs, not two
assuming you halved it to two
7:47 AM
Seems correct to me
3 of those 4 recipes needs 4
one of them had 2, but I found it not enough
and the container?
brownies tend to be a little crumbly on top, admittedly
was appropriate?
did you use a flex container, o a rigid one?
7:47 AM
yeah but you should be able to pick it up
yeah, true
I had to use a spoon to eat it
maybe you baked it too long?
@HéctorÁlvarez divinity original sin 2
you shouldn't halve the baking time, but you still shouldn't cook it as long
7:48 AM
hmm could be a problem of the oven
yeah that
I wait until there was a small crisp on the top
Easy solution = make more
he halved baking time?
then I turned it off
wtf karel what's wrong with you
7:49 AM
Good/Hillarious side of tech - youtube.com/watch?v=8za_4g5zCOM
@Neoares I am not that stupid
> you shouldn't halve the baking time,
the baking times were not consistent among those four recipes
nvm, my english issues at this hour are decently big
so i followed the tip "bake until there is a crisp on the top"
7:50 AM
you opened the oven too much, maybe?
i'm looking at the code on the react homepage
why is an arrow function being used in this.setState?
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I want to play league of legends with the Tap
why not just set the property?
7:51 AM
@Neoares there were no reason for it
I could see the ... through the glass
to check the crisp?
I only had to observe
oh, I thought it was about touching :P
yeah a crack on the top layer
oh so when u call setState it can pass prevState
7:52 AM
gotcha check with my grandma then
she baked a lot patisseries during her lifetime
and her food makes you fat.
i'm confused because it's like it's setting the state to an anonymous function
but it isn't running the actual function
no, it sets the state to the result of that function
when you declare an arrow function, it doesn't execute it right away, right?
it's like a regular function, but declared in a different way
ok so when i'm calling this.setState()
it's like doing
state = () => {...} no?
7:55 AM
> The second parameter to setState() is an optional callback function that will be executed once setState is completed and the component is re-rendered. Generally we recommend using componentDidUpdate() for such logic instead.
I've never passed a function to it
@KarelG pics of the brownies!
+1, send nudes
I am not at home lol. I will do when I make another one
why not send them when you go back home? :D
@Neoares I can send a flash yes
7:57 AM
a flash?
cos I already have consumed em all :P
never heard of "flashing"?
eg a female showing her boobs for a brief moment of time
how does it set the state without returning the object?
7:58 AM
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@RobertCalove Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@RobertCalove it's returning it
there's no return statement
do you now how arrow functions work?
ok, you don't
apparently not

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