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@towc Should I use named-views?
question is still unclear
I have 2 layouts, Login page, and admin dashboard
both have different looks
morning ^^
If I'm using router, I can only use one template I guess
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  template: '<App/>',
  render: h => h(App),
which is app
  <div id="app">
    <router-link to="/">Go to Foo</router-link>
    <router-link to="/bar/add">Go to Bar</router-link>
nothing stopping you from making the whole template a router-view
you can also just get the routing prop and make a v-if on App
lemme try it
@ShrekOverflow hey
how u been?
Ate my donkey
cool, wait what!?
it's poop
@ShrekOverflow You eat ass?
@BenFortune hey
@BenFortune There is no good way to answer that question.
@Traitor hey
2 snowflakes
@towc You ever used this?
was testing it out when I was trying to do your client
it's nice. A bit slow, but nice
would not really recommend though
Why not?
it doesn't have the snappy feel that vue usually has
there's slight delays and low framerates sometimes
the implementation is probably far from great
@BenFortune No date/time pickers :(
People always scare away from the good stuff
oh gosh, it's really old. No wonder it's far from great
still, pretty good, just old
a whole rewrite should need to be done
@BenFortune Yeah, I can see development on it is going at light speed
still encouraging global components
although tbf on a UI framework like this, it has a lot of advantages
Seems like this is the more recommended one
vuetify wtf
what an ugly name
I still think it's a bit hacked toghether, but works
@Neoares ur ugly
ñeee same as you!! :P
I'm ugly and proud
that's the first step
second is suicide
woop woop!
does this make sense? my_callback_func.bind(this, this)
Everything makes sense if you're crazy enough
that code is in class A
and second this gives me access to class A
which is what I want
well this also gives you access to class A
the first one you say?
so you only need the first one
I mean the this inside of my_callback_func
if I print the first one, it prints this from the class where I call it
of course
and that is in class B
but I need access to class A :D
you're not making much sense
!!tell Neoares mcve
@towc Command mvce does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@Neoares If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
you don't treat me like a noob :(
@towc happy?
I just want to have access to A from B
and I haven't found any other option apart from the double this
oh, you're using a lambda
yeah, that makes sense
where @_@
() => {}
that's a λ
oh yes
I guess cc @KendallFrey
it has no concept of its own this, so the this can't be bound
sooo may I try with function() {} ?
is the chat allowed to ask some question ?
there you go, this is the classic way
@EyRaG_ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
didn't know self was a thing in javascript
@Neoares it's not
it sounds so python to me
I declared a variable called self
oh wait
true that
since I only need access to A
switching from lamda to regular function works
is it possible to make a ddos attack to a web page?
not for a website
no way I could have gotten that from your question
@JudeNiroshan what's the difference
i think, now it makes sense now
keep thinking
!!> 'page' === 'site'
it helps when doing things
@Neoares false
@towc but I can't make a ping to a web page
definitely different
what's a web page?
what do you mean by pinging a web page
I want to make many http calls for a page something like this : stackoverflow.com/questions/46907455/…
so, it is not same as "www.google.com"
my intention is to increase the view count of an article
react native isn't web at all
Does Javascript Room include Jquery ?
@JudeNiroshan for what purpose?
@EyRaG_ aye. But our main advice will be to not use jQuery
@EyRaG_ what do you think?
@towc question is not relevant. I was just pasting that question link for an example of a URL which I want to make ddos
you'll need to be a lot clearer
@towc do you think u can help me then with something ?
@towc I'll try again :)
!!welcome EyRaG_
!!welcome EyRaG_
@EyRaG_ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
go away ben
Is there a list of Library -> Header File mapping? [probably wrong room]
@towc I have a URL something like "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46907455/onpress-not-working-inside-touchab‌​le-opacity". I want to make HTTP calls as many to increase the view count. Understand my problem now? :)
yes. That's not ddos
ahh hha. So, is that possible?
and beware that most sites don't count views from the same session more than once
guys, i need little help with css. I have two divs side by side. I am using this css solution stackoverflow.com/questions/17217766/… . But the 2nd div does not take width if it has an empty string instead of a white space. Is there a way to fix this ?
@towc can you suggest me a way to try it out?
before I give you any advice, what's the page you're trying to do this on?
do you own the website?
Is there a way to send POST request to server-side with button in Jquery-ui Dialog
@JudeNiroshan Are you wanting to increase view count for that specific question?
@towc Nope. But I want to make that article to appear as more popular to see the public
did you write it?
did the author ask you to do it?
Someone is trying to get gold
I'm telling on you
either way, what you're doing is illegal
@towc Nope, nope. But this article is related with my workplace
the fact that you're not competent enough to do it is another issue
@towc I actually tried to do it with selenium.
unless you're being unfairly oppressed, I won't help you, and might report you
don't show your face around here again
@towc c'mon dude
ok, no worries
@towc That's not your call, stop being a dick
shh, I'm trying to look tough
@towc not ts, i have a lot of code using node-ffi
maybe SO policies has such
Node-ffi is magic
Not really
its just yet another FFI
I wish it was natively supported in node
@BenFortune asking about active offensive security for a website you don't own, being fully aware it's absolutely illegal and unethical has to be something that is not acceptable
again, unless you're being oppressed by your government or something
but promoting your workplace? No.
still, yeah, not my call
never mind, have a nice day
@ShrekOverflow Might become a reality with N-API
@BenFortune I has wheat beer, corona and lager as of now
Want one of each? ^^
Good readup on it
no more node-gyp
reading :P
@KamilSolecki what is a homemade corona?
@KamilSolecki Aw yis
the casing is horrendous
Was that intentional to use snake case?
but cool :D
I'll port my node-ffi code to it once this goes more stable
@GNi33 pale lager*
ah :)
Im recently very Indecisive when it comes to proper structuring in ts
One part of me wants to make a 'pseudo-orm' model Based manipulation, other part of me thinks its not the way to go and wants interfaces and objects
Hey, I am trying to think of the best method to build something.. I have data coming using API and Node.js - thing is I want to have a difference number from yesterday (like +4 or -2 difference) at the exact same time or at least the same hour range.. How would you suggest I approach that?
this.loginForm.controls['usernameEmail'].value which one is safest way
@makat find data matching the hour/hour ranges and.. calculate the result?
@AndréBastos how's the mcve going?
@makat do specify, what exactly is your problem?
@KamilSolecki I mean, I receive data without any timestamps, just numbers which update every about 6 seconds. I want to develop something that takes for example: Today: Team Makat has 9 issues, but yesterday they had 6 - so I want to display +3 . But I want that match to be checked against yesterday at the exact same time as now
So create model for the data
With the timestamp
Where the timestamp will be the time the data came in
Then just run a comparation wherever in your controller/VM/ whatever you are using
How would I create a model for my data? I need to integrate some database ?
Some kind of data storing method, yes
You don't wanna keep all that in memory
Database is the 'to go' method in most cases, but if you are feeling exceptionally wonky, you can even store them in a CSV :)
how to use a variable in angular animation? I mean, state(...style({top:this.topVar}))
@CapricaSix can I ask a question?
!!echo sagarv of course
sagarv of course
@KamilSolecki, afayk who's familiar with angular?
Dunno. I'm not.
I'm trying in a jsfiddle but something came up at work and i need to stop that for a while..
As soon i came back to the problem i say something @Neoares
@KamilSolecki Thanks, guess it's off to learning - which DB do you recommand for it?
SQLite or postgresql
!!welcome SagarV
@SagarV Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
The attention to keeping with the theme in github.com/byorty/mgun is pretty interesting
Now I need to learn Go to fix it
And Russian
At least the source is English
The comments are not though
hello..any 1 experienced in cordova? on android the phone keeps locking behind the app..recent app button dont work..users have to press home button > unlock phone > onl then use recent apps button
And Chrome translation fucks up source code
@KamilSolecki you wouldn't recommand MongoDB?
@J.Vassallo Try this → 1
@makat no
@makat Who would?
Why not?
because it is shit (even among noSQL solutions)
SQlite and postgresql are noSQL as well ?
postgresql has a nosql support, but that is NOT what you originally asked for
1 hour ago, by makat
@KamilSolecki Thanks, guess it's off to learning - which DB do you recommand for it?
Look into this code: github.com/ramda/ramda/blob/master/source/internal/_arity.js and please tell me why they have made so many cases while they are not gonna use a0, a1,..etc. ?
@RahulJain Probably micro optimization
Oh, I see what you mean
Ask them?
Like in all those cases, they are using apply function with arguments so that doesn't make sense to me :P
I don't know how to ask on github (beginner guy). Can I create issue there?
@tereško Wouldn't using a noSQL DB in JS/Node environment be easier?
@makat I've never used it personally, but enough people told me it's shit that I wouldn't, ever :)
Anyone that cares about their data will tell you not to use it
@makat why?
If you want noSQL so bad, go with MariaDB
@KamilSolecki lolwat: if that was supposed to be a witty joke, you failed
@tereško I don't know really, just want something easy to write and access
@tereško ermagherd respect the humor :P
(My point was that I don't enjoy working with noSQL and MariaDB probably comes the closest to it I think)
@KamilSolecki Postgres
@KamilSolecki please stop.
@MadaraUchiha I did suggest him that above, as an actual solution. That and SQLite
@KamilSolecki Why use a RDB for NoSQL? Just Redis up your life
@rlemon Why the hell is the heart so tiny in Win10?
ask win10
Because it wasn't loved enough
@KamilSolecki don't worry, I get the joke
Weee \o/
at least, if you mean that my/maria ignores SQL and does their own thing
.. I need to get some food, before I start biting stupid heads off
@ssube Did you catch my email?
@MadaraUchiha I did, thanks. I just wasn't on yesterday thanks to work.
On another note, I did Around 20 calls to different notary offices, and man price for the same thing varies more than our govt. decisions
@Loktar @KendallFrey okay.. so I'm ready to pull the trigger on a 3d printer. the hictop cr-10 is freaking $750 on amazon.ca :(
is there anything worth buying in the $300-$450 range?
Depends what you want
a 3d printer :P
it'd be nice if it could also laser engrave
I've read some do thaT
I'm happy with mine, and it was <200 IIRC
I just attach one 2d printer to the print head of another 2d printer. cheaper
@KendallFrey hard to judge sizes they can print without pulling out a ruler.
A 4D printer. Nice.
I'd ideally like to print things.. say.. the size of a xl tims cup
if you 3d printer is slow enough you can call it 4d
Oh that should be no problem
@KendallFrey Does it sprinkle your face when it's supposed to print water?
bigger is of course better, but for the things I'm thinking about, they're all small
a tims cup is maybe almost 150 mm high?
Mine could handle that no problem
sigh, lemmy get the ruler
@KendallFrey probably closer to 200
and iirc the hictop is 200 * 200 * 150 ?
no clue
that's about what mine does
I've only had one or two things that could have benefited from being larger
@rlemon I thought he was going to be hanged
amazon reviews are not helping
they both look good
Just buy a couple good reviews for the one you're slightly favoring
Then you'll feel better
the bigger more expensive one looks nicer 😛 but it's more expensive
I've been saving all of my loose change for the past three years. got enough to buy a 3d printer or a snow blower
I have a change collection box as well. I plan to spend it on heroin when I retire
Why couldn't I be Florida Man for this one? Damn it...
@hilli_micha Just read that as well
@BenFortune that was to set length property of function.
What a waste :(
That sucks too, I order from Amazon Warehouse in Orlando (they ship from Lakeland) all the time. Damn it!
@RahulJain What?
My first thought was "What's the item #?"
Good morning all
worst part was that they only got $150 amazon GC for it
like.. wtf
@rlemon I got the house :X
when's closing?
in the end there were 5 offers
I also got that house to rent, going to have 2 houses on my hands for 5 months
sounds like fun :P
That is probably the best way though; you can literally move in at your own leisure. Most of the stress about moving is scheduling and rushing crap because you've got to have everything done on a VERY particular day.
@rlemon Nah, the worst part about that was that Amazon basically told them fuck you, we're not giving you any answers.
Well, considering it's a significant legal matter, they probably can't..
> yea, and two of the three totes had weed in them! look, the last one is now empty.
> we'll be taking out GC now. thanks, dont' come back
I would like to know, if using basic JS or Jquery (or other tech), it was possible to know if a click on a button, a select choice, a checkbox click or ... is done by the user or by a script ?
I made a website and i want to assure that the think which is using the page is a real user, and not a script (run in Tampermonkey for ex)
@hilli_micha it's 5 months though, $9,000
so I'll have to find a tenant I guess
how do I get access to class A from my_callback?
@SterlingArcher I emailed Jay to follow up, guess we'll see if he gets back to me today.
@Neoares this.a = ...?
you bind it
so it's just going to be this
inside my_callback
like.. how
oh wait
what do you want to access exactly
A, B, and the event
when I say A and B I mean their respective this
you are binding a bound function, that doesn't work
how so
document.getElementById("button").addEventListener('click', cb.bind(this, this));
my_callback(a, event) {
  // work with a
  // `this` is b
@Neoares you send the bound function to A constructor
I had this (this, this) thing before
where you try to bind that again
@Neoares nice to know, but listen to Mosho
it would only keep the first binding as context
bottom line
.bind( thisArg, [pre-seed-arguments,] )
wtf are you trying to do :P
there is no wai to do it without modifying A class?
A is suposed to be a module
don't bind it in B
hm... but then how do I access to B
mmm, closure?
I mean, you don't have a lot of options
I know
never used closures
I think
or I'm getting confused
hold on
is that the function inside function thing?
:me holds:

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