Yo, I got question, I can assign a member using toaster.sprite.filters = [blue], but can't get it working when I do let count = toaster.sprite.filters.push(blue). count equals 1 but the array is unchanged...
One of our guys also dug up something quite interesting about the AngularJS build system. They are running custom code with Closure Compiler during their build to patch how their error reporting works
So they're applying a patch onto the AST during the build to control how the error reporting works in dev vs production
@KamilSolecki I can't seem to reproduce outside of the context of a larger code base. Any idea why assignment of with [my_object] works but push doesn't add the item to the array (although the return code on push, is as expected)...
I can not imagine a situation where the length of an array would not match the result of a .push() call on the previous line. Except the length or push properties have been redefined
Given that you can't reproduce in isolation is another hint at this
@Abhishek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
$day ="<script>document.writeln(val);</script>"; - You can perform this action again in 1 second. - retry / edit / cancel I cannot compare the $day any where
How do I pass have a Javascript script request a PHP page and pass data to it? How do I then have the PHP script pass data back to the Javascript script?
data = {tohex: 4919, sum: [1, 3, 5]};
// how would this script pass data to server.php and access the response?
I am facing an issue trying to order an object inside my main object.
I need to have the object with the key "net_packets_*" always at the end of my object. So this is generated automatically and for the types br-wlan and lte0 everything works fine because "net_packets" becomes after "net_br-wla...
Hello guys. Can anyone tell me how can I set an option in <select> programmatically in typescript? I was trying set a new index forselectedIndex of my select elem but it's not working :/
Ok but i tried to rearange to somehow put "net_packets" always in the end and i create a array with the keys and then pass it to a new object "ordered" and that new obejct is assign to my original var