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3:00 PM
Happy Birthday!! @BadgerCat
@ssube the slightly different form part is a problem. Also I don't like the idea of using ISO because ISO leads to blindness after repeated inhalation
!!afk quick vape break, including the thin mint vape :)
I'm not suggesting you inhale the alcohol, wtf
@ssube /r/floridaman
it evaporates
@ssube I know you aren't
@ssube 100%?
3:01 PM
@rlemon yeah, jfc
I think you're pulling that out of your ass
c'mon pin that shit
based on everything I've ever read
whatever % you get
3:01 PM
it's her birthday
@rlemon Binging came out with a new episode
if the iso is 90% pure, 90% of it evaporates
So I would rather not introduce contaminants
that's just how alcohol do
So I dilute my product by %10 the volume of the ISO possibly
3:02 PM
only the waste
I'd rather use ethanol that way
which is better than wasting it
At least then there's no issues with ingestibility
that last 10% is probably distilled water, too
3:02 PM
someone delete my message
it's tomorrow xD
distilled water?
cleaning alcohol doesn't always have bitterants
I'm not talking bitterants
@ssube if you're buying medical grade (Which you should be) it is distilled water, and clean.
you're not talking sense
3:03 PM
@BadgerCat sorry :P it's tomorrow
always buy pharm grade shit
@rlemon yep, that's what I use
@ssube you're using old info
@rlemon this is higher than pharm grade
3:03 PM
@Vap0r sure, alcohol doesn't clean things or evaporate
for this time, it's nice that everyone ignored me
@ssube there's no way I could know more than you on this
on... alcohol?
No possible way. So keep being sarcastic :)
!!afk real quick I'll be back
@Vap0r I only know from the ecig research I've done. but medical > pharm > food > farm > nothing
3:04 PM
@Neoares nothing yet. I tried to do something like JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Object.keys(obj).reverse().reduce((r, k) => (r[k] = obj[k], r), {}))); but nothing... I think i will use a map.. the problem is this is passed to a generic function which accepts only object
and medical / pharm are basically the same
very small difference
@rlemon at this point, I'm fairly sure he's just trolling
or on a totally different topic
I don't think he's trolling. I think he wants advice, but doesn't want advice that isn't his own.
we all do it from time to time
And with console.log after "ordering" the object it comes back to the start cause it sorts the object. I didnt know and its tue
console.log does indeed sort the properties, in some cases you can use JSON.stringify which preserves the order, e.g.
you want to reverse the order?
3:06 PM
yep just
ok hold on
cause i always have two elements in the obj
so reversing fix the problem
so you want to reverse network object?
@AndréBastos Is this still you trying to order object keys?
Stop trying to apply order to something that doesn't have an order
3:07 PM
and the first appearing "net_packets" needs alwyas to be in the end..
Just use a fucking array already
@KendallFrey In es6, they do.
Cant cause thsi gos to a generic function
@littlepootis in some cases
They have an enumeration order.
3:08 PM
but... they do have order... hah. just not one you can depend on in browsers currently due to old shit
this is a specific case and it receives a object
@AndréBastos if you need to pass that object to some API or library function, the order should not matter
iirc, there are some cases where the order doesn't hold even in es6
except that the library is for printing
dygraph reads the object and prints by the oder it sees the obejct get it?
3:08 PM
got it
if packets comes firsts everything goes wrong.. that the problem
then you have a problem
@AndréBastos It accepts an array. Just give it one
when I say "order" is not ordering the object in a literal way of speak is trying to "move" the key to the end
yeah I was going to ask if it accepts something else
3:09 PM
The way the project was done is accepting a object.. for options and for dataset
unfortunatelly :(
then you have to modify that project
I'm new to this so i dont have enoygh time to refactor code and put everything in array.. that was the best
dygraphs.com/data.html you sure you're doing it the right / only way?
but for now i need just to deal with object
because seems like you have many options for how to pass in the data, and array is one of them
3:11 PM
There are five types of input that dygraphs will accept:

    CSV data
    array (native format)
inside my dataset i have a array of objects that's correct
!!afk glhf everyone
Then what the fuck
I think
is not the way i'm passing that... the problem is inside the array
3:12 PM
he wants to change order for inner object keys
it reads every obejct with ng-repeat
and prints it
We still haven't had an example
we had
right @Neoares
3:13 PM
here's a fiddle i sent
Wee picking up my server parts today
@Neoares That's not an example of him using the library
That's just some random shit he's put together
@KamilSolecki what do you need a server for?
@BenFortune well, he only wants to change objects, order :D
3:13 PM
@ssube my scripts
your chat thing?
+ hosting stuff
No, my business scripts
@BenFortune rude boi
+ I also will be multihosting my business web apps on it
@ssube @rlemon As far a extraction goes. QWISO < BHO < ISO < Vacuum BHO < C02 < Distillate
3:15 PM
but yeah, since that jsfiddle represents an XY problem, we might need another one using the library
Although Distillate involves using C02 to achieve what you then distillate
@Vap0r we're not talking about extraction, we're talking about washing off the silicon funnel
Yeah and for those uses ethanol would be a superior solvent
are you talking about chemicals or so?
Also my worries about silicone based products is that this needs to be kept at a higher temperature, and I've heard about silicone offgassing
(not sure if I just made that word up but it releases gasses at high temperatures)
@Neoares yeah
3:18 PM
he's making a JS based methlab
runs node
Is this a meth lab discussion?
lol it's actually pretty cool what's being made
A vape cartridge where 1 hit does it better than anything else on the market
meth is only kinda cool
been around too long to be really cool
Not meth though lol
@ssube cooler in Canada tho
but, so is everything.
3:19 PM
it's popular here, just not cool
it isn't popular here, just cool
@rlemon Isn't Heroin the drug du jour in Canadia right now?
that's why your mayors get in on it
god dammit people I'm making a cold joke.
I was really expecting there to be some type of plastic that repels this liquid that I could buy a syringe in
3:20 PM
@Vap0r Tried glass?
@hilli_micha idk, when I was in HS it was speed and ex
heroin made a small tour, but only with specific circles.
coke was/is big
@hilli_micha glass works better than plastic but I'm having difficulty finding glass with a rubber plunger instead of a glass plunger
the kids who sat in the back row were frequently on dope
everyone smoked pot
so that's like, doesn't even count man
And luer tips (rounded) are harder to find on glass syringes as they tend to be metal tipped
3:22 PM
I know DAB as a drug
so when the move or w/e started picking up popularity I was very confused
Why a hotdog?
I was very confused when the kids turned it into one of those football memes
oh look, a hotdog with a duck's penis
3:23 PM
> elementary school kids are dabbing in class.
I was like, WTF?!
tbf, I partook of nothing in class, as a good kid
@KendallFrey basic question. THC is hydrophobic, and non-polar solvents are used to extract THC, with the solvents then being evaporated. What does this imply about the nature of the THC molecule? Would this help me find a vessel to hold it that would repel the THC, limiting loss?
@KendallFrey The instagram hotdog was a meme around this time.
@rlemon Yeah, my nephew comes over to our house and dabs all the time.
@Vap0r I don't know enough about that to say.
Ok. I would assume a material that is hydrophilic might repel THC as THC is hydrophobic, but that might not necessarily be the case
3:26 PM
experiment. buy some totes from Amazon, then fuck with the free weed
I would try that, but plastic bins are expensive
@rlemon lol
just saw that
@Vap0r To be clear, do you mean hydrophobic or immiscible?
@KendallFrey I mean hydrophobic, let me look up immiscible
@KendallFrey that would seem to be correct.
3:28 PM
Or something else like the hydrophobic coating? (which is different than a hydrophobic molecule)
@Vap0r what would?
hello everyone
@masud_moni Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KendallFrey umm.. Sorry I didn't read fully. how would I tell? It almost seems like it behaves as if both were true
@Vap0r hydrophobic is something that happens on a molecular level, I don't know if it affects anything on a visible scale.
I know a lot less about chemistry than physics
@KendallFrey oh. Well it's definitely visible. Basically oil and water
3:31 PM
That's pretty much what immiscible means
non-polar solvents are used for the extraction because I guess it hates the water, but likes the oil.
^ in really dumb laymens terms lol
How would really thick crude oil be transported without loss, if every drop were worth, say, $100?
I think it's possible for A-B to be immiscible but A-C and B-C to both be miscible
i aint no help vampire...But I am in a problem..need just some advice to optimize my code
@KendallFrey That would make sense
Guys, I'm probably missing something obvious here
3:33 PM
@masud_moni then ask
const res = await request({
  method: 'GET',
  uri: 'https://voltacharger.com/products/extra-connector-tips',
  headers: {
    'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
  qs: { variant: '41160619155' }

request being request-promise
When I do this, I get a 403
@Vap0r Not necessarily anything special. If they don't wash out the tank before refilling, they still don't lose any of it.
When I copy/paste the URL with the querystring to Postman, it works fine
I don't think miscibility has anything to do with sticking to a surface though
What am I missing here?
3:34 PM
I have used recorder.js to get users audio. I am saving the file using ajax post request. it is taking a lot of time 1.5 min to upload 3.5mb files
the code is pretty simple
I am not understanding what I am doing wrong
You guys see the free 3 month Youtube Red trial offer?
Maybe useful for someone
@MadaraUchiha do the headers match?
@masud_moni are you compressing the audio at all?
@MadaraUchiha does the server expect some header the browser is providing automatically?
@KendallFrey I believe you're right, but I chose oil because it is immiscible with water and sticky, and organic and thick, so it might be a good analogue?
3:35 PM
no @ssube
@ssube The only headers sent by Postman are the Host, Cache-Control and Postman-Token
@MadaraUchiha Have you compared the two requests in a network tracer?
I know the browser isn't sending Postman-Token
Basically I'm dealing with plant sap that can't get too hot and I need transfer with minimal loss
And I was under the impression that Request sends Host automatically
Yeah, adding Host does nothing
I even tried hitting the home page first with a cookie jar, no dice
3:36 PM
ok, response headers?
@KendallFrey I haven't, don't have one off-hand
is there something different there?
besides the Status
I tried to decrease the audio files quality but that makes it worthless
@MadaraUchiha That's, like, step one for me
@masud_moni you need to balance size and quality, find the settings that work for your usecase
3:38 PM
@Vap0r Just do what was suggested and wash the residue afterwards
is there any server issue related to this?
@KendallFrey I suppose so, it just feels like I'm not doing it correctly at that point
{ server: 'nginx',
  date: 'Tue, 24 Oct 2017 15:38:29 GMT',
  'content-type': 'text/html',
  'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
  connection: 'close',
  vary: 'Accept-Encoding',
  'x-sorting-hat-podid': '18',
  'x-sorting-hat-podid-cached': '1',
  'x-sorting-hat-shopid': '18123983',
  'x-sorting-hat-section': 'pod',
  'x-sorting-hat-shopid-cached': '1',
  'x-request-id': 'fc2452a4-9171-438b-b02f-9e850d36c532',
  'x-dc': 'ash',
  'x-download-options': 'noopen',
  'x-permitted-cross-domain-policies': 'none',
But thanks for all the help man
@masud_moni What format are you using? You should probably be using MP3 or some kind of lossy compression.
3:39 PM
access-control-allow-origin →*
connection →keep-alive
content-encoding →gzip
content-language →en
content-security-policy →block-all-mixed-content; upgrade-insecure-requests; report-uri /csp-report?source%5Baction%5D=products&source%5Bapp%5D=Shopify&source%5Bcontroller%5D=storefront_section%2Fshop&source%5Bsection%5D=storefront&source%5Buuid%5D=100d1e96-71df-4799-b662-12190303d18d
content-type →text/html; charset=utf-8
date →Tue, 24 Oct 2017 15:29:27 GMT
etag →cacheable:ff07ae180e1a9ba55cafd546d197fa85
First is node, second is postman
no I am using wav
There are some differences
using the function exportWav of recorderjs
@Vap0r That's pretty common in chemistry. Wash with a solvent that's easy to get rid of later
@MadaraUchiha nothing unusual, that I see
3:40 PM
@masud_moni Yeah don't do that, it's way too big
@ssube Right
you might have to look at a HAR version of them
then what should I try? @KendallFrey
1 min ago, by Kendall Frey
@masud_moni What format are you using? You should probably be using MP3 or some kind of lossy compression.
i.imgur.com/2Q4sXHR.mp4 shut up and take my money
3:41 PM
git dammit
Node request headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', Host: 'voltacharger.com' }
ok, i get it, I should try to compress and upload right?
I switched from Postman to Insomnia recently, it works pretty well
any problem with jquery post req?
@KendallFrey alright sounds good. This is for human consumption, where would I get 100% ethanol?
Non-denatured, if at all possible
3:42 PM
You don't need something edible if there's a good way to eliminate it
But obviously be safe
I can't say what would be the best way to wash it
@KendallFrey yeah that's fair. I was just thinking of using ethanol so I wouldn't even have to bother with significant reduction, and would just have a very strong tincture
Also I believe at that point I can add some VG and get something to put in a smoke machine lol
Sweet, off I go!
a smoke machine? lmao
@KendallFrey hahaha yeah and then we'll put a couple people in a walk in closet and turn it on
happy halloween, kids
3:45 PM
smoke machines run hot enough to burn VG
@ssube :(
not sure what that is, but you should check your temps
Yeah it's pretty available online.... What do they use in smoke machines?
you can run many things through a smoke machine, they're pretty simple. I've always just done distilled water and VG.
3:47 PM
the VG burns enough to "smoke"
Holy full screen
@ssube oh so all smoke machines are inherently unsafe
they are a fire hazard, if that's what you mean
twitter oneboxes are a good idea in principle
for ingestion at least
3:48 PM
@ssube :(
I've worked shoots where we filled a room with the fog, you can breath pretty ok
you do want to step out occasionally but cleaning the bathroom is worse
@ssube I see that heated machines use mineral oil, glycerin, or glycol
Mineral oil to me would seem real bad to use
glycerin is the VG
I wouldn't breathe mineral oil, no
3:50 PM
So glycerin or glycol as my options
no basis, just sounds like a poor choice
That's enough to research on
glycerin is the better option
glycol doesn't make smoke, but acts as a carrier
maybe a 90/10 mix
3:50 PM
@rlemon noice this smoke machine is gonna be awesome!
@ssube and I'm guessing that means if I can find one that runs lower temp that would be better
check out some ecr forums
I'm sorry, ecr?
Google gave me a lot of bs
electronic cig, vapes
alright I will, thanks
!!afk 🚗 🚽
3:55 PM
4:28 PM
crap. webpack only makes a working bundle on the second compile of a watch session.
I've had webpack build differently after a watch before.. never found out why
TIL you can reference interfaces from within their own interface definition, it's pretty convenient
convenient and sometimes necessary
> build a Vue app in 36 minutes
First of all that's oddly specific
Second of all no
4:36 PM
Joel needs to cool it
ahh, a negative interaction with extractTextPlugin and code splitting..
@Jhoverit lol
Guess imma go with Raid 5
I'm getting a super weird error :\
@rlemon lol
4:47 PM
I do import { Arrow } from 'my-icons-library'. I then console.log it, which shows a function (expected). But TypeScript says Property Arrow does not exist on typeof 'my-icons-library'
@Jhoverit even meteor isn't that slow
unless that doesn't mean build tools but literally writing an app

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